2021年辽宁中考英语一轮复习 基础解析集训 第3讲 人教版七年级(下)Unit 1-Unit 4(ppt课件).ppt

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2021年辽宁中考英语一轮复习 基础解析集训 第3讲 人教版七年级(下)Unit 1-Unit 4(ppt课件).ppt_第1页
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1、第3讲七年级(下)Unit 1Unit 4四会单词四会单词Unit 11._n.吉他吉他2._v.唱歌唱歌3._v.&n.游泳游泳4._v.跳舞跳舞n.舞蹈舞蹈5._v.画画6._n.国际象棋国际象棋7._v.说说(某种语言某种语言);说话;说话guitarsingswimdancedrawchessspeak8._v.参加;加入参加;加入9._n.俱乐部;社团俱乐部;社团10._v.讲述;告诉讲述;告诉11._n.故事;小说故事;小说12._v.写作;写字写作;写字13._n.演出;节目演出;节目v.给给看;展示看;展示14._v.&n.说话;交谈说话;交谈joinclubtellstory

2、writeshowtalk15._n.鼓鼓16._n.小提琴小提琴17._n.家;活动本部家;活动本部adv.到家;在家到家;在家18._v.使成为;制造使成为;制造19._adv.在今天在今天20._n.中心;中央中心;中央21._n.周末周末22._v.教;讲授教;讲授drumviolinhomemaketodaycenter/centreweekendteachUnit 21._v.穿衣服穿衣服n.连衣裙连衣裙2._v.刷;刷净刷;刷净n.刷子刷子3._n.牙齿牙齿4._n.&v.淋浴淋浴n.淋浴器淋浴器(间间)5._num.四十四十6._adv.从不;绝不从不;绝不7._adv.&ad


4、业20._v.跑;奔跑;奔21._v.打扫;弄干净打扫;弄干净 adj.干净的干净的grouphalfpastquarterhomeworkrunclean22._n.&v.行走;步行行走;步行23._conj.或者或者adv.也也(用在否定词组后用在否定词组后)24._v.有有的味道;品尝的味道;品尝n.味道;滋味味道;滋味25._n.生活;生命生活;生命walkeithertastelifeUnit 31._n.火车火车2._n.地铁地铁3._v.骑骑n.旅程旅程4._num.六十六十5._num.七十七十6._num.八十八十7._num.九十九十8._num.一百一百trainsubw


6、小船23._adj.害怕;畏惧害怕;畏惧24._prep.像;怎么样像;怎么样25._v.离开;留下离开;留下26._n.梦想;睡梦梦想;睡梦v.做梦做梦27._adj.真的;符合事实的真的;符合事实的villagebetweenbridgeboatafraidlikeleavedreamtrueUnit 41._n.规则;规章规则;规章2._v.到达到达3._n.大厅;礼堂大厅;礼堂4._v.听;倾听听;倾听5._v.&n.打架;战斗打架;战斗6._adj.抱歉的;难过的;惋惜的抱歉的;难过的;惋惜的7._adv.在外面在外面adj.外面的外面的8._v.穿;戴穿;戴rulearriveha


8、3._v.记住;记起记住;记起24._v.遵循;跟随遵循;跟随25._n.幸运;运气幸运;运气26._v.保持;保留保持;保留27._v.学习;学会学习;学会 kitchenrelaxreadterriblefeelstrictrememberfollowluckkeeplearn词汇拓展词汇拓展(针对完形填空针对完形填空)1.sing(v.)_(过去式过去式)_(过去分词过去分词)唱歌唱歌_(n.)歌手歌手2.speak(v.)_(过去式过去式)_(过去分词过去分词)说说(某种语言某种语言);说话;说话_(n.)发言者发言者3.write(v.)_(过去式过去式)_(过去分词过去分词)写作;





