1、Have you visited the park Dujiangyan in Chengdu? Dujiangyan Irrigation Project 四川省广安中学 兰靓 Some world-famous Irrigation Projects Hoover Dam,America 胡佛大坝,美国胡佛大坝,美国 Before-reading Aswan High Dam, Egpyt 阿斯旺大坝,埃及阿斯旺大坝,埃及 Three Gorges Dam, China 三峡大坝,中国三峡大坝,中国 Theyre all modern irrigation projects. morden
2、 ancient? Dujiangyan Irrigation Project,China 都江堰水利工程,中国都江堰水利工程,中国 Its an ancient and great project. Its the oldest and the only surviving irrigation project in the world. 它是世界上唯一还在使用的最古老的水利工程。 1. Who is the builder of Dujiangyan irrigation system? 2.When did they build it? 3.How many parts are incl
3、uded in the project? 4.What are they? While-reading Know more about Dujiangyan irrigation system.(7mins) 5.What are the features of Yuzui, Feishayan and Baopingkou? 6. What role does Dujiangyan Irrigation Project play in Chengdu Plain? 1.Who is the builder of Dujiangyan irrigation system? And when?
4、李 冰 石 像 李 冰 石 像 - 东 汉 东 汉 李冰,战国时期水利专家。李冰,战国时期水利专家。约公元前约公元前256256到公元前到公元前251251年被秦年被秦 昭王任为蜀郡守。他征发民工在岷江流域兴办多项水利工程,昭王任为蜀郡守。他征发民工在岷江流域兴办多项水利工程,以以 都江堰最著名,二千二百多年来在川西平原效益卓著。都江堰最著名,二千二百多年来在川西平原效益卓著。他还主持他还主持 了凿平青衣江的溷了凿平青衣江的溷(hn)(hn)崖(今四川夹江县境);治导什邡崖(今四川夹江县境);治导什邡(fng)(fng) 等县的洛水和邛崃等县的洛水和邛崃(Qing li)(Qing li)等县
5、的汶井江;又穿广都(今双流等县的汶井江;又穿广都(今双流 县境)盐井诸陂池等工程。见(县境)盐井诸陂池等工程。见(华阳国志华阳国志 蜀志蜀志) While-reading Li Bing and his son. They built it over 2,200 years ago. Check answers 3.How many parts are included in the project? 4.What are they? Fish Mouth Baopingkou( Bottle Mouth) Feishayan Spillway 5.What are the features
6、of Yuzui, Feishayan and Baopingkou? 5.What are the features of Yuzui, Feishayan and Baopingkou? is a spillway that diverts the sand and stones of the inner river into the outer river. like a big fish lying in the Minjiang River, is a dike. It divides the river into two parts: the inner river and the
7、 outer river. like a neck of a bottle, is used to bring water into the inner river from Minjiang River. outer river inner river Yuzui, Feishayan Baopingkou, 6 . What role does Dujiangyan Irrigation Project play in Chengdu Plain? Now, the project is honored as the “Treasure of Sichuan”, which still p
8、lays an important role in draining off floodwater, irrigating farms and providing water resources for more than 50 cities in Sichuan. Watch the vedio and then have a disscusion After-reading 思考(1):李冰在修建都江堰水利工程的时候,运用了哪些科学知识? 火烧水浇 利用热胀冷缩的原理对岩石进行火烧水浇 思想精髓1 老子主张道法自然道法自然的哲学思想 都江堰的建造利用水 的自然之性,设置有 口无闸的大坝,利
9、用 弯道动力学做到控水 和排沙的合理计划。 1.Match the pictures and discuss with your teammates about their functions.(搭配并讨论他们的作用) 1.竹笼石 2.杩槎(m ch) 3.李冰石像 4.卧铁 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 杩槎 李冰石像 卧铁 竹笼石 Lets have a group work. 思考(2):为什么杩槎要做成三棱柱体? 三角形木架形状不会改变,四三角形木架形状不会改变,四 边形木架形状会改变。边形木架形状会改变。 这就是说这就是说三角形具有稳定性三角形具有稳定性, 四边形没有稳定性。四边形
10、没有稳定性。 3. Please read and tell the meaning of the secrets of water-controlling: 深淘滩,低作堰,六字旨,千秋鉴; 挖河沙,堆堤岸,砌鱼嘴,安羊圈; 立湃阙,凿漏罐,笼编密,石装健; 分四六,平潦旱,水画符,铁桩见; 岁勤修,预防患,遵旧制,勿擅变。 黄河下游“地上悬河”示意图 思考(3):与黄河下游“地上悬河”相比,李冰的治水思想有什么特别之处? 对于你的生活和学习而言,你有什么样的启示? 思想精髓2 对于一个人来说,也要“深淘滩,低作堰”。 “深淘滩”就是要不断的努力学习,不断的修生养性,厚德方能 载物。只有胸怀大志、心胸开阔、心怀天下,才能做出更有益于 人类和社会的事。 “低作堰”就是要谦虚谨慎,要低调,只有这样,才不会受损。 我们每个人不一定都要治水,但是,我们每个人都要治理自己的 人生。 余秋雨文化苦旅 都江堰 节选 Homework :Reading 扩展阅读 Thank you, bye!