2021年山东青岛中考英语人教版一轮复习九年级 Unit 11(ppt课件) .pptx

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1、九年级九年级Revision of Unit 11谈论事物对人的影响谈论事物对人的影响2021 九年级一轮复习Learning Objectivesl To review the key words and expressionsTo review the key words and expressionsl To talk about how things affect youTo talk about how things affect you 1.1.交际问答交际问答 根据所听到的句子,选出正确的答语根据所听到的句子,选出正确的答语并朗读。并朗读。1.A.Im Chinese.B.I d

2、ont feel well.C.Id like some water.2.A.I go to school at 7 a,m.B.I go for a walk every day .C.I walk to school every day.3.A.Yes,I did.B.I have two tickets.C.No,they are too expensive.4.A.Not at all.B.Thank you.C.No,not so good.5.A.What a pity.B.Help yourself.C.Watch out!.Whats the matter with you?H

3、ow do you go to school everyday?Did you take the airplane tickets with you?The shirt looks smart on you.I missed the football game on TV last night.(听清问句,抓住关键词,读准答案听清问句,抓住关键词,读准答案)话题表达话题表达Do you like the program Animal World?Why or why not?(说出至(说出至少两个理由)少两个理由)?General points:Yes,I do./No,I dont.Reas

4、ons:On the one hand,.On the other hand,.Conclusion:All in all/In a word,.Supporting details:very cute and interesting,very relaxing to watch them,Opposing details:learn about many different animals,learn some knowledge,educational【范文】【范文】Yes,I do.(0.5分)分)On the one hand,the animals in Animal World a

5、re very cute and interesting.Its very relaxing to watch them.(2分)分)On the other hand,it helps me to learn some knowledge about animals and the nature.This program is also very educational.It can help educate people to care for them.(2分)分)All in all,I like watching Animal World.(0.5分)分)你有你有90秒的准备时间。秒

6、的准备时间。The next day,Peter went to soccer practice with courage rather than fear in his heart.Hey,guys,he said to his teammates.Im really sorry about yesterday.We were so close to winning that game.But I think if we continue to pull together,were going to win the next one.“To his surprise and relief,h

7、is teammates all nodded in agreement.Yeah,they said,dont worry about it.Its never just one persons fault.We should think about how we can do better next time.“Peter smiled.It made him feel lucky to know that he was on a winning team.朗读短文朗读短文黑体动词:黑体动词:(中考题:综合填空中考题:综合填空A 会用到的词汇)会用到的词汇)1.drive-_(过去式)(过

8、去式)_(过去分词)(过去分词)2.examine-_(过去式)(过去式)_(过去分词)(过去分词)3.kick-_(过去式)(过去式)_(过去分词)(过去分词)4.pull-_(过去式)(过去式)_(过去分词)(过去分词)5.nod_(过去式)(过去式)_(过去分词)(过去分词)_(现在分词现在分词)6.disappoint_(adj.)_(adj.)黑体动词黑体动词drovedrivenexaminedexaminedkickedkickedpulledpullednoddednoddednoddingdisappointeddisappointingdrive sb crazy/mad使

9、人发使人发疯发狂疯发狂kick sb off 开除某人开除某人pull together齐齐心协力心协力disappoint sb/make sb disappointed/let sb down让某人失望让某人失望综综A用动词的适当形式填空。用动词的适当形式填空。1.Tony sometimes_ his mother to feel unhappy about his study.2.My boss _in agreement so I can make my decision.3.Look!The drunk man _the door hard.4.Holly _ by the doc

10、tor just now.5.If you dont study hard,you _your parents.drive examine nod kick,disappointdriveshas noddedis kickingwas examinedwill disappoint3 +2 +1黑体非动词黑体非动词名词(可数)名词(可数)1.国王国王2.银行家银行家3.王后王后4.王宫,宫殿王宫,宫殿5.柠檬柠檬6.教练教练名词(不可数)名词(不可数)1.友情友情2.权力权力3.财富财富4.重量重量5.勇气勇气6.一致,同意一致,同意黑体非动词黑体非动词名词(可数)名词(可数)1.国王国王2

11、.银行家银行家3.王后王后4.王宫,宫殿王宫,宫殿5.柠檬柠檬6.教练教练名词(不可数)名词(不可数)1.友情友情2.权力权力3.财富财富4.重量重量5.勇气勇气6.一致,同意一致,同意kingbankerqueenpalacelemoncoaches friendship power wealth weight courage (in)agreement黑体非动词黑体非动词1.pale paler/palest 2.grey greyer/greyest3.uncomfortale comfortable4.primenorneither.nor副词副词besides连词连词非黑体词非黑体词

12、ratherlatelyprime minsterfameteammaterelieffaultexcept综综B 1.He felt like there was a heavy height on his _(肩膀肩膀).2.Waiting for Amy drove Tina even_(疯狂疯狂).3.He was really worried that his coach might kick him _(开除开除).4.Dont be too hard on _,TOM.(自己自己)。5.He sat _(舒服地舒服地)listening to the sooth music.sh

13、ouldersmadderoffyourselfcomfortably重点短语重点短语1.宁愿宁愿2.越越越越3.忽略,不提及,不包括忽略,不提及,不包括4.既既不不也不也不5.对对某人苛刻某人苛刻6.而不是而不是7.刚刚要,即要,即将将8.盯盯着着9.使使失望失望10.差点差点赢赢了比了比赛赛1.would rather2.the morethe more3.leave out4.neither nor5.be hard on sb6.rather than7.be about to8.stare at9.let down10.be close to winning the game胶州市第

