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1、This template is exclusively designed by Fei er creative,and copyrights belong to Bao tuThis template is exclusively designed by Fei er creativeand copyrights belong to Bao tu01.什么是传销This template is exclusively designed by Fei er creative,and copyrights belong to Bao tu03.传销的特征This template is excl

2、usively designed by Fei er creative,and copyrights belong to Bao tu02.传销案例解析This template is exclusively designed by Fei er creative,and copyrights belong to Bao tu04.如何防范传销This template is exclusively designed by Fei er creative,and copyrights belong to Bao tuThis template is exclusively designed b

3、y Fei er creative,and copyrights belong to Bao tuThis template is exclusively designed by Fei er creativeand copyrights belong to Bao tu传销产生于二战后的美国,于20世纪80年代传入中国大陆。传销一词,在不同的中文地区有着不同的含义。在香港和台湾,泛指所有合法直销,不论其是单层次直销还是多层次直销。在中国大陆,传销一词的官方定义目前是多层次直销和层压式推销的合称,属于一种经济犯罪行为。This template is exclusively designed

4、by Fei er creative,and copyrights belong to Bao tuThis template is exclusively designed by Fei er creativeand copyrights belong to Bao tul 多层次直销是一种透过人传人的方式来达成销售的市场策略。公司一般以会员制的方式,通过推介新用户成为会员,以直接或间接发展人员的销售业绩为依据计算报酬。l 层压式推销参与者通过介绍其他人加入而赚取佣金,这些佣金正来自新会员的入会费,如此类推,一层压一层。This template is exclusively designe

5、d by Fei er creative,and copyrights belong to Bao tuThis template is exclusively designed by Fei er creativeand copyrights belong to Bao tu国务院禁止传销条例中对传销的界定如下:第二条本条例所称传销,是指组织者或者经营者发展人员,通过对被发展人员以其直接或者间接发展的人员数量或者销售业绩为依据计算和给付报酬,或者要求被发展人员以交纳一定费用为条件取得加入资格等方式牟取非法利益,扰乱经济秩序,影响社会稳定的行为。This template is exclusi

6、vely designed by Fei er creative,and copyrights belong to Bao tuThis template is exclusively designed by Fei er creativeand copyrights belong to Bao tu(一)组织者或者经营者通过发展人员,要求被发展人员发展其他人员加入,对发展的人员以其直接或者间接滚动发展的人员数量为依据计算和给付报酬(包括物质奖励和其他经济利益,下同),牟取非法利益的;(二)组织者或者经营者通过发展人员,要求被发展人员交纳费用或者以认购商品等方式变相交纳费用,取得加入或者发展其

7、他人员加入的资格,牟取非法利益的;(三)组织者或者经营者通过发展人员,要求被发展人员发展其他人员加入,形成上下线关系,并以下线的销售业绩为依据计算和给付上线报酬,牟取非法利益的。第七条下列行为,属于传销行为:This template is exclusively designed by Fei er creative,and copyrights belong to Bao tuThis template is exclusively designed by Fei er creativeand copyrights belong to Bao tu没收非法所得罚款200万元五年以上有期徒刑

8、This template is exclusively designed by Fei er creative,and copyrights belong to Bao tuThis template is exclusively designed by Fei er creativeand copyrights belong to Bao tuThis template is exclusively designed by Fei er creative,and copyrights belong to Bao tuThis template is exclusively designed

9、 by Fei er creativeand copyrights belong to Bao tu扰乱市场经济秩序 侵害多个法律客体 传销和变相传销违法活动往往伴随着偷税漏税、制假售假、走私贩私、非法集资、非法买卖外汇等大量违法行为,不仅违反国家禁止传销和变相传销的规定,还违反了税收、消费者保护、市场秩序管理、金融、外汇管理等多个法律规定。01This template is exclusively designed by Fei er creative,and copyrights belong to Bao tuThis template is exclusively designed

10、by Fei er creativeand copyrights belong to Bao tu给参入者及其家庭造成伤害传销和变相传销给参与者造成经济损失的同时,给其参入者的家庭造成经济、精神等巨大伤害02This template is exclusively designed by Fei er creative,and copyrights belong to Bao tuThis template is exclusively designed by Fei er creativeand copyrights belong to Bao tu对社会道德、诚信体系造成巨大破坏 由于传销

11、人员发展对象多为亲属、朋友、同学、同乡、战友,其不择手段的欺诈方法,导致人们之间信任度严重下降,引发亲友反目,父子相向,甚至家破人亡,严重的将影响到人的生命安全。03This template is exclusively designed by Fei er creative,and copyrights belong to Bao tuThis template is exclusively designed by Fei er creativeand copyrights belong to Bao tu引发刑事犯罪,给社会稳定带来危害传销造成绝大多数参加者血本无归,一些人员流落异地,生

12、活悲惨,甚至轻生自杀;还有一部分人员参与偷盗、抢劫、械斗、强奸、卖淫、聚众闹事等违法行为,给人民生命财产安全和社会稳定造成严重侵害。04This template is exclusively designed by Fei er creative,and copyrights belong to Bao tuThis template is exclusively designed by Fei er creativeand copyrights belong to Bao tu衢州吾老七公司传销案20XX年8月,肖、徐、冯三人共同投资设立了吾老七日用品公司,以所谓的“业务提成方案”(又称“

