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1、英语上手练习. 听力测试第一节 (每小题1.5分,共9分) 听一遍。根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答语,并把答题卡对应题目的答案标号涂黑。1. A. How do you do?B. Good morning.C. Im OK.2. A. Its June 14th.B. Its Friday.C. It is sunny.3. A. He likes pandas.B. He is outgoing.C. He is like a friend.4. A. Of course not.B. Sounds good.C. OK, no problem.5. A. Im

2、Peter.B. Just a minute.C. Ill call him later.6. A. That sounds good.B. Thats OK.C. Great, thanks.第二节 (每小题1.5分,共9分) 听一遍。根据你所听到的对话和问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡对应题目的答案标号涂黑。7. A. He has a toothache.B. He broke his leg.C. He has a cold.8. A. 40.B. 22.C. 18.9. A. Coffee.B. Coca Cola.C. Water.10. A. 8:05.B.

3、8:15.C. 8:20.11. A. For about 7 years.B. For about 10 years.C. For about 14 years.12. A. In a park.B. In an office.C. At home. 单项选择 (每小题1分,共10分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。1. Thank you for giving me such _ useful suggestion. It helps me a lot.A. anB. aC. theD. /2When did he leave for Shanghai?_ the

4、 morning of March 3.A. OnB. AtC. InD. For3. How do you like Chongqing Grand Hotel? Wonderful! Im especially satisfied with the high _ of its service.A. priceB. praiseC. levelD. risk4. Hurry up, kids! The school bus _ for us!A. waitsB. is waitingC. waitedD. was waiting5. Students can not only learn f

5、rom their teachers but also learn by _ during online courses.A. theyB. themC. theirD. themselves6. My parents always tell me _ any chances because it can help me grow up.A. missB. to missC. not to missD. not missing7. _ taking exercise is important, youd better not exercise too close to bedtime.A. T

6、houghB. AsC. IfD. Unless8. A great deal of energy _ if we can follow the rules of 3R-Reduce, Reuse, Recycle in our daily life.A. will saveB. has savedC. are savedD. will be saved9. Do you know Wuhan University welcomed doctors and nurses to enjoy the flowers?Yes, it was one of _ moments during this

7、spring.A. excitingB. more excitingC. the more excitingD. the most exciting10. Sir, could you tell me _?Rome was not built in a day. You should try to give it enough chances to become strong.A. what could I do to have a good memoryB. what I can do to have a good memoryC. why I should have a good memo

8、ryD. how I could do to have a good memory. 完形填空 (每小题1.5分,共15分) 根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案。“Where has Trevor gone?” asked Dad.Trevor was my brother. He was older and bigger than I was but acted much _11_.“I dont know.” I answered. I was busy choosing the perfect gift for Dads birthday. Thi

9、s year Dad wanted _12_ that couldnt be bought at a store.“Daddy!” Trevor appeared, holding a candy box. He said there was a dragon inside. Trevor turned the box upside down. Suddenly, his voice kept getting louder. “No dragon! Just a picture on the box!” “No toy dragon.” Then I wrote down the words

10、on the box. But in fact, my big brother had trouble _13_.What Trevor said swept away my worry for Dads gift. I came up with an idea, _14_ when I shared it with Trevor, he shook his head. “Lets make a deal,” I said, “Well try only for ten days.” Hearing this, he _15_.The first day was the most diffic

11、ult. Trevor didnt want to read or write anything. Then I began to ask him _16_ he felt about not finding a dragon in the box. He slowly opened his mouth. That was a start! Each day after that, Trevor told more of his dragon story, and I typed it into the computer. We _17_ reading aloud in my room so

12、 many times that he got ready for the performance at last.Time flew and it was Dads Birthday. Trevor invited Dad and me to sit in the couch (长沙发) . He stood ahead of us a few feet away with _18_. I sat closer to Dad and said. “This is a surprise from both of us!” “Wow!” Dad already sounded excited.“

13、My Dragon Friend. Written by Trevor Johnson” I could notice how _19_ he read. After finishing it, Trevor began to laugh when we couldnt stop clapping hands. Dad took off his glasses and wiped (擦) them on his shirt.“That is the most _20_ birthday gift ever!” Dad said, hugging us tightly (紧紧地). I real

14、ized, in Trevors world, that was more than just a start.11. A. youngerB. clevererC. livelierD. stronger12. A. nothingB. anythingC. somethingD. everything13. A. spellingB. readingC. listeningD. speaking14. A. soB. orC. butD. because15. A. criedB. shoutedC. refusedD. nodded16. A. whyB. howC. whatD. wh

