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1、 新托福新托福口语口语考试考试-Basis:Question Types&American accentWhat is SPEAKING?o Speaking is the productive,oral skill.o Speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving and processing information.o Speaking is often spontaneous,open-ended,and evolving(变化发展的),bu

2、t not completely unpredictable.总之,一句话,总之,一句话,口语是要说出来的。口语是要说出来的。What is TEST?o A test is a series of questions that you must answer or actions that you must perform in order to show how much you know about a subject or how well you are able to do something.总之,一句话,总之,一句话,考试的时候,尽量说自己熟考试的时候,尽量说自己熟悉的会说的东

3、西悉的会说的东西.What is speaking test in TOEFL IBT?o2+4 组合组合(开放型+控制型)o2:独立口语部分独立口语部分 independento4:综合口语部分综合口语部分 integrated1.独立口语部分独立口语部分:oTask 1:Personal experience (小学生作文水平)oTask 2:Personal preference (中学生作文水平)2.综合口语部分综合口语部分:1)Read listen-speak Task 3 conversation(campus-based)Task 4 lecture(academic)2)Li

4、sten speak Task 5 conversation(campus-based)Task 6 lecture(academic)Time limito Task 1 15 45o Task 2 o Task 3 45 30 60o Task 4o Task 5 20 60 o Task 6总之,一句话,总之,一句话,新托福口语不变态,新托福口语不变态,听的读的多了听的读的多了,自然就会说了。自然就会说了。3Y Standards 3y标准标准oAccuracyoFluencyoSpontaneityETS 标准标准oDelivery(表达)-How clear your speech

5、is.Good responses are those in which the speech is fluid and clear,with good pronunciation,natural pacing,and natural sounding-patterns.oLanguage Use(语言使用)-How effectively you use grammar and vocabulary to convey your ideas.Raters will be looking to see how well you can control both basic and more c

6、omplex language structures and use appropriate vocabulary.o Topic Development(话题展开)-How fully you answer the question and how coherently you present your ideas.o Good responses generally use all or most of the time allotted,and the relationship between ideas and the progression from one idea to the

7、next is clear and easy to follow.0-4o Organization(topic dev.)o Comprehensibility(delivery)o Fluency(delivery)o Pronunciation(delivery/L.use)o Grammar(L.use)o Vocabulary(L.use)总之,一句话,总之,一句话,想拿想拿25+必须将你的发音彻底翻新必须将你的发音彻底翻新o托福口语考试有6个部分,所以托福口语时间是比较长的,那么如果做好托福口语时间分配呢?首先我们看下托福口语的6个问题,分别该怎么进行托福口语时间分配:o第1题:准


9、说什么从何说起。这就需要我们在平时的时候加强对话题的拓展和训练。o大家都知道IBT考试的口语部分通常都是取材于北美大学学生日常学术和校园生活的许多方面,要求学生可以熟练地理解别人的思路并表达出自己的看法。读/听/说题目和听/说题目都要求考生充分理解相关的题目材料,对考生的口语能力和临场应变能力较高。每道题目回答时间不超过一分钟,这要求考生的语言运用要高度归纳并精练准确。oTOEFL 口语考试是电脑录音,评判者是通过听录音来做分数评估的,所以,说得快未必是件好事,说得清楚才是重点。考虑到评卷者可能会产生的听觉疲劳,所以考生们表述时不要一味求快,而要注意断句、重音和语调。一、独立口语一、独立口语

10、Task 1 Task 2二、综合口语二、综合口语 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task 6 托福口语概况托福口语概况在口语部分,考生需要就基于个人经历、校园环境和学术性材料提出在口语部分,考生需要就基于个人经历、校园环境和学术性材料提出的各种话题用英语表达自己的观点。答题时间共的各种话题用英语表达自己的观点。答题时间共20分钟。分钟。Task 1,2:独立口语任务,写生要依据自己的观点、见解或者经历来独立口语任务,写生要依据自己的观点、见解或者经历来回答问题。回答问题。Task 3,4:读文章读文章讨论或者讲座节选讨论或者讲座节选答题答题Task 5,6:听对话或者节选的讲座片

