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1、一般现在时一般现在时 simple present tense1.Things that we often do表示经常反复发生的动作Millie gets up at 6:30 every morning.2.Things that are always true一直正确的事(真理、规律)Cats eat fish.3.Things that are true now表示现在的状态Simon likes playing football.常与一般现在时连用的词1、every系列every Day Sunday week year month morning afternoon evening

2、/nighton inat、频率副词seldomsometimesoftenusuallyalwaysnever、次数一次 两次三次 一周两次每周四次每周.on+星期几(s)每周六和周日oncetwicethree timestwice a weekfour times a weekon Saturdays and Sundays一般现在时的构成一、系动词be的一般现在时二、情态动词的一般现在时三、实义(行为)动词的一般现在时 一、系动词be的一般现在时1、构成、构成:主语+be+其他2、be 包 括 哪 些?is am are3、什么时候用is?什么时候用am?什么时候用are?取决于主语是

3、单数还是复数The girl is my friend.主语为单数时主语为复数时主语为“I”时 isareamExercise 1、Kitty an English girl.2、We students.3、I from Taizhou.4、She tall.5、Lucy and Lily good friends.6、Those chairs broken.7、The bag mine.isareamisareareis否定句的构成主语+be+not+其他is not=am not=are not=isntm notarent 1、Kitty (not)an English girl.2、W

4、e (not)students.3、I (not)from Taizhou.4、She (not)tall.5、Lucy and Lily (not)good friends.6、Those chairs (not)broken.7、The bag (not)mine.isntarentam notisntarentarentisnt行为动词的一般现在时 构成主语主语 +行为动词行为动词 +其他其他These boys like playing football.The girl reads English every morning.注意:当主语为第三人称单数时,注意:当主语为第三人称单数时

5、,行为动词要加行为动词要加s或者或者es什么时候加什么时候加s,什么时候加,什么时候加es呢?呢?P117Complete the sentences.Use the simple present tense of the verbs in brackets1.My father_(listen)to the radio every day.2.Mike_(study)in a middle school.3.She_(take)Eddie for a walk after supper.4.He_(wash)clothes with his hands.5.Simon _(pass)the

6、ball to Daniel.6.Miss Li_(teach)Chinese.7.Look at the animal,it _ four legs.listenstakesstudieswashespassesteacheshas8否定句的构成主语主语+助动词(助动词(do/does)+not+行为动词行为动词原形原形+其他其他These boys dont(do not)like playing football.The girl doesnt(does not)read English every morning.什么时候用助动词do,什么时候用助动词does呢?取决于主取决于主语语T

7、he girl reads English every morning.These boys like playing football.当主语为复数时,用助动词do构成否定do not=dont +V原形 当主语为单数时,用助动词does构成否定does not=doesnt+V原形注意注意:dont 和和 doesnt 之后动词一定要用原形之后动词一定要用原形否定句否定句Change the following sentences after the models.1.I like red.2.They like apples.3.We take a bus to school every

8、 day.Model 1:I like fish.I dont like fish.Model 2.He likes reading.He doesnt like reading.I dont like red.They dont like apples.We dont take a bus to school every day.104.His brother plays football after school.5.It looks like a cat.6.She has a dog at home.His brother doesnt play football.It doesnt

9、look like a cat.She doesnt have a dog at home.11Complete the sentences.Use the proper verb forms in brackets1.Jordan _(play)basketball.He _(not play)football.2.I _(go)swimming on Sunday.But I_(not go)shopping.3.My cousins _(enjoy)computer games.But they _(not enjoy)ball games.4.You _(like)fish.But h

10、e _(not like)fish.playsdoesnt playgodont goenjoydont enjoylikedoesnt like12一般疑问句一般说来,英语中共有四种问句,分别是:1、一般疑问句 2、特殊疑问句 3、选择疑问句 4、反意义疑问句 今天我们来学习一般疑问句。那么,什么是一般疑问句呢?我们一起来听听一般疑问句的自白:行为动词一般疑问句的构成行为动词一般疑问句的构成问句:Do your parents like English肯答:Yes,they do.否答:No,they dont.Do+主语主语+动词动词原形原形+其它?其它?肯答用肯答用“Yes,主语主语+d

11、o.”否答用否答用“No,主语主语+dont.”问句:Does your brother like English肯答:Yes,he does.否答:No,he doesnt.Does+主语主语+动词动词原形原形+其它?其它?肯答用肯答用“Yes,主语主语+does.”否答用否答用“No,主语主语+doesnt.”秘诀:一加二改三问号一加:即在句首加助动词Do或Does二改:1、把谓语动词改为原形;2、改换主语称谓(一二人称);三问号:句末的句号改为问号。句型转换 1.Mr.Green comes from Shanghai.(改为一般疑问句改为一般疑问句)2.Millie lives in

12、a flat in Beijing.(改为否定句改为否定句)Does Mr.Green come from Shanghai?Millie doesnt live in a flat in Beijing.3.Daniel enjoys playing computer games.(改为一般疑问句并做肯定回答改为一般疑问句并做肯定回答)Does Daniel enjoy playing computer games?Yes,he does.some、any 一般说来,some 用于肯定句中,any 用于否定句和疑问句中。改疑问句或否定句时,原句里的改疑问句或否定句时,原句里的some要改成要

13、改成anyThere are some books on the desk.(改为否定句)There arent any books on the desk.Are there any books on the desk?Why not buy some apples?为什么不买些苹果呢?Would you like some more apples?你要不要再吃点苹果?注意:在表示建议或希望得到肯定回答时,some可用于疑问句,不用变成any.and or变否定句时,and要变成orThere is some air and water on the moon.There isnt any air or water on the moon.He has some brothers and sisters.He doesnt have any brothers or sisters.在否定句当中,too要改为eitherI like eating apples,too.I dont like eating apples,either.


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