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1、Module 1 How to learn EnglishUnit 1Lets try to speak English as much as possible.外研版八年级上外研版八年级上根据短文内容及首字母提示完成短文根据短文内容及首字母提示完成短文(每每空限空限填一填一词词)。There are many ways to learn English.The best way to learn a foreign language is to use the language as much as p 1.You s 2 read more,speak more and listen to

2、 it from time to time.Its a good idea to p 3 writing.Dont f 4 two important things:First,dont be shy.Second,dont be afraid of making mistakes.ossiblehouldractiseorget一、听一、听Activity 2,完成句子。完成句子。1.Daming didnt understand the word“_”.2.Lingling made a mistake in _.3.Daming usually checks the word by lo

3、oking it up in the _,but he doesnt know the first _,so he thinks it difficult to check the _of “cinema”.springgrammardictionary letter spelling二、听二、听Activity 3,完成下列表格。,完成下列表格。The good ways to learn EnglishListening Listen to the 1._.SpeakingSpeak English as much as possible;always speak English in 2

4、._.ReadingRead English 3._.radioclassstoriesThe good ways to learn EnglishWritingWrite to English 4._ _.Learning newwordsSpell and pronounce new words5._every day.pen friendsaloud一、单词拼写。一、单词拼写。1.原创题 I dont _(理解)the meaning of this word.Could you please explain it again?2.Let me show you how to _(改正)

5、the grammar mistake.3.Li Jian is a(n)_(优秀的)singer in China.understandcorrectexcellent4.Can you _(匹配)the pictures with the words in two minutes?5.易错题 The students practised English conversations in _(两个;一对).matchpairs二、单项选择。二、单项选择。6.中考莱芜Im always afraid to ask questions because of my poor _.Youd bett

6、er practice speaking English more.A.introduction B.informationC.pronunciation D.instructionC7.中考青岛 As middle school students,we _ follow the public rules wherever we go.【核心素养:遵守公共场所规则,为和谐社会贡献自己的一份力量】A.would B.should C.might D.couldB【点拨点拨】should 作为情态动词,通常用来表示现作为情态动词,通常用来表示现在或将来的责任或义务,意为在或将来的责任或义务,意为“

7、应该应该”、“应应当当”。故答案为。故答案为B。8.中考遂宁 These foreigners are practising _,Chinese.A.to speak B.speakingC.speak D.speaksB【点拨点拨】practise doing sth.表示练习做某事。故选表示练习做某事。故选B。9.易混题 If you dont know the word,you can _ in the dictionary.A.look at it B.look after itC.look it up D.look for themC10.中考南京 Shall we go campi

8、ng to celebrate our graduation?_.Lets make a plan first.A.No way B.Good ideaC.Its nothing D.I dont think soB【点拨点拨】本句考查情景交际。根据本句考查情景交际。根据Lets make a plan first.可知是同意对方的建议。可知是同意对方的建议。A.没门,不行;没门,不行;B.好主意;好主意;C.没什么;没什么;D.我不这样认为。故选我不这样认为。故选B。三、根据汉语意思完成句子。三、根据汉语意思完成句子。11.贝蒂的主意很棒,我同意。Betty s idea is great.

9、I _ _ her.agree with12.每天早晨大声读英语是一个好主意。_ _ _ _ to read English aloud every morning.Its a good idea13.请用单词的正确形式完成句子。Please _ the _ with the correct form of the plete sentences14.你不必理解每个单词。你只需留心听关键词和大意。You dont need to understand every word.You just need to listen for _ _ and the _ _.key words mainide

10、a15.让我们尽可能多地讲英语。Lets try to speak English _ _ _ _.as much aspossible四、补全对话(其中有两项多余)。四、补全对话(其中有两项多余)。A:Henry,Im poor in English.Can you give me some advice on how to learn English well?B:OK._16A:But Im afraid of making some mistakes.A.OK.I will do as you tell me.B.What else?C.How can I do that?D.You

11、can write the mistakes down in your notebook.E.Dont be afraid.F.Can you help me do it?G.I think you should speak English in class.GB:_17 And you should listen to English every day.A:OK.But I often make some mistakes when I do some exercises.B:_18 And you can also ask your teacher for help.A.OK.I wil

