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1、to do 否定式否定式:not to do 分析下面的不定式不定式在句子中作什么成分 1 To see is to believe.2 Your task is to clean the classroom.3 I expect you to give me some help.4 She was very busy and had no time to visit her friends.5 He spoke loudly(so as/in order)to be heard.主语主语宾语宾语表语表语宾补宾补定语定语状语状语归纳:归纳:to do 在句子中可做:主、宾、表、补、定、状在句子

2、中可做:主、宾、表、补、定、状不定式(一)学习下面句子,归纳用法。1.To do morning exercises is useful for our health.2.To catch the 5:00 bus early in the morning is not a good idea.3.Its important for us to learn English well.4.It is not a good idea to catch the 5:00 bus early in the morning.归纳:不定式作不定式作主语主语,表示,表示具体的某次动作具体的某次动作。若不定式

3、结构。若不定式结构比较复杂,常用比较复杂,常用it 作作形式主语形式主语,真正的主语放在句子,真正的主语放在句子的后面。的后面。高考链接(1)(真题改编山东)Its standard practice for a company like this one_(employ)a security officer.to employ(二)学习下面句子,归纳用法。(二)学习下面句子,归纳用法。1.His dream is to be a doctor.2.My work is to clean the room every day.3.My wish is to become a teacher 归

4、纳:归纳:不定式作不定式作表语表语,表示,表示将来的情况将来的情况,说明主语的内,说明主语的内容。其主语常常是容。其主语常常是wish,idea,task,purpose,duty,job等表示意向、打算、计划的词。等表示意向、打算、计划的词。练习:练习:Your job today is _(clean)the playground.to clean(三)学习下面句子,归纳用法。(三)学习下面句子,归纳用法。1.The driver failed to see the other car in time.2.He cant afford to buy the expensive car.3.

5、I think it useful to learn a foreign language.4.I feel it my duty to say that you are wrong.归纳:归纳:1.不定式作不定式作宾语宾语,常跟在某些动词后。不定式作宾语动词口诀,常跟在某些动词后。不定式作宾语动词口诀 决心学会选计划,拒绝答应想假装;决心学会选计划,拒绝答应想假装;主动设法愿希望,同意请求帮一帮;主动设法愿希望,同意请求帮一帮;准备威胁易声称,渴望申请败踌躇。准备威胁易声称,渴望申请败踌躇。其对应的动词分别为:其对应的动词分别为:decide/determine,learn,choose,p

6、lan,refuse,promise,want/attempt,pretend,offer,manage,expect/wish/hope,agree,ask/beg,help,prepare,threaten,tend,claim,desire/long,apply,fail,hesitate。固定搭配 2.若不定式结构比较复杂,通常用若不定式结构比较复杂,通常用 it 作作形形式宾语式宾语,真正的主语放在句子的后面,该,真正的主语放在句子的后面,该用法常见的动词有用法常见的动词有think,find,make,believe,consider,suppose,feel等。等。It形式宾语结

7、构:主语+谓语+it+adj./n.+to do sth 3.一些动词既可跟动名词又可跟不定式作宾语,一些动词既可跟动名词又可跟不定式作宾语,但是两种情况下的语义不同。但是两种情况下的语义不同。remember to do sth.记住要做某事记住要做某事 remember doing sth.记得做过某事记得做过某事 forget to do sth.忘记要做某事忘记要做某事 forget doing sth.忘记做过某事忘记做过某事 regret to do sth.对将要做的事抱歉对将要做的事抱歉 regret doing sth.对发生过的事后悔对发生过的事后悔 try to do s

8、th.设法设法,试图,试图 try doing sth.试试看,试一试试试看,试一试 mean to do sth.打算做打算做 mean doing sth.意味着意味着 stop to do sth.停下来做另一件事停下来做另一件事 stop doing sth.停止做某件事停止做某件事(补充补充)接接doing形式的动词及短语形式的动词及短语 1.动名词作宾语动名词作宾语:finish doing sth.完成做某事;enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事;practice doing sth.练习做某事;imagine doing,想象做某事;avoid doing sth.避免做

9、某事;consider doing sth.考虑做某事;suggest doing sth.建议做某事;mind doing sth.介意做某事;keep doing sth.持续做某事 2.固定短语固定短语:feel like doing sth.喜欢做某事;be busy doing sth.忙于做某事;be worth doing 值得做某事;have fun doing.做某事高兴 spend (in)doing sth.花费(时间、金钱)做某事;have difficulties/trouble/problems(in)doing sth做某事有困难;练习:练习:1.She had

10、agreed _(go)and see a movie with him.2.The man downstairs found it difficult _(get)to sleep.3.Im sorry,but I didnt mean_out your secret.But you know,letting out ones secret means_ones feelings.Ato let;to hurt Bletting;hurting Cto let;hurting Dletting;to hurtto goto getC (四)学习下面句子,归纳用法。(四)学习下面句子,归纳用法

11、。1.They told him not to be late again.2.The parents dont allow their children to go out at night.3.She invited me to have dinner with her yesterday归纳归纳1:不定式在某些动词后不定式在某些动词后作宾补作宾补要保留要保留to,如例如例1、2、3。常见动词有常见动词有tell,advise,allow,ask,expect,force,want,teach,wish,persuade 等。等。【如:【如:ask sb to do】4.I heard h

