第1课七上Starter Modules1—4 2021年中考英语基础知识复习(ppt课件)(外研版).pptx

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1、第一篇第一篇 中考语言基础知识中考语言基础知识第第1 1课课 七上七上 Starter Modules 14 14thankteacherfriendtomorrowlistenstudent telephone number thirteentwentyeleven write blackboardpencil flower course classroomagain重点易错单词1.(v.)谢谢2.(n.)老师3.(n.)朋友4.(n.)明天5.(v.)听;倾听6.(n.)学生7.(n.)电话8.(n.)号码9.(num.)十三10.(num.)二十11.(num.)十一12.(v.)写13

2、.(n.)黑板14.(n.)铅笔15.(n.)花16.(adv.)当然17.(n.)教室18.(adv.)再;又重点易错单词19.(adj.)受欢迎的20.(adj.)黑色的21.(n.)星期三22.(n.)星期四23.(n.)星期六24.(adj.)最喜爱的25.(n.)春天26.(n.)秋天27.(n.)篮球welcomeblackWednesdayThursdaySaturday favouritespringautumnbasketball一词多义1.(v.aux)能;能够 (n)罐;壶2.(n.)书 (v.)预订3.(n.)春天;泉4.(v.)合上;关闭 (adj.)紧密的;接近的;

3、靠近的5.(v.)站立;容忍6._(v.)参加(体育运动或 球赛);玩耍 (n.)戏剧7._(n.)蓝色 (adj.)蓝 色的;沮丧的;忧郁的(俚语)8.(v.)喜欢 (prep.)像 (conj.)如同;好像canbookspringclosestandplaybluelike词形变换1.class(n.)(pl.)同学;班级2.I(pron.)(形容词性物主代词)我的 (名词性物主代词)我的 (宾格)我3.you(pron.)(形容词性物主代词)你的;你们的 (名词性物主代词)你的;你们的 (宾格)你;你们 (反身代词)你自己 (反身代词)你们自己4.thank(v.)(adj.)感激的;

4、感谢的 classes myminemeyouryoursyouyourselfyourselves thankful 词形变换5.she(pron.)(形容词性物主代词)她的 (名词性物主代词)她的 (反身代词)她自己 (宾格)她6.this(pron.)(对应词)那个 (pl.)这些7.friend(n.)(adj.)友好的8.sit(v.)(现在分词)坐9.down(adv.)(反义词)向上10.close(v.)(反义词)打开11.new(adj.)(反义词)旧的herhers herselfherthatthesefriendlysittingupopenold词形变换12.one(

5、num.)(序数词)第一13.two(num.)(序数词)第二14.three(num.)(序数词)第三15.five(num.)(序数词)第五16.eight(num.)(序数词)第八17.nine(num.)(序数词)第九18.twelve(num.)(序数词)第十二19.twenty(num.)(序数词)第二十20.teach(v.)(n.)老师21.help(v.)(n.)帮助 (adj.)有帮助的 (adj.)无助的first secondthirdfiftheighthninthtwelfth twentieth teacherhelphelpfulhelpless 词形变换22.

6、let us (缩写)让我们23.cold(adj.)(反义词)热的 (比较级)更冷的 (最高级)最冷的24.warm(adj.)(反义词)凉快的25.swim(v.)(n.)游泳26.autumn(n.)(对应词)春天27.summer(n.)(对应词)冬天letshotcoldercoldest cool swimmingspring winter中考词组短语1.坐下2.起立3.举起4.电话号码5.英语课6.在黑板上7.用英语8.放学后9._ 在春天/夏天/秋天/冬天sit downstand upput uptelephone numberEnglish lessonon the bla

7、ckboardin Englishafter schoolin spring/summer/autumn/winter中考句型回顾1.your name?你叫什么名字?name is Lily.我叫莉莉。2.This a book.这是一本书。3.This is my ,Tony.这是我的朋友,托尼。4.Its time to school.该去上学了。5.your books and the dialogue together.打开你们的书本,齐读这篇对话。WhatsMy is friendtogoOpenread中考句型回顾6.are you in,Daming?大明,你在哪个班?Im i

8、n .我在四班。7.your telephone number,Betty?你的电话号码是多少,贝蒂?Its two six,eight one five.是726 815。8.this English?这个用英语怎么说?Its dictionary.是一本字典。WhatclassClass 4/FourWhats sevenWhatsina 一、c close 1.v.关闭;闭上;合上。如:Close your book,please.请合上你的书本。2.adj.靠近的;亲密的;密切的。如:Betty is one of my close friends.贝蒂是我的密友之一。相关短语:be/

9、get close to靠近 close与turn off 1.close一般指关闭物体,使其处于闭合的状态。如:Close the door,please.请关上门。2.turn off 一般用于关闭“有开关的”物体,如电视机、收音机、电灯等。如:Do you mind turning off the light in the living room?你介意关掉客厅的灯吗?A)用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Before you leave,(close)the door.2.He (close)the door softly behind him and began to talk with

10、his mother.B)选词填空。3.Remember to (close/turn off)the light when you leave the room.4.Dont forget to (close/turn off)the door before 10:00 pm.5.Dont stand too (close/turn off)to the big dog.Its really dangerous.closeclosedturn offcloseclose二、book 1.n.书。如:His eighth book came out earlier this year and

11、was an instant best-seller.他的第8本书在今年早些时候面世,并且迅速成为了畅销书。2.v.预订。如:Id like to book a table for two at 8 oclock tonight.我想订一张今晚8点钟的二人餐桌。用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Have you (book)a hotel yet,Dad?2.To get tickets,I plan (book)this afternoon.3.In my bookcase,there are all kinds of (book).bookedto book books三、like 1.prep

