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1、1达达州州市市普普通通高高中中 2023 届届第第一一次次诊诊断断性性测测试试英英语语试试题题第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后;你将有两分钟的时间将卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共 5 小题:每小题 1.5分,满分 7.5分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt?A.19.15.B.9.15C.9.18.答案是 B.1.What do

2、es the man find difficult in learning English?A.Pronunciation.B.Grammar.C.Spelling.2.How does the man find taking the cable lift?A.Dangerous.B.Exciting.C.Boring.3.Why does the woman go to the bank?A.To visit a friend.B.To take a survey.C.To open an account.4.What are the speakers mainly talking abou

3、t?A.Time travel.B.Historical events.C.Future plans.5.Who told Marie about the accident?A.Tom.B.Lucy.C.The man.第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 22.5分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。第 6 段材料,回答第 6至 7题。6.What is the relatio

4、nship between the speakers?A.Colleagues.B.Old schoolmates.C.Brother and sister.27.What does Claire do?A.A doctor.B.A lawyer.C.A bank clerk.听第 7 段材料,回答第 8至 9题。8.What is the womans opinion about online learning?A.She likes it.B.She has doubts.C.She is uninterested in it.9.What concerns the man most ab

5、out online courses?A.The variety.B.The price.C.The convenience.听第 8 段材料,回答第 10至 12题。10.Why does the woman give up getting her car fixed?A.It is beyond repair.B.She has to spend n lot fixing it.C.Her grandfather will buy her a new one.11.What does the woman think about going to school by bus?A.Costly

6、.B.Convenient.C.Cheap.12.What does the man support the woman to do?A.Buy a cheap car.B.Meet him at the bus stop.C.Cycle with him to school.听第 9 段材料,回答第 13至 16题。13.Where are the spankers probably?A.In a car.B.In a lift.C.In an office.14.How soon will the man be interviewed?A.In 10 minutes.B.In 15 min

7、utes.C.In 30 minutes.15.Why does the woman want to get the job?A.She likes the working time.B.She likes working in downtown.C.She likes going to work by subway.16.What will the woman do next?A.Answer the phone.B.Talk more with the man.C.Visit some shops nearby.听第 10 段材料,回答第 17至 20题。17.What was Joann

8、es job as a teenager?A.A writer.B.An artist.C.A model.18.When did Joanne get married?A.In 1930.B.In 1948.C.In 1996.19.What happened to Joanne in 2006?3A.She lost her husband.B.She published a book.C.She won her case in court.20.Where did Joanne settle down with her family?A.In California.B.In Florid

9、a.C.In Ohio.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40分)第一节(共 15 小题:每小题 2分,满分 30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AART COURSESDiscover PaintingTutor:liker Cinereal5-10 Jan.,335There is an introduction to using acrylics(丙烯颜料),a diverse and lively medium thatmoves at your pace.Learn to mix colors effectively with fun an

10、d different approaches on a variety ofsurfaces.Ideal for total beginners,this course will give you the tips and tools you need to get started.It also responds to the local scenery as well as still life in the studio.Painting Flowers in OilsTutor:Gary Long14-17 Jan.,415Following in the footsteps of t

11、utor Gary Long and starting with the subject that has attractedartists for centuries:a combination of seasonal and foreign flowers,this course equips you with apractical approach to painting flowers in oils.Elemental OceanTutor:Amy Albright20-21 Jan.,265Use oils and acrylics to express the constantl

12、y changing moods and colors of the Atlantic Ocean,just outside our window.Learn layering(分层)techniques that produce depth and emotion inyour paintings.Explore how you can convey the elemental nature of the sea with its constantlychanging moods and colors.Life DrawingTutor:Steve Dove1-5 Jan.,5004Life

13、 drawing is a classic,traditional skill and these drawing classes are ideal for those wantingto learn and improve.We build some samples for beginners who would like to just have a go.Different tutors bring their own style of teaching and we have both male and female models.21.How much will a couple

14、pay if they take a three-day art course?A.335 pounds.B.415 pounds.C.670 pounds.D.830 pounds22.What will a student probably learn with oils and acrylics?A.To mix colors effectively.B.To draw the local scenery.C.To draw the changing moods of a person.D.To draw the constantly changing ocean waves.23.Wh

15、ich course will a beginner choose if he wants to draw human figures?A.Life Drawing.B.Elemental Ocean.C.Discover Painting.D.Painting Flowers in Oils.BTyson Steele,30,was rescued after living o hard life for 23 days by Alaska State Troopers athis remote farmhouse approximately 70 miles outside of Skwe

16、ntna-miles and miles from the nearestroad system.I have been living alone there for several months.One day the roof of my cabin caught fireafter I burned a big piece of cardboard in my stove.I managed to take out a handful of suppliesfrom my burning cabin but most of my possessions didnt make it.My

