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1、外研版初中英语句子翻译复习初中二年级下册2013.5.29第一模块:爱好 1.为什么托尼的妈妈让他整理他的房间?2.你认为哪种爱好占据的空间最小?3.我有一批玩具娃娃。4.我拉小提请并且一直听音乐。5.什么使你对音乐感兴趣的?6.我经常听他拉小提琴。7.我正在“搜星节目”做采访。8.爱好可以塑造一个人、培养兴趣、有助于学习新的技能。9.2000年夏天,他在夏令营度过了四周。10.结果他成为了一名成功的青年作家。11.我把一些业余时间花在为校队打排球上。12.有时很难记住我们不应该把我们所有的时间花在我们所钟爱的兴趣上。13.他把一本很旧的书送给了他爸爸。14.那哪爱好最受女孩欢迎?Module

2、 1 Hobbies 1.Why does Tonys mum want him to tidy up his room?2.Which hobby do you think takes up the least space?3.I have a collection of dolls.4.I play the violin and listen to music all the time.5.What made you interested in music?6.I often listen to him play the violin.7.Im giving an interview on

3、 Starsearch.8.Hobbies can make you grow as a person,develop your interests and help you learn new skills.9.During the summer of 2000,he spent four weeks on a summer camp.10.As a result,he has become a successful young writer.11.I spend some of my free time playing volleyball for my school team.12.It

4、s sometimes difficult to remember that we shouldnt spend all our time on our favorite hobby.13.He gave a very old book to his father.14.Which hobby is the most popular with girls?第二模块:友谊 15.你能告诉我你来自哪里吗?16.你知道她到了吗?17.我问过你的秘书你是否能来。18.我曾听说你在为你们乐团演奏。19.我知道外国人发现中国和他们自己的国家大不相同。20.我就是来这儿交朋友的。21.我很孤独,害怕和任何人

5、交朋友。22.每次我听到其他同学谈笑,我感到我的心都碎了。23.我不想让我的父母担心我。24.我像平常一样郁闷地坐在桌旁。25.他不能记得对我微笑过。26.我相信你认为世界是什么样子它就是什么样子。27.如果你认为你是孤独的,那么可能总是孤单的。28.对世界笑,它将报你以微笑。29.在中国,在学校里是什么感觉?30.几个月后他们会过来看我。31.没有事情是一成不变的。32.找笔友的一个途径是加入俱乐部。Module 2 Friendship 15.Can you tell me where youre from?16.Do you know if she has arrived?17.I as

6、ked your secretary whether you could come or not.18.Ive heard that you play in your school orchestra.19.I know that foreigners find China very different from their own countries.20.My visit here is all about making friends.21.I was very lonely,and afraid to make friends with anyone.22.Every time I h

7、eard other students talking and laughing,I felt my heart break.23.I didnt want my parents to worry about me.24.I sat at my desk unhappily as usual.25.He couldnt remember smiling at me.26.I believe the world is what you think it is.27.If you think you are lonely,you might always be alone.28.Smile at

8、the world and it will smile back.29.What does it feel like to be at school in China?30.Theyre coming over to visit me in a few months.31.Nothing stays the same all the time.32.One way to find a pen friend is to join a club.第三模块:广播中 33.最新的消息是什么?34.我们感谢你带领我们参观北京广播电台。35.我喜欢带游客参观。36.在北京广播电台每个人都需要说一口流利的英

9、语。37.所以要不断学习,也许某一天你会成为我们中的一员。38.我们决定听什么。39.当我四、五岁的时候,我记得坐在收音机旁。40.好像他们在亲自对我说。41.随着年龄的增长,我对广播的兴趣也在增长。42.我用爸爸的电脑每周一次向听众播放我喜欢的音乐。43.我们准备每周的节目。44.告诉我你早饭吃的什么?45.十六岁时我首次出现在电视上。46.每个人都知道昨天他们获得了一等奖。47.在晴朗的天气里,你喜欢做什么?48.有多少不同种发现最新消息的途径?49.谁决定什么将上“凯特脱口秀”?Module 3 On the radio 33.Whats the latest news?34.Wed l

