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1、广东省中山市2022-2023学年上学期九年级期末英语复习专题二、语法选择(本大题共10小题,每小题1 分,共10分) Almost every Saturday morning, Molly pulls a table into her front yard. On the table she lays out some vegetables in season, such 1 carrots and tomatoes. They are all from her garden and free for her neighbors to _2_. “Its just lovely, like

2、 you walk by and get a beautiful gift around the corner,” said a neighbor. Molly started doing this in the summer of 2020. Earlier that year, a fire broke out in her house. Mollys family had a hard 3 . “People in the community came to _4_. They brought us food and often called to make sure we were d

3、oing fine. I was deeply_5_,” Molly said. Then the pandemic(疫情) came. Molly and her family had much time to _6_ in their garden. They decided to _7_what they grew in their garden. No one knew about it at first. But _8_, people got into the habit of coming around. They would stop by and leave with som

4、e vegetables. Molly s yard became a _9_place. One thing Molly has learned from this experience is that people have to work together when days are _10_ . She is glad that love has spread in this community. 1. A . on B . in C . as D . for2. A . look at B . take away C . give up D . throw away3. A . ti

5、me B . class C . office D . team 4. A . cry B . see C . help D . rest 5. A . moved B . interested C . tired D . bored 6. A . play B . work C . sleep D . dance 7. A . eat B . sell C . share D . cook 8. A . sadly B . slowly C . badly D . carefully 9. A . clean B . small C . terrible D . popular 10. A

6、. difficult B . sunny C . short D . cool三、完形填空(本大题共10小题,每小题1 分,共10分)My dad knew everything. This was our relationship: I asked him questions and he told me the _11_. In my teen years, he _12_ me things I needed to know about how to survive (生存) in the real world. _13_ I moved out on my own, I called

7、 him at least once a week. Usually if something broke in my apartment, he would tell me how to _14_ it.But then, I needed him less. I got married, and my husband had most of the knowledge I lacked (缺乏). So I _15_ turned to my dad for help. I dont know when it happened, but we communicated less and l

8、ess. I wondered at times if maybe he had already shared everything I needed to know. Maybe, after knowing a man for 40 years, theres _16_ left to say.Then, this past summer, my husband, our four kids, and I moved in with my parents for three weeks while our house was being renovated (翻新). We _17_ wo

9、nderful time together.A few weeks later, after my family and I moved back, I called my parents. Dad answered. “Hi, daughter,” he said. “Heres Mom.” “Wait, Dad.” I said. “How are you?” We kept _18_ the project he was working on. Nothing life-changing happened.To anyone else, it would sound like a nor

10、mal conversation between a dad and his _19_. But to me, it was a(n) _20_ beginning. I wanted my dad to know that I still needed him as much as ever.11AresultsBreasonsCplansDanswers12AtaughtBlentCpushedDpulled13AIfBUnlessCWhenDUntil14AfixBbuyCholdDuse15AeverBseldomCusuallyDalways16AanythingBsomething

11、CeverythingDnothing17AforgotBspentCchangedDcost18Athinking aboutBtalking aboutClaughing atDpointing at19AsonBmotherCdaughterDbrother20AnewBoldCbadDcommon四、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的选项中,选出一个最佳答案,并将答案填在对应的答题卡上。A.Womens Day is an international holiday to celebrate womens achievements.In th

12、e old days, women didnt have the same rights as men.They had no rights to go to school or even get a job.Now, as the days go by, women play a more and more important part in our society.So, every year we have more and more activities to celebrate this day.On Womens Day, in China, all the women will

13、have a halfday off.They can have a rest and do anything they are interested in, such as shopping, eating out, taking a trip and so on.As for the men, they not only work for a whole day, but also come up with some ideas to make their women happy.For example, buying gifts they are longing for , taking

14、 them somewhere they are looking forward to and so on.So the women want to have more holidays like Womens Day.As a result, many female(女性的) college students created a new festival called Girls Day, which is celebrated on March 7 every year.In China, “women” is related to the married women.Since the