17、phone was dead with no wayto charge it.Steele said to police later.After his cabin was burned to ruins,Steele was trapped in the snow.I just climbed into thatdark cave and slept,he said.I slept for a really long time.And it was warm,at least warmer thanthe outside.His next goal was to build a shelte

18、r that was a little more comfortable.He collected atarp(防水布)and some waste wood to build a tent-like shelter around the stove that had onceheated his cabin.Tyson Steele recalled,Once I got the second shelter built,I kept a fire in the stove constantly.And I basically used that to heat up my food.It

19、was not about keeping the shelter warm,because itbasically just took that edge off.The bucket which was only a couple feet away from this fireplacefroze at night.That gave me an idea.It was by no means a comfortable place.I could still see mybreath,but at least l wasnt suffering.Alaska State Trooper

20、s said when the 30-year-old was discovered,he was conveyed byhelicopter to the Alaska State Troopers Aircraft Section Hangar at Lake Hood.Rescuers set him up5with a shower and fulfilled his request for a McDonalds Combo Meal#2:Steele told police hisplans,for now,were to go to Salt Lake City to be wi

21、th his family.24.Why was Steele trapped for 23 days?A.He lived alone and fell ill.B.He was lost in the large forest.C.He couldnt get in touch with the outside.D.He was burned so seriously as not to move.25.What was Tyson Steeles first shelter?A.A snow cave.B.A sleeping bag.C.A wooden cabin.D.A comfo

22、rtable tarp tent.26.What does the underlined phrase took that edge off in Paragraph 4 mean?A.Kept Steele from coldness.B.Reduced the coldness slightly.C.Burned the wood around the stove.D.Made Tyson Steele feel colder in the tent.27.What is the text mainly about?A.Saving Steele.B.Steeles adventure.C

23、.Steeles snowfield suffering.D.How Steele survived the snowfield.CYou may have seen one of those crazy contests on YouTube or at a fair where peoplecompete to cat as many hot peppers as possible.For example.in May 2017 a competitive caternamed LA Beast set in Guinness World Record for eating 13 ghos

24、t peppers in two minutes.The ghost pepper,as you may not know,is one of the hottest peppers in the world and each hasa Scoville hotness index of 1 million.But it isnt even the hottest that honor officially belonged to theCarolina Reaper with a Scoville hotness index of 2.2 million,defeating a pepper

25、 called the TrinidadScorpion.Then in 2017,a new pepper came along,known as Pepper X,whose Scoville hotnessindex is about 3.7 million.The Guinness World Records has not yet confirmed that Pepper X is nowthe hottest pepper.Why are peppers getting hotter and holler?To know the answer,it is necessary to

26、 ask Ed Curriewho is responsible for developing Pepper X.For the public,hot sauce is a spice,Currie says.6“People develop a greater tolerance of the hotter sauces,and some adventurers see extreme eatingas a challenge.Some sportsmen regard eating super-hot peppers as an extreme sport.Peppers help you

27、r body release materials which will bring you a great sense of happiness,soyou like them more.They can help people face medical challenges,like overcoming addiction,which is why Currie went after peppers.Among those who like eating peppers,it is less likely forthem to have diseases such as heart dis

28、case and cancer.Eating hotter peppers can improve sleep,keep blood healthy,increase appetite and so on.Now researchers in several countries are looking foruseful materials in peppers that might even help fight obesity(肥胖症).28:What is the authors purpose in writing Paragraph 1?A.To introduce the ghos

29、t peppers.B.To show that they are very funny.C.To lead to the topic to be talked about.D.To tell us LA Beast set a world record.29.Which is probably the hottest pepper according to the text?A.Pepper X.B.Ghost peppers.C.Carolina Reaper.D.Trinidad Scorpion.30.Why are peppers being developed hotter and

30、 hotter in Curries opinion?A.To get higher profits.B.To meet some peoples needs.C.To provide a medical treatment.D.To make cuisines more delicious.31.What does the last paragraph center on?A.The future of peppers.B.The knowledge of peppers.C.The advantages.of peppers.D.The development of peppers.DTh

31、e Cat Boat is basically a shelter for cats.but what makes it special is that the rescued cats alllive aboard.Although it wasnt intended initially to be a tourist attraction,the Cat Boat regularlyreceives about 4,500 visitors a year,most of whom are tourists who just happen to be missing theirown cat

32、s while on vacation.7The Cat Boat dates back to 1966,when a kind woman named Henriette took pity on stray(走失的)litle cats and allowed them to stay at her own home.Henriette soon became well-known inthe neighbourhood for her kindnesses:people would regularly drop off rescued cats at her doorstepand sh