10、ike to thank you for taking us around Radio Beijing.35.I enjoy showing visitors around.36.On Radio Beijing everyone needs to speak English well.37.So keep studying,and maybe one day you can join us.38.We decide what to listen to.39.When I was about four or five years old,I remember sitting close to

11、the radio.40.It seemed they were speaking to me in person.41.As I grew older,my interest in radio grew.42.Once a week,I played my favorite music from my fathers computer to the listeners.43.We prepared the weekly programme.44.Tell me what you had for breakfast.45.I first appeared on TV at the age of

12、 sixteen.46.Everyone knows that they won the first prize last week.47.What do you like doing in sunny weather?48.How many different ways are there of finding out the latest news?49.Who decides what will be on Kates show?第四模块:新技术 Module 4 New technology 50.If you want to record,press the red button.5

13、1.Why do you save your video on the computer?52.If you want to send your recording by email,connect the recorder to your computer.53.The snake climbed out of the box and hid under the dish.54.I went to try to pick it up and it bit me again.55.I threw it across the kitchen,and it landed in the fridge

14、.56.Doctors couldnt say what was wrong because they didnt know what kind of shake it was.57.If the red light doesnt come on,wait for thirty seconds.58.Follow these instructions for the best results.59.People travelling on holiday can get information about hotels and transport in an Internet Caf.第五模块

15、:疑难问题 60.如果她去一所不同的学校,我将看不到我最好的朋友。61.她的父母已经警告过她的功课。62.如果她与乐团花费太多的时间,他们将惩罚她并把她送到一所不同的学校。63.如果她成为明星,她父母将以她为荣。64.如果我拒绝表演,我们老师将不会选我。65.她父母已警告她不要做什么?66.电脑没在运行,因为有病毒了。67.修好它将会很贵。68.如果你告诉他,他会生你的气,但至少你将证明你有多诚实。69.如果你提议在家里干点活,他将意识到你真的感到抱歉了。70.吃点早饭,否则你在学校会感到饿的。71.如果你的分数在下学期期末更好,你父母就不会那么担心你了。72.他们已警告他工作不努力了。Mod

16、ule 5 Problems 60.If she goes to a different school,I wont see my best friend.61.Her parents have warned her about her school work.62.If she spends too much time with the orchestra,theyll punish her and send her to a different school.63.If she becomes a star,her parents will be proud of her.64.If I

17、refuse to play,our teacher wont choose me.65.What have her parents warned her not to do?66.The computer wasnt working because it had a virus.67.Its going to be expensive to mend it.68.If you tell him the truth,he will be angry with you,but at least youll prove how honest you are.69.If you offer to d

18、o some jobs around the home,hell realize that youre truly sorry.70.Eat some breakfast,or youll get hungry at school.71.If your grades are better at the end of next term,your parents wont worry so much.72.They have warned him about not working hard.复习模块A 73.我正盼望着去看音乐会。74.我记得把钥匙放包里了,但是我现在找不到了。75.我们忘了告

19、诉他们舞会是什么时候,所以他们迟到了。76.我想办法给你发给短信,但我的手机坏了。77.为什么你不尝试记学习日记呢?78.我以前到过这儿,但我不记得见过这家餐馆。79.大家都喜欢参观播音室。Revision module A 73.Im looking forward to going to the concert.74.I remember putting my keys in my bag,but now I cant find them.75.We forgot to tell them when the party was,so they were late.76.I tried to

20、 send you a text message,but my phone wasnt working.77.Why dont you try keeping a study diary?78.Ive been here before,but I dont remember seeing this restaurant.79.Everyone enjoyed visiting the radio studios.第六模块:娱乐 80.他说电影在学生电影院上映。81.他们俩在该片中表演出色,所扮演的角色令人信服。82.它是一部令人愉快的电影,尽管我认为有太多的打斗。83.如果你首映没看见,我建议