15、en17. A. practicedB. imaginedC. forgotD. considered18. A. pityB. fearC. patienceD. confidence19. A. slowlyB. clearlyC. quietlyD. politely20. A. valuableB. usefulC. popularD. expensive. 阅读理解。 (每小题2分,共24分) CA retired United States soldier named Terry MeGlade, who had served in Iraq and Afghanistan, sa

16、ys his dog Major is a hero. He is specially trained to sense when McGlade is about to have a seizure (突然发作) , to get his phone and dial 911 for help.One day, McGlade suddently collapsed and hit the floor, Major was able to get to McGladles phone, and more or less bite on the phone which was speciall

17、y set up so that when several buttons are pressed at the same time, it went into emergency call mode (紧急呼叫模式) , and dialed 911.Five minutes later, Major managed to dial 911. Quite clearly, Major was using his leg and also stepping on the screen to get the phone to dial for help. He never barked or a

18、nything.After Major was sure someone would be on their way to help, he then made his way out to the front of the house to wait. About twenty minutes later, when the police and ambulance arrived, he led them into the house and right to MeGlade, still in danger.“I may be in serious trouble without his

19、 calling,” McGlade said. McGlade was taken to the hospital, where he was kept overnight for medical care, but thanks to his best friend, and now hero of the day, Major. He is feeling much better, and will get well soon with little risk of lasting damage from this special accident.When asked how they

20、 understood it was a call for help, the operator (接线员) said they could hear what sounded like a confused (困惑的) man in the background, and did get quite doubtful after quite a few calls from McGlades cell phone kept coming in, so they took action right away to save McGladle according to the location.

21、21. What does the underlined word “collapsed” in paragraph 2 probably mean?A. sleptB. fellC. criedD. ran22. How did Major manage to make the phone go into emergency call mode?A. By seeking somebody else nearby for help.B. By sending a text message to the 91l operator.C. By keeping barking at the oth

22、er side of the phone.D. By biting and stepping on the buttons of the phone.23. What do we know about the accident?A. The ambulance came five minutes after the call from McGlade.BOperators in the 91I center were confused by Majors calls.C. Major guided the doctor directly to where McGlade lay.D. McGl

23、ade has completely got well after McGlade saved him.24. The passage is written in the order of _.AspaceB. timeC. personsD. feelingsDA short cooking video posted by a netizen (网民) on TikTok has recently become a popular hit on the website. With the tag (标签) “Chinese food”, the video not only showed o

24、ff the chefs excellent skills in making Chinese dishes, but it also got netizens abroad wanting to get a taste of Chinas unique food culture.In addition to praising the chef, netizens wondered why such a simple Chinese dish could look like a fancy cuisine (菜肴) . “Even the most basic Chinese dish nee

25、ds to have three elements: color, smell and taste. For example, color not only requires a chef to have sharp eyes, but also valuable experience,” said Wang, an experienced Chinese chef in Guangzhou.It is not the only type covered by the tag. Other popular videos under the tag include “strange food”

26、challenges, traditional Chinese dishes and Chinese snack tasting which has become particularly popular among the young vloggers (视频博主) around the world.“I have been a fan of Chinese food ever since my Chinese friend cooked me di san xian at university. I was surprised by the dishs taste and its look

27、, which was very different from my home food, but felt it was very familiar to me because I noticed we share similar cooking skills,” said Bianca, an Italian Asian food fan.“I started my channel by recording my roommate tasting my cooking. These videos get likes and comments gradually. Seeing some p

28、eople commenting in German or English and saying I want to try it, _25_. So Im sure that they can make a difference to cultural communication.” said Mr. Bear, a vlogger on Bilibili.25. The underlined word “It” in Paragraph 3 refers to “_”.A. colorB. valuable experienceC. Chinese foodD. basic Chinese

29、 dish26. Bianca finds Chinese food is _.A. common and dearB. special and familiarC. strange and deliciousD. similar and disconnected27. Which of the following sentences can be put in the _?A. I feel these videos can shorten the gap between the two cultures.B. I hope more and more fans can taste the

30、delicious food I cooked.C. my roommates encourage me to cook Chinese food.D. I made a decision to become an excellent Chinese chef.28. This passage mainly wants to tell us that _.A. advanced technology plays a great part in modern society.B. online videos can make young people around the world famou

