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1、Unit 9 My Favorite TV Show My favorite kind of TV show is cartoon because I like TV shows which can cheer me up and relax my mind.I prefer the cartoons that have funny stories.My favorite cartoon is Tom and Jerry which is about the cute mouse and the cat.The mouse that always beats the cat is really

2、 cute!And the cat that always wants to catch the mouse is so stupid.They fight a lot,but they really love each other.Sometimes they protect each other and work together.I love it because it makes me laugh when I watch them.Laughing for an hour is a good way to relax.I think it is not only funny but

3、also there is a lesson there.It reminds me of the days of childhood.After watching it,Im filled with energy again.Whatever you do,dont miss the cartoon.It is really worth watching.Topic:music and movies写作任务:围绕这一话题就个人或他人的喜好展开讨论,如喜好什么样的音乐、歌手或者电影。文章结构首段文章结构首段:开篇点题中心段开篇点题中心段:介绍喜好尾段介绍喜好尾段:总结感受总结感受(描述原因描述

4、原因)首段:开篇点题研究表明.对某人的情绪有着.的影响:Research has shown that.has a/an.effect/influence on ones mood你最喜欢.样的电影/音乐:What kind of music/movie do you like best?我最喜欢的.的./我对.感到疯狂:My favourite.is./Im craze about.是我最喜欢的.之一:.is one of my favourite.更喜欢.(引用定语从句):Prefer.which/that.中心段:介绍喜好,表原因表原因:because/since/due to/than

5、ks to./because of./owing to./The reason why.is that.原因:(On the one hand,on the other hand.)容易理解:easy to understand让我感觉更好:Makes me feel better从.学习到很多:Learn a lot about.from.让某人做某事/.:Make sb do sth/adj.一种更好的.方式:A better way to do.让我想起.的日子:Remind sb of the days of.充斥着(能量/快乐):Be filled with.(energy/happ

6、iness)鼓舞某人;Cheer sb up放松头脑:Relax ones mind尾段:总结感受(描述原因)做某事(很)开心:Have(a lot of)fun/a great time doing sth继续做某事:Continue to do sth无论你做什么,都不要错过:Whatever you do,dont miss.(非常)值得做某事:Be(well)worth doingUnit 10Dear Tom,You must be excited about coming to China soon.Let me give you some suggestions about Ch

7、inese customs.In China,there are indeed some table manners.For example,you are supposed to help lay out the dishes before meals.Another example is that you are not supposed tostart eating first if there are older people at the table.And also,its impolite to stick your chopsticks into the food.Beside

8、s,you shouldnt point at anyone with your chopsticks.As for places of interest,I suggest Hangzhou National Tea Museum,where you can watch tea art performances and drink wonderful tea.Have a good trip,and I look forward to meeting you soon!Best wishes,Li Ming Topic:customs写作任务:介绍自己国家的风俗习惯或者对比不同国家的风俗习惯

9、等文章结构首段;介绍写信来意,引出风俗习惯中心段:介绍中国的餐桌礼仪/风俗习惯(名胜古迹)尾段:表达愿望首段;介绍写信来意,引出风俗习惯原因状语从句中国是一个拥有悠久历史和丰富文化的国家:China is a country with a long history and rich culture对.感到兴奋/感兴趣:Be keen on/be excited about/be interested in乐意做某事【告诉/介绍/分享】:Be willing to do sth【tell something about it/share some.with sb/introduce】过渡句In

10、China,there are indeed some table manners.让我给你一些关于中国传统习俗的建议/让我介绍一些中国的餐桌礼仪给你Let me give you some advice/suggestions on Chinese customs/introduce our Chinese table manners to you过渡句In China,there are indeed some table manners.让我给你一些关于中国传统习俗的建议/让我介绍一些中国的餐桌礼仪给你我给你一些关于中国传统习俗的建议/让我介绍一些中国的餐桌礼仪给你中心段:介绍中国的餐桌

11、礼仪/风俗习惯(名胜古迹)转接话题:你应该做的有.There are something you are supposed to do like.像你提到的,确实有很多的餐桌礼仪/习俗,如.As you are mentioned,there are many table manners/customs/.indeed.至于.(让我跟你讲一些特殊的)As for.(let me tell you some special ones)当提到.时When it comes to.套用句型:套用句型:做.是一个好主意:Its a good idea to.你应该/不应该.:You should/sh

12、ouldnt.你最好.:Youd better do.做.是礼貌的/不礼貌的:Its polite/impolite to do.Its also thought to be impolite/polite to.应该做.:Be supposed to do sth/should do sth不被允许做某事:Be(not)allowed to do sth做.不是一个明智的选择:Its not a wise choice to do.记得去做某事:Remember to do.风俗习惯:1.如果有年长者在桌上,我们应该让他们先吃:if there are olds at the table,w