12、.像;(询问意见)怎么样。如:Shes wearing a dress like mine.她穿着的连衣裙和我的相似。What is your new school like?你的新学校怎么样?2.v.喜欢。如:Which tie do you like best?你最喜欢哪条领带?3.conj.像一样;仿佛。如:She acts like she owns the place.她的举动就像那地方是她的一样。相关搭配:look like看起来像;be like像;would like to do sth.想要做某 事;would like sth.想要某物;like doing sth.喜欢做

13、某事(习惯性的,时 间观念不强);like to do sth.喜欢做某事(特定的,常指某个具体的动 作);feel like doing sth.想要做某事。填入适当的词或用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Dont look at me that.There is nothing strange.2.How do you the new film?Its so boring.3.Would you like (come)with us?4.He doesnt like (ask)his parents for help.5.I feel like (watch)TV now.likeliketo

14、come askingwatching四、the art.指已提到或易领会到的人或事物;指独一无二的、正常的或不言而 喻的人或事物。如:The nights are getting longer.夜越来越长。a/an与the 1.a/an用于可数名词单数前,表示一类人或事物。an用在以元音发音开 头的单词前,a用在以辅音发音开头的单词前。如:Its a big apple.这是个大苹果。He is an honest boy.他是个诚实的男孩。2.冠词the的用法规则较多:(1)特指双方都明白的人或事物。如:Give me the book.把书给我。(2)上文提到过的人或事物。如:I hav

15、e a cat.The cat is black.我有一只猫。这只猫是黑色的。(3)指世上独一无二的事物。如:the sun/sky/moon/earth/world/universe 太阳/天空/月亮/地球/世界/宇宙 (4)与单数名词连用表示一类事物;或与形容词或分词连用,表示一 类人。如:the dollar美元;the rich/poor/blind/aged/living 富人/穷人/盲人/老人/生者(5)用在序数词和形容词最高级前,形容词only,very,same前,表示身体 部位的名词等前面。如:His parents have three children and the t

16、hird one is a girl.他父母有三个孩子,第三个孩子是女孩。Lin Tao is the youngest and tallest boy in his class.林涛是全班年纪最小,最高的男孩。Mum patted me on the shoulder and said it would be all right.母亲拍了下我的肩膀说会好起来的。(6)用在表示乐器和表示方位的名词前。如:She plays the violin/guitar in the north of China.她在中国北方拉小提琴/弹吉他。(7)用在普通名词构成的专有名词前。如:the Peoples

17、 Republic of China中华人民共和国;the United States美国;the Great Wall长城;the Summer Palace颐和园。(8)用在姓氏的复数名词之前,表示一家人。如:The Greens are playing the piano.格林一家人在弹钢琴。(9)其他一些固定用法。如:during the day在白天;in the morning在早上;in the middle(of)在中间。用a,an或the填空。1.Do you know girl over there?2.There is umbrella in the room.3.She

18、 plays piano every weekend.4.Sally sent me picture of herself before she left for London.5.Half hour later,the boy returned with a lot of flowers.theanthe aanIts time(for sb.)to do sth.(某人)该做某事了。1.Its time for sth.该做某事了。如:Its time for lunch.该吃午饭了。2.Its time to do sth.该做某事了。如:Its time to have lunch.该

19、吃中饭了。3.Its time for sb.to do sth.某人该做某事了。如:Its time for us to have lunch.我们该吃中饭了。填入适当的词或用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Its time (have)a rest.2.Its time for me (check)my email.3.It is time bed.to haveto checkfor一、选词填空 用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。1.Are you free on the 19th?Is that a?2.She told this to only a few trusted .3

20、.Last night she in the doorway,looking up into the sky.4.Things glass,paper,and plastic can be recycled.5.your hands if you have any questions,my boys and girls.like Wednesday friend stand put up WednesdayfriendsstoodlikePut up二、单词拼写1.Mr Hu is more than a (老师).He is also our good friend.2.(帮助)yourse

21、lf to some fish,Wang Hui.3.Hes not married yet;hes only (二十).4.Spring is coming and its getting even (暖和的).5.The colour of my bike is different from (你的).6.The students have improved their (听力).7.How many (书)are there in our school library?8.Tony,do you mind my (关)the window?Its a bit cold.9.My favo

22、urite sport is running and my brothers is playing (篮球).10.My English teacher helped me a lot,so I must remember to (写信)to her and thank her.teacherHelptwentywarmeryourslistening books closing basketballwrite三、语法填空 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Jason and Andy are twins.They share a lot of thing

23、s,including room,food and toys.One Saturday,Jason and Andy went out 1 (play)with a toy car.Both of them wanted to be the owner of the car,so they shouted at each other.2 (they)mother heard the boys arguing.She came out and told them to take turns to play with the toy car,but the twins wouldnt.A few

24、days later,Mother brought 3 pet dog home.“Cant we each have our own pet dog?”asked the boys.They were 4 (tire)of sharing everything.to playTheiratired “No!The dog must 5 (share),”Mother said.“You will have to feed the dog and make sure it does not get into anything wrong.”Several days later,the dog

25、got into Mothers room 6 (secret)and made a mess there.Jason saw the dog playing with Mothers clothes.He quickly went to find Andy and told him 7 the dog had done.“Oh,no!Its our duty to clean up the mess!”8 (cry)Andy.The boys picked up the clothes and put them away rapidly.“Just think,Jason,”said Andy,“what a big mess two 9 (dog)would make!”“I agree 10 you,”laughed Jason.“Maybe sharing isnt so bad!”be shared secretlywhatcrieddogswith


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