14、六中学考点突破考点突破rather than 的用法的用法胶州市第六中学考点突破考点突破rather than 的用法的用法抢练命题点抢练命题点1.He prefers to walk_(而不是而不是)ride a bike.2.Its raining outside.I_ stay at home_go out.A.Prefer,to B.prefer,than C.would rather,than D.would rather,torather thanC胶州市第六中学胶州市第六中学重点句子重点句子1.Waiting for Amy _ Tina _.等待等待 Amy 使使Tina 生气

15、了。生气了。2。Then she wont feel _ _.那么她就不会感到被忽略了。那么她就不会感到被忽略了。3.The next day,Peter went to soccer practice _ courage _ _ fear in his heart.第二天,彼得去参加了足球训练,内心充满了勇气而不是恐惧。第二天,彼得去参加了足球训练,内心充满了勇气而不是恐惧。drove madleft outwithrather than语法填空语法填空A long time ago,in a rich and beautiful country,there lived_ unhappy k

16、ing.He slept_(bad)and didn t feel like _(eat).He often cried for no reason.This made the queen and his People_(worry).One day,a doctor was called in _ examine the king.But he found nothing wrong with his body._ medicine nor rest can help him.What he needs is the shirt of a happy person to wear.The p

17、rime minister was called to The palace.He said,“_ I have a lot of power,It doesnt make me happy.Im always worried about losing my power.Many people are trying to take my position.“Then,the kings banker came to the palace.Oh,Im afraid Im not happy _,He said.“I have a lot of wealth,but Im always worri

18、ed about losing my money.Someone tries to steal my money everyday.Next,the palace singer came to the kings room.He said:“It s true that I m famous and everyone loves my songs.But Im not happy because I m always worried about being followed by _(other).I cannot be free!”Finally,the kings top general

19、was told to go out and find a happy man in three _(day)time.anbadlyeatingworriedtoNeitherAlthough/Thougheitherothersdays短文填空短文填空A.Then he went into his room without another wordB.It made him feel lucky to that he was on a winning team.C.Winning or losing is only half the gameD.He was really worried

20、about that his coach might kick him off the team.E.Peter kept his eyes on the ground F.But whatever it was,dont be too hard on yourself.The Winning Team1._.He felt like there was a heavy weight on his shoulders as he walked home alone.It was the worst day of his life.His mind couldnt stop thinking a

21、bout what happened only just an hour ago on the school soccer field.How could he have missed scoring that goal?He had let his whole team down.His stupid mistake made him angry.His team had lost the game because of him2._As soon As he walked through the door,his father asked,Whats wrong,son?Peter s f

22、eelings were written all over his face.“I lost the game,Peter replied.3_.Ten minutes later,Peter heard his father knocking on his bedroom door.He opened the door to let him in.Look,Peter.I dont know what happened.“_4._“I lost the game,Dad.I failed my team.Theyll probably never let me play again.“Soc

23、cer is about team effort.Youre not the only reason your team lost.If You have a good team,You should support each other.5._ The other half is learning how to communicate with your teammates and learning from your mistakes.“Peter didnt say anything,but what his father said made him think carefully.ED

24、AFC书面表达书面表达不同颜色不同颜色,不同含义。红色表示热情不同含义。红色表示热情,绿色表示和平绿色表示和平,黄色表示警黄色表示警告告.以以Colours and moods为题为题,以蓝色和橙色为代表以蓝色和橙色为代表,写一篇写一篇英文短文介绍颜色与心情英文短文介绍颜色与心情,内容包括以下要点内容包括以下要点:1、颜色可以让我们开心或悲伤、颜色可以让我们开心或悲伤,精神饱满或昏昏沉沉精神饱满或昏昏沉沉2、蓝色代表平静、蓝色代表平静,当人们生气或激动时当人们生气或激动时,常常可以让人们平静下来常常可以让人们平静下来3、橙色代表欢乐、橙色代表欢乐,悲伤的时候悲伤的时候,可以使人振奋。住在寒冷地

25、区的人可以使人振奋。住在寒冷地区的人,通常喜欢在家里用橙色通常喜欢在家里用橙色,产生温暖舒适的感觉产生温暖舒适的感觉4、介绍一种你最喜欢的颜色、介绍一种你最喜欢的颜色,说明说明1-2点原因点原因_ _注意注意:1、词数不少于、词数不少于80词词2、内容可以适当发挥、内容可以适当发挥3、文章条理清晰、文章条理清晰,意思连贯意思连贯4.不要逐字翻译不要逐字翻译 Colours and moodsSome people believe that colours can influence our moods.打草稿,连句子打草稿,连句子Some people believe that colors

26、can influence our moods.Colors can _(改变我们的情绪)and make us _(感到高兴)or sad,energetic or sleepy.Blue represents calm.It _(带来平静)to our mind and body.When people are_(生气或者兴奋),it can _(让他们镇静下来).Orange represent joy.When you feel sad,it can _(让你兴奋).people _(在寒冷地区)_(更喜欢橙色)in their homes _(有温暖舒适的感觉).My favouri

27、te colour is green.It can _(给我能量).when I am tired,I can wear green clothes_(让我自己更有活力).参考范文参考范文Some people believe that colors can influence our moods.Colors can change our minds and make us feel happy or sad,energetic or sleepy.Blue represents calm.It bring peace to our mind and body.When people are

28、 angry and excited,it can calm them down.Orange represents joy.When you feel sad,it can cheer you up.people in cold areas prefer orange in their homes to have a warm and comfortable feeling.My favourite colour is green.It can give me energy.when I am tired,I can wear green clothes to make myself more energetic.Homework1.Correct the composition and share it with your friends.2.Finish the exercise paper.


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