2021年仁爱版中考英语一轮复习(ppt课件):八下Unit 8 Topic 2-3.pptx

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1、U8 T2T31.dpend_2.ntvju_3.hit_4.riz()n _5.ept _6.fs _ depend interview heat reason airport officer7.pe()nt_8.spred_9.del_10.n()n_11.sml_patient spread daily northernsimilar12.ein_13.kspres_14.bv_15.lst _16.ts _17.mks_ Asian express above list choice mix1.correct(动词、形容词)_(副词)2.beautiful(形容词)_(副词)_(名词)

2、3.north(名词)_(形容词)4.heat(名词)_(形容词)correctly beautifully beauty northern hot1.tradition(名词)_(形容词)2.Asia(名词)_(形容词)3.person(名词)_(形容词)4.decorate(动词)_(名词)5.marry(动词)_(名词)6.celebrate(动词)_(名词)7.attract(动词)_(形容词)_(名词)traditional Asian personal decoration marriage celebration attractiveattraction1.校服_2.显示良好风纪

3、_3.做调查_4.处于困境_5.脱下,起飞_6.在每一个场合_school uniform show good discipline make a survey in trouble take offon every occasion 重点词组7.便衣 _8.职业装_9.休闲装_10.依靠,取决于_11.执行_12.正确着装_ plain clothes business suit casual clothes depend on carry out dress correctly 13.在某人看来_14.除之外,也_15.疾病的传播_16.在日常生活中_17.在特殊的日子_18.阻止某人做某

4、事 _ in ones opinion as well as the spread of diseases in the daily life on special daysstop/keep/prevent sb.from doing sth.1.在的中心_2.少数民族服装_3.高级时尚_4.在领域_5.代表_6.得名_in the center of minority costumes high fashion in the world/field of stand for get ones name Topic 37.从那时起_8.为所知_9.把设计成_10.曾经_11.遍及全世界_fr

5、om then on be/become known to design as at one timeacross the world情景交际:情景交际:1.中国的时装不同于西方的时装,你可以这么表述:_.2.我们可以把唐装设计成正装或休闲装,你可以这表表述:_ the Tang costume _.3.唐装在日本和韩国正变得越来越流行,你可以这么说:The Tang costume _.Chinese fashion is different from western fashionWe can design as formal or casual clothes is becoming m

6、ore and more popular in Japan and Korea4.你坚信合适的校服能显示出良好的风纪,你可以这样表述:Im sure _.5.大部分学生都认为校服穿在他们身上很难看,你可以这么表述:Most of students think _.suitable uniforms can show good discipline school uniforms look ugly on them6.你想告诉你表弟在每一个场合穿着得体是很重要的,你可以这么说:_7.在操场上学生有必要穿运动衣和运动鞋,你可以这么表述:_.Its necessary for students to

7、 wear sports clothes and sports shoes on the playground It is important to wear suitable clothes on every occasion.8.你想知道对方喜欢什么风格,可以这样问:_?9.你想知道我们什么时候需要穿校服,你可以这样问老师:_?What style do you likeWhen do we need to wear school uniforms10.你不想穿校服是因为校服穿在身上很难看,可以这样说:_.11.你想知道刚才Jack说了什么,可以这样问:Kangkang,could you

8、 _?I dont like wear school uniforms because they look ugly on us/me (please)tell me what Jack said just now12.对学生来说在操场上穿运动衣和运动鞋是很有必要的,你可以这样说:_.Its necessary for students to wear sports clothes and sports shoes on the playground.13.打扰一下,你能告诉我这起事故是如何发生的吗?(happen)_14.以我看来,这部影片非常有趣。(opinion,funny)_Excus

9、e me,could you tell me how the accident happened?In my opinion,the film is very funny.15.昨天这场暴风雨阻止了我们外出。(rainstorm,stop)_16.我想知道明天是否爷爷会来。(wonder,if)_17.他们在执行一项特殊的任务吗?(task)_The rainstorm stopped us from going out yesterday.I wonder if grandfather will come tomorrow.Are they carrying out a special ta

10、sk?18.你看到公交车来了,赶紧跟朋友说:_!19.你想邀请对方和你一起去,可以这样说:_?20.你想了解对方是否知道音乐会将于何时开始,可以这样问:_?Here comes the busWould you like to go with meDo you know when the concert will start21.你想知道对方上个月有没有观看时装表演会,可以这样问:_?22.你想知道朋友对这个时装表演会的看法,可以这样问:_?Did you watch the fashion show last monthWhat do you think of/How do you like