12、l do as you tell me.B.What else?C.How can I do that?D.You can write the mistakes down in your notebook.E.Dont be afraid.F.Can you help me do it?G.I think you should speak English in class.EDA:Its a good idea._19B:I think writing is also very important.You can write to your pen friends in English.A:_

13、20 Thanks a lot.A.OK.I will do as you tell me.B.What else?C.How can I do that?D.You can write the mistakes down in your notebook.E.Dont be afraid.F.Can you help me do it?G.I think you should speak English in class.BAUnit 2You should smile at her!外研版八年级上外研版八年级上Module 1 How to learn English根据短文内容和汉语意思

14、完成短文(每空限根据短文内容和汉语意思完成短文(每空限填一填一词)。词)。English is very important.Do you want to _1(提高)your English?First,try to speak English as much as _2(可能).Dont be shy or afraid to make _3(错误).Second,read more English books.Dont forget to write down the new words in your _4(笔记本).improvepossiblemistakesnotebookThi

15、rd,dont be shy and try to start a _5(会话)in English to practise your speaking.I hope the advice can help you.conversation一、速读一、速读Activity 2,匹配句子。,匹配句子。Li HaoWang FanZhang LeiIm shy and Im afraid to speak to the foreign teacher.I forget new words quickly.I enjoy watching English films,but it is diffic

16、ult to understand.二、细读二、细读Activity 2,完成句子。,完成句子。1.Li Hao likes _ _ _ and _ _ _ _,but he doesnt _ _ _.2.Wang Fan has an _ teacher at school but she is _ _ _ _ her.watching English filmsAmericanlistening to English songsunderstand very muchafraid to speak to3.Zhang Lei wants to know how to remember _

17、_.newwords一、根据首字母及汉语提示完成单词。一、根据首字母及汉语提示完成单词。1.For English learners,listening,speaking,reading and writing are four b (主要的)skills.2.Reading can increase your v (词汇),so you should read more.3.I s (提议)that we go out to eat,shall we?asicocabularyuggest4.I write down new words,but I forget them q (迅速地).5

18、.原创题 You can p (放置)the computer in the corner of the study.uicklylace二、单项选择。二、单项选择。6.If you dont know the meaning of the word,try to _ it.A.repeat B.guessC.smile D.countB7.Listening to English songs _ a good way to learn English.A.has B.are C.is D.haveC8.Americans often talk about the weather to sta

19、rt a _.A.composition B.competitionC.conversation D.constructionC9.If you are in trouble,you can _ help from the policemen.A.look over B.ask forC.check in D.think aboutB10.中考本溪 The article gives students some _ about how to stay safe online.A.suggestions B.activitiesC.decisions D.advantagesA【点拨点拨】sug

20、gestions建议;建议;activities活动;活动;decisions决定;决定;advantages优点。句意:这篇文章给了学生优点。句意:这篇文章给了学生一些关于如何在网上保持安全的建议。故选一些关于如何在网上保持安全的建议。故选A。三、根据汉语意思完成句子。三、根据汉语意思完成句子。11.你擅长弹钢琴吗?_ you _ _ playing the piano?Are good at12.当你阅读时,要尽量猜测生词的意义。When you are doing some reading,try to guess_ _ _ the new words.themeaning of13.一

21、些学生为如何提高他们的英语听力能力而征求建议。Some students _ _ _ about how to improve their English listening ability.ask for advice14.我不敢告诉他这个坏消息。Im _ _ _ him the bad news.afraid to tell15.于老师建议我们每天做一小时的练习。Mr.Yu _ us _ _ _ exercises for an hour every day.advises to do some四、完形填空。四、完形填空。Why is it important to study Engli

22、sh?The language that is most widely spoken in the world is _16.16.A.German B.FrenchC.Russian D.EnglishDExperts say that 300 million people speak English as a _17 language and another 500 million people speak it as a foreign language.17.A.first B.second C.third D.fourthAEnglish is used by almost a bi

23、llion people in the _18 and 83%of the worlds _19 are written in English.18.A.India B.AmericaC.world D.China19.A.letters B.emailsC.articles D.postcardsCBBut people think that there will be _20 emails in Chinese than in English.20.A.more B.fewerC.better D.worseALee is studying English because he wants

24、 to be a _21,and he knows that English is the international language of science.21.A.pilot B.doctorC.scientist D.secretaryCMost scientists write in English.Lees father is a scientist,and _22 Lees father is going to attend an important scientific meeting in Hong Kong.All the discussions will be _23 E

