1、It is a fact that all languages change through time,though they do so rather slowly.沛公旦日从百余骑来见项王,至鸿门,谢曰:“臣与将军戮力而攻秦,将军战河北,臣战河南,然不自意能先入关破秦,得复见将军于此。今者有小人之言,令将军与臣有郤(x)(同“隙”,隔阂。)。”项王曰:“此沛公左司马曹无伤言之;不然,籍何以至此?”项王即日因留沛公与饮。史记The key pronunciation features of the Great Vowel Shift are the following:Vowel raisi
2、ng,Vowel fronting,Diphthongizationauaii:eieu:a:uMice mi:s maisMouse mu:s mausShe him advised.She advised him.Sentence structure:SVO,VSO,SOV,OSVe.g.When he the king visited,he boasted.I love thee not.He saw you not.I dont love you.Not is at the end of the sentence.Auxiliary+notHe didnt see you.给力给力 g
3、eiliable 团购团购 group purchase农民工农民工 Migrant worker神马都是浮云!神马都是浮云!大哥大大哥大 Walkie-talkie随声听随声听Walkman 秘书秘书 secretary煤油煤油 kerosene相声相声 crosstalk晒工资晒工资 Share salary手机控手机控 粉色控粉色控 knight(youth,a medieval gentlman-soldier)(乖张,听话)Whan that Aprille with his shoures sooth (When that April with his showers sweet)In modern English,his only refers to animate masculine noun.