11、 the fashion show23.Billy对中国的历史了解很多。(a lot)_24.黄河因何得名?(get name)_25.你可以选择丝绸,也可以选择皮革。(leather)_Billy knows a lot about Chinese history.How did the Yellow River get its name?You can choose the silk or the leather.26.历史博物馆天天开放,除了星期天。(except)_27.想再来块蛋糕吗?(another)_The history museum is open every day exc

12、ept Sunday.Would you like another cake?1.I like to wear my own clothes because school uniform will look so ugly on us.意思是“我喜欢穿自己的衣服,因为校服穿在我们身上看起来很丑。”look ugly on sb.意为“穿在某人身上看起来很丑”词组:ones own“某人自己的”on sb.“穿在某人身上”2.You should take off your shoes when you enter someones home in Japan.意思是“当你进入日本人家里的时候,

13、必须先脱掉鞋子。”when you enter someones home in Japan=when entering a Japanese hometake off意为“脱下,脱掉”,反义词组是put on。take off 还可表示“起飞”。e.g.()The plane will _ in an hour.A.put off B.take out C.take off enter ones home意为“进入某人的家”。enter=_“进入”C go into3.Its suitable(for us)to wear business suits in a meeting.意思是“对我

14、们来说开会时穿西装是很合适的。”句型“Its+adj.+(for us)+to do sth.”意为“(某人)做某事是”,可以转化为一个用it作形式主语的复合句结构,“Its+adj.+that”。类似的用法还有:Its necessary/important/possible/wonderful(for sb.)to do sth.()Its possible _ him _ finish the task in one week.A.of;to B.for;to C.to;to B4.When officials dress in their uniforms,they look impo

15、rtant.意思是“当官员们穿着他们的制服时,他们就显得很庄重。”【辨析】表示“穿,戴”的词和词组 put on(穿上,戴上)表示动作,是终止性动词,不能与表示一段时间的状语连用,后面接穿或戴上的东西。e.g.Grandma _ to read the newspaper.奶奶戴上眼镜看报纸。put on her glasses wear(穿着,戴着)表示状态,用于一般现在时表示经常处于这种状态;用于进行时表示暂时的情况。e.g.He always wears glasses.他总是戴着眼镜。dress的宾语是人,表示“给穿上衣服”。e.g.She is dressing the baby.她

16、在给小孩穿衣。The child is old enough to dress himself.那孩子到了可以自己穿衣服的年龄了。in是介词,后接表示颜色或衣物的词,强调的是状态。e.g.The girl _ is my sister.穿红衣服的女孩是我姐姐。on是介词,后跟人作宾语,意为“穿在某人身上”。e.g.The coat looks very nice _.那件大衣穿在你身上很好看。in red on you用wear,put on,in,dress或on的适当形式填空。My Chinese teacher often _ a pair of sunglasses.The boy _

17、 a green T-shirt comes from America.The hat _ you is very cool._ your jacket,Ann.Its cold outside.My cousin could _ himself when he was four years old.wears in on Put on dress5.What people wear depends on their likes and dislikes.意思是“人们的衣着取决于他们的喜好。”depend on 意为“依靠、依赖”。e.g._ “我们靠报纸得到每天的消息。”like的含义:li

18、ke在这里是名词,意为“喜好,爱好”,反义词为_,常用复数形式。作介词,表示“像,相似”时,反义词为_,意为“不像”。作动词,意为“喜欢”,反义词为_,意为“不喜欢”。We depend on the newspaper for daily news.unlike dislike dislike6.In winter,Canadian people wear coats,gloves,boots and hats the same as people in northern China do.意思是“在冬天,加拿大人和中国北方的人一样穿着大衣、长筒靴,戴着手套和帽子。”the same as意

19、为“和一样/相同”,反义词组:be different from意为“与不一样”。e.g.My idea _,but its different from his.“我的主意和你的一样,但和他的不一样。”is the same as yours7.People in Canada and the United States usually wear suits to work in offices,as well as for more formal occasions,just as people do in China.意思是“加拿大人和美国人像中国人一样,除了在更正式的场合外,在办公室上