13、brought26.read(v.)_(过去式过去式/过去分词过去分词)读;阅读读;阅读_(n.)读者;爱读书的人读者;爱读书的人_(n.)阅读;读书活动阅读;读书活动27.feel(v.)_(过去式过去式/过去分词过去分词)感受;觉得感受;觉得_(n.)感觉;感触感觉;感触28.follow(v.)_(adj.)接着的;下列的接着的;下列的_(n.)拥护者;追随者拥护者;追随者readreaderreadingfeltfeelingfollowingfollower29.keep(v.)_(过去式过去式/过去分词过去分词)保持;保留保持;保留_(n.)饲养员;保管人饲养员;保管人 30.le


15、_(过去式过去式/过去分词过去分词)梦想梦想teethlivesalivelivelydreamed短语集锦短语集锦(针对句子翻译针对句子翻译)Unit 11._ _ _ 弹吉他弹吉他2._ _ 下国际象棋下国际象棋3._ _ 说英语说英语4._ _ _ 加入俱乐部加入俱乐部5._ _ _.擅长擅长6._ _ 讲故事讲故事7._ _ _ _ _/_ _ _ 写一封信写一封信给某人给某人 playtheguitarplaychessspeakEnglishjointheclubbegoodattellstorieswritealettertosb.writetosb.8._ _ _ 把某物给某人

16、看把某物给某人看9._ _.跟跟说说10._ _ _ 敲鼓敲鼓 11._ _ _ 弹钢琴弹钢琴12._ _ _ 拉小提琴拉小提琴13._ _ _.善于应付善于应付的;的;对对有办法有办法14._ _ 结交朋友结交朋友 15._ _ _ _ 在某方面帮助某人在某方面帮助某人showsb.sth.talktoplaythedrumsplaythepianoplaytheviolinbegoodwithmakefriendshelpsb.withsth.16._ _ _.拨打拨打号码找某人号码找某人17._ _ 在晚上在晚上 18._ _ _ _ _ 需要某人做某事需要某人做某事callsb.ata

17、tnightneedsb.todosth.Unit 21._ _ 起床;站起起床;站起 2._ _ 穿上衣服穿上衣服 3._ _ _ 洗淋浴洗淋浴4._ _ _ 七点半七点半 getupgetdressedtakeashowerhalfpastseven短语集短语集锦锦(针对句子翻译针对句子翻译)5._ _ _ _ 差一刻八点差一刻八点/七点四十五七点四十五6._ _ 广播电台广播电台7._(ones)_ 做作业做作业8._ _ _ 散步;散步;走一走走一走9._._.要么要么要么要么;或者;或者或者或者 10._ _/_ _ _ 大量;大量;许多许多aquartertoeightradios

18、tationdohomeworktakeawalkeitherorlotsofalotofUnit 31._ _ 刷牙刷牙2._ _ _ 半小时半小时3._ _ _ _ 过健康的生活过健康的生活4._ _ _/_ _ 乘地铁乘地铁5._ _ _/_ _ 骑自行车骑自行车brushteethhalfanhourhave/liveahealthylifetakethesubwaybysubwayrideabikebybike6._ _/_ _/_ _ 坐公交车坐公交车7._ _ 认为;认为;想起想起8._._.在在与与之间之间 9._ _ _ 害怕害怕10._ _ 实现;实现;成为现实成为现实ta

19、keathebusbybusthinkofbetweenandbeafraidofcometrue11._ _ _ 乘火车乘火车12._ _ _ 步行去上学步行去上学13._ _ _ 开车去上班开车去上班14._ _ 公共汽车站点公共汽车站点15._ _ 公共汽车车站公共汽车车站16._ _ _ 过河过河17._ _ _ _ 乘索道乘索道18._ _ 像像19._ _ 乘船乘船takethewalktoschooltraindrivetoworkbusstopbusstationcrosstherivergoonaropewaybelikebyboatUnit 41._ _ _ _ 上课迟到上