15、female students havent got married and they do not want to give up the opportunity(机会) to be “queens”, they created Girls Day.On Girls Day, universities hold many activities for their female students, such as a makeup competition, a handmake competition, a dancing competition and so on.()21.Accordin

16、g to the passage, women couldnt _ in the old days in China.Acook meals Bsee the plays Cdo housework Dgo to school()22.The women in China now _ on Womens Day.Ahave a halfday off Bstill work for a whole dayCcant eat out with friends Dcan take a trip with their husband()23.The underlined part “are long

17、ing for” means _.Adont want Breally want Chate very much Ddont have()24.From the passage we know that _.AGirls Day is on March 8 Buniversities hold activities for teachers on Girls DayCmen dont buy some gifts for their women Dmen and women have the same rights now()25.Whats the best title of this pa

18、ssage?AThe Activities on Womens Day BThe International Holiday Womens DayCWomens Day in China DThe Development of Womens DayBIn the film Forrest Gump, theres a famous saying, “Life is like a box of chocolate. You never know what youre going to get.” Its the same with blind boxes.Each of these small

19、boxes includes one of many toy figures(人物) in a series. The buyer doesnt know which figure they will get until they open the box. The birth of blind boxes can be back to lucky bags sold in Japan from the late 1860s. In recent years, it becomes big business in China.During the Double 11 Shopping Day,

20、 Pop Mart, a leading blind box company in China, sold 55,000 Labubu dolls on Tmall in just 9 seconds, according to a Tmall report.One reason for their popularity is the beautiful appearance of the figures inside the boxes. Theyre like mini cartoon characters. They can be placed anywhere in your home

21、 as a decoration. But another, perhaps more important reason why people like them is the fun of being surprised.“The most interesting thing about blind boxes is the gap between what you expect and what you get,” said Wen Xi, a blind box collector from Beijing. The excitement of getting the exact fig

22、ure you want is like winning a lottery(彩票)While the boxes are certainly enjoyable to some, others worry that children might spend too much money on these toys. The blind box market makes full use of gambling psychology(赌博心理). Its not a good idea for young people to look for the excitement brought by

23、 uncertainty and higher risks, which leads to impulse buying(冲动消费)26. The numbers in Paragraph 3 tell us that A. people can buy blind boxes onlineB. blind boxes are popular in ChinaC. Pop Mart is a big blind box companyD. Labubu dolls are only sold on “Double 11”27. What is the most important reason

24、 for the blind boxes popularity?A. The fun of surprise.B. They can be put anywhere.C. The lovely look of the figures.D. Theyre like small cartoon characters.28. What does the underlined word “gap” in Paragraph 4 mean?A. Race.B. Connection. C. Difference.D. Choice.29. What can we learn from the last

25、paragraph?A. Its good for people to buy blind boxes to have fun.B. Young people always buy blind boxes on a sudden impulse.C. Many young people spend most of their money on blind boxes.D. Blind boxes attract buyers with peoples gambling psychology.30. What is the passage mainly about?A. The history

26、of blind boxes.B. The pleasure of buying blind boxes.C. Some information about blind boxes.D. The disadvantages of buying blind boxes.C配对阅读。 左栏是五个人的介绍,右栏是七则资讯。请将这五个人与他们需要的资讯配对。31. Louis likes to try something new. However, he also easily loses his interest and gives up.32. To lose weight, Linda has

27、spent lots of time doing exercise every day. She is advised to pay more attention to what she eats.33. Peter is saving money for his college. And he wants an app to help him know how much he spends and makes daily.A. It is not good to get too little or too much sleep. Sleep Cycle helps your body get

28、 the best rest by watching your sleeping patterns and waking you up when it senses that it is the best time.B. With Mint, you can track(追踪) all the money you make and spend. All you have to do is key(输入) in your bank accounts information and leave the rest to the app.C. With Todoist, you can create

29、any list, like shopping lists, to do lists, all your daily tasks, either by the day or the week, and so on. Whenever the activity comes close, the app will remind you.D. Streaks Workout is a training app for anyone. No matter how much time you have for your daily training, it will offer you good cho

30、ices to build your fitness habits.34. Alex will go traveling with some of his friends. But as an organizer, he has to find a way to take care of everything about their trips.35. Jenny is a businesswoman and a mother of two children. She has to do lots of things and really needs an app to remind her.

