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1、Revision 词组翻译词组翻译 喂他太多的食物喂他太多的食物 与我的狗玩耍与我的狗玩耍 四处找我四处找我 玩精彩的把戏玩精彩的把戏 与与押韵押韵 好好照顾她好好照顾她 用棍子给我建营地用棍子给我建营地 追赶我追赶我 feed him too much(food)play with my dog look around for me=hunt for me do wonderful tricks rhyme with look after her well=take good care of her build me camps out of sticks run after me with

2、 eyes open wide.a gentle touch make some trouble be afraid of sth/doing sth 眼睛睁得大大的眼睛睁得大大的 一次轻柔的触摸一次轻柔的触摸 制造麻烦制造麻烦 害怕害怕.睡在任何地方睡在任何地方 我的一个朋友我的一个朋友 发出动听的声音发出动听的声音 向某人告别向某人告别 回到家回到家 重复我的话重复我的话 一直一直 sleep anywhere a friend of mine=one of my friends make nice sounds say goodbye to sb come back home repea

3、t my words all the time=always swim around teach me to dance watch them play football 游来游去游来游去 教我跳舞教我跳舞 观看他们踢足球观看他们踢足球 在阳光下在阳光下 重达重达400400克克 用鱼食喂它用鱼食喂它 一天一次一天一次 put them in the sun weigh up to 400 grams feed it fish food once a day brush the dogs fur a talk about/on feeding goldfish grow up to be a

4、beautiful girl walk a dog=take a dog for a walk make some noise learn about how to look after goldfish 给狗刷毛给狗刷毛 一个关于喂养金鱼的报告一个关于喂养金鱼的报告 长成一个漂亮的女孩长成一个漂亮的女孩 遛狗遛狗 制造些噪音制造些噪音 了解了解/学习关于怎样照看金鱼学习关于怎样照看金鱼 My dog is the cleverest animal of all.He run after doesnt just _ a ball.With eyes open wide,he _ when I

5、_.He does hunts hide tricks wonderful _.He also builds me camps bite out of sticks.Hed never bark or _,and he fight doesnt like to _.Sometimes he barks when others come to visit us.They think he bite walk may them.I often my dog every evening.My dog is my best friend,and My dog till the end Ill himl

6、ook after .A goldfish isnt any trouble.dogs It doesnt _ like .bark miaow cats It doesnt _ like .We dont need to _ it much.feed gentle touch It doesnt need a _.It doesnt .make any noise Just bubbles,bubbles,bubbles.wonderful He is a pet.swim around I like to watch it .About goldfish How to take good

7、care of They are usually_.small 20 They can grow up to be _ centimetres long and goldfish?400 weigh up to _ grams.They can be orange,_,white or green.black easy to look after Goldfish are .?We should?We shouldnt clean 1.put them in _ the sun 1.put them in(2)_.water.2.pick them up 2.give them special

8、 fish your hands vegetables with(3)_.food and_.3.feed them 3.feed them _ too much once_.a day black clever happy hungry special tired I have a _ cat.She likes to run black tired after balls.When she gets _,she hungry sleeps anywhere.She miaows when she is _.special My parrot is a _ friend of mine.cl

9、ever He is very _,and he can repeat my happy words.I can teach him to speak.He says“Hello!”when I come back home.He is lovely I have a cat.run after She likes to balls.anywhere tired When she gets ,she sleeps .hungry She miaows when she is .She is and doesnt make any .quiet noise =she isnt noisy hid

10、es Sometimes she under the chair.on knees She likes to sleep my .everyone She is nice to .I only her every day.brush fur My cat Fill in the blanks Poppy the cat Poppy the cat cat 1 Amys favourite pet is a _.long grey white She has _,_fur and _ paws.Her eyes are 2 _.She is _ and weighs only _kilogram

11、s.green small 2 fish She eats _ food,but she likes _ best.She drinks cat milk warm_.3 quiet She is friendly and _.She sleeps in a _ 4 and plays with a _.ball basket day Amy feeds her every _,and gives her clean_ water 5,she also likes to brush her _.fur worries She is _ sometimes and she never _.laz

