2021年辽宁中考英语一轮复习基础解析集训第19讲 人教九年级全册Unit 7-Unit 8 (ppt课件) .ppt

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1、第19讲九年级(全)Unit 7Unit 81._n.证;证件证;证件2._n.安全;安全性安全;安全性3._v.吸烟;冒烟吸烟;冒烟n.烟烟4._adj.极小的;微小的极小的;微小的5._v.&n.哭;叫喊哭;叫喊6._n.田野;场地田野;场地7._n.&v.拥抱;搂抱拥抱;搂抱8._v.举起;抬高举起;抬高n.电梯;搭便车电梯;搭便车9._adv.严重地;差;非常严重地;差;非常10._adj.很坏的;讨厌的很坏的;讨厌的licensesafetysmoketinycryfieldhugliftbadlyawful四会单词 Unit 7 11._v.&n.感到遗憾;懊悔感到遗憾;懊悔12.


3、宝贵的贵重的;很有用的;宝贵的7._adj.粉红色的;粉红色的;n.粉红色粉红色8._pron.任何人任何人9._n.声音;噪音声音;噪音10._n.男警察男警察whosetruckpicnicrabbitattendvaluablepinkanybodynoisepolicemanUnit 8 11._n.狼狼12._n.实验室实验室13._n.外套;外衣外套;外衣14._adj.困倦的;瞌睡的困倦的;瞌睡的15._v.着陆;降落着陆;降落 16._n.西服;套装西服;套装v.适合适合17._v.表示;表达表示;表达18._n.圆圈圆圈v.圈出圈出19._v.接待;接受;收到接待;接受;收到

4、20._n.领导;领袖领导;领袖wolflaboratorycoatsleepylandsuitexpresscirclereceiveleader21._adj.医疗的;医学的医疗的;医学的22._n.目的;目标目的;目标23._v.阻止;阻挠阻止;阻挠24._n.力量;精力力量;精力25._n.位置;地方位置;地方26._n.胜利;成功胜利;成功27._n.敌人;仇人敌人;仇人28._n.一段时间;时期一段时间;时期 medicalpurposepreventenergypositionvictoryenemyperiod词汇拓展词汇拓展(针对完形填空针对完形填空)1.safe(adj.)



7、感到遗憾懊悔;感到遗憾_(adj.)令人遗憾的;可惜的;令人惋惜的令人遗憾的;可惜的;令人惋惜的13.express(v.)_(n.)表示;表达方式;表情表示;表达方式;表情 14.lead(v.)_(n.)领导;领袖领导;领袖15.medical(adj.)_(n.)药品药品16.hug(v.)_(过去式过去式/过去分词过去分词)拥抱;搂抱拥抱;搂抱 regrettedregretfulexpressionleadermedicinehugged短语集锦短语集锦Unit 71._ _ 驾照驾照2._ _!没门!没门!3._ _ _ 为为担心担心4._ _ _ _ _ 被允许做某事被允许做某事

8、5._ _ 兼职工作兼职工作6._ _ _ _ 从做某事中学到从做某事中学到7._ _ 戴耳环戴耳环8._ _ _ _ 打耳洞打耳洞driverslicenseNowaybeworriedaboutbeallowedtodosth.part timejoblearnfromdoingsth.wearearringsgetonesearspierced短语集锦短语集锦Unit 71._ _ 驾照驾照2._ _!没门!没门!3._ _ _ 为为担心担心4._ _ _ _ _ 被允许做某事被允许做某事5._ _ 兼职工作兼职工作6._ _ _ _ 从做某事中学到从做某事中学到7._ _ 戴耳环戴耳环

