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1、Module 10 Unit 1 ProjectReporting on sustainable developmentA gift for the future1Step1:Lead-in234What is the gift for the future 5ProblemConventional energyAlternative energy ConclusionStep2:The article structureFast reading6Part I(paras 1-2)_to the current problem and the _ to the problem.Part IV(

2、Para 10)Part III(Paras 6-9)_ energy&its _.Part II(paras 3-5)Traditional energy&its _.IntroductionsolutionRenewablefunctionsdisadvantagesSustainable development will bring us a good future.7What is the gift for the future Renewable resources for sustainable development and the good environment 81.Wha

3、t is the current problem?2.What is the possible solution to the problem?Step3:Detailed reading Part1(paras 1-2):The past development polluted the environment and wasted natural resources severely.The sustainable development.9What is the current problem facing us?Part2(Paras.3-5):Conventional energy

4、and&disadvantages We are consuming fossil fuels at a much higher rate,_ much carbon dioxide and contributes to air,water and soil pollution and causes global warming and acid rain.On top of this,we are running out of the fossil fuels.producing10Part 3(paras 6-9)Forms of energyWhat do we do with the

5、energyAdvantagesSolar energy Wind energyHydro-electricityUse the suns natural energy to provide heat,light,hot water and electricity.Use windmills to pump water and grind wheat;use wind turbines to generate electricity.Use the force of the water stored in a reservoir to generate electricity.Renewabl

6、e;never run out;help the environ-ment.11 Two types of energy are mentioned in Two types of energy are mentioned in the article.the article.What is the difference What is the difference between fossil fuels and alternative between fossil fuels and alternative energy?energy?Fossil fuels are_,Fossil fu

7、els are_,which can _and which can _and burning burning fossil fuelsfossil fuels is _to the is _to the environment.While alternative environment.While alternative energy is_,_runs energy is_,_runs out and is _ to the out and is _ to the environment.environment.non-renewablenon-renewablerun outrun out

8、harmfulharmfulrenewablerenewableneverneverfriendlyfriendly12 Part4(Para.10):1.Why is renewable energy not popular in the world?2.How about the renewable energy in developing countries?3.What will renewable energy bring to us?It can be very expensive for developing countries to replace fossil fuels a

9、s an energy source.People are being taught how to use renewable energy.It brings good things to our future,our childrens future and grandchildrens future.13Step4:ConsolidationProb-lemsIn the next decades,the world population 1._ _ _ increase to about nine billion.Fossil fuels,called2._ sources of en

10、ergy,like coal,gas and oil are3._ _.Burning fossil fuel makes 4._ to air,water and soil pollution and 5._ _ _ global warming and acid rain.6._ to the prob-lems7._ development8._ energy using the sun to provide heat,hot water and electricity wind energy-using wind turbines to produce electricityHydro

11、electricity-9._ use of the force of water flow to produce Advan tagesSustainable development focuses on the environment and 10._natural resources.Alternative energy sources are 11._,and not running out.12._Sustainable development and alternative energy will lead to a good future for everyone.14Prob-

12、lemsIn the next decades,the world population 1._ _ _ increase to about nine billion.Fossil fuels,called2._ sources of energy,like coal,gas and oil are3._ _.Burning fossil fuel 4._ to air,water and soil pollution 5._ _ _ global warming and acid rain.6._ to the prob-lems7._ development8._ energy using

13、 the sun to provide heat,hot water and electricity wind energy-using wind turbines to produce electricityHydroelectricity-9._ use of the force of water flow to produce is believed tonon-renewablerunningoutcontributesas well as Solu-tionsSustainable Solar making15Advan-tagesSustainable development fo

14、cuses on the environment and 10._ natural resources.Alternative energy sources are 11._,and not running out.12._Sustainable development and alternative energy will lead to a good future for everyone.conclusionpreservingrenewable16Step5:DiscussionWhat car do you want to give to your children,your gra

15、ndchildren?17Homework:1.Read and write a report according to the questions on page 152.Do parts D1 and D2 on page 10118 What is What is sustainable sustainable development?development?Sustainable development is a Sustainable development is a long-term_ _ long-term_ _ on on _and_and_.It is a form of

16、development It is a form of development which tries to protect Earth as which tries to protect Earth as well as improvewell as improve_._.the environmentpreserving natural resourcesstandards of living.planfocusing192021The Three Gorges2223 Phrases 1.在未来数十年中在未来数十年中 2.敲响警钟敲响警钟 3.污染环境污染环境 4.浪费自然资源浪费自然资