25、nglish.22.A.last year B.last weekC.last month D.next month23.A.with B.in C.by D.ofDBLees cousin Wei Ling wants to work for an airline when she _24 school.24.A.starts B.leavesC.helps D.seesBShe needs to learn English for this because English is the _25 language used on airlines and all pilots speak E

26、nglish.25.A.national B.naturalC.local D.internationalDWei Ling is going on an English course this summer to _26 her English.26.A.improve B.translateC.read D.writeADavid Zhang was born and lived in the USA.Thats _27 he has an English name.His family _28 to live in China last year,and David is at Lees

27、 school.27.A.where B.when C.why D.what28.A.came back B.wrote backC.gave back D.took backCADavid speaks English _29,but his Chinese isnt very good.29.A.badly B.slowlyC.perfectly D.carefullyCDuring the summer holiday,David and Lee are planning to spend time together so that they can help each _30.Thei

28、r plan is this:On Monday they speak English;on Tuesday they speak Chinese,and so on.Their teachersays it is a very good plan.30.A.another B.otherC.others D.the otherB五、任务型阅读。五、任务型阅读。中考中考邵阳邵阳A.watch English movies.B.dont be afraid to speak English.C.listen to English songs.D.Here are some ideas on ho

29、w to learn English well.E.All in all,there are many ways to learn English well.F.do a lot of English exercises.Many students think it is too difficult to learn English well,though they know it is important._31DA.watch English movies.B.dont be afraid to speak English.C.listen to English songs.D.Here

30、are some ideas on how to learn English well.E.All in all,there are many ways to learn English well.F.do a lot of English exercises.Firstly,_32 A lot of people cant speak English well because they are afraid of making mistakes.But in order to improve your spoken English,you need to be brave and confi

31、dent.BA.watch English movies.B.dont be afraid to speak English.C.listen to English songs.D.Here are some ideas on how to learn English well.E.All in all,there are many ways to learn English well.F.do a lot of English exercises.Dont care too much about the mistakes in your spoken English.Being able t

32、o express your ideas is the most important thing.A.watch English movies.B.dont be afraid to speak English.C.listen to English songs.D.Here are some ideas on how to learn English well.E.All in all,there are many ways to learn English well.F.do a lot of English exercises.Secondly,_33 You can watch Hol

33、lywood movies like Spider-Man and Captain America.Listen to what they say carefully and try to understand the main ideas of the movies.AA.watch English movies.B.dont be afraid to speak English.C.listen to English songs.D.Here are some ideas on how to learn English well.E.All in all,there are many wa

34、ys to learn English well.F.do a lot of English exercises.Lastly,_34 I know that students are tired nowadays and you always have to do exercises of different subjects.But practice makes perfect.Only by doing a lot of exercises can you get better English skills.FA.watch English movies.B.dont be afraid

35、 to speak English.C.listen to English songs.D.Here are some ideas on how to learn English well.E.All in all,there are many ways to learn English well.F.do a lot of English exercises._35 And you just have to find the best way for you.EUnit 3Language in use 外研版八年级上外研版八年级上Module 1 How to learn English一

36、、用所给动词的适当形式填空。一、用所给动词的适当形式填空。1.Dont forget _(call)me as soon as you arrive in Beijing.2.Why not _(write)them on a piece of paper and put it in your bedroom?3.You should _(say)it in English.to callwritesay4.How about _(go)shopping this afternoon?5.Its a good idea _(read)more English books.goingto rea

37、d二、单项选择。二、单项选择。6.中考兰州 In the near future,there _ self-driving cars in our city.A.is B.was C.are D.will beD【点拨点拨】句意:在不久的将来,我们城市将有自动驾驶汽句意:在不久的将来,我们城市将有自动驾驶汽车。选项车。选项A、C为一般现在时;为一般现在时;B为一般过去时;为一般过去时;D为一为一般将来时。根据般将来时。根据In the near future可知,本题考查可知,本题考查there be结构的一般将来时。该结构有两种表达:结构的一般将来时。该结构有两种表达:there is go

38、ing to be或或there will be。分析选项可知。分析选项可知D正确。正确。7.中考河北 The bread is really delicious.Thank you.I _ it myself.A.make B.madeC.will make D.am makingB8.Im a little shy to talk to my new teacher._ Take it easy.Just try.A.What should I do?B.Would you like to join me?C.Im sorry to hear that.D.I dont mind it.A