12、er sing todayShe sang wonderfully 5.She was heard to sing today 6.I saw him enter the room.7.He was seen to enter the room.8.Dont make the children do such heavy work.9.The workers were made to work 10 hours a day.归纳归纳2:不定式在不定式在感官动词和使役动词感官动词和使役动词后作宾补要省略后作宾补要省略to,和宾和宾语是语是主谓主谓关系,强调关系,强调 动作的全过程动作的全过程,如

13、例句如例句4、6、8;但变为被动语态时,但变为被动语态时,to不能省略不能省略,如例句,如例句5、7、9。常见动词有常见动词有feel(一感),(一感),listen to,hear(二听),(二听),let,make,have(三让),(三让),look at,see,watch,notice(四看)。(四看)。【主动无【主动无to,被动有被动有to】练习:1.They were made_(work)the whole night.2.I have heard him_(speak)about you often.3.I decided _(write)rather than to tel

14、ephone.4.My father got me _(wash)all the clothes last night.5.The children were seen_(run)down the street.6.Our teacher advises us_(read)aloud everyday.7.The cat watched the mouse_(slide)into the house but did nothing.speakto workto writeto washto runto readslide(五)学习下面句子,归纳用法。1.Let us give him some

15、thing to eat.2.We have much homework to do tonight.3.Are you going to attend the meeting to be held next Monday?4.She was the first woman to win the gold medal in the Olympic Games.5.Do you have the ability to read and write in English?6.I have no chance to go sightseeing.归纳:归纳:1.不定式作定语常放在名词或不定代词后面作

16、不定式作定语常放在名词或不定代词后面作后置定后置定语,表示尚未发生的动作。语,表示尚未发生的动作。2.名词前有名词前有first,last,next,only等词以及最高级修等词以及最高级修饰时,其后要用不定式。饰时,其后要用不定式。3.抽象名词抽象名词attempt,ability,chance,desire,determination,decision,plan,way或不定代词或不定代词something,nothing等后面常用不定式作后置定语,等后面常用不定式作后置定语,练习练习 1.The airport _(complete)next year will help promote

17、 tourism in this area.2.Do you have anything _(do)tonight?to be completdto do(五)学习下面句子,归纳用法。(五)学习下面句子,归纳用法。1.To see distant people clearly,he has to wear glasses.2.They took me away from my work just to ask me some questions.3.What has he done to make you so happy?4.The boy is old enough to go to sc

18、hool.5.She was not so stupid to do that.6.I worked hard only to fail at last.7.There is no doubt that Mrs.Li will be glad to look after the boy.归纳:归纳:动词不定式动词不定式作状语可表示目的、原因及结果作状语可表示目的、原因及结果等。作等。作目的状语。通常放在句末;为了强调目的或意义,目的状语。通常放在句末;为了强调目的或意义,也可放在句首;作结果状语,可用于也可放在句首;作结果状语,可用于enough to,so.as to,such.as to,

19、only to.以及以及too.to等结等结构中。构中。练习:1._(catch)the early flight,we ordered a taxi in advance and got up very early.2._(work out)the difficult maths problem,I have consulted Professor Russell several times.3._(learn)more about Chinese culture,Jack has decided to take Chinese folk music as an elective cours

20、e.4.Anxiously,she took the dress out of the package and tried it on,only _(find)it didnt fit.5.His father passed away,only_(leave)him a little money.6.She is too weak _(join)to join us in the outing.To catchTo work outTo learnto findleavingto join三、不定式和疑问词连用三、不定式和疑问词连用1.When to start has not been de

21、cided.2.The question is how to do the job well.3.He told me where to find the book.归纳:归纳:疑问词疑问词“what,how,when,where,which动动词不定式词不定式”结构可作主语、表语和宾语等结构可作主语、表语和宾语等。高考链接1.Its no use having ideas only.Dont worry.Peter can show you_to turn an idea into an act.how 一般式一般式表示动作与谓语动词同时发生或在谓表示动作与谓语动词同时发生或在谓语动词后面发

22、生语动词后面发生,进行式表示,进行式表示动作正在进动作正在进行行,完成式表示,完成式表示动作发生在谓语动词之前动作发生在谓语动词之前。否定式:否定式:not to do主动语态主动语态被动语态被动语态一般式一般式to doto be done完成式完成式 to have doneto have been done进行式进行式 to be doing 五五 熟记三种结构熟记三种结构 1.They had no choice but to move.2.He could do nothing but wait for the bus.3.It hurt so much that I couldnt

23、 help but cry out in pain.归纳:1.have no choice but to do没有选择,只能做.2.can/could do nothing but do 不得不做 3.cant/couldnt help but do 不得不做 比较cant help doing 忍不住做 不定式巩固练习 一 1.to take,to improve 2.to have heard 3.to be laughed at 4.To succeed 5.inviting,to give 6.to know 三 ABADA CAABC DBCBA找出课文中含有动词不定式的句子找出课文

24、中含有动词不定式的句子 Unfortunately,the doctors dont know how to make me better,but I am very outgoing and have learned to adapt to my disability.2.I used to climb trees,swim and play football.3.Then I started to get weaker and weaker.4.Even after all that,no one could give my disease a name and it is difficu

25、lt to know what the future holds.5.Sometimes,too,I was too weak to go to school so my education suffered.6.My ambition is to work for a firm that develops computer software when I grow up.7.Last year I inventedand a big company has decided to buy it from me.8.I also have to do a lot of work,especially if I have been away for a while.9.Just accept them for who they are,and give them encouragement to live as rich and full a life as you do.


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