20、课迟到2.(be)_ _ 准时准时3._ _ _ 听音乐听音乐4._ _ _ _ _/_ _ _ 与某人打架与某人打架 5._ _ 必须;必须;不得不不得不6._ _ 外出外出(娱乐娱乐)arrivelateforclassontimelistentomusichaveafightwithsb.fightwithsb.havetogoout7._ _ _ 清洗餐具清洗餐具8._ _ _ 铺床铺床9._ _ _ _ 对某人要求严格对某人要求严格10._ _ _ _ 帮助某人做某事帮助某人做某事11._ _ 在课堂上在课堂上12._ _ _ 遵守规则遵守规则dothedishesmakeonesb

21、edbestrictwithsb.helpsb.dosth.inclassfollowtherules13._ _ _ _ 学着做某事学着做某事14._ _ _ 在走廊里在走廊里15._ _ _ _ 在餐厅里在餐厅里16._ _ 校服校服17._ _ 做早餐做早餐18._ _ 晚饭之前晚饭之前19._ _ 祝你好运祝你好运20._ _ _ 留短发留短发21._ _ 玩得愉快玩得愉快learntodosth.inthehallwaysinthedininghallschooluniformmakebreakfastbeforedinnergoodluckkeephairshorthavefun重

22、点句型重点句型Unit 11.谈论自己或他人的能力:谈论自己或他人的能力:_?_/_?_dance./_sing.2.谈论个人意愿:谈论个人意愿:_?_the chess club.3.选择疑问句:选择疑问句:Can you sing _dance?Can you drawYes,I canNo,I cantWhat can you doI canI cantWhat club do you want to joinI want to joinorUnit 2表示选择:表示选择:In the evening,I _watch TV _play computer games.Unit 3It作形

23、式主语:作形式主语:.,_is easy_.eitheroritto get to school交际用语交际用语(针对补全对话针对补全对话)询问和表达时间询问和表达时间(Ask about and say time)1._(你通常什么时候起床?你通常什么时候起床?)I usually get up at six thirty.2.When do your friends exercise?_(他们通常在周末锻炼身体。他们通常在周末锻炼身体。)3._(你多久后会回来?你多久后会回来?)Ill be back in 6 days.When_do_you_usually_get_up?They_us

24、ually_exercise_on_weekends.How_soon_will_you_be_back?4._(你什么时候离开?你什么时候离开?)Ill leave next Friday.谈论出行方式谈论出行方式(Talk about how to get to places)5._(你怎样去学校呢?你怎样去学校呢?)I ride my bike./By bike.6._(去学校花费你多长时去学校花费你多长时间?间?)It takes about 20 minutes.When_will_you_leave?How_do_you_get_to_school?How_long_does_it

25、_take_you_to_go_to_school?7._(从你家到学校从你家到学校有多远?有多远?)Its about two kilometers.8._(你们怎样去那儿呢?你们怎样去那儿呢?)We are going there by taxi.谈论规则谈论规则(Talk about rules)How_far_is_it_from_your_home_to_school?How_are_you_going_there?9._(他他在学校必须穿校服吗?在学校必须穿校服吗?)Yes,he does./No,he doesnt.10.What do you have to do?_(在图书馆

26、我们必须安静。在图书馆我们必须安静。)11._(规则是什么?规则是什么?)We must have classes on time.Does_he_have_to_wear_the_school_uniform_at_school?We_have_to_be_quiet_in_the_library.What_are_the_rules?语法语法1.情态动词情态动词can的用法的用法(P204)2.频度副词频度副词(usually,always,never等等)3.how词组词组(P221)4.祈使句祈使句(P220)5.时间表达法时间表达法(P173)1.The cover of the b

27、ook _ comfortable.Its made of silk.(2019,铁岭,铁岭,4题题)A.tastes B.feels C.looks D.sounds2.The Greens like the quietness in the countryside.The city is too _ for them.(2019,本溪,本溪,4题题)A.comfortable B.dangerousC.noisy D.perfectBC3.The pancakes_ good.There are many people waiting in line to buy some.(2018,铁

