福建省福建师范大学附属 2022-2023学年高三上学期第二次月考英语试题.docx

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1、福建师大附中2022-2023学年景行级第二次月考英语试卷时间:120分钟满分:150分第卷(共69分)第一部分:听力(共20小题;每小题1分,共20分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Which door does the woman want to make wider?A. The one to the outside.B. The one to the dining room.C. T

2、he one to the family room.2. Who might Christine be?A. Maxs teacher. B. Maxs sister. C. Maxs mom.3. What does the woman think about the scenery?A. Dull. B. Exciting. C. Changeable.4. Where was the sound coming from?A. A phone. B. A TV. C. A computer.5. What does the woman say about the new dress?A.

3、Its color is not her favorite.B. It goes well with her handbag.C. Its a bit wide around the waist.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. Why did the man buy Coca-Cola?A. For drinking. B. For watering plants. C. For cleaning metal.7. How will the man clean the dishes?A. With mustard. B. With water o

4、nly. C. With some orange stuff.听第7段材料,回答第8至第10题。8. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. An event they are attending.B. Things they bought yesterday.C The movie they will watch tonight.9. How will the woman get to Lauras house?A. She will take a taxi.B. She will go there by bus.C. She will a

5、sk her mom to drive her there.10. What will the speakers do after dinner?A. Go to the mall. B. Go to an appointment. C. Watch a DVD.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. What does the man think about buying foreign brands?A. Nothing can beat an iPhone.B Its better to support local companies.C. Foreign companies make

6、 better products.12. Which brand does the woman like best?A. Lenovo. B. Samsung. C. Apple.13. What kind of job does the man want to do?A. Phone salesman. B. Software engineer. C. University professor.听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。14. Where is the woman now?A. At home. B. At the airport. C. In the office.15. What

7、 time does the plane leave?A. At 5: 00 p. m. B. At 6: 00 p. m. C. At 8: 00 p. m.16. Why is the man flying to Paris?A. To visit his grandpa. B. To do some business. C. To celebrate a birthday.17. What is the woman mainly worried about?A. How she will ask for leave.B. Who will take care of their son.C

8、. When she will meet the Swifts.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18. How is the news being broadcast?A. Over the Internet. B. Over the radio. C. On TV.19. Which city is the weather report mainly about?A. Hong Kong. B. Shanghai. C. Guangzhou.20. When will the heavy rains move north?A. In May. B. In July. C. In Augu

9、st.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,共34分)第一节(共12小题;每小题2分,共24分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AIm a talker. Im into debating, gossiping and teasing. I solve problems by talking them through. This works perfectly well when I have people to talk to. Under lockdown, however, Ive only had my partner, Peter.

10、We not only lived, worked and traveled together, we socialized together, too. Under the first UK lockdown, our constant closeness began to feel uncomfortable.For the first time in our 10 years together, we needed to be alone. I tried to manufacture this by going on walks on my own, but a short walk

11、in the local park wasnt doing the job. I considered my options and hit upon an idea: the semi-solo hike. Could we do a circular hike but walk in different directions? This would give us the space and peace of a solo hike. It felt like a promising compromise, so I told him about it. He thought it was

12、 thoroughly silly but agreed to give it a try.We started with a four-mile loop(环形)from Reeth. At the start, we parted ways. At first, I was aware of how close we were, which lessened the appeal. Walking alone offers freedom and alone time, but here I was with my boyfriend nearby. As I gained ground,

13、 however, I found myself very much alone. I set my own pace, and I decided to take my time.I sat on a rock and breathed out. That moment-with the weak sun through the clouds and the breeze blowing across makeshift(临时的)pools-felt extraordinary to me. I was born and raised in London and had never imag

14、ined leaving until I met an outdoorsman(野外活动爱好者). Now, my former life as a city girl felt crazy. Realizing what I had gained, I felt the tension leave me. There, in the chilly air, I no longer needed to talk. The semi-solo hike gave us a shared experience with added room to breathe. I didnt see Pete

15、r en route(在途中)but reunited back where we started, both of us sheepish(难为情的)but pleased. The semi-solo hike is admittedly silly in theory, but for me it has been a lifeline. It has given me the gift of time alone and, in a year of constant closeness, the joy of reuniting.1. Why did the author decide