9、8._ _ _ _ 打耳洞打耳洞driverslicenseNowaybeworriedaboutbeallowedtodosth.part timejoblearnfromdoingsth.wearearringsgetonesearspierced9._ _ _ 使用闪光灯使用闪光灯10._ _ _ _ 待在某人身旁待在某人身旁11._ _ 确保确保12._ _ _ _ 给某人一个拥抱给某人一个拥抱13._ _ 举起举起14._ _ 回嘴;顶嘴回嘴;顶嘴15._ _ _ 看恐怖电影看恐怖电影16._ _ _.回想起回想起 17._ _ _ 做噩梦做噩梦 useaflashstaybyone

10、ssidemakesuregivesb.ahugliftuptalkbackseescarymoviesthinkbacktohavescarydreams短语集锦短语集锦(针对句子翻译针对句子翻译)18._._ _ 避免接近;远离避免接近;远离19._ _ _ _ 自己做决定自己做决定20._ _ 搬出来搬出来21._ _ _ _ 继续做某事继续做某事22._ _ _ _ 应付某人自己的生活应付某人自己的生活23._ _ _ _ 有机会有机会24._ _ _ _ _ 挡挡的路;妨碍的路;妨碍keepawayfrommakeonesowndecisionmoveoutcontinuetodos

11、th.manageonesownlifehaveachancetogetinthe wayofUnit 81._ _ _ 职业跑步运动员职业跑步运动员2._ _ _ 不反对不反对3._ _ _ 最终成为最终成为4._ _ _ 野餐时;在野餐会上野餐时;在野餐会上5._ _ 流行音乐流行音乐6._ _ _ 对对是认真的是认真的7._ _ 属于;是属于;是的的8._ _ 跑掉跑掉9._ _ 发带发带aprofessionalrunnerhavenothingagainstendupasatthepicnicpopmusicbeseriousaboutbelongtorunawayhairband1

12、0._ _ 捡起捡起(某物某物);拾起;拾起11._ _ _ 淋浴淋浴12._ _ _剩下的剩下的/其余的其余的13._ _ _ 与某人交流与某人交流14._ _ 指出指出15._ _ 背景信息背景信息16._ _ _ 参加一个音乐会参加一个音乐会17._ _ _ 不知道;不了解不知道;不了解18._ _ _ 赶公交赶公交19._ _ 历史遗迹历史遗迹pickuptakeashowertherestofcommunicatewithsb.pointoutbackgroundinformationattendaconcerthavenoideacatchabushistoricalplaces重

13、点句型重点句型Unit 7倒装句:倒装句:Only then will I have a chance to achieve my dream.Unit 8一定有某人一定有某人/某物在做某事:某物在做某事:There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood交际用语交际用语(针对补全对话针对补全对话)同意和不同意同意和不同意(Agree and disagree)1._(我我认为十六岁认为十六岁(的人的人)不应该允许开车。不应该允许开车。)I agree.They arent serious enough.2.Do you

14、 think teenagers should be encouraged to make their own decisions?_(不,我不同意这一点。不,我不同意这一点。)Teenagers are too young to make their own decisions.I dont think sixteen year olds should be allowed to drive.No,I dont agree with this.3.Do you think we might be allowed to take some photos?No,I dont._(在博物馆在博物馆

15、拍照是不被允许的。拍照是不被允许的。)4._(青少年不应青少年不应该被允许打零工。该被允许打零工。)I disagree.They can learn a lot from working.Photo taking is not allowed in the museum.Teenagers should not be allowed to have part time jobs.做出推测做出推测(Make inferences)5.Whose volleyball is this?_(它一定是它一定是Carla的。的。)She loves volleyball.6.Whose hair ba

16、nd is this?It could be Meis hair band._(或者它属于或者它属于 Linda。)They both have long hair.7.What did you see that night?_(我不确定,但它不可能是一只狗。我不确定,但它不可能是一只狗。)It was bigger.I think it might be a bear or a wolf.It must be Carlas.Or it might belong to Linda.Im not sure,but it cant be a dog.语法语法1.含情态动词的被动语态含情态动词的被动

