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1、Exploration and Conquest of the AmericasReasons for Exploration:GoldSpice trade controlled by Italians&Ottoman TurksSlave trade controlled by North African MuslimsCopyright 2000,Wadsworth/Thomson LearningReasons for Exploration:GodThe Reconquista ended with the fall of Granada in Jan.1492Conquest&co

2、nversion of Indians seen as extensionHoped to join forces with mythical Kingdom of Prester John&renew CrusadesQueen IsabellaReasons for Exploration:Glory&technological advancesDesire to win fame&fortuneInspired in part by Renaissance humanismTechnological advances:Compass,astrolabe&quadrantBetter po

3、rtaline mapsCaravel 1st ship capable of tacking against the windPortuguese caravelThe Portuguese ExplorersEst.sugar colonies in Madeira(1420),Azores(1427),Cape Verde Islands(1460)&Sa Tom(1470)Bartholomew Diaz rounded Cape of Good Hope in 1488Vasco da Gama led successful expedition to India,1497-99Re

4、jected Columbus because they knew his calculations were way off under-estimated circumferenceVasco da Gama ChurchChristopher ColumbusColumbus sailed west in Aug.1492 reached Bahamas on Oct.12Explored Cuba&Hispaniola,then returned to Portugal March 4,1493Made 3 more voyagesDied convinced he had been

5、to Asia 4 times The Spanish ExplorersChristopher Columbus sailed west in Aug.1492,exploring CaribbeanTreaty of Tordesillas(1494)divided world between Spain(west)&Portugal(east)Amerigo Vespucci first to call it a new continentFrancisco Cabral claimed Brazil for Portugal in 1500Vasco Nuez de Balboa cr

6、ossed Panama in 1513&sees PacificThe ConquistadoresAdelantados private contractors hired by KingHernan Cortes conquered Mexican Empire(Aztecs),1519-21Young minor noblemanLed revolt by subject tribes who resented tribute&human sacrificesFrancisco Pizzaro conquered Inca,1531-32Took advantage of civil

7、warSpread smallpox deliberatelyHernan CortesFrancisco PizzaroThe Spanish EmpireViceroys ruled New Spain&Peru on Kings behalfEach divided into provincesGovernors&audencias(courts)ruled provincesHaciendas=large plantations growing cash crops(sugar,cotton,cocoa,tobacco,etc.)Mines were principle source

8、of wealth for Spain16 million kg.entered Spain between 1503-1650Crown kept 1/5(quinto)Flowed primarily to Spanish NetherlandsSlave LaborEncomienda=grant of Indian labor to mine&hacienda ownersRepartimiento=requirement that Indians work so many days for SpanishModeled on feudalism,but no protection for workersWhen Indians died off,replaced by Africans


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