11、段听对话或者节选的讲座片段答题答题在整个口语考试中,考生可以记笔记,并在回答时作参考。在整个口语考试中,考生可以记笔记,并在回答时作参考。托福口语概况托福口语概况口语评分标准口语评分标准 独立口语:旨在检验学生能否阐明并连贯表达自己的观点、能否独立口语:旨在检验学生能否阐明并连贯表达自己的观点、能否运用恰当的解释与细节描述充实并支持论点,一级语言表达时间偶清运用恰当的解释与细节描述充实并支持论点,一级语言表达时间偶清晰流畅、易于理解。晰流畅、易于理解。综合口语:旨在检验考生能否根据综合口语:旨在检验考生能否根据1到到2段材料传达相关信息,能段材料传达相关信息,能否连贯表达观点并通过恰当的解释和

12、细节描写充实论点,以及语言表否连贯表达观点并通过恰当的解释和细节描写充实论点,以及语言表达是否清晰流畅、易于理解。达是否清晰流畅、易于理解。DeliveryLanguage useTopic development一、人物类一、人物类二、地点类二、地点类三、事物类三、事物类1、抽象事物、抽象事物2、具体事物、具体事物四、事件类四、事件类独立口语托福口语考试的第一题和第二题是独立口语任务,托福口语考试的第一题和第二题是独立口语任务,大家需要做的是就用自己的经历或想法来回答问大家需要做的是就用自己的经历或想法来回答问题。题目主要涉及日常生活和一些社会现象,准题。题目主要涉及日常生活和一些社会现象,

13、准备时间备时间15秒,答题时间秒,答题时间45秒。从时间上看,秒。从时间上看,15秒的准备,这么短的时间根本无法让考生酝酿秒的准备,这么短的时间根本无法让考生酝酿出好的答案来,所以要想在这两个题目上获得高出好的答案来,所以要想在这两个题目上获得高分,预先的素材准备也是必不可少的。这就需要分,预先的素材准备也是必不可少的。这就需要大家在平时的时候做到每道题都大家在平时的时候做到每道题都Brainstorm。人物类题目1题目2题目3题目4名人同事/组员领导老师/朋友/家人成就achievement团结:collaborative(a patient listener and readily to

14、accept others suggestions)信任下级Show confidence in team members热心/乐于助人Always help me when needed/be helpful to others性格CharacterCourageous and resolute(果敢)适应性:adaptable(adapt to new environment quickly)赏罚分明Be equal to everyone without showing favor to any particular one有趣,在一起不觉得闷Funny,humoroustelling

15、jokes生活简朴Live a simple life有热情/积极/创新/认真:enthusiasticActiveCreativeSerious 努力学习工作,给大家树立榜样Work hard to inspire people/exemplarycharacter知识丰富/专业Knowledgeable telling things that I dont know.professional创新精神Creativity效率:Efficient in work/communicating(when facing a problem and challenge a good member ca

16、n find solutions quickly)管理能力Be good at management诚实/忠诚Honesty/Faithfulness一、人物类一、人物类Sample answer1:Describe the qualities of a good leader:I think a leader needs at least two important characteristics.First,a leader should be good at management.There are usually a great number of members under the

17、charge of one leader,so a leader is supposed to organize everything well in order to make a company run smoothly.Secondly,a good leader should be good at making decisions.A good and correct decision can lead to the final success,whereas a wrong and delayed decision may bring about disasters to the c

18、ompany.Of course,this skill requires a lot of working experience.Sample answer2:Describe the qualities of a good colleague:First,a colleague is supposed to be efficient in work.When given a task by the boss,all the team members should take their duties and cooperate well in order to finish it quickl

19、y.If one of the colleagues is slow and left behind,a project will be delayed.Secondly,I think a colleague should be ready to help others.When a new employee comes to the company,he knows little about the work,so it is his colleagues who are supposed to help him.But there are some staff members who w

20、ouldnt like to help others,for they are afraid that others will excel them afterwards.地点类思路 题目题目1题目2题目3题目4公共场所(名胜/公园)餐馆/购物中心房间国家/城市What placeThe great wall/Forbidden city/Summer palace/Temple of heaven/Mount EmeiDelicious foodLocation(transportation,whether it is convenient for shopping,sanitation,f

21、acilities)Environment(Fresh air,climate)Why you like itLouvre palace/Eiffel tower/Provence/the Alps/Champs Elysees/Triumphal ArchReasonable priceA lot of spaceTransportationPyramid/sphinx Thorough serviceA room with a viewEducation Sydney opera house/the great barrier reefNice and cleanCostEconomy D