33、e would never turn one away.This went on for just about two years,after which Henriettesimply didnt have enough room to house more cats.So she came up with a great solution-she putthem all on an unused houseboat on the nearby Herengracht canal.The rescue boat served as a safe shelter for stray and w

34、ild eats in Amsterdam for decades,withHenriette caring for them until her death in 2005.It is now run with the help of a very small staff andjust a few local volunteers.You can pet some cats,but dont try to pick them up.To help visitors identify the cats,the staffhave drawings of“Dangerous posted al

35、l over the boat.Of course they are not really dangerous,one staff member,Judith,added.You just have to leave them alone.People always like to pet a cat,but often that isnt what the cat wants.Visiting the Cat Boat is free of charge,but most tourists want to make generous donations whenthey know that

36、it doesnt receive government support.Cat lovers from across the world also makeonline donations to help support this boats permanent residents.About 10 years ago we did applyfor funding,but they turned us down,Judith said.“From that moment on weve gone our own way.And we do like the feeling of being

37、 independent.No strings attached:32.Why does the author mention Henriette in Paragraph 2?A.To show her pity on cats.B.To show the origins of the Cat Boat.C.To show the popularity of the Cat Boat.D.To show her influence in the local neighbourhood.33.What can we learn from Judiths words in Paragraph 4

38、?B.It is difficult to adopt a cat.C.Cats on the boat are harmful to people.D.Visitors shouldnt touch the cats in the shelter.34.What plays a part in keeping the run of the cat boat?A.Admission fees.B.Online donations.C.Funds from an organization.D.Financial supports from the government.35.Which can

39、be a suitable title for the text?8A.A Free Tourist AttractionB.A Woman Helping Homeless CatsC.A Charity for Stray and Wild CatsD.A Floating Shelter for Cats第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2分,满分 10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。how to Feel Better When Youre LonelyThere are a lot of things that can cause y

40、ou to feel lonely.Maybe youve moved away from yourfriends and family.Or maybe you just are in a social slump(低谷)_36_,loneliness can makeyou feel really blue.Fortunately.there are many steps you can take to feel better when you are lonely.Call a friendThe phone is a great way to keep in touch.Maybe y

41、ou have moved away from some of yourfriends and are looking for a way to connect _37_.Preform a random act of kindness_38_.You can actually feel less alone by connecting with a perfect stranger.Volunteer andyoull definitely be able to feel like part of a community.Learn to enjoy your own companySome

42、times being lonely isnt a bad thing._39_.Take some steps to learn to be your ownfriend.Try going to a movie by yourself.Youll likely find that its nice to be able to pick the movie,and you wont have to share your popcorn.Ignore social mediaSometimes social media can make you feel even more lonely.Ma

43、ny people experience fear ofmissing out.This can be increased when you see pictures of your friends doing something fun.So,youd better not look through Facebook or Instagram when you are feeling lonely.Instead,you cango out and do something._40 _.or drop in on a friend for a long chat.A.Take a walk

44、aroundB.Whatever the reason isC.If you stay indoors all day longD.Play online games within half an hourE.Dont be afraid to dial their numbers regularlyF.You dont have to reach out to someone you know9G.It can give you a reason to reflect and get to know yourself better第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45分)第一节 完形填空

45、(共 20 小题:每题 1.5 分,满分 30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Some people are type A personalities.I must be type AA.like the batteries:I never run outof_41_.My live sibling(兄妹)and I used to spend most weekends sweeping warehouses and._42_ shipping boxen at Dads company.By high school we

46、wero filled with a senseof_43_becuuse we could work fourteen-hour days.During the summer we did yard work until _44_fell,and then wed turn on outdoor_45 _toplay kickball.Years later,when we spoke on the _46_,we never asked How are you?but Whatare you doing?After I started _47_Matt,I would stop by hi

47、s apartment and often find him_48_ on his sofa.And Id ask what he was doing.Just sitting here,hed reply.Feeling _49_.Id continue to ask:Yes,but what are you doing?Hed_50_ he was just sitting there.This happened so many times that he became _51_:Why do I always have to be doingsomething?he asked._52_

48、,he declared he would no longer_53_ the question.Matt and I_54_ while I was buried in a challenging PhD program.I often _55_ six to sevendays a week.A few months into our marriage we adopted two kittens(小猫).One Saturday Mattwas out,and I fell _56 _while studying,the kittens sleeping on my chest.I_57

49、_,to Matt staring at me,an affectionate smile on his face.Panicked,I searched for a(n)_58 _.The kittens were having _59_slecping,so I lay down with them.Matt_60_.Its OK,he said,Youre allowed to take a nap(打吨)”41.A.foodB.orderC.controlD.energy42.A.markingB.packingC.rollingD.counting43.A.prideB.relief



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