13、e should let them eat first2.你不应该敲空碗,发出噪音:you are not supposed to make a noise by hitting an empty bowl.3.你不被允许把筷子戳到饭里面:you are not allowed to stick your chopsticks in rice.4.嘴里塞满东西讲话是愚蠢的一种选择,是不礼貌的:It is not a wise choice to speak with a full mouth,which is impolite5.第一次见面的时候中国人要握手:Chinese shake han

14、ds when we meet for the first time6.用筷子指着别人是不礼貌的:Its not polite to point chopsticks at others7.当你去朋友的家里时,你应该先敲门。直到主人说进来,你才可以可以进来。When you go to your friends house,you should knock at the door.You are not supposed to come in until the host says“come in”.1.在拜访朋友之前记得打电话:remember to call your friend in

15、advance before you visit home2.你应该准时到达主人的家里:You are supposed to arrive at the hosts home on time3.在晚饭开始前要一直礼貌等待:Wait politely before dinner4.当拜访朋友时,我们孩子应该礼貌地问候朋友的父母:When visiting friends,we children are supposed to greet our friends parents politely5.当我的父母拜访朋友时候,他们通常要带一些水果和其他的物品:When my parents visi

16、t their friends,they usually take some fruit or other things to them.餐桌礼仪(可以适当地加一些理由):1.带一个礼物,比如一些花朵、一些水果:bring a gift with you,such as some flowers,fruit2.当你吃饭时,把筷子戳到食物里是不礼貌的:When you eat,its impolite to stick your chopsticks into the food3.你应该让年纪大的人先吃(展示尊重):You are supposed to let the older people

17、 start eating first(reason:show respect)5.当咀嚼的时候嘴巴要闭上,否则你会被认为很粗鲁:Keep your mouth closed while chewing or you will be considered rudely6.如果吃完饭了,不要忘记请求许可早点离开:If you finish your meal,dont forget to ask for permission to leave early7.穿过桌子去拿食物是不礼貌的:Its impolite to reach across the table to get food8.不要说饭

18、不好吃,总是对为你准备晚饭的人感恩:Dont say the food taste bad,always be thankful for the one who prepare meal for you9.当一家人在桌上时,我们孩子不应该先吃饭,尤其是周边有亲戚的时候:When a family are at table,we children are not supposed to begin the meal first,especially when relatives are around.10.没有人应该塞满东西讲话:(其中一个原因,看起来不是很好的,另外一方面,人们不一定能在这种情

19、况下听得清楚:No one is supposed to speak with a full mouth.(for one reason,it may not look nice,for another,people cant hear you clearly in that way)11.在吃饭前帮助把餐具摆好:help lay out the dishes before meals尾段:表达愿望如果你来到中国,你可以学到更多中国礼仪:If you come to China,you can learn more about Chinese manners.我希望我的建议能对你有帮助:I h

20、ope my suggestion will be helpful.我确定你会很开心做.:Im sure you will have a good time doing.如你所见,当呆在一个特定的国家或者城市时遵循一定的礼仪是非常重要的:As you can see,its very important for sb to follow certain customs when staying in a specific country or city希望我们能够从互相的来信中学到更多:Hope we can learn more from letters from each other期待收

21、到你的来信:Looking forward to receiving your letter.遵循餐桌礼仪是重要的,但是不要忘记吃饭的真谛是享受和同伴在一起的时光:Following the table manners is important,but dont forget the truth of having meals is enjoying them.Unit 11An Unforgettable ExperienceTwo years ago,we had to move to a new town because of my fathers new job in another

22、town.That made me sad and worried.The day after we moved to a new house,my parents took me to my new school.I felt really upset.Mr.Lin,my new head teacher,told me to introduce myself.Speaking in front of my new classmates made me want to run away.However,the smiles on their faces encouraged me.After

23、 that,they offered to make friends with me and they helped me a lot.What they did made me moved.Thanks to their help,I got used to the life in the new place quickly.Topic:feelings写作任务:谈论身边的人或事给自己带来的情感变化。写此类文章时,可以通过描述一件具体的事情来表达自己的感受,也可以描写生活或学习中的烦恼和焦虑。首段:开篇点题我很开心分享那些让我开心/难忘的经历:Im happy to share sth th

24、at made me happy/unforgettable/.中心段:具体经历决定做某事:Decide to do sth增强体魄:Build ones bodies 尾段:感受不仅:而且Not only.but also.好词好句摘抄:Desire to do sthConcentrate on.Enable sb to do sthTurn out to be betterExperience pleasureBesides/moreover/whats moreIts a great/wonderful chance to know about.Have a better understanding for.Feel the enjoyable atmosphere and the specific spirit from sthHave a talent for./be talented in.


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