31、s.C. Chinese cooking has become popular among young vloggers.D. master-level Chinese dishes are attracting more foreign fans.EEveryone knows that peoples life has greatly changed during the pandemic (疫情) COVID-19. Besides, pets life has changed and its been a roller coaster ride (过山车) for pets. What

32、 has happened to the pets during the pandemic?In fact, we regularly see some types of cases that make pets hurt, but we see a sudden increase of them during the pandemic. Comparing with pre-pandemic times, the number of pet poisonings (中毒) has more than doubled since pre-pandemic.Because of the sudd

33、en outbreak of the pandemic, pets families are at home the whole day. Sometimes, while people get fascinated with cleaning and baking, which keeps themselves having fun, curious dogs and cats end up getting hurt by these new habits.The increase in the number of pet poisonings is as well as the incre

34、ase in these new time-killing habits. This is likely due to several factors including pets getting into more things at home simply because their people are doing more things at home.Although many pet owners look for eco-friendly cleaning products to keep their pets safe, there is a 92% increase in p

35、et poisonings from cleaning products. Also, all the chocolate still remains our number one toxin (毒质) , at least for dogs. “Pets are like kids. They like to get chances to eat something left around the house,” Bruce, a biologist from Yale University says. “Also, dont underestimate (低估) how good thei

36、r noses are and how high they can jump! They are experts at smelling food on a table and then finding a way to get close to it.” Bruce says.We are surprised to see how rapidly each of those listed increased. Bruce suggests that pet owners think about protecting their pets in the same way that people

37、 protect their children in order to keep dogs and cats from getting into things that can hurt them.Besides using eco-friendly cleaning products, there are other things you can do to keep your pets safe at home, the pandemic or not. And if you think that your pet has had something potentially (潜在的) d

38、angerous, reach out to your veterinarian (兽医) or the helpline quickly. In potential poisoning cases, Bruce points out, time is the key.29. There are reasons for a sudden increase of pet poisonings during the pandemic except _.A. peoples habitsB. eco-friendly cleaning productsC. the changes of people

39、s life styleD. chocolate30. According to paragraph 5, we can infer that _.A. Pets can easily get close to the food at home.B. Dogs and cats are usually under their owners control.C. Protecting pets is more difficult than protecting kids at home.D. Eco-friendly cleaning products sells well during the

40、 pandemic.31. The structure of the passage may be _.A. /B. /C. /D. /32. What would be the best title for the passage?A. Pets need more love and care.B. Pet poisonings increase at home.C. A survey on pets during the pandemic.D. Peoples fascinations with housework. 任务型阅读。 (53-55题,每小题2分,56题3分,共9分) 阅读下文

41、并回答问题。The moment that Jiang Mengnan received the award of Touching China for 2021, she said she most wanted to express thanks to her parents.Born in 1992 in Hunan Province, Jiangs world has been silent since she was 6 months old, after she took the wrong medicine which was harmful to her hearing. So

42、, Jiangs parents began to teach her to learn lip reading (唇语) so that she could study in a normal school rather than a Special Education school. Things were not easy but they succeeded finally.With her parents help, she learned to put her hands on her parents throats when they talked. It was a slow

43、and hard task, but she never gave up. Learning a single word required her to practice at least 1,000 times, and different people having different ways of speaking added difficulties to her school and social life when it came to lip reading. However, she made it and completed the task which seemed im

44、possible. Through lip reading and self-study, Jiang learned to speak and she was able to keep up with learning and was accepted by Jilin University with a high score of 615. In 2018, she was accepted as a PhD candidate (博士学位预科生) at Tsinghua Universitys School of Life Sciences.More importantly, she h

45、elped inspire (激励) disabled children in many places to fight for success. Because of her hearing loss, she couldnt be a doctor. Instead, she chose pharmacy (药剂) to help reduce peoples pain. Another thing she made up her mind to do was teaching children like her not to lose hopes because of their dis

46、ability. Jiang often visited special education schools and met with students. She told them to do their best to achieve goals like so-called healthy persons.She believes that people with disabilities have no need to feel discouraged, as they can do the same or even better than non-disabled people ar

47、ound them. When God closes a door, he opens a window, and this girl believes that all challenges are gifts.33. Has Jiang Mengnans world been silent since she was six months old?_34. When was she accepted as a PhD candidate at Tsinghua Universitys School of Life Sciences?_35. Why could she receive the award of Touching China for 2021?_36. If you are faced with a big challenge but


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