31、五、短文填空(本大题共10小题,每小题1.5分,共15分)阅读下面短文,根据上下文,补充所缺信息,每个空格只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。Zhang Guimei is the head teacher of Huaping High School for Girls in Lijiang,Yunnan. 35._ was given the honor of “Role Model of the Times”on Dec.10th,2020 because ofherwork on education.Her moving stories inspire(激励)thousands 36

32、._ people in China.About 20 years ago,on the 37._ to a students home,Zhang Guimei saw a girl sitting on the road.The 13-year-old girl told Zhang she couldnt go to school anymore 38._ she was about to marry,which surprised Zhang so much.Zhang went to 39. _ girls home and tried to ask her parents to l

33、et the girl return to school.She even promised to 40._ the tuition fees(学费)for the girl,so they neednt spend any money. 41._ ,they still didnt agree.Zhang felt sorry because she wasnt 42._ to help, “We always say,each child should stand on the same starting line,but these 43._ couldnt get a chance t

34、o school.”So Zhang built a free school only for girls.Over the years,Zhang has walked thousands of kilometers to visitstudentsfamilies in the mountains, asking the villagers to send the girlsback to school. So far, 44._ than 1800 girls have studied in college, and it isregarded as a miracle(奇迹)in Ch

35、ina.六、读写综合(本大题分为A、B两部分,共25分)A. 回答问题(共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)请阅读下面这篇短文,根据所提供的信息,回答下列问题。There are many stories about bats (蝙蝠). People in Europe once feared bats. They feared them maybe because they looked scary. Or maybe it was because they only came out at night. But people in Persia and China werent afraid

36、 of bats. To them, bats meant good luck, long life and happiness.People used to think that bats were birds. Today we know that bats are mammals (哺乳动物). They are the only mammals that fly. Like all mammals, bats are warm-blooded. They feed their babies milk. Bats live all over the world, except where

37、 it is very cold. Most bats live near the equator (赤道).There are over 900 kinds of bats. Both the largest and the smallest bats live in Asia. The largest bat is the flying fox. It weighs about two pounds. The smallest bat weighs less than 2g. Most bats are just big enough to fit into your hand.Most

38、bats eat insects. In fact, they eat millions of insects a year. This makes them very helpful to humans. Some bats eat fish, birds, frogs and small mammals. Some eat fruit and drink nectar (花蜜). These bats often carry their food to their homes. Along the way they drop seeds. This helps spread plants

39、to new areas.The vampire bat (吸血蝠) is perhaps the most famous bat, but it doesnt attack (攻击) people. It drinks the blood of some animals. This bat is found only in Mexico and Central and South America.根据材料内容简要回答下列问题。45. What did bats mean to people in Persia?46. Where do most bats live?47. How much

40、does the largest bat weigh?48. Why are bats helpful to humans?49. What does the vampire bat feed on?B. 书面表达。(共15分)假如你是李华,你的加拿大笔友Carla给你发来一封电子邮件(内容如下),请你根据邮件内容回复她。Dear Li Hua,How are you doing? In your last e-mail, you said you had changed a lot in your life and study since you started junior high school. People sure change. Could you please tell me what changes you have had and how you have changed? Whats more, are you happy with these changes?Looking forward to your reply.Yours,Carla要求:1.语言表达要准确,语意要通顺、连贯;2.词数不少于100,电子邮件的格式、开头及结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。Dear Carla, _ _ _Best wishes!Yours,Li Hua8


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