12、y 6 walk brush keep teach put clean change pick up hold?You must _ the dog once a day if you want it to walk be healthy.?You can _ the cat in your hand sometimes.hold brush?You should _ the dog s fur.keep?You should _ the fish tank clean three times a week.change?You must _ the water for the goldfis

13、h once a teach week.pick up?You should _your parrot to speak.?You can t _ the goldfish out of the tank.形容词形容词 adjectives 用形容词来描述用形容词来描述 人或事人或事 1、a lazy cat a lazy cat:形容词放在名词之前形容词放在名词之前 形容词放在连系动词之后形容词放在连系动词之后 2、She looks sweet.我们用形容词描述人或物,我们我们用形容词描述人或物,我们之前之前 或者或者把形容词放在名词把形容词放在名词_ 之后之后。系动词系动词_ lazy

14、懒的)cat.It is a _(lazy The pig is _.lovely 可爱).The monkey looks _(Linking verbs look be keep feel become seem sound get smell turn +adj+adj taste grow She looks (beautifully).beautiful healthy You should keep (health).good This song sounds (well).bad The soup tastes (badly).Indefinite pronouns A 不定代词

15、不定代词 人人 物物 some one/body any no every some thing any no every There is someone/somebody in next room.(改为否定句改为否定句)Three isnt anyone/anybody in next room.=There is no one/nobody in.(改一般疑问句)改一般疑问句)Is there anyone/anybody in the next room?1.Millie has something in her hands.(改否定改否定)Millie doesnt have an

16、ything in her hands.=Millie has nothing in.(改一般疑问句)(改一般疑问句)Does Millie have anything in her hands?D everybody/everyone 每个人每个人 everything 每件事,一切每件事,一切 every-可用于任何句式。可用于任何句式。Is everybody/everyone here?Everything is ready.no-有否定含义,有否定含义,no one “没有人没有人”,nobody=not anyone,nothing=not anything He has noth

17、ing much to do today.注:注:形容词形容词修饰不定代词修饰不定代词 形容词后置形容词后置 今今 天的报纸上有什么重要的新闻吗?天的报纸上有什么重要的新闻吗?Is there anything important in todays newspaper?不定代词不定代词作主语时作主语时,谓语动词通常用,谓语动词通常用单数单数。Everything is ready.Nobody likes to join in this activity.take part in 用不定代词填空用不定代词填空 Somebody 1.Look out!_ is following us.som

18、ething 2.Could you tell me _ about your family?3.I didnt see_ anybody in the class.Theyre having a PE lesson in the playground.4.Look!Theres_ under the bed.It looks like a cat.something 5._ Everything is ready for the party.Lets begin.6.Why are you late?Is there_ wrong?anything nothing 7.I have_ to

19、eat.I want to go to the shopping mall.8.Did you see_ there?I cant find them.anyone No one 9.He is too selfish(自私)(自私)._ will make friends with him.10._ is knocking at the door.Go and open the door.Someonewriting 假如你养了一条宠物狗,他的名字叫假如你养了一条宠物狗,他的名字叫Hobo。请根据下面。请根据下面的要点写一篇短文,题为的要点写一篇短文,题为“My favourite pet”

20、。80字左右。字左右。要点:要点:1.一条黑白相间的狗一条黑白相间的狗,耳朵大大的耳朵大大的,腿短短的腿短短的,很可爱。很可爱。2.对人友善对人友善,从不咬人从不咬人,很聪明。很聪明。3.喜欢追赶猫和鸟喜欢追赶猫和鸟,喜欢吃骨头喜欢吃骨头,喜欢睡在阳光下。喜欢睡在阳光下。4.每天带它到公园里散步每天带它到公园里散步,经常和它一起玩。经常和它一起玩。5.它是我最好的朋友,我要一直照顾它到永远。它是我最好的朋友,我要一直照顾它到永远。My favourite pet I have a pet called Hobo.He is very cute.He is black and white.He

21、has big ears and short legs.He is very nice to others.Hed never bark.He is also clever.When I am at school,he will keep doors for me.He likes running after cats and birds.He enjoys sleeping in the sun too.He likes to eat bones.I often feed him bones.Every day I walk him in the park and play with him.He is my best friend and Ill look after him till the end.Thank you!


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