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1、三三年年(2020-20222020-2022)真真题题汇汇编翻编翻译译句句子子专专项项【辽辽宁宁省省专用专用】目录目录1.1.大大连连市市真真题题2.2.鞍鞍山山市市真真题题3.3.抚抚顺市顺市(辽(辽阳市阳市/本本溪溪市市)真题真题4.4.丹丹东市东市真题真题5.5.营营口口市市真真题题6.6.阜阜新新市市真真题题7.7.葫葫芦芦岛市岛市 (辽辽阳阳市市/铁铁岭市岭市/本本溪溪市市)真题真题8.8.盘盘锦锦市市真真题题9.9.朝朝阳阳市市真真题题1010 参参考考答案答案(注:沈阳市 锦州市不考翻译)0101 大连大连市市1(2022辽宁大连中考真题)李老师看上去很严格,但实际上为人非常和

2、善。,but actually,she is very nice.2(2022辽宁大连中考真题)不要在电脑前坐太久,起来运动一下吧。.Stand up and take some exercise.3(2022辽宁大连中考真题)当我走进教室时,玲玲正在认真地复习功课。when I entered the classroom.4(2022辽宁大连中考真题)这些旧车票并不值钱,我收藏它们是为了记住生活中重要的 事情。These old tickets are not valuable,.5(2022辽宁大连中考真题)坚持下去!如果你放弃了,你就真的失败了。Keep going!.6(2021辽宁大

3、连中考真题)这个主意听起来真不错,让我们尝试一下吧。Lets have a try.7(2021辽宁大连中考真题)我正在列张购物清单。妈妈,你想买点什么?What would you like to buy,Mum?8(2021辽宁大连中考真题)我们居住在同一个星球上,我们要共同爱护它。We are living on the same planet.9(2020辽宁大连中考真题)冰箱里没有蔬菜了,咱们去买一些吧。,so lets get some.10(2020辽宁大连中考真题)昨天当我给大明打电话的时候,他正在帮他的妈妈做家务。When I telephoned Darning yeste

4、rday,.11(2020辽宁大连中考真题)汤姆索亚历险记这本书很好,我越读越想读。The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a great book.12(2021辽宁大连中考真题)你去过老舍茶馆吗?13(2021辽宁大连中考真题)如果你坚持训练,你将很有可能成为校队的一员。14(2020辽宁大连中考真题)你英语说得真好。你学英语多久了?Your spoken English is so good.15(2020辽宁大连中考真题)在困难的时刻,不要放弃。0202 鞍山鞍山市市1(2022辽宁鞍山中考真题)你所说的似乎有道理。What you said seems to

5、.2(2022辽宁鞍山中考真题)英语课上,凯特听得比其他任何学生都认真。Kate listenedthan any other student in English class.3(2022辽宁鞍山中考真题)父母不应该对他们的孩子太苛刻。Parents arent supposed totheir children.4(2022辽宁鞍山中考真题)我们要齐心协力来按时完成这个项目。We willto finish the project on time.5(2022辽宁鞍山中考真题)说实在的,我不太喜欢这部电影。,I dont like the film very much.6(2022辽宁鞍山

6、中考真题)昆明四季如春。The weather in Kunming istoo coldtoo hot all year round.7(2022辽宁鞍山中考真题)坚持梦想的人终会取得成功。People whotheir dreams will succeed in the end.8(2022辽宁鞍山中考真题)我们会尽最大努力帮助处于困境中的人。We will try our best to help people .9(2022辽宁鞍山中考真题)我期待着两个月后的高中生活。Imgoing to senior high school in two months.10(2022辽宁鞍山中考真

7、题)海伦已经 18 岁了,她不想再依靠父母了。Helen is already 18 years old,and she doesnt want to her parents anymore.11(2021辽宁鞍山中考真题)海伦这会儿不在。要我捎个口信吗?Helen is not here at the moment.Can I?12(2021辽宁鞍山中考真题)汤姆和他的哥哥学习一样努力。Tom studieshis elder brother.13(2021辽宁鞍山中考真题)你认为学生们应该被允许做出自己的决定吗?Do you think students shouldmake their

8、own decisions?14(2021辽宁鞍山中考真题)当我们在北京的时候,他们竭尽全力使我们感到宾至如归。They went out of their way towhen we were in Beijing.15(2021辽宁鞍山中考真题)在巨大的危险面前,他表现得很英勇。He showed couragegreat danger.16(2021辽宁鞍山中考真题)吉姆明天要游览天安门广场和颐和园。Jim will visitTiananmen Squarethe Summer Palace tomorrow.17(2021辽宁鞍山中考真题)他已经入党 20 年了。Hethe Part