17、源 5.一个可能解决方案一个可能解决方案 6.可持续发展可持续发展 7.关注关注 8.生活水平生活水平 9.把把付诸实施付诸实施 10.矿物燃料矿物燃料 11.枯竭枯竭/耗尽耗尽 12.在可预见未来在可预见未来1.in the next several decades12.in the foreseeable future11.run out10.fossil fuels9.put sth into practice8.standards of living7.focus on6.sustainable development5.one possible solution to4.waste

18、natural resources3.pollute the environment2.set alarm bells ringing24Phrases 13.促成促成/引发引发 14.努力争取努力争取 15.替代能源替代能源 16.太阳能太阳能 17.抽水抽水 18.风涡轮风涡轮 19.可再生能源可再生能源 20.水电站水电站 21.在水源之上在水源之上 22.初步措施初步措施 23.蓄意破坏蓄意破坏23.the systematic destruction22.tentative steps21.over a water source20.hydroelectric power plant

19、s19.renewable energy sources18.wind turbines17.pump water16.solar energy15.alternative energy sources14.push for13.contribute to 25 increase v.增加增加,使增加使增加 It has been estimated that the earths surfacetemperature has increased _one quarter to three quarters of a degree since 1850.A.to B.by C.at D.wit

20、h据估计自据估计自1850年以来地表温度增长了年以来地表温度增长了1/4到到3/4度。度。decrease v/n减少减少近视学生人数从近视学生人数从2002年年70%增长到今年的增长到今年的90%。The number of nearsighted students has increased from 70%in 2002 to 90%this year.261(06湖北)One of the best ways for people to keep fit is to_ healthy eating habits.A.grow B develop C.increase D.raise27

21、2.(03上海)One of the consequences of our planets being warming up is a(n)in the number of natural disasters.Aresult Baccount Creason Dincrease 28This should set alarm bells ringing because the bare fact is that,in order for everyone to survive,serious changes need to be made in global development.set

22、doing 使使处于某种状态处于某种状态那家公司的财务问题在全世界的大城市中已经敲响了警钟。那家公司的财务问题在全世界的大城市中已经敲响了警钟。老师所说到的为将来做计划使我沉思。老师所说到的为将来做计划使我沉思。The companys financial problems have set alarm bells ringing in big cities all over the world.这应该给人们敲响了警钟,这应该给人们敲响了警钟,因为一个简单明了的事实是,为了让每一个人生存,因为一个简单明了的事实是,为了让每一个人生存,在全球发展方面必须有重大的改变。在全球发展方面必须有重大的改

23、变。What my teacher said about planning for the future set me thinking.29把梯子靠在墙上把梯子靠在墙上摆设餐具准备开饭摆设餐具准备开饭放火烧房子放火烧房子在戒指上嵌钻石在戒指上嵌钻石确定会议日期确定会议日期创造新的生产纪录创造新的生产纪录给我们树立了崇高的给我们树立了崇高的榜样榜样set a ladder against the wallset the table for dinnerset fire to the houseset a diamond in a ringset a date for a meetingset

24、a new production recordset us a noble exampleset的其它含义的其它含义30 On my fathers birthday,I gave him a special present,_ I had spent my own money buying for the first time.A.that B.what C.one D.itThis is a simple idea,but _ is hard to put into practice.A.what B.which C.one D.one which 31 This is a simple

25、idea,but one which is hard to put into practice.(P14)这是一个简单的想法,不过也是一个难于付这是一个简单的想法,不过也是一个难于付诸实践的理念。诸实践的理念。put into practice实行实行,实现实现应该尽快实施这项法规。应该尽快实施这项法规。The law should be put into practice as soon as possible.仔细地制定出计划后,我们将其付诸实施了。仔细地制定出计划后,我们将其付诸实施了。After carefully preparing our plan,we put it into p

26、ractice.32in practice:1.=in fact 事实上事实上 Officially,Roberts in charge,but in practice Hannah runs the office.2.在实践上在实践上这个计划很行得通。这个计划很行得通。3.在不断练习中在不断练习中You should keep yourself in practice.按规定应由罗伯特负责这间事务所按规定应由罗伯特负责这间事务所,但实际上却是但实际上却是汉娜在管理汉娜在管理.The plan worked well in practice.你应该经常练习。你应该经常练习。33 If this

