2019版高考英语一轮复习 高考提能练(三十四)Module 4 Music 外研版选修6.doc

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1、【 精品教育资源文库 】 Module 4 Music 练习 (一 ) 英语知识运用 组块专练 练准度 (本栏目内容,在学生用书中以独立形式分册装订! ) (限时: 25 分钟 ) . 完形填空 (2018 山西八校第一次联考 ) One day, while we were visiting my parents on a farm in late summer, Dad mentioned hed always wanted a Crimson King Maple Tree for the yard.Mom agreed that the trees were _1_. Like ma

2、ny other parents, mine were hard to _2_ for, so I figured this was a great opportunity to get them something theyd _3_. I also thought two would be even better. I checked the _4_ at work and decided it was a bit more than I could _5_ but all of my siblings (兄弟姊妹 ) agreed to give some money to buy th

3、e trees. In northern Ohio, you dont plant maple trees at Christmas, so we decided to _6_ Mom and Dad with a special Christmas in October before the ground _7_. We asked my aunt if shed help us with the “_ 8_” , and she called my parents _9_ to say she was coming for a Sunday visit. Then my sisters a

4、nd sistersinlaw went into _10_, planning a big holiday turkey dinner. On the _11_ Sunday, we all met at my house and _12_ the trees into a truck. I _13_ as Santa Claus. When we arrived at my parents house, Dad was _14_ something was wrong first. He and Mom were amazed when we told them _15_ we were

5、there. When Christmas _16_, of course, we couldnt go to our parents house emptyhanded, so Mom and Dad got _17_ presents that year. Almost half a century later, I _18_ drive by the old farm and smile when I see those big, handsome _19_ and remember giving a special _20_ to special people at Christmas

6、 in October. 【语篇解读】 本文为记叙文,涉及家庭关系话题。作者讲述了自己和亲人们一起用特别的方式给其父母带来惊喜的经历。 1 A.distinctive B fragrant C expensive D pretty 答案与解析: D 上文提及父亲想要在庭院种植一棵枫树,下文提及 “those big, handsome” ,故此处应是母亲也欣然同意,认为枫树很漂亮 (pretty)。 distinctive“ 与众不同的 ” ; fragrant“ 芳香的 ” ; expensive“ 昂贵的 ” 。 2 A.shop B represent C answer D care 答

7、案与解析: A 根据上文的 “Like many other parents, mine were hard to” ,下文的 “so I figured this was a great opportunity to get them something” 以及接下来介绍的作者兄弟姊妹几人为父母买礼物的内容可知,此处指作者觉得给父母买东西是很难的,故选 shop“ 购物 ” 。 3 A.deserve B appreciate C advertise D imagine 答案与解析: B 根据上文的 “Dad mentioned hed always wanted a Crimson Kin

8、g Maple Tree for the yard.” 及下文介绍的为父母买礼物的内容可知,此处指作者认为这是一个给父母买他们欣赏的东西的好机会。 deserve“ 值得,应得 ” ; appreciate“ 感激,欣赏 ” ;advertise“ 为 ? 做广告 ” ; imagine“ 想象 ” 。 4 A.result B number C price D express 答案与解 析: C 根据下文的 “but all of my siblings ( 兄弟姊妹 ) agreed to give some money to buy the trees” 可知,作者在上班时查看了一下枫树

9、的价格 (price),认为它的价【 精品教育资源文库 】 格比自己能支付得起 (afford)的还要高一点。 5 A.afford B expect C fancy D handle 答案与解析: A 参见上题解析。 6 A.frighten B assist C surprise D reward 答案与解析: C 从下文作者联合 其姑姑来帮忙实施这个计划以及计划具体实施的内容可知,作者他们想给父母一个惊喜 (surprise)。 assist“ 帮助,协助 ” 。 7 A.warmed B froze C softened D darkened 答案与解析: B 根据上下文语境及句中的

10、 “In northern Ohio, you dont plant maple trees at Christmas”“a special Christmas in October before the ground” 可知,作者他们决定在土地上冻之前让父 母度过一个特别的圣诞节。 freeze“ 结冰 ” 符合语境。warm“( 使 )温暖 ” ; soften“ 变软,软化 ” ; darken“( 使 )变暗 ” 。 8 A.trick B purchase C choice D decoration 答案与解析: A 根据上下文语境可知,作者询问姑姑是否可以帮忙实施这个 “ 骗局(t

