1、气管插管英文版Tracheal intubation lA tracheal tube is a catheter that is inserted into the trachea for the primary purpose of establishing and maintaining a patent airway.lTracheal tubes are frequently used for airway management in the settings of general anesthesia,critical care,mechanical ventilation and
2、 emergency medicine.IndicationslHypoxemialRespiratory failurelAirway obstructionlDepressed level of consciousnesslManipulation of the airwayContraindicationslSevere airway trauma or obstruction(Emergency cricothyrotomy is indicated)lCervical spine injuryClassificationlOrotracheal intubationlNasotrac
3、heal intubationEquipmentlLaryngoscope blade,handle and bulb 1 straight blade2 curved bladeEndotracheal tubesAdults female D:7-8mm male D:7-9mmlStyletlSyringelOral and nasal airways lPrecut tapePositioning of the PatientlSniffing positionGlottisVocal cordsFalse vocal cordEpiglottisTracheaProcedurelOp
4、en the airway and mask ventilationlDirect laryngoscopyProcedure C.Orotracheal intubation the tube is 4-5cm under the vocal cord,20-24cm at the teethlWithdraw the stylet and inflate the cufflConnect the bag-valve combination and ETCO2 detector lConfirm the tube is properly positionedlSecure the tube in place with tapeslObtain a chest X-ray and arterial blood gas measurementsHow to comfirmlETCO2lAusculation:Both the lung and stomachelChest X-ray