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1、Revise the Passive Voice (I)Unit 2 GrammarTo revise the passive voice and use it properlyListen to the short passage and fill in the blanks using the correct form of the verbs.We have an old musical instrument.It _a clavichord.It _ in Germany in 1681.Our clavichord _ in the living room.It has belong

2、ed to our family for a long time.The instrument _ by my grandfather many years ago.Recently it _ by a visitor.She tried to play jazz on it!She struck the keys too hard and two of the strings _.My father was shocked.Now we _ to touch it.It _ by a friend of my fathers.is calledwas madeis keptwas bough

3、twas damagedwere brokenare not allowedis being repairedPay attention to the circled parts and get the structure they use:be(+being)+V-ed 用于强调动作的承受者用于强调动作的承受者执行者有较长的修饰语执行者有较长的修饰语不知道或没必要指出动作的执行者不知道或没必要指出动作的执行者Now lets read more examples.1.the Chinese part of the river that is called the Mekong River i

4、n other countries.(必修必修1)2.For each Olympics,a special village is built for them to live in,(必修必修2)3.Over time I have been changed quite a lot.(必修必修2)Look at the following sentences.Have a look4.Only athletes who have reached the agreed standard for their event will be admitted as competitors.(必修必修2

5、)5.Some festivals are held to honour the dead or to satisfy the ancestors,(必修必修3)6.When they were served the ice cream,Yong Hui began to look ill.(必修必修3)7.Sometimes celebrations would be held after hunters had caught animals.(必修必修3)8.She has argued that wild animals should be left in the wild and no

6、t used for entertainment or advertisements.(必修必修4)9.The water companies were instructed not to expose people to polluted water any more.(必修必修5)10.I realized that I had been transported into the future of what was still my hometown!(必修必修5)11.A lot of Tang poetry has been translated into English.(选修选修

7、6)12.And if the doors could be opened outwards,disabled customers would be very happy.(选修选修7)1.the Chinese part of the river that _(call)the Mekong River in other countries.2.For each Olympics,a special village _(build)for them to live in,3.Over time I _(change)quite a lot.4.Only athletes who have r

8、eached the agreed standard for their event _ _(admit)as competitors.will be admitted is called is built have been changed go Ready?5.Some festivals _(hold)to honour the dead or to satisfy the ancestors,6.When they _(serve)the ice cream,Yong Hui began to look ill.7.Sometimes celebrations _ (hold)afte

9、r hunters had caught animals.8.She has argued that wild animals _(leave)in the wild and not used for entertainment or advertisements.should be left are held were served would be held 9.The water companies _ (instruct)not to expose people to polluted water any more.10.I realized that I _ (transport)i

10、nto the future of what was still my hometown!11.A lot of Tang poetry _ _(translate)into English.12.And if the doors _ (open)outwards,disabled customers would be very happy.could be opened were instructed had been transported has been translated 以上我们已经通过归纳总结和练习以上我们已经通过归纳总结和练习对本课的语法内容有了一定的了解,对本课的语法内容有


12、动语态被动语态(Passive Voice)表示句子的主表示句子的主语是动作的承受者。其句子的谓语动词语是动作的承受者。其句子的谓语动词是:是:be+V-ed形式。形式。指出句中的主谓宾语。指出句中的主谓宾语。We kept food in the fridge.We must close the windows and the door.S V.O.SV.O.Food was kept(by us)in the fridge.The windows and the door must be closed.使用被动语态的情况:使用被动语态的情况:Many houses will be buil

13、t here.The song The East is Red was written by a poor peasant.1.不知道或没必要指出动作的执行者。不知道或没必要指出动作的执行者。2.强调动作的承受者。强调动作的承受者。The plan was supported by those who wished to have more chances to speak English.You are requested to attend the meeting.3.动作的执行者有较长的修饰语。动作的执行者有较长的修饰语。4.出于礼貌,不愿意说出动作执行者。出于礼貌,不愿意说出动作执行者

14、。be+done am/is/are 一般现在时一般现在时 am/is/are+being现在进行时现在进行时shall/will+be一般将来时一般将来时have/has+been现在完成时现在完成时被动语态的构成被动语态的构成 be+done was/were 一般过去时一般过去时 was/were+being过去进行时过去进行时would+be过去将来时过去将来时had+been过去完成时过去完成时Correct mistakes:This room is belonged to me.This music is sounded sweet.belongs tosounds1.只有及物动

15、词和及物动词短语只有及物动词和及物动词短语才可以有被动语态。才可以有被动语态。不及物动词不及物动词,不及物动词短语或系动词不及物动词短语或系动词没有被没有被动语态动语态。如。如:happen,go on,take place,belong to,sound,feel等。等。2.有些动词常有些动词常跟相关副词连用跟相关副词连用,以主动形式表被动含义以主动形式表被动含义,如,如:open,write,read,sell,wash,measure 等。等。a.Your article reads well.b.This type of car sells well in China.c.The co

16、at dries easily.It is said that It is reported that It is hoped that It is well known that It is believed that It must be pointed out that 3.在一些固定句型中常用被动在一些固定句型中常用被动语态。语态。It is reported that another man-made satellite will be sent up into space next month.Another man-made satellite is reported to be

17、 sent up into space next month.据报道,下个月又一颗人造卫星将被发射。据报道,下个月又一颗人造卫星将被发射。The three missing sailors are believed to have drowned.It is believed that the three missing sailors have drowned.人们认为这三个失踪的海员已经淹死了。人们认为这三个失踪的海员已经淹死了。例如:例如:It is said that Li Ping will study abroad.Li Ping is said to study abroad.I