20、班时也穿西装。”suit指“一套衣服”。(包括coat,skirt,pants等)clothes意为“衣服”,只有复数形式,它统指“服装”,而不是一件衣服,不能与具体数词连用。clothing是“衣服”的总称,为不可数名词,只能用“a piece of”表示一件。cloth意为“布,衣料”,是不可数名词。e.g.These _ are new.“这些衣服是新的。”I need a lot of _ if I am going to make a new dress.“如果要做一件新裙子,我要很多布料。”An overcoat is a piece of _.“大衣是一件衣服。”clothes

21、cloth clothingas well as意为“除之外,还,也”。e.g._ “他们除了卖书还卖报纸。”as well as还意为还意为“和和一样好一样好”。e.g.He plays the piano _.“他的钢琴弹得和简一样好。”as well意同意同also/too,常放于句末,意为,常放于句末,意为“也也”。e.g.He is a teacher,and _.“他是教师也是作家。”They sell books as well as newspapers.as well as Jane(does)a writer as well8.There will be another o

22、ne there tomorrow.意思是“明天将会有另一场时装秀。”There is going to be=There will be 是There be结构的将来时,表示某地将举行某项运动,或将有某物。e.g.There is going to be a football match in our school next week.=_ a football match in our school next week.“我们学校下周将有一场足球比赛。”There will be9.Many models will be there to model the clothes.意思是“许多模

23、特将去那里展示时装。”model的用法:model 作名词时,意为“模特,模型”。e.g._“一个飞机模型”model作动词时,意为“展示”。e.g._“展示时装”a model plane model the clothes10.Here come the models.Here come another three models.意思是“模特走过来了。又有三位模特走过来了。”another 是形容词,意为“又一个,再一个”,其结构为:“another+单数可数名词one more+单数可数名词”“another+数词+复数名词数词+more+复数名词”英语中以here或there开头的句子

24、要倒装动词要放在主语之前。e.g.Here comes Mary!“玛丽来了!”_“公交车来了!”主语若是人称代词时,主语和谓语的语序不变。e.g.Here she comes.“她来了。”_“它在这儿。”Here comes the bus!Here it is.11.The Tang costume stands for Chinese history and fashion culture.意思是“唐装代表着中国的历史和服装文化。”stand for意为意为“代表代表”。e.g.What do the letters WTO _?“字母WTO代表什么?”stand for12.It go

25、t its name when China became known to other countries during the Han and Tang Dynasties.意思是“唐装是因为中国在汉、唐时期开始闻名于世而得名。”get ones name意为意为“得名得名”。e.g.The village_ the lake in it.“这个村庄因村内的湖泊而得名。”be/become known to意为意为“为为所知所知”。e.g.The Great Wall _ all over the China.“全中国人民都知道长城。”拓展:拓展:be/become known for“因因

26、而出名而出名”be/become known as“作为作为而出名而出名”got its name from is known to the people13.Chinese fashion is different from not only western fashion,but also fashion from other Asian countries such as Japan and Korea.意思是“中国时装不仅不同于西方国家,也有别于其他亚洲国家,如日本和韩国等。”be different from意为“与不同”。not only.but also意为“不但而且”,连接主语

27、时要遵循“就近原则”。e.g._ “不但他是司机,我也是。”Not only he but also I am a driver.such as意为“例如,比如说”,常列举同类人或物中的几个例子,不能穷尽。for example 一般只举同类人(物)中的“一个”为例,作插入语,用逗号隔开,可置于句首、句中或句末。Noise,_,is a kind of pollution.“举例说明,噪音就是一种污染。”China has many big cities,_ Beijing,Shanghai,Shenzhen and so on.“中国有许多大城市,比如北京、上海、深圳等等。”for exam

28、ple such as14.Today people can design the Tang costume as either formal or casual clothes.意思是“现在人们既可以把唐装设计成正装,也可以设计成休闲装。”eitheror主要用于表示选择,意为“要么要么,或者或者”,用于连接两个性质相同的词或短语。e.g.()You can only have one apple,so you can have _ this one _ that one.A.both;and B.neither;nor C.either;or Ceitheror连接两个成分作主语时,谓语动

29、词通常与其靠近的主语保持一致。(即遵循“_”)e.g.Either you or I _(be)to go.“你或我必须有人去。”Either he or you _(be)right.“要么他对,要么你对。”am are就近原则宾语从句(三)第三类是由what,whose,whom,where,when,why,how等引导,疑问副词充当引导词,应注意语序和时态的变化。e.g.Can you hear _?“你能听见我在说什么吗?”what I am saying 陈述句一般疑问句特殊疑问句1.引导词(that)if/whether疑问词2.语序陈述句语序(引导词+主语+谓语)be动词常放在