27、 continues,some people believe that oilfields and coal seams will run out in the foreseeable future.(P14)The milk has run out.Ive _.我快没有耐心了。我快没有耐心了。如果继续这样,一些人相信在可预见的未来如果继续这样,一些人相信在可预见的未来内油田和煤层将会枯竭。内油田和煤层将会枯竭。run out 被用完被用完run out of milk.My patience is beginning to run out.I have run out of my patie

28、nce.34run out 和和 run out of 的区别的区别sb run out of sth 某人用完某物某人用完某物 sth run out 某物被用完某物被用完(主动表示被动主动表示被动)Oh,dear,dont sleep any longer,we will run out of the time soon.Do you mean _?A.time will run out of B.time will run out C.time will be run out D.few time has gone by35Carbon dioxide contributes to ai

29、r,water and soil pollution and causes global warming and acid rain.(二二氧化碳是造成空气、水和土壤污染的原因之一,引起氧化碳是造成空气、水和土壤污染的原因之一,引起全球变暖和酸雨产生。全球变暖和酸雨产生。)向红十字会捐献向红十字会捐献 向文学杂志投稿向文学杂志投稿 酗酒促使他毁灭。酗酒促使他毁灭。锻炼能促成更强健的体魄锻炼能促成更强健的体魄contribute to the Red Crosscontribute to a literary journalDrink contributed to his ruin.Exerci

30、se contributes to better health.36 宋朝为世界文明贡献出三大发明。宋朝为世界文明贡献出三大发明。The Song Dynasty contributed three great inventions to world civilization.他为他为中国日报中国日报撰写一篇文章。撰写一篇文章。He contributed an article to the China Daily.37This is why many people are pushing for the use of alternative energy sources.(P14)push

31、for 奋力争取奋力争取Local residents are pushing for the road to be made safer.他们在催促快速解决这个问题的方案。他们在催促快速解决这个问题的方案。They are pushing for a quick solution to the problem.这就是许多人正在强烈要求使用替代能源的原因。这就是许多人正在强烈要求使用替代能源的原因。38 He pushed the door open.推推 He pushed his way through the crowd.挤进挤进 We have to push him to do hi

32、s homework.催促催促 The salesman pushed the new product.推销推销 Push 短语短语 1).Push aside 推向一边推向一边 忘掉忘掉(不愉快的事不愉快的事)2).Push on with 推进推进/继续做继续做 3).Push over 推倒推倒/刮倒刮倒 4).Push in 插嘴插嘴=break in,cut in 挤进挤进 5).Push out 解雇解雇 替换替换39push常用短语常用短语:push around随意使唤;摆布;粗鲁地对待随意使唤;摆布;粗鲁地对待push in鲁莽地插话;插手鲁莽地插话;插手push off走开

33、;离开走开;离开What are you doing here in the garden?Push off at once!你在花园里干什么你在花园里干什么?马上给我走开马上给我走开!Its time to push off.该走啦该走啦。push on赶快;尽快赶快;尽快Were late,we must push on.我们晚了,必须赶快点。我们晚了,必须赶快点。408.As people are becoming more conscious of protecting the environment,these types of energy are becoming increas

34、ingly popular1)conscious 了解的;察觉的;意识到的了解的;察觉的;意识到的 I was conscious of her presence.我知道她在场。我知道她在场。她不晓得他在这房间里。她不晓得他在这房间里。She was not conscious of his presence in the room.现在越来越多的人意识到了保护环境的重要性。现在越来越多的人意识到了保护环境的重要性。Now,more and more people are becoming conscious of the importance of protecting the enviro

35、nment.(.(当人们变得更加关注保护环境时,此类能源正当人们变得更加关注保护环境时,此类能源正变得日益受欢迎。变得日益受欢迎。)412)conscious 有意识的;神志清醒的有意识的;神志清醒的 他受了伤,不过神志还清醒。他受了伤,不过神志还清醒。He is hurt but still conscious.consciousness n.意识;知觉;觉悟;自意识;知觉;觉悟;自觉觉socialist consciousness社会主义觉悟社会主义觉悟consciousness of responsibility责任感责任感429.Nevertheless conj.&adv.(尽管如此)还是,然而,不过 She was very tired;nevertheless she kept on working.Hes stupid,but I like him nevertheless.她虽然很疲倦她虽然很疲倦,然而她却继续工作。然而她却继续工作。他是很笨,然而我喜欢他。他是很笨,然而我喜欢他。他很有魅力,然而我不太相信他他很有魅力,然而我不太相信他。He is charming;nevertheless,I dont quite trust him.4344


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