18、t is said that Li Ping is studying abroad.Li Ping is said to be studying abroad.Li Ping is said to have studied abroad.Li Ping is said to have been studying abroad.It is said that Li Ping studied abroad.It is said that Li Ping has been studying abroad.Firefighters could be trained using RealCine.The

19、 position of the viewer can be calculated at any time.4.情态动词的被动语态情态动词的被动语态可以用可以用来表示来表示能力、可能性、责任等能力、可能性、责任等。1.The viewer can touch the objects in the film.2.The viewer may feel a real sense of achievement and happiness.3.RealCine might not impress some viewers.The objects in the film can be touched.A

20、 real sense of achievement and happiness may be felt.Some viewers might not be impressed by RealCine.More examples:4.Teachers could use RealCine in the classroom too.5.Film-makers should use RealCine for all films.6.Scientists ought to develop RealCine further.7.The viewer must wear special gloves.R

21、ealCine could be used in the classroom too.RealCine should be used for all films.RealCine ought to be developed further.Special gloves must be worn.The long novel was written by Mr.Lu Xun in the 1920s.The long novel is well written,isnt it?The glass was broken by his little son yesterday.Look,the gl

22、ass is broken!Who broke it?被动语态被动语态被动语态被动语态系表结构系表结构系表结构系表结构5.注意区别注意区别被动语态被动语态与与系表结构系表结构:被动语态被动语态表示表示动作动作,句子,句子主语是该主语是该动作的承受者动作的承受者,V-ed表示表示动作动作;而;而系表结构系表结构表示表示状态状态,说明,说明主语的特主语的特点或所处的状态点或所处的状态。Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs.1.My sister _(offer)a good chance to go abroad for fur

23、ther education.2.A book _(read)more than once if you want to understand it better.3.Every possible means _(use)to prevent the air pollution,but sky is still not clear.4.George and Lucy got married last week.Did you go to their wedding?No.I _(invite).Did they have a big wedding?was offeredmust be rea

24、dhas been usedhadnt been invitedFill in the blanks with the right form of the words given.1.I _(give)a new book by my father on my birthday.2.English _(find)very useful.3.The work _(finish)tomorrow.4.The flowers _(water)by them now.was given is foundwill be finished are being watered5.The railway _(

25、build)this time last year.6.The new way _ already _ (build).7.The new railway _(build)by the end of last year.8.He told me the sports meeting _(hold)the next month.9.Rice _(grow)in the south of the States.was being builthas been builthad been builtwould be held is grownTranslate the following senten

26、ces into English.1.令我们吃惊的是令我们吃惊的是,比尔的父亲被投入狱。比尔的父亲被投入狱。2.这种布很好洗。这种布很好洗。3.电脑将在明天修好。电脑将在明天修好。4.据说他是一个聪明的的孩子。据说他是一个聪明的的孩子。5.这支笔写起来流畅。这支笔写起来流畅。6.新机器正在检测。新机器正在检测。7.2012年,奥运会将在伦敦举办。年,奥运会将在伦敦举办。8.我被他的鬼故事吓着了。我被他的鬼故事吓着了。Answers 1.令我们吃惊的是令我们吃惊的是,比尔的父亲被投入狱。比尔的父亲被投入狱。2.这种布很好洗。这种布很好洗。3.电脑将在明天修好。电脑将在明天修好。4.据说他是一个聪

27、明的男孩。据说他是一个聪明的男孩。He is said to be a clever boy.The computer will be repaired tomorrow.The cloth washes well.To our surprise,Bills father has been put into prison.5.这支笔写起来很流畅。这支笔写起来很流畅。6.新机器正在检测。新机器正在检测。7.2020年奥运会将在东京举办。年奥运会将在东京举办。8.我被他的鬼故事吓着了。我被他的鬼故事吓着了。This pen writes smoothly.The new machine is be

28、ing tested.The 2020 Summer Olympic Games are to be held in Tokyo.I was frightened by his ghost story.2.主动语态改为被动语态的三个步骤:主动语态改为被动语态的三个步骤:a.把主动句的宾语变成被动句的主语;把主动句的宾语变成被动句的主语;b.把主动句的谓语变成把主动句的谓语变成be+V-ed,时态与,时态与原句保持一致;原句保持一致;c.把主动句的主语变成由把主动句的主语变成由by引导的的宾格引导的的宾格形式,放在被动句的谓语之后,形式,放在被动句的谓语之后,by短语可以短语可以省略。省略。1.

29、复习被动语态的各种形式。复习被动语态的各种形式。1.Unless extra money _(find),the theatre will close.(2014大纲大纲)2.Did you enjoy the party?Yes,we _(treat)by our hosts.(2015 北京北京)3.In my hometown,there is always a harvest supper for the farmers after all the wheat_ (cut).(2015 重庆重庆)is foundwere treatedhas been cut4.Despite the

30、 previous rounds of talks,no agreement _(reach)so far by the two sides.(2015 天津天津)5.More expressways _(build)in Sichuan soon to promote the local economy.(2015 四川四川)6.To my delight,I _(choose)from hundreds of applicants to attend the opening ceremony.(2015 福建福建)has been reachedwill be builtwas chose

31、n7.It is reported that a space station _(build)on the moon in years to come.(2015 安徽安徽)8.The students have been working hard on their lessons and their efforts _(reward)success in the end.(2016北京北京)9.More efforts,as reported,_(make)in the years ahead to accelerate the supply-sits structural reform.(2016 江江苏苏)will be rewarded will be madewill be builtChoose the verbs in the passive voice to complete the passage.were listed be divided be organized to be accompanied were connected be surrounded was attachedP14 3Finish the exercises in Learning English.


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