28、岭,铁岭,10题题)A.sound B.feel C.turn D.taste4.Mom,may I drink the milk on the table?No,you cant.It smells _.It has gone bad.(2017,丹东,丹东,23题题)A.good B.well C.terribly D.terribleDD5.Hefty is _ running.He won the first place again.(2017,铁岭,铁岭,11题题)A.weak in B.good atC.bored with D.afraid of6.Mrs.Wang allowe

29、d me to _ the dictionary for five days.(2016,铁岭,铁岭,10题题)A.borrow B.keep C.take D.lendBB7.I hear you have to get up early every morning.Right.Its one of the _ in my family.(2016,阜新,阜新,1题题)A.rules B.orders C.reasons D.experience8.As a student,we should keep our classroom _.(2015,丹东,丹东,34题题)A.dirty B.c

30、lean C.clear D.noisyAB9.不要扔掉这些旧书。不要扔掉这些旧书。(2020,丹东,丹东,87题题)Dont_throw_away_these_old_books10.无论你在哪里,不要忘记你是中国人。无论你在哪里,不要忘记你是中国人。(2019,铁岭,铁岭,62题题)Dont_forget_you_are_a_Chinese_no_matter_where/wherever_you_are根据句子意思,用括号中所给词的正确形式填空。根据句子意思,用括号中所给词的正确形式填空。1.No one can grow up without experiencing difficul

31、ties,and maybe that is the _ (true)of life.2.Looking from the top of the mountain,you can see the whole _(village)clearly.3.In order to keep healthy,my grandparents do morning _(exercise)every day.4.When the floods broke out in South China,many soldiers came to the scene to save peoples _(life)and p

32、roperty.truthvillageexerciseslives5.Could you tell me the _(important)of this task?6.My father _(drive)to work after he had breakfast at seven this morning.7.Its highly possible that Ill go _(walk)outside after supper.8.The books,_(write)by Han Han,were once very popular with many young people.impor

33、tancedroveto_walkwritten1.In cities more and more people _ the subway to many places because its quite convenient.A.take B.ride C.drive D.go2.He planned to go to Beijing by _ air at first,but finally he took _ train.A./;/B.an;/C./;the D.an;aAC3.Without doubt,going to school or work _ bus really help

34、s to protect the environment.A.in B.by C.with D.on4.He often goes to school _ because he thinks its good for his health.A.in a car B.on the busC.by the train D.on footBD5.Its not good to keep your friends _ for you for a long time.A.wait B.waited C.to wait D.waiting6.To make the river clean,the gove

35、rnment should keep the factories from _ rubbish into it.A.throws B.to throw C.threw D.throwingDD7.如果你不断练习篮球技巧,你会成为校队的一员。如果你不断练习篮球技巧,你会成为校队的一员。If you _ your basketball skills,you will be a member of the school team.8.在阅览室里,学生应该保持安静。在阅览室里,学生应该保持安静。Students_should_keep_quiet_in_the_reading_room.keep(on

36、)_practicing9.My grandpas memory is getting poorer.As a result,he often _ his keys at home.A.forgets B.loses C.leaves D.misses10.I planned to go climbing with my brother,but he had been asked to leave _ Beijing on business.A.for B.by C.to D.inCA11.When children lose their temper,parents had better l

37、eave them _ for a while.A.behind B.alone C.by D.within12.In general,Chinese people can get a long _ during the Spring Festival.A.leave B.leaving C.note D.messageBA13.Lily treats her motherinlaw like her own mother,so she is good _ her.14.Its good _ all of us to go out in a green way.15.John is good

38、_ math,so he always helps me with my math homework.withforat16.他是一个害羞的男孩,所以不擅长与别人交朋友。他是一个害羞的男孩,所以不擅长与别人交朋友。He is a shy boy,so he isnt _ making friends with others.17.乔治对同事都很友好,大家都喜欢他。乔治对同事都很友好,大家都喜欢他。George is so _ his colleagues that everyone likes him.good_atgood_to1.Time will _ whether I made the