39、9.中考益阳改编 Susan and her sister _ some photos in the park the day after tomorrow.A.take B.tookC.will take D.is takingC【点拨点拨】考查动词时态辨析。句意:苏珊和她的姐姐后天考查动词时态辨析。句意:苏珊和她的姐姐后天要在公园里拍一些照片。要在公园里拍一些照片。A.take是一般现在时态;是一般现在时态;B.took是一般过去时态;是一般过去时态;C.will take是一般将来时态。是一般将来时态。D.is taking是现在进行时态根据时间状语是现在进行时态根据时间状语the da

40、y after tomorrow后天可知,用一般将来时态,故选后天可知,用一般将来时态,故选C。10.中考广元改编 What did you do the day before yesterday?I _ for an English test.A.study B.studiedC.studying D.will studyB【点拨点拨】句意:句意:你前天做什么了?你前天做什么了?我为英语测试我为英语测试学习了。由学习了。由the day before yesterday可知时态是一般过去可知时态是一般过去时,故选时,故选B。三、语法填空三、语法填空(每空不多于每空不多于3个单词个单词)。Th

41、ere are three basic questions about learning English.The first question is about _11(understand)English films and songs.The language expert(专家)thinks watching films and listening to songs are good _ 12(way)to learn English.Students need _13(watch)and to listen for several times.understandingto watch

42、waysThe language expert also advises students to talk about them.The _14(two)question is about speaking.The expert asks us not to be afraid _ 15(speak).Find some good ways to start a conversation.Dont be shy _ 16 just try.secondto speakandThe last question is about vocabulary.The language expert say

43、s that it is _17(nature)to forget new words.He suggests writing four or five words a day on _ 18(piece)of paper and placing them in our room.Read the words when you see them,and try to use them.piecesnatural一、一、从方框中选择适当的单词或短语,并用其适当从方框中选择适当的单词或短语,并用其适当形式形式填空。填空。1.It took the workers two years to _ th

44、e building.key,complete,quick,basic,write downcomplete2.We dont have enough time so we should run to the bus station _.key,complete,quick,basic,write downquickly3.To get the main idea,first you should find the _word.key,complete,quick,basic,write downkey4.Lucy _the main idea of the story in her note

45、book when she finished reading it.key,complete,quick,basic,write downwrote down5.The food bank is trying to help the poor people meet their _needs for food.key,complete,quick,basic,write downbasic二、二、根据短文内容和所给中文提示,填入单词的根据短文内容和所给中文提示,填入单词的适当适当形式形式,每空一,每空一词。词。English is important and useful.How can we

46、 learn it _ 6(好)?Here is my _ 7(建议).There are four main points to learn English:listening,speaking,reading and _ 8(写).welladvicewritingFirstly,we should be brave to talk with others in English.Secondly,we should try to listen to English as much as _9(可能).Thirdly,we should often read English books.Wh

47、en we meet a new _ 10(单词),we should guess its _ 11(意思)through the context first.possiblewordmeaningThen look it up in the _ 12(字典)to have a check.Fourthly,we should _ 13(练习)our writing skills.As long as we listen,speak,read and write _ 14(更多),we can _ 15(提高)our English.Have a try!practicemoreimprove

48、dictionary 外研版八年级上外研版八年级上写作素养提升练写作素养提升练Module 1 How to learn English本模块主要以“语言学习”为话题,通过本模块的学习,旨在让学生能够用书信的方式谈论并给出英语学习的建议,并且做出合理有效的英语学习计划。外研版八年级上外研版八年级上listening,speaking,reading,writing,practise,improve,vocabulary,grammar,word,sentence,pronounce,pronunciation,advise,advice,suggest,dictionary,notebook,

49、conversation单 词:take notes,keep a diary,write down,ask for help,listen to the radio,the best way,as.as possible,do some reading and writing,talk with,not onlybut also,try ones best,make mistakes,look up,watch TV,be afraid to do sth.短 语:1.I enjoy learning English,but I am not good at it.2.It is hard

50、for me to understand other people when they talk.3.I find English grammar very hard to learn.4.Why not write down your mistakes in your notebooks?/Why dont we try to find some English pen friends?句 型:5.Its a good idea to spell and pronounce new words aloud every day.6.I suggest you write four or fiv


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