17、语态(P212)2.情态动词情态动词must,might,could和和cant表推测表推测(P205)1.Its a pity that well have no _ to watch the Olympics in Tokyo,2020.(2020,铁岭葫芦岛铁岭葫芦岛,1题题)A.choice B.chance C.reason D.place2.In the summer camp,the boy learned to _ all kinds of difficulties.(2019,抚顺抚顺,2题题)A.manage B.protect C.remain D.control3.It

18、s impolite to _ your teachers office without knocking at the door.(2019,辽阳辽阳,12题题)A.describe B.check C.choose D.enterBAD4.Your advice is very_ to me.Im sure our activity will be more meaningful.(2018,抚顺抚顺,12题题)A.terrible B.comfortable C.impossible D.valuable5.Do you believe that different colors can

19、 _ different feelings?(2018,铁铁岭岭,11题题)A.expect B.exerciseC.express D.experience6.Mary looks _.Whats the matter?She stayed up late last night.(2016,葫芦岛葫芦岛,9题题)A.sleepy B.sad C.serious D.shyDCA7.不要在走廊里相互追逐。不要在走廊里相互追逐。(2020,抚顺本溪辽阳抚顺本溪辽阳,56题题)Dont _ each other in the hallways.8.小孩子必须远离垃圾食品。小孩子必须远离垃圾食品。(

20、2019,辽阳辽阳,60题题)Kids must _ junk food.9.我认为这串钥匙一定是保罗我认为这串钥匙一定是保罗(Paul)的。的。(2019,盘锦盘锦,77题题)_10.过度使用智能手机会妨碍学生的学业。过度使用智能手机会妨碍学生的学业。(2018,抚顺抚顺,56题题)Using smart phones too much will _students schoolwork.run afterkeep away fromI think/consider/believe the/this set of keys must be Pauls/belong to Paulget in

21、 the way of11.不要和你的老师顶嘴。不要和你的老师顶嘴。(2018,抚顺抚顺,61题题)_.12.我们需要努力地工作,同时也要享受美丽的生活。我们需要努力地工作,同时也要享受美丽的生活。(2017,铁岭铁岭,59题题)We need to work hard,_,we should enjoy the beautiful life.13.面对如此多的选择,在短时间内真的很难做决定。面对如此多的选择,在短时间内真的很难做决定。(2017,朝阳朝阳,93题题)With so many choices,its really hard _in such a short time.14.莎士

22、比亚不仅是个作家,而且是个演员。莎士比亚不仅是个作家,而且是个演员。(2015,盘锦盘锦,78题题)Shakespeare was_.Dont talk back to your teacherat the same timeto make a decisionnot only a writer but also an actor一、句子翻译。一、句子翻译。1.在接下来的日子里,我会严格要求自己,更加努力地学习。在接下来的日子里,我会严格要求自己,更加努力地学习。In the following days,I will_myself and study harder.2.我爸爸说他今天下午五点

23、钟会来接我。我爸爸说他今天下午五点钟会来接我。My father says that he will _ at five this afternoon.3.现在我后悔在社交网络上花费了如此多的时间。现在我后悔在社交网络上花费了如此多的时间。I _so much time on social network now.be strict withpick me upregret spending4.我妈妈不让我吃太多糖。我妈妈不让我吃太多糖。_5.言语无法表达我快乐的心情。言语无法表达我快乐的心情。_My mother prevents/stops me(from)eating too many

24、candiesWords cant express how happy I am二、完形填空。二、完形填空。(有两个词是多余的有两个词是多余的)supportcommunityreceiveattendenergyneedperiodregretenterchancevictorytalkThere are many good reasons for parents to volunteer at school,whether their kids are just starting kindergarten or 6._ the final year of high school.Its a

25、 good 7._ to show your kids that you take an interest in education.Many schools now have to raise their own funds for activities and parent volunteers are important to 8._ and help organize those fundraising events and other school activities.enteringchanceattendParent volunteers offer a huge resour