21、你现在马上去看。84.观众正在鼓掌欢呼。85.有大量的食物和饮料,所以没人饿。86.但是除此之外,它是一部好电影。87.这档节目里有许多知名演员。88.她和世界上她最喜欢的演员就面对面。89.来公园里看演唱会。你真地会过得很开心。Module 6 Entertainment 80.He said it was on at the student cinema.81.They both act well in this film,and make their characters believable.82.Its an enjoyable film,although in my opinion

22、 theres too much fighting.83.If you didnt see it when it first came out,I advise you to go and see it now.84.The audience is clapping and cheering.85.Theres plenty of food and drink,so no one is hungry.86.But except for that,its an excellent film.87.There were many famous actors on the programme.88.

23、She was face to face with her favourite actor in the world.89.Come to the concert in the park.Youll really enjoy yourselves.第七模块:休闲时光 90.她问是否我正练习得太多。91.另一个人建议在北海公园做什么?92.我几乎不能听到街上的车辆声。93.我甚至能听到鸟鸣。94.今天空气非常清新,因此在高处我们将看到整个公园。95.她问我什么事。96.你告诉她实情了吗?97.最后一次有人冲你喊是什么时候?98.她告诉我休息、不久就会痊愈。99.我告诉她不要担心。100.我们正在

24、和她的叔叔在湖南度假。101.昨晚我们在一个小湖边宿营。102.我听到了一个很大的声响,好像有人在大笑。103.那个女人求她丈夫不要把孩子们单独留下。104.大部分游客喜欢绕湖漫步或者爬山。Module 7 Time off 90.She asked if I was practising too much.91.What does the other person suggest doing in Beihai Park?92.I can hardly hear the traffic in the streets.93.I can even hear the birds singing.9

25、4.The air is very clear today,so well see the whole park from up there.95.She asked me what was the matter.96.Did you tell her the truth?97.When was the last time someone shouted at you?98.She told me to rest and get better soon.99.I told her not to worry.100.Were spending some time off with her unc

26、le in Hunan Province.101.Last night we camped by a small lake.102.I heard a loud noise,as if someone was laughing.103.The woman asked her husband not to leave the children alone.104.Most visitors enjoy walking around the lakes or climbing up into the mountains.第八模块:公共假日 105.那是新学年开始前的最后一天。106.什么时候大部分

27、人去度假?107.你有“五.一”的计划吗?108.当我们和他们玩的时候,我们正计划在青岛消磨几天。109.我们将在这儿一直呆到5月5日。110.这是距“五.一”最近的周一,我们只有一天假。111.让我们在返校之前痛痛快快地玩吧。112.我要少花些时间玩电子游戏。113.列完目录,他们向家人或朋友宣读,承诺遵循他们的决定。114.虽然我喜欢糖果,但是我将尽量吃健康食物。115.虽然去年我疏于功课,但是今年我将努力学习。Module 8 Public holidays 105.Its the last day before the new school year begins.106.When d

28、o most people take a vacation?107.Do you have any plans for the May Day holiday?108.While were playing with them,were going to spend a few days in Qingdao.109.Well stay there until 5th May.110.Its the closest Monday to 1st May,and we only have one day off.111.Lets enjoy ourselves until we go back to

29、 school.112.I wont spend so much time playing video games.113.When they have made their list,they read it to their family or friends and promise to follow their resolutions.114.Although I love sweets,I will try to eat healthy food.115.Last year I was very lazy with my schoolwork,but this year I will

30、 work harder.第九模块:英雄人物 116.她缺席了最后的排练以便凯利能够独自演奏这首乐曲。117.萨利独自演奏时通常感觉如何?118.她非常勇敢。119.她们站起来,因为他们俩将一起演奏。120.凯利知道萨利为什么缺席了最后的排练,因此她请求老师改写了最后那支舞曲,这样就可以两个人演奏了。121.他献身于帮助中国人民。122.他不停歇地努力工作。123.他连续做了69个小时的手术。124.他继续工作不顾手术中割破了手。125.最后,由于他没有停下来处理一下手,他牺牲了。126.他与中国战士的一起工作使得他在中国成为一名英雄。127.在第一次世界大战中,她到前线护理受伤的士兵。128