22、isney land/the white house/Yellowstone/the pentagonAtmosphere(can go online,romantic feeling,quiet)Style of the architectureCulture(Beijing-Peking roast duck,hot-potPeking Opera,Acrobatics)二、地点类二、地点类公共场所(名胜/公园)Describe your favorite place in the city you are now living.Which place is your favorite p

23、lace when you were a child?What park or public area do you like?Describe a place you have never been to but like to go someday(prairie,ocean,Tibet,places of interest etc.)If your foreign friends are going to visit your country,where do you suggest them to go?Where do you like to go and do sports whe

24、n it is sunny?餐馆/购物中心Where do you usually go with your friends?What kinds of features are important to you when you go to a restaurant or caf?Why?房间Describe one of your favorite rooms,either of your house or other placesWhat is the most important element you take into account when you are choosing a

25、 house?国家/城市Describe a city you have always wanted to go and explain why?其它Students choose foreign country for further education because of academic programs and so on.What do you think is the most important aspect besides academic program,location,cost or size?Where would you like to live,Mountain,

26、forest,beach,or desert?Sample answer1:If your foreign friends are going to visit your country,where do you suggest them to go?If I had the chance,Id like to take the foreign visitors to the Forbidden City.First,the Forbidden City has a history of more than 600 years and is the place where the royal

27、family used to live during the Qing and Ming dynasty.The Forbidden City is so large that it has more than 900 rooms.Its magnificent architecture which includes many Chinese elements has become the symbol of Chinese culture.Second,thousands of visitors from different parts of the world come to see it

28、 every day.They all say it looks much grander than it looks in movies.Whats more,there are a lot of antiques displaying in the Forbidden city attracting many visitors.Sample answer2:Where would you like to live,Mountain,forest,beach,or desert?The place Id like to live is the forest.I prefer it for t

29、he following reasons.First of all,the air in the forest is much fresher than that in the city.And I know doctors will suggest people to go there to breathe in more oxygen.I have a cousin,Jimmy,who used to have problems with his lungs and his doctor told him to go to the forest as much as he could.No

30、w he is well again.Also,we can hike or even have picnics in the forest as long as we do not get lost.It must be such a nice experience to feel the breeze and watch the green trees sitting on the grass with your friends while you can enjoy your delicious food.1、抽象事物、抽象事物 抽象事物抽象事物题目备选项work of artmovie

31、poemsongpaintingphotographdecisiongo abroadjob hoppingmovingselect a majorget a part-time jobtake a long journeyjobfinancial analystaccountantteacherdoctorlawyersalesmanadvicetime managementfocus on enhancing practical capabilitiesbuild up a reading habitHave a good relationship with people aroundal

32、ways keep in touch with close friendsObtain information from all the possible waysnewsBe the champion of a basketball matchBe elected to be the president of the student unionthe earthquakethe financial crisisan award for an articlean offer from an dream universityopportunitywork as a leader in a gro

33、upinternship Being a volunteer of the Olympic Gamesparticipate a painting contestBeing a tour guide for a group of foreign studentsannouncer in a radio stationdifficultyprepare for the TOEFLconduct a surveycook for the whole familyorganize a class activityCall for help in an emergencyrent an apartme

34、ntskilldrivingswimmingcookingplaying the guitardesigningfencing事物类事物类goalget an offer from the ideal universityget a masters degree in architecturegain considerable scholarshipgain an formal job in an national corporationbeing an excellent dancertravel around the worldsubjectfinancemarketingjournali

35、smarchitectureeconomicssociologytime of a yearSpring/summer/fall/winterSpring FestivalNational Day holiday periodthe start of a semesterthe summer/winter vacationwork peakclassan English classa lecture in marketingan observation in a primary third grade classa chemistry class with a funny experiment

36、an outdoor biology classa P.E.classDescribe the most important decision that youve made in your life.A particularly significant decision Ive made in my life was that I came to work and live in Beijing.I had just finished my contract on a very decent job and I suppose I wanted a new challenging and d

37、emanding job.So I decided to come to Beijing,the capital city filled with talents and opportunities.Besides,I was always a bit passionate and I liked to do things on the spur of the moment.Arriving in a new city was exciting.Just walking out of the station with a suitcase and two bags and with a dre