26、ce and a great 9._ for the school community while showing their kids the importance of taking part in the larger 10._.Not only will parent volunteers be helpful to the school but to you,too.By talking with teachers and other parents from time to time,youll 11._ a firsthand understanding of your chil

27、ds everyday activities.Youll also get to know the trend and fashion of the school life that can help you communicate with your kids as they grow and change.supportcommunityreceiveIf you 12._ not getting involved in the voluntary work for your kids in the early times,its never too late to start.In fa

28、ct,it may be a more important 13._ than ever to get involved when kids reach high school.Many parents just put a lot of 14._ to volunteer during their kids elementary years.So if you want to get 15._ of being a good parent,just be parent volunteers.regretperiodenergyvictoryI regret talking back,not

29、listening to Mom.(Unit 7 P51)【用法精析用法精析】regret的用法的用法regret作名词,意为作名词,意为“懊悔;遗憾懊悔;遗憾”。作动词,意为。作动词,意为“感到遗憾;后悔感到遗憾;后悔”,常见用法如下:常见用法如下:1.Lucy regretted_back to her mother yesterday and she wants to apologize to her now.A.talk B.talked C.talking D.to talk2.How is your project going recently,Linda?Not very goo

30、d.I regret _ your suggestions for me.A.not to take B.dont take C.not taking D.no taking3.我从未后悔去中国农村支教的这个决定。我从未后悔去中国农村支教的这个决定。Ive never _of being a volunteer teacher in Chinas rural areas.4.他后悔没在学校努力学习。他后悔没在学校努力学习。_.CAregretted the decisionHe regrets not working hard at schoolMy wife and I have suppo

31、rted every one of his races.(Unit 7 P54)【用法精析用法精析】support的用法的用法5.I hope all of you will come and actively _ me in the talent show.A.greet B.support C.cheer D.respect6.She decided to buy something in support _ the opening of her friends shop.A.to B.on C.in D.ofBD.is not only one of.but also one of it

32、s greatest mysteries.(Unit 8 P62)【用法精析用法精析】not only.but also.的用法的用法7.Not only my sister but also my parents _ interested in the celebrity reality show(明星真人秀明星真人秀).A.is B.are C.were D.has been8.What have you learned after three years study in China,Maria?I was taught _ knowledge _ good manners.A.eith

33、er;or B.not only;but alsoC.neither;nor D.not;butBBI attended a concert yesterday so it might still be in the music hall.(Unit 8 P58)【辨析辨析】attend,join,join in与与take part in词(组)用法attend正式用语,指出席或参加会议、婚礼、葬礼,去上学、上课、听报告或讲座等;主要指以观众或听众的身份参加join加入某一党派、团体或组织,并成为其中一员,如:join the armyjoin in参加,加入(某种活动),多指小规模的球赛、

34、游戏、娱乐项目等,如:join in the game;表示“加入某人的某种活动”时,用join sb.in(doing)sth.take part in参加群众性活动、会议、游行等,强调参与其中并能发挥作用,如:take part in the sports meeting 参加运动会1.Have you heard that Tinas brother _ the army two years ago?A.attended B.joinedC.joined in D.took part in2.There is a piece of news that Lang Lang and his

35、wife will be invited to _ the concert this Saturday.A.attend B.joinC.join in D.take part inBA3.Once every four years,the greatest athletes from all over the world gather together to _ the Olympic Games.A.join B.attendC.take part in D.join in4.I really want to _ the square dance.Can I learn the dance

36、 well?Yes,man!Nothing is impossible as long as you put your heart into it.A.attend B.join inC.take part in D.joinCB一、单项选择。一、单项选择。1.Maria is always full of _ because she takes exercise every day.(2020,南京南京)A.energy B.talent C.humor D.wealth2.Song of Autumn by Liu Yuxi describes autumn in a different