39、 right choice or not.I believe you can succeed.A.know B.say C.tell D.talk2.To my surprise,the sevenyearold girl can _ English as fluently as a native speaker.A.talk B.tell C.say D.speak3.Dont forget to _“Thank you”when someone helps you.A.speak B.tell C.talk D.sayCDD4.南希对历史很感兴趣。她经常和她的爷爷谈论历史。南希对历史很感兴

40、趣。她经常和她的爷爷谈论历史。Nancy is very interested in history.She always _ history with her grandpa.5.我喜欢和朋友面对面交谈而不是打电话。我喜欢和朋友面对面交谈而不是打电话。I like to _ my friends face to face instead of making a phone call.talks_abouttalk_to/with6.I went to New York last month,and I _ spent some time in Washington.7.My brother

41、didnt catch the first bus this morning.I didnt catch it,_.8.My brother is interested in the model plane,and I like it,_9.As long as you keep on doing oral exercises,you will improve your listening and speaking skills _alsoeithertooas_well/too10.In my opinion,Jenny is old enough to _ herself.A.wear B

42、.dress C.put on D.be in11.Its cold outside.Youd better _ your sweater to keep warm.A.wear B.dress C.put on D.be inBC12.In order to keep your eyes from strong sunshine,youd better _ sunglasses when you are under the sun.A.wear B.get C.put D.dress13.Who is the scientist from Beijing?The man _ white ov

43、er there.Hes of medium height.A.with B.in C.on D.forAB一、单项选择。一、单项选择。1.What sport do you prefer to play today,soccer _ tennis,Jenny?(2020,阜新模拟阜新模拟)A.and B.or C.so D.but2.Bob,when will you help me do a survey,today or tomorrow?_ is OK.Im free these two days.(2020,铁岭葫芦岛,铁岭葫芦岛)A.Both B.None C.Either D.N

44、eitherBC3.Because people can find information on the Internet,knowledge spreads _(2020,天津天津)A.quickly B.loudly C.hardly D.nearly4.While she was in Milan,she developed a _for fine art.(2020,包头,包头)A.way B.relation C.taste D.habitAC 5.Have you reminded your father about grandmothers birthday party?Yes,

45、Ive left him a(an)_(2020,深圳改编,深圳改编)A.magazine Barticle C.message D.information6.The performer _ because there was too much noise coming from the crowd.(2020,江西江西)A.continued B.relaxed C.stopped D.wonCC7.I came to school _ this morning because it was my turn to clean the classroom.A.early B.slowly C.

46、quickly D.suddenly8.My daughter helps me cook,but she isnt old enough to be left alone in the _A.bedroom B.study C.lab D.kitchenAD9.Which is much braver,the sun or the moon,Tom?Of course the moon.Because it isnt _ the dark.A.harmful to B.afraid ofC.sure about D.thirsty for10.Mom,Im thirteen now.Can

47、I ride a bike to school?Yes,you can.But you must follow the traffic _ on the way.A.rules B.plans C.safety D.accidentBA11._ is it since the Communist Party of China was founded?Ninetynine years.Its her 100th birthday next year.A.How often B.How longC.How soon D.How farB二、完形填空。二、完形填空。The National Day

48、of the Peoples Republic of China is celebrated on October 1st every year to commemorate the founding of Peoples Republic of China.Besides,the sevenday holiday is called“Golden Week”.During the holiday more and more people go _1_ around the country.So many _2_ are crowded.It is often _3_ to take the

49、train,buy tickets,go shopping or have meals.Wang Jian is my friend.He went to Beijing with his parents by train during the holiday.They _4_ about two hours waiting at the train station.When they arrived in Beijing,it was about seven oclock in the evening.It was difficult for them to find a cheap _5_

50、 so they had to choose an expensive one.The next day,they went to the Great Wall.It was _6_,too.They didnt enjoy themselves because there were a lot of people.To make your travel in China easier and more comfortable,I think you should _7_ these tips:If possible,you can travel just before or after th


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