9、y for 20 years.18(2021辽宁鞍山中考真题)我记得在聚会上连续唱了三首歌。I remember singing three songsat the party.19(2021辽宁鞍山中考真题)在你离开教室之前,确保窗户都关好。the windows are closed before you leave the classroom.20(2021辽宁鞍山中考真题)他过去常常吸烟,但是现在他已经戒掉了。Hesmoke,but he has already given it up.21(2020辽宁鞍山中考真题)剪纸艺术能把一个简单的东西变成一件优美的艺术品。The art of

10、 paper cutting cana simple thinga beautiful piece of art.22(2020辽宁鞍山中考真题)许多国家已经采取行动拯救濒危的野生动物。Many countries have already taken action to save the wild animals .23(2020辽宁鞍山中考真题)回想起童年时光时,我感到非常幸福。I feel very happy when Imy childhood.24(2020辽宁鞍山中考真题)青少年不应该过分依赖父母,而应该学习一些生活技能。Teenagers shouldnttheir paren

11、ts too much.Instead,they should learn some life skills.25(2020辽宁鞍山中考真题)里德先生能在那个孩子的眼中看到对知识的渴望。Mr.Read can see in the kids eyes that sheknowledge.26(2020辽宁鞍山中考真题)杰克想长大以后当一名飞行员。Jack wants to be a pilot when he.27(2020辽宁鞍山中考真题)中西方的餐桌礼仪是不同的。Table manners in Chinathose in western countries.28(2020辽宁鞍山中考真题

12、)钟南山亲赴武汉帮助抗击新冠疫情Zhong Nanshan went to Wuhanto help fight against COVID-19.29(2020辽宁鞍山中考真题)上周末许多学生参加了志愿者活动。Many studentsthe volunteer activities last weekend.30(2020辽宁鞍山中考真题)雪一停,孩子们就迫不及待地去堆雪人。the snow stopped,the children couldnt wait to make a snowman.0303 抚顺市(辽阳抚顺市(辽阳/本溪)本溪)(一)部(一)部分分翻翻译译1(2022辽宁抚顺

13、中考真题)在你离开时别忘了关灯。Dont forget tothe light when you leave.2(2022辽宁抚顺中考真题)据我所知,中国陶艺在世界上很受欢迎。,Chinese clay art is popular around the world.3(2022辽宁抚顺中考真题)老师经常告诉我们要与同学们和睦相处。Teachers often tell us toour classmates.4(2022辽宁抚顺中考真题)大多数学生对这首曲子感兴趣。Most of the studentsthis piece of music.5(2022辽宁抚顺中考真题)我表弟去年夏天做了

14、志愿者工作,并没有玩电脑游戏。My cousin volunteered last summerplaying computer games.6(2021辽宁抚顺辽阳本溪中考真题)一年四季都可以吃到四川泡菜。Sichuan-style pickled vegetables can be eaten.7(2021辽宁抚顺辽阳本溪中考真题)妈妈说的话总是有道理。Moms words always.8(2021辽宁抚顺辽阳本溪中考真题)出乎我们的意料,那个计划竟然取得了成功。,the plan succeeded.9(2021辽宁抚顺辽阳本溪中考真题)在任何游戏中,守规则都是必要的。Its nece

15、ssary toin any games.10(2021辽宁抚顺辽阳本溪中考真题)警方在一小时前控制住了糟糕的状况。The policethe terrible situation an hour ago.11(2020辽宁抚顺辽阳本溪中考真题)不要在走廊里互相追逐。Donteach other in the hallways.12(2020辽宁抚顺辽阳本溪中考真题)我们的父母总是鼓励我们要坚持梦想。Our parents always encourage us toour dreams.13(2020辽宁抚顺辽阳本溪中考真题)共有 50 名同学在图书馆里看书。50 studentsare r

16、eading books in the library.14(2020辽宁抚顺辽阳本溪中考真题)她的眼中充满希望。Her eyeshope.15(2020辽宁抚顺辽阳本溪中考真题)我的姑姑特地写了一首诗来赞美那些勇敢的医务 人员。My auntto write a poem to praise those brave medical workers.(二)部(二)部分分翻翻译译16(2022辽宁抚顺中考真题)多么成功的一次英语演讲啊!!17(2022辽宁抚顺中考真题)如果这个周末不下雨,我们就去老人之家吧。18(2022辽宁抚顺中考真题)在过去的几年里,那个女孩儿取得了很大的进步。.19(20

17、21辽宁抚顺辽阳本溪中考真题)这将会是多么精彩的一个夏天啊!20(2021辽宁抚顺辽阳本溪中考真题)当她的朋友们在游泳时,她在做什么??21(2021辽宁抚顺辽阳本溪中考真题)他从八岁起就拥有这架飞机模型了。.22(2020辽宁抚顺辽阳本溪中考真题)我的老师们直到完成了这项工作才回家。.23(2020辽宁抚顺辽阳本溪中考真题)你曾经去过长城吗?24(2020辽宁抚顺辽阳本溪中考真题)这些新书明天分发。.(三)语(三)语篇篇翻翻译译(2022辽宁抚顺中考真题)阅读下面短文,将短文中画线部分的句子译成中文。Well leave our deep-loved campus(校园)right now.