13、A计划”)及“购物返利方案”(又称“B计划”),实则为传销方式开展传销活动,其宣称购买公司999元产品,即可成为“商务代表”,获取发展人员资格,发展会员可获取“购物红利”、“旅游基金”等奖励。至案发,该公司在浙江、江苏、北京、上海四省市共发展会员4000余人,公司经营数额累计达5733万余元。法院判决:肖有期徒刑7年,并处罚金306.5万元;徐有期徒刑3年,缓刑4年,并处罚金300万元;冯有期徒刑二年,缓刑三年,并处罚金265万元。没收非法所得1910余万元及“伊兰特”、“克莱斯勒”轿车等物品。This template is exclusively designed by Fei er cr

14、eative,and copyrights belong to Bao tuThis template is exclusively designed by Fei er creativeand copyrights belong to Bao tuThis template is exclusively designed by Fei er creative,and copyrights belong to Bao tuThis template is exclusively designed by Fei er creativeand copyrights belong to Bao tu

15、1.组 织 架 构这是一般传销组织的的典型架构。各种具体的传销组织的数据或有不同,但架构大同小异初级业务员发展10个下线,待遇不低于3500元中级业务员发展下线60个,待遇为17万元高级业务员 发展320个下线,待遇为112万元This template is exclusively designed by Fei er creative,and copyrights belong to Bao tuThis template is exclusively designed by Fei er creativeand copyrights belong to Bao tu2.拓 展 手 段l

16、发展新人:对象主要为“五同四友”同学、同宗、同事、同乡、同行,朋友、战友、室友、酒友。l 新人接待:热情、周到。的谈感情,谈事业,绝不谈传销。l 培训洗脑:组织培训学习,训练演讲口才,营造“磨砺意志”假象。l 思想工作:营造感恩态势;实施“三捧”,即捧公司、捧上线、捧公司理念。This template is exclusively designed by Fei er creative,and copyrights belong to Bao tuThis template is exclusively designed by Fei er creativeand copyrights be

17、long to Bao tu3.洗 脑 伎 俩精心筛选邀约新朋友发展下线被称为邀约新朋友。信奉二八法则,邀约10人,走8人,只要有2人跟着做就算成功煽情授课初步洗脑通过封闭培训,所谓成功人士的经验分享,描绘光辉前景,短期内可获得高额回报,点燃新人投入非法传销的狂热欲望课后沟通灌输所谓成功学吹嘘自己是一个改变人的行业,是一所没有围墙的大学。组织充满激情和希望,场面壮观的演讲。让新人感觉找到了自己的人生舞台人帮人大打温情牌传销组织利用世风日下、人与人之间日渐冷漠的现象,大打温情牌,鼓吹他们是一个人帮人的行业This template is exclusively designed by Fei e

18、r creative,and copyrights belong to Bao tuThis template is exclusively designed by Fei er creativeand copyrights belong to Bao tu精心筛选邀约新朋友发展下线被称为邀约新朋友。信奉二八法则,邀约10人,走8人,只要有2人跟着做就算成功4.辨 别 方 法有无入门费有无可依托优质产品产品是否在市场上流通有无退货保证制度利润是否来源于组织拓展有无店铺经营有高额入门费无优质产品产品未在市场流通无退货保证收入来源于人头没有店铺一般传销活动都会具备其中的一个或几个甚至是全部特征。T

19、his template is exclusively designed by Fei er creative,and copyrights belong to Bao tuThis template is exclusively designed by Fei er creativeand copyrights belong to Bao tuThis template is exclusively designed by Fei er creative,and copyrights belong to Bao tuThis template is exclusively designed

20、by Fei er creativeand copyrights belong to Bao tu拒绝非法传销组织的种种诱因,如对毕业生提供条件优越,高薪的工作;不要轻信亲朋好友,同学的邀请;克服急功近利,一夜暴富的不正确观念,要树立正确的世界观、人生观。This template is exclusively designed by Fei er creative,and copyrights belong to Bao tuThis template is exclusively designed by Fei er creativeand copyrights belong to Bao

21、 tu如果被骗到外地,到达当地后朋友绝口不谈工作、生意,而是带你游山玩水、熟悉环境,所谓放松;要看你的身份证、借打你的手机时,你察觉到情况不对,就一定要机智、冷静应对,在确保自身安全的情况下设法逃脱。学生误入传销陷阱时,应该怎么办?This template is exclusively designed by Fei er creative,and copyrights belong to Bao tuThis template is exclusively designed by Fei er creativeand copyrights belong to Bao tuu 一旦陷入圈套,

22、要保持理智,自己保管身份证和钱财,并与传销分子斗智斗勇u 要记住传销组织的活动规律和传销窝点的具体位置,想方设法与家人取得联系u 利用外出上课、上街购物、吃饭等机会逃离魔窟,向社区的门卫、保安、村干部和周围群众求救,或拨打110或12315,向公安、工商机关举报、求救u 千万不要做出跳楼、自残等傻事This template is exclusively designed by Fei er creative,and copyrights belong to Bao tuThis template is exclusively designed by Fei er creativeand co

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