16、 to do a semi-solo hike?A. To get rid of the lockdown.B. To find some individual space.C. To meet more people to socialize.D. To seek the pleasure of reuniting2. How did the author feel at the beginning of the hike?A. Curious.B. Thrilled.C. Unsatisfied.D. Relaxed.3. What can be inferred from the las

17、t paragraph?A. Interest is the best teacher.B. Exercise helps increase confidence.C. Living in the city limits our imagination.D. An appropriate distance creates happiness.4. What is the best title for the text?A. Hiking togetherB. Spending time apartC. Taking exercise aloneD. Reuniting with my part

18、nerBJeremy from America cannot understand why a lady he met outside the Hyde Park in London said, “Ooh, isnt it cold?”, and he thinks of this behaviour as a distinctively English concern about the weather. In fact, the female was just trying to strike up a conversation with Jeremy. Not necessarily a

19、 long conversation just an exchange of greetings. It is not always quite that obvious, but all English weather conversations have a distinctive structure conducted according to unwritten but accepted rules.The unpredictable nature of our weather ensures that there is always something new to comment

20、on, or perhaps most importantly, agree about. We have already established that weather-speak greetings like “Cold, isnt it?” require the response expressing agreement, as in “Yes, isnt it?” .It would be very rude to respond with “No, actually its quite mild.” or “Its pretty hot to me.” If you delibe

21、rately break the rule, you will find that the atmosphere becomes rather tense and awkward. There may be an uncomfortable silence. Most likely, they will either change the subject or continue talking about the weather among themselves politely, if coldly, ignoring your faux pas.There is, however, one

22、 situation in which English weather-speakers are not required to observe the agreement rule at all and that is the male-bonding argument, particularly the pub-argument. In the special environment of the pub, constant disagreement not just on the weather, but on everything else as well is a means of

23、expressing friendship.While we may spend much of our time complaining about our weather, foreigners are not allowed to criticize it. Indeed, this brings us to the weather as family rule. In this respect, we treat the English weather like a member of our family: one can complain about the behavior of

24、 ones own children or parents, but any blame from an outsider is unacceptable. The weather may be one of the few things about which the English are still unconsciously and unashamedly patriotic (爱国的).5. Why did the lady comment on the weather to Jeremy?A. To build up friendship.B. To begin a casual

25、chat.C. To send seasonal greetings.D. To express dissatisfaction.6. What does the underlined phrase “faux pas” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?A. Improper response.B. Careless attitude.C. Rude interruption.D. Frequent complaint.7. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?A. Male bonding in pubs.B. Argument abo

26、ut weather.C. Exception to the agreement rule.D. Making friends by disagreement.8. What is the best title for this text?A. Politeness Tips for ForeignersB. Accepted Rules in Social LifeC. English Politeness in Weather ConversationD. Hidden Rules of English Weather ConversationCLast year scientists r

27、eported using a neural implant (神经植入物) in a mans brain to restore his ability to communicate. The man has been partially paralyzed and unable to produce comprehensible speech since suffering a severe stroke. It is the latest advance in the exploding field of brain-computer interfaces (接口), or BCIs,

28、which allow computers to read information out of a living brain.Brain-computer interfaces are possible because of two facts. The first is that your brain contains hundreds of tiny maps. Each represents specific features of your physical feelings and intended actions. And crucially, the basic set of

29、brain maps and their locations within the brain are very similar across individuals.Thanks to their specialized functions and universal locations, brain maps are ideal entry points for BCI technologies. Picking up signals from a brain map is only the first step in making a useful BCI. Although the l

30、ocation of a brain map is the same across individuals, the details what patterns of activity within the map mean differ from person to person. In a sense, the unique features of your specific brain maps serve as a kind of encryption (加密), safeguarding your specific thoughts and feelings from would-b

31、e spies.That brings us to the second fact that makes BCIs possible. Thanks to advances in machine learning, scientists have developed programs that can learn to recognize key patterns in a vast sea of numbers. They train these programs to decode (解码) brain signals by feeding them tons of examples. R

32、esearchers developing BCIs often create such examples by instructing an individual to think specific thoughts at specific times, creating a neural curriculum for the program to learn from.While the universal features and locations of brain maps make them obvious entrances for BCIs, the unique featur