37、way.I agree.Most poets(诗人诗人)describe this season to _ a feeling of sadness,but in Lius eyes autumn is full of life and hope.(2020,泰州泰州)A.excuse B.express C.expect D.explain 3.On my way to the bookstore,I saw Mary hanging out with her friends.It _ be her.She has gone to Beijing.(2020,滨州滨州)A.cant B.mu

38、stnt C.might D.couldABA4.More and more people have realized that clear waters and green mountains are as _ as mountains of gold and silver.A.central B.special C.valuable D.great5.The boy has been missing for two days and his parents are worried about his _A.attention B.safety C.action D.growth6.Mum,

39、Ive signed for a big box by Future Express(快递快递).Whats in it?Im not sure.It _ be a present from your brother.A.might B.must C.should D.willCBA7.The final exams are coming.Lucy begins to _ that she has spent so much time on games instead of study.A.miss B.imagine C.regret D.warn8.The _ of education i

40、s teaching a man fishing rather than giving him fish.A.purpose B.advantage C.pleasure D.benefit9.A break between classes is a good time for students to play sports and talk with their classmates.So it _ helps with students health,_ improves their social skills.A.either;or B.neither;norC.not only;but

41、 also D.both;andCAC10.I dont think students are allowed to bring mobile phones to school._.It may influence their studies.A.What a pity B.I dont think so C.Never mind D.I cant agree with moreD二、完形填空。二、完形填空。The universe is really mystical(神秘的神秘的).Scientists have done lots of study about it but there

42、is still much they havent discovered.Scientists think that there _1_ life on the earth for many years.However,we havent found life on any other planets _2_.There are eight planets going around the sun.The earth is one of them.There are humans,animals,plants and many other kinds of life on the earth.

43、There is water and air,too.And compared to the other planets,the earth is not too _3_ or too cold.None of seven other planets has an environment like that of the earth.The sun and its planets are called the solar system,and our solar system is a small part of a _4_ larger group of stars and planets,

44、called the Galaxy or the Milky Way.There are _5_ stars in the Galaxy,and our sun is only one of them.Scientists have also discovered many other galaxies in the universe.Their light has to travel for many years to reach us.So _6_ is the universe?It is impossible to imagine.Scientists have sent spaces

45、hips to the planet Mars _7_ photos.They have even sent spaceships to travel outside _8_.However,no spaceship has travelled _9_ to reach other stars in our Galaxy.When we see stars twinkling(闪耀闪耀)in the sky at night,we may think a lot:_10_ so many stars in the universe,is there life out there in spac

46、e?If there is life on other planets,what will life be like there?What transports do they use to travel?Why dont they visit us?We do not know the answers.1.A.is going to be B.are going to be C.has been D.have been2.A.yet B.already C.still D.just3.A.cool B.warm C.hot D.wet4.A.most B.more C.many D.much

47、5.A.200 billions of B.200 billion of C.billions of D.billion of6.A.how large B.how far C.how wide D.how long7.A.taking B.to take C.take D.took8.A.Mars B.the sun C.the earth D.the solar system9.A.enough far B.far enough C.enough close D.close enough10.A.with B.without C.by D.onC AC DC ABD BA三、阅读理解。三、

48、阅读理解。My teacher said to a student,“Give me your phone.”We all looked in surprise.Kyle,a student who I never saw text(发信息发信息)in class,gave the teacher his phone.When the teacher left,two students who I often saw text in class started boasting(吹牛吹牛)about how they sent text messages and never got caugh

49、t.“Kyle,you dont text in class that way!”one of them said.“I put my phone under my desk so it looks like Im looking at my textbooks.”“Isnt it funny that we always text and never get caught,but the first time Kyle does it,he gets caught?”the other one laughed.They must have thought they were smart,be

50、cause they never got caught but Kyle did.Which situation is worse:getting caught,or getting away with it?Rules are there for a reason.These two students might not have got caught,but neither of them had good grades.I think they might keep breaking the rules in the future.People dont just break the l


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