30、主语后情态动词/will(shall)等常放在主语后行为动词前助动词do/does/did常还原为对应的行为动词3.时态主句从句一般现在式各种时态一般过去式一般过去式(客观事实)学习宾语从句还应注意几点(见下表):若宾语从句跟在动词think,believe,suppose,expect等后面,表示“要”、“认为”,句子的否定在主句上,称为“否定前移”。e.g._ “我认为你不对。”I dont think you are right.宾语从句(四)宾语从句(四)主句谓语动词为一般过去时的宾语从句(见下表)主句从句一般过去式 一般过去式(客观事实)注意:如果宾语从句所表达的内容是客观真理或客观

31、事实时,从句中动词的时态不受主句谓语动词时态的限制。e.g.1.I heard(that)he _(join)the army.“我听说他参军了。”2.The teacher told us that the sun _(be)bigger than the earth.“老师告诉我们太阳比地球大。”joined is()1.Michael,could you tell me()1.Michael,could you tell me?Id like to join the dancing club Id like to join the dancing club.A.why you like

32、the dancing club A.why you like the dancing club B.which club you are going to join B.which club you are going to join C.whether there are any clubs in your school C.whether there are any clubs in your school()2.Miss Lin,could you tell me()2.Miss Lin,could you tell me about the about the local educa

33、tion?local education?I think will be helpful I think will be helpful.A.how can I find information A.how can I find information B.what information can I get B.what information can I get C.where I can get the information C.where I can get the informationBC中考聚焦()3.Mr.Black,could you tell me()3.Mr.Black

34、,could you tell me?At 10:00 tomorrow At 10:00 tomorrow morning.morning.A.where A.where well go hikingwell go hiking B.when well have a meeting B.when well have a meeting C.whether youll come to my birthday party C.whether youll come to my birthday party()4.Could you tell me()4.Could you tell me you

35、learned to you learned to dance?dance?I taught myself.I taught myself.A.how A.how B.where B.where C.when C.when()5.Could you tell me()5.Could you tell me Paris for the fashion Paris for the fashion show?show?Next month.Im looking forward to it Next month.Im looking forward to it.A.when you will go t

36、o B.how will you go to A.when you will go to B.how will you go to C.why you will go to C.why you will go toBAA()6.Mark wants to know()6.Mark wants to know.Sorry,I cant.I have to work Sorry,I cant.I have to work tonight.tonight.A.if A.if you can go to the cinema with usyou can go to the cinema with u

37、s B.how you work out the math problem B.how you work out the math problem C.where will you go for the coming holiday C.where will you go for the coming holiday()7.Do you know()7.Do you know for London?for London?Next Friday Next Friday.A.when will Tom leave B.when Tom is leaving A.when will Tom leav

38、e B.when Tom is leaving C.how Tom is leaving C.how Tom is leaving()8.Excuse me,I wonder()8.Excuse me,I wonder.We often chat We often chat online.online.A.what A.what do you often do in your free timedo you often do in your free time B.how you communicate with your friends B.how you communicate with

39、your friends C.if WeChat is popular among your friends C.if WeChat is popular among your friendsABB()9.Tim,how do your parents like pop music?()9.Tim,how do your parents like pop music?my dad my dad my mom likes it.They both my mom likes it.They both prefer prefer classicalclassical music.music.A.Ei

40、ther;or A.Either;or B.Neither;nor B.Neither;nor C.Not only;but also C.Not only;but also()10.My mother has gone to Xiamen.()10.My mother has gone to Xiamen.Oh,can you tell me Oh,can you tell me?A.when she is leaving A.when she is leaving B.when she left B.when she left C.when will she come back C.whe

41、n will she come backC B()11.Excuse me,Miss Chen,could you tell me()11.Excuse me,Miss Chen,could you tell me?It is short for the Silk Road Economic Belt and It is short for the Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.Road.A.what A.what the Belt and Road

42、meantthe Belt and Road meant B.what does the Belt and Road mean B.what does the Belt and Road mean C.what the Belt and Road means C.what the Belt and Road means()12.Did Mr.Brown tell you()12.Did Mr.Brown tell you?Yes.He said he went there in Yes.He said he went there in 2020.2020.A.where A.where he spent his vacationhe spent his vacation B.when he traveled to Xiamen B.when he traveled to Xiamen C.how he went to Taiwan Island C.how he went to Taiwan IslandC B


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