18、Our school has invited us to take some photos of our school.1.They can remind us of our most beautiful memories.Campus is the place which we learn and grow in.We spend a lot of fun time together here.2.Well say goodbye to the teachers and classmates who have stayed with us for three years.Ifsomeone

19、asks you about the most beautiful memory on campus,what will come to your mind first?Itmight be our playground at sunset(日落),lines of old trees or a teaching building with students morning reading in.25 26(2021辽宁抚顺辽阳本溪中考真题)阅读下面的短文,将短文中画线部分的句子译成中文。This is a portrait(肖像)of Albert Einstein.(1)An Americ

20、an artist“drew”it on a plate with some food.He used bread,fresh vegetables,and mashed potatoes.Sometimes,he worked with cookies.His food portraits include Queen Elizabeth from the UK and US actress Marilyn Monroe.He spends up to two hours making each portrait.Many people like these food portraits.(2

21、)Would you like to make one for yourself?That must be a lot of fun.27 28(2020辽宁抚顺辽阳本溪中考真题)阅阅读读下下面面的短的短文文,将将短短文文中中画线画线部部分分的的句子句子译译成中文。成中文。My grandma is an outgoing person.Unluckily,she became ill years ago.She has greatly changed since then.To help my grandma overcome this difficult time,I decided to

22、 teach her to play the guitar and sing in the garden.The small garden was our classroom.1.We both enjoyed the special time that we spent together.We sat in two old bamboo chairs.The sunlight(阳光)spread everywhere,shining bright.Grandma listened to my melody(旋律)carefully and clapped(拍打)her hands to th

23、e beat.She started to gently sing an old song.2.It was the most beautiful melody in the world.It seemed that grandma was getting better at that moment.29 30 04 丹东市丹东市(一)部(一)部分分翻翻译译1(2022辽宁丹东中考真题)既然时间不够了,为什么不早点做计划呢?earlier since there isnt enough time?2(2022辽宁丹东中考真题)香港已回归祖国 25 周年。Hong Kongto our moth

24、erland for 25 years.3(2022辽宁丹东中考真题)孩子们知道父母以他们为骄傲吗?Do the children know that their parents?4(2022辽宁丹东中考真题)李平英语学得和汉语一样好。Li Ping studies EnglishChinese.5(2022辽宁丹东中考真题)无论发生什么,一定要告诉你妈妈实情。to tell your mother the truth,no matter what happens.6(2022辽宁丹东中考真题)如果你需要,我很乐意帮助你。If you need,Ito help you.7(2021辽宁丹东中

25、考真题)将来会有越来越多的新技术使我们的生活更便利。new technologies in the future to make our life more convenient.8(2021辽宁丹东中考真题)我们班的学生不允许玩网游。The students in our classonline games.9(2021辽宁丹东中考真题)我们正在闲逛,这时开始下大雨。when it began to rain heavily.10(2021辽宁丹东中考真题)丹东的山水如此绚丽以至于他立即爱上了这座城市。The mountains and rivers in Dandong were so c

26、olorfulat once.11(2021辽宁丹东中考真题)听!她唱得多美啊!Listen!12(2021辽宁丹东中考真题)我们非常憧憬未来是什么样子的。Were really expecting.13(2020辽宁丹东中考真题)有几个人在门口等你。waiting for you at the door.14(2020辽宁丹东中考真题)昨晚九点你在做什么呢?at nine oclock last night?15(2020辽宁丹东中考真题)他自从来到我们学校就教我们物理。since he came to our school,16(2020辽宁丹东中考真题)格林先生使我们很容易地学习英语。M

27、r.Green made itto learn English.17(2020辽宁丹东中考真题)一个人书读得越多,就会变得越聪明。The more books a person reads,.18(2020辽宁丹东中考真题)昨天雨下得太大了,我们无法在室外打篮球。that we couldnt play basketball outside yesterday.(二)部(二)部分分翻翻译译19(2022辽宁丹东中考真题)到享受美食的时间了。20(2022辽宁丹东中考真题)赵东多么勤劳啊!21(2022辽宁丹东中考真题)李老师是我们学校最受欢迎的老师。22(2022辽宁丹东中考真题)这位勇敢的火