33、es of your brain maps tend to protect them from spying eyes. In cases where BCIs have successfully read specific thoughts or intentions from a brain, it has been with the permission of the individual whose brain was being read. But there are surreptitious ways to train decoders on your brain without

34、 your knowledge. This can happen if your neural data falls into the hands of companies with detailed information about your activities.Like all technologies, brain-computer interfaces are not necessarily good or bad. Yet while harvesting the benefits of BCIs, we need to ensure that we have the means

35、 to protect ourselves from corporations with every motive to take advantage of this technology for their financial gain.9. What can we learn about brain maps?A. They carry unique messages.B. They can process encrypted signals.C. Their functions vary from person to person.DTheir locations reveal huma

36、n thinking patterns.10. What can we infer from the passage?A. BCIs can boost brain signals dramatically.B. BCIs could help recover from brain injuries.C. Machine learning enables BCIs to read mind.D. The decoding of brain may be affected by BCIs.11. What does the underlined word “surreptitious” in P

37、aragraph 5 probably mean?A. Secure.B. Stable.C. Standard.D. Secret.12. What does the passage mainly talk about?A. The future trend of BCIs.B. The potential risks of BCIs.C. The working principle of BCIs.D. The general applications of BCIs.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,共10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。

38、Poetry has healing powers. To get more joy and peace, we dont have to be a professional poet but we can develop a poetic mindset (心态). _13_Be in awe(敬畏)of everything.The poetic mindset starts with the idea that nothing is an accident. Everything is interrelated and plays a part in a greater whole. _

39、14_ Close your eyes. Now open them. What is the first thing you see? Look closer. Ask yourself: What does it look like? What does it remind you of? Does it bring happy thoughts or sad ones? Why? I bet your randomly selected object is full of meaning._15_A poem is a place where you can pour out your

40、hard feelings. Dont be afraid. You can always throw the page into the fireplace once youve filled it. _16_ Poetry can be a storeroom for everything difficult in your life. But theres more, I find when I write about something Im struggling with, my negative feeling begins to become weaker.Seek what i

41、nspires youLife isnt perfect, but you can live with love and trust anyway. _17_ There is always goodness to be found once you train yourself to look for it. Poetry to me is a form of praise. I build poems from things I see, people I meet and thoughts and feelings found deep inside. As I present thos

42、e treasures in poetic language, I am appreciating what is good in them.A. Your pain is your teacher.B. How can we manage it in an easy way?C. What are the steps of writing a good poem?D. Or seal it in an envelope and come back to it later.E. Poetry helps us remember this important place of wisdom.F.

43、 Therefore, everything deserves notice and even appreciation.G. Writing a poem is about describing your inner world vividly.第三部分完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。I was taking a nap when a loud noise woke me. Outside the window in a parking lot, a car had

44、 just _18_ into a chain-link fence. The fence bent out in exactly the _19_ of the cars back end. A short man wearing a shirt unbuttoned to _20_ his chest got out of the car, with a shaven head. I disliked him on sight. After a few seconds of _21_ the damage, the man tried to repair that. He first at

45、tempted to pull the _22_ fence back into place, but it wouldnt move. I took a drink from the glass, silently cheering. Then he pulled against the fences support pole, which bent _23_ and was more likely to recover. But the pole suddenly broke. I laughed out loud this time. This was _24_. He went bac

46、k to his car. He must be going to leave all the chaos behind for someone else to tidy up. That, I thought, would be the _25_. But he reappeared a few minutes later with some _26_ and got to work using them. He fixed the fence, and even _27_ it using a support bar bought from a nearby grocery. Now it

47、 would be extra _28_, stronger than before. This man was actually a _29_ for me, and I was the lazy one. My shallow assumptions were all about myself. I wouldnt fix that fence and would _30_. Years later, I still look out of my window at that _31_. It still looks new. And it makes me _32_ what else

48、that man has made better, and how I can make myself more like him.18. A. backed upB. damagedC. pulled upD. went19. A. spotB. directionC. spaceD. shape20. A. exposeB. hideC. protectD. cover21. A. discoveringB. preservingC. witnessingD. assessing22. A. balancedB. crackedC. fixedD. ruined23. A. seriouslyB. simplyC. slightlyD. easily24. A. uniqueB. surprisingC. ridiculousD. strang


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