38、am of doing something for the Olympic Games,I felt I had arrived and I felt life was mine and I could make it to be exactly what I wanted.That summer,I realized again that life never ought to be boring,but on the contrary is full of adventure and challenge and is exciting,too.2、具体事物、具体事物具体事物具体事物Book

39、GiftFoodMeans of transportationtechnologyStyle of clothingfiction/novela crystal boatKung Pao chickensubwayTelevisionT-shirt&Jeansmagazine/journala bookPeking roast duckbicycleComputerDresspoema pair of high heelsHot potBus/trolley busCell phoneSportswearReference booka guitarSteamed stuffed bunTrai

40、n/tramInternetCheong-sambiographyDSLR(Digital Single Lens Reflex 单反相机)Congee with mungbeanDrive ones own carAirplaneSuitshandbooka fantastic travelSweet and sour mandarin fishAirplanetransportationNeutral clothingDescribe a book that you think is interesting.Explain why this book is interesting to y

41、ou.Include details and examples in your explanation.Code of Vinci is undoubtedly a very interesting book which attracts a list of readers in the world.First,personally,I have to say that we can learn a lot about the western culture from this book,such as the religion,the Bible,the mysterious churche

42、s,the museums in Paris,and some other mysteries.Additionally,the whole story in the book develops in a very logical and amazing way,full of mysteries and detective elements which keep my interest to know what happens next.It is really an attractive book.综合口语综合口语Task 3Task 3听力部分的笔记应注意以下事项:听力部分的笔记应注意以

43、下事项:(1)(1)对话通常为一男一女对阅读文章中的话题发表自己的看对话通常为一男一女对阅读文章中的话题发表自己的看法。选择发表观点最直接最强烈的一方记录法。选择发表观点最直接最强烈的一方记录(2)(2)看法强烈的一方对文章中的问题可能表示赞成,也可能看法强烈的一方对文章中的问题可能表示赞成,也可能表示反对,并给出支持自己观点的两个理由,考生要对此信表示反对,并给出支持自己观点的两个理由,考生要对此信息进行记录。息进行记录。常用结构句式常用结构句式1)阅读部分复述时,第一句话要交代阅读内容的背景,一般以下列表达为主:阅读部分复述时,第一句话要交代阅读内容的背景,一般以下列表达为主:The un

44、iversity is going to/has planned/has decided to.,because.(原因一原因一),also.(原因二原因二)In the announcement/notice,the university is going to.,the first reason is.,the second reason is.(2)阅读部分介绍完毕,可以直接说明学生的态度,并自然过渡到听力内容。阅读部分介绍完毕,可以直接说明学生的态度,并自然过渡到听力内容。The woman/man totally agrees with the universitys announc

45、ement/decision/policy.The man/woman is against/supporting.He/she feels unhappy/less satisfied about.She/he thinks the.is unfair/inconvenient/unaffordable for the following reasons.(3)听力部分,当转述对话人所给出的两个理由时,可以用以下表达:听力部分,当转述对话人所给出的两个理由时,可以用以下表达:First,she/he thinks/saysAlso,she/he points out that.真题练习真题练

46、习An Opening Letter from a StudentDear Principle:Hope this finds you well.I am writing to propose that the school should sponsor a wilderness club with funds to rent buses and organize field trips.I believe that all we students would be benefited from the investment for the following two reasons.Firs

47、t,with the transportation provided by the school,we will find it more convenient to go for an outing.Also,going outdoors and looking at natural scenery will make us feel refreshed and relaxed.As a result,we are able to concentrate more efficiently on the schoolwork after such a trip.Looking forward

48、to hearing from you soon!Best Regards,xx2009年年2月月28日日NarratorNow listen to two students as they discuss the opening letter.Man:Look!Thats great!Woman:What do you mean?Man:The school would make a good decision by following through on that students proposal.Woman:What is the proposal about?Man:Here yo

49、u go:a letter in the newspaper states that the school should allocate funds to organize field trips for students.I believe this act will have a positive impact.Woman:Okay,please explain your idea a little bit further.Man:Well,the school will definitely be doing a good thing in providing funds for th

50、is.Especially in spring and summer,a lot of students enjoy taking nature walks.However,not all of them have transportation,making it difficult to take trips.Students living in the center of the city would find trips like that difficult to make.But with the transportation covered by the school,more s


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