28、车司机感动了许多人。23(2022辽宁丹东中考真题)今天早晨下雨时,你在做什么?24(2021辽宁丹东中考真题)Tina 和 David 工作一样努力吗?25(2021辽宁丹东中考真题)这部电影值得再看一遍。26(2021辽宁丹东中考真题)直到失去健康你才会意识到它的重要性。27(2021辽宁丹东中考真题)他到这儿半小时了。28(2021辽宁丹东中考真题)你是怎样为今天的考试做准备的?29(2020辽宁丹东中考真题)不要扔掉这些旧书。30(2020辽宁丹东中考真题)如果他努力学习,就会通过考试。31(2020辽宁丹东中考真题)你什么时候意识到它是有害的?32(2020辽宁丹东中考真题)这儿明年

29、要建一座新桥。33(2020辽宁丹东中考真题)这把雨伞一定是我妹妹的。(三)语(三)语篇篇翻翻译译(2022辽宁丹东中考真题)阅读下面短文,将短文中划线部分的句子翻译成中文。It is believed that short-sightedness(近视)is caused by screen use,watching TV or reading in weak light.Researchers have found something different.1.They advise children to spend two or three hours playing outside e

30、ach day.It can reduce childrens chance of becoming short-sighted.2.The research shows that sunlight is good for peoples eyes.Playing outside can prevent people from becoming short-sighted.A famous researcher,Ian Morgan said,“Humans are naturallylong-sighted,but when people begin to go to school and

31、spend little or no time outdoors,the number of short-sighted people gets larger.”So be outdoors.It doesnt matter if that time is spent having a picnic or playing sports.34 35(2021辽宁丹东中考真题)阅读下面短文,将短文中划线部分的句子翻译成中文。When the door of happiness closes,another opens,but we often look so long at the closed

32、door that we dont see the one that has been opened for us.1.Giving someone all your love doesnt mean that theyll love you back.Dont expect love in return.Just wait for it to grow in their hearts.Dream what you want to dream,go where you want to go,and be what you want to be.Because you have only one

33、 life.2.And it is the only chance for you to do all you want to do.Dont let anyone steal your dreams.Follow your heart,no matter what happens.36 37(2020辽宁丹东中考真题)One day a lonely girl found two weak birds while she was walking in the woods.She took them home and fed them.One day the girl let the cage

34、s door open.One bird flew out of the cage.1 The girl watched worriedly as it circled high above her.She was afraid that it would fly away.When it was close to her,she caught it wildly.To her surprise,the bird was dead in her hand!Her love for the bird killed it.She opened the cage and flew the other

35、 bird into the air.2 The best way to keep love is to let it fly!The fastest way to lose love is to hold it tight.38 39 05 营口市营口市(一)部(一)部分分翻翻译译1(2022辽宁营口中考真题)你必须在下周五之前上交所有材料。You mustall the materials before next Friday.2(2022辽宁营口中考真题)去太空旅行的梦想总有一天会实现。The dream of travelling into space willone day.3(20

36、22辽宁营口中考真题)无论你何时遇到生词,都可以在字典里查到。Whenever you meet new words,you canthemin a dictionary.4(2022辽宁营口中考真题)采取措施保护濒危动物对我们来说是极其必要的。Its quite necessary for us toto protect the animals in danger.5(2021辽宁营口中考真题)生命中到处充满奇迹。Life ismagic everywhere.6(2021辽宁营口中考真题)歌曲少年告诉人们不要放弃梦想。The song The Youth tells people neve

37、r totheir dreams.7(2021辽宁营口中考真题)政府为贫困地区的学生提供了一些新的计算机设备。The governmentthe students in poor areassome new computer equipment.8(2021辽宁营口中考真题)想想为了挽救抹香鲸,我们能做些什么?Lets think about what we can dosperm whales.9(2020辽宁营口中考真题)她计划创办一家互联网公司。She plans toan Internet company.10(2020辽宁营口中考真题)多亏了你的帮助,我通过了考试。your help

38、,I passed the test.11(2020辽宁营口中考真题)这个男孩刚才从树上跌落下来。The boythe tree just now.12(2020辽宁营口中考真题)许多明信片正在这家商店出售。Many postcards arein this shop.(二)部(二)部分分翻翻译译13(2022辽宁营口中考真题)医生建议 Tony 少吃快餐。14(2022辽宁营口中考真题)努力学习,否则你会落后于他人。15(2022辽宁营口中考真题)昨天我到家时,我的爷爷正在浏览报纸。16(2021辽宁营口中考真题)无论你做什么,你都必须遵守规则。.17(2021辽宁营口中考真题)据说我们将在