11、rick)” 。 9 A.in advance B in time C by accident D on purpose 答案与解析: A 根据上下文语境可知,作者的姑姑提前 (in advance)给作者的父母打电话说她会在周日来拜访。 in time“ 及时 ” ; by accident“ 意外地 ” ; on purpose“ 故意地 ” 。 10 A.service B action C effect D production 答案与解析: B 根据下文的 “planning a big holiday turkey dinner” 可知,随后,作者的姊妹和嫂子 (或弟媳 )行动起来

12、。 go into action“ 行动起来 ” 符合语境。 go into service“ 投入使用 ” ; go into effect“ 生效 ” ; go into production“ 投入生产 ” 。 11 A.regular B separate C given D chosen 答案与解析: D 根据语境可知,作者和亲人们在选定 (chosen)那个周日聚到自己家里。regular“ 惯常的,有规律的 ” 。 12 A.sorted B loaded C transported D transplanted 答案与解析: B 根据下文的 “the trees into a

13、truck” 可知,作者他们把树装上 (loaded)卡车。 sort“ 分类 ” ; transport“ 运输,运送 ” ; transplant“ 移植 ” 。 13 A.dressed up B passed off C looked on D started out 答案与解析: A 根据下文的 “as Santa Claus” 可知,作者把自己装扮 (dressed up)成圣诞老人。 pass sb./sth. off as“ 把 ? 冒充为 ?” ; look on sb./sth. as“ 把 ?当做 ?” ; start out as“ 以 ? 开始,起初是 ?” 。 14

14、 A.delighted B annoyed C disappointed D convinced 答案与解析: D 根据上下文语境及句中的 “something was wrong first” 可知,作者的父亲一开始坚信哪里出了问题。 convinced“ 使确信,使坚信 ” 符合语境。 15 A.when B how C why D whether 答案与解析: C 根据语境可知,当我们告诉他们我们为什么 (why)会在那里的时候,父母感到很吃惊。 16 A.came around B dropped out 【 精品教育资源文库 】 C turned up D drew in 答案与

15、解析: A 根据下文的内容可知,当又到圣诞节时,作者他们去探望父母。 come around“ 再次出现,再度发生 ” ; drop out“ 退出 ” ; turn up“ 出现 ” ; draw in“( 白天变得 )渐短 ” 。 17 A.generous B additional C double D special 答案与解析: C 根据上文的 “In northern Ohio, you dont plant maple trees at Christmas, so we decided to. with a special Christmas in October” 可知,作者他

16、们在十月份的时候已经为父母送上了一份特别的圣诞节礼物,而在真正的圣诞节到来的时候,他们又不能空手去拜访自己的父母,故作者的父母那年是收到了双份的 (double)圣诞节礼物。generous“ 慷慨的 ” ; additional“ 额外的 ” ; special“ 特别的 ” 。 18 A.even B just C once D still 答案与解析: D 根据上下文语境可知,时隔几乎半个世纪之后,当作者看到那些高大、漂亮的枫树 (trees)时依然 (still)会面带微笑地驶过那个农场。 19 A.farms B trees C trucks D yards 答案与解析: B 参见上

17、题解析。 20 A.congratulation B gift C donation D greeting 答案与解析: B 作者看着那些枫树时,会想起自己多年前在特别的圣诞节送给父母特别的礼物 (gift)。上文中的 “presents that year” 亦是关键提示。 congratulation“ 祝贺 ” ;donation“ 捐赠物 ” ; greeting“ 问候 ” 。 . 语法填空 (2018 长郡中学新高三实验班选拔考试 ) Traditional Chinese wedding customs have been around for thousands of year

18、s.They may vary from place to place and time to time, but have been holding an important position in the lives of Chinese people, _1_ (cause) a farreaching impact on the way the Chinese lead their lives.The traditional Chinese marriage usually _2_ (involve) some necessary procedures, such as matchma

19、king, engagement, meeting the bride, and three bows. _3_ addition, a typical Chinese wedding nowadays goes like this when a new couple is engaged, _4_ follows is a _5_ (choose) of the date of their marriage. Most people would favor a holiday or special Chinese festival for their relatives and friend

20、s _6_ (attend) the wedding. However, quite a few others, especially _7_ in the countryside, would fix a lucky date so that their marriage would have “Double Happiness”. The wedding ceremony is usually hosted _ 8_ (warm) and the wedding ceremony very often ends with _9_ unique banquet. Toasts are made to wish the new couple long life, everlasting love and happiness, early birth of a _10_ (health) baby and so on. 【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了中国的婚


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