31、.那里几乎没有医生,所以她必须非常努力地工作。129.她努力工作为了使医院清洁、避免士兵死亡。Module 9 Heroes 116.She missed the final practice so that Kylie could play this piece of music on her own.117.How does Sally usually feel about playing on her own?118.It was very brave of her.119.Theyre standing up because theyre both going to play.120.

32、Kylie knew why Sally missed the final practice,so she asked their teacher to rewrite the final dance music so that two people could play it.121.He gave his life to helping the Chinese people.122.He worked very hard without stopping to rest.123.He performed operations for 69 hours without stopping.12

33、4.He continued working in spite of cutting his hand during an operation.125.In the end,he died because he did not stop to take care of his hand.126.His work with the Chinese soldiers made him a hero in China.127.She went to the front to look after injured soldiers in the First World War.128.There we

34、re few doctors so she had to work very hard.129.She worked hard to make the hospital clean and stop soldiers dying.第十模块:我的完美假日 130.-我想和你去。-我也想去。131.我会去伦敦,然后坐火车去巴黎。132.我会害怕飞机会出故障。133.你可以乘船或火车,尽管耗时很长,你得必须立刻返回。134.你的航班正在登机。135.保持联系。136.生活会像你的父母在身边一样容易吗?137.这位14岁的女孩说她对烹饪知之甚少。138.我可以用柿子鸡蛋汤果腹。(我可以用柿子鸡蛋汤填补

35、我的碌碌饥肠。)139.我们不愿意了解如何照顾自己。140.他们直到上大学才学习生活技能。141.他认为许多青少年过分依赖父母,要学习的远不止是烹饪,比如正确着装。142.对大部分青少年来说,那根本不是假期。143.你去机场给他们送行。Module 10 My perfect holiday 130.-Id like to go with you.-So would I.131.Id go to London,and then Id take the train to Paris.132.Id be afraid that something would go wrong with the p

36、lane.133.You could go by boat or by train,although it would take so long that youd need to come back immediately.134.Your flight is boarding.135.Stay in touch.136.Would life be as easy as when your parents are around?137.The 14-year-old girl says that she knows little about cooking.138.I can fill an

37、 empty stomach with tomato and egg soup.139.We wouldnt know how to look after ourselves.140.They dont learn any life skills until they go to college.141.In his opinion,many teenagers depend too much on their parents,and there is much more to learn than cooking,like dressing yourself properly.142.For

38、 most teenagers it wouldnt be a holiday at all.143.You go to the airport and see them off.复习模块B 144.她说她害怕坐飞机。145.在她参观中国的时候她学了汉语。146.我如此地生气,以至于一天没和他说话。147.当我们决定了主题,我们就开始写作。148.仔细听以便于你会知道做什么。149.我们一到家就会让你知道。150.尽管萨利和玲玲还没见过面,她们已经彼此了解了。151.如果吉姆和朋友们把他带回英国,他同意和他们分享那些金子。152.当他们返回英国,吉姆决定再也不去寻找黄金了。Revision m

39、odule B 144.She said that she was afraid of flying.145.She learnt some Chinese while she was visiting China.146.I was so angry that I didnt speak to him all day.147.When weve decided on topics,we start writing.148.Listen carefully so that youll know what to do.149.Well let you know as soon as we get

40、 home.150.Although Sally and Lingling havent met yet,they already know each other.151.He agrees to share the gold with Jim and his friends if they take him back to England.152.When they get back to England,Jim decides never to go looking for gold again.153.I want to climb to the top of the hill.2019POWERPOINTSUCCESS2022-12-272019THANK YOUSUCCESS2022-12-27


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