39、校园里使用机器人。.18(2021辽宁营口中考真题)青少年应该多与他们的父母沟通交流并被允许自己做决定。.19(2020辽宁营口中考真题)你和你的老师相处得好吗?20(2020辽宁营口中考真题)对于这次旅行,我真是兴奋极了。21(2020辽宁营口中考真题)我相信我们的祖国会越来越强大。(三)语(三)语篇篇翻翻译译(2022辽宁营口中考真题)阅读下面短文,将短文中画线部分的句子翻译成中文。We cannot travel every path.Success must be won along one line.1.I hate a thing done by halves.If it is r

40、ight,do it bravely.If it is wrong,leave it undone.The men of history were not perpetually(无休止地)looking into the mirror to make sure of their own size.When they worked,they paid attention to nothing else and insisted on it.They did it so well that people around the world saw them to be great,and they

41、 called them great men.To live with a high ideal(理想)is a successful life.2.Whatever they do,they always try their best.That makes the man strong.They know that if they do not work with all their efforts,others will overtake(超越)them.3.Success depends less and less on luck and chance.Continuous effort

42、 is the key to success.22 23 24(2021辽宁营口中考真题)阅读下面短文,将短文中画线部分的句子翻译成中文。World Environment Day(WED)falls on June 5 each year.It focuses on improving the environment all over the world.(1)WED is created to get peoples attention to the environment.Also,people are encouraged to express their thoughts about

43、 the environment.People are asked to change attitudes(态度)towards environmental problems.(2)All nations and people can enjoy a safer and more beautiful future by working together.With the development of China,our government is more and more enthusiastic(热衷的)about protecting the environment.(3)The for

44、est of China has already become the first place in the world,about 2 hundred million hectares(公顷).Our lives are greener and greener.25.。26.。27.。(2020辽宁营口中考真题)Many ways to sleepHow do you sleep?Most people sleep on their backs or sides.1.Do animals sleep the same way?Actually the ways they sleep are

45、much more differentthey can lie down,sit or stand while they sleep.Swiss scientists did a study on 250 different animals.They found that the animals sleepingpostures(姿势)had something to do with their body size and weight.The small animal with short legs sleeps on its stomach.Its body shape is perfec

46、t for this posture.It also likes to put its legs under its body.Rabbits and cats sleep this way.But larger animals sleep differently.2.They lie on their sides.Thats because this is more comfortable for their longer legs.Cows often sleep like this.However,there are exceptions(例外).Small animals such a

47、s mice sometimes sit down to take a short sleep.Some large animals such as horses,zebras and giraffes sleep standing up.3.In this way,they can quickly escape if they are in danger.28 29 30 06 阜新市阜新市(一)部(一)部分分翻翻译译1(2022辽宁阜新中考真题)青少年们应该向孙家栋这样的科学家们学习。Teenagers shouldthe scientists like Sun Jiadong.2(202

48、2辽宁阜新中考真题)孩子们最好养成放学到家就做作业的习惯。Kids had betterof doing their homework as soon as they get home from school 3(2021辽宁阜新中考真题)中国共产党于 1921 年 7 月 1 日成立。The Communist Party of Chinaon 1st of July,1921.4(2021辽宁阜新中考真题)他成功地解出了这道数学题。Hethe maths problem.5(2020辽宁阜新中考真题)我为我们国家的成就感到自豪。I_our countrys achievements.6(2

49、020辽宁阜新中考真题)钟南山是我心目中的英雄,因为他是世界上最优秀的医生之 一。Zhong Nanshan is my hero because hethe best doctors in the world.(二)整(二)整句句翻翻译译7(2022辽宁阜新中考真题)李老师总是鼓励我们多读书。8(2022辽宁阜新中考真题)在地震中要远离桥梁和树木。9(2021辽宁阜新中考真题)健康比财富重要。10(2021辽宁阜新中考真题)不要在森林里生火。11(2020辽宁阜新中考真题)我们必须按时到校。12(2020辽宁阜新中考真题)不要把任何食物带到实验室来。(三)语(三)语篇篇翻翻译译(2022辽宁

50、阜新中考真题)阅读下面短文,将短文中画线部分的句子翻译成中文。Learn to relax.Overwork is the main reason why so many students feel tired.1.Cut down some of the jobs you need to do each day so that you only do the most important things well.Leave time for activities that are relaxing and fun.This might mean reading a good book,lis


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