Unit3 Internet Reading and thinking 公开课比赛课(ppt课件) -2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第二册.pptx

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Unit3 Internet Reading and thinking 公开课比赛课(ppt课件) -2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第二册.pptx_第1页
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Unit3 Internet Reading and thinking 公开课比赛课(ppt课件) -2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第二册.pptx_第2页
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Unit3 Internet Reading and thinking 公开课比赛课(ppt课件) -2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第二册.pptx_第3页
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1、“”Unit3 Internet-Learning objectives 1 To aquire the ability of and science artical.2.Knowing the technology in all aspects.3.Internet than ever before.What did the Internet bring to us?Before reading Before you read,look at the title and discuss these questions in pairs.STRONGER TOGETHER:HOW WE HAV

2、E BEEN CHANGEDBY THE INTERNETRead HeadlinesHeadlines usually include only key ideas or information from the text.They often do not follow strict grammar rules,because writers use as few words as possible to catch the attention of the readers.Activity 1:Read and thinking:headlines Prediction1.What do

3、 you think the text will talk about?2.How do you think the writer feels about the topic?1.What do you think the text will say?A.The benefit of the internetB.We have been changed a lot by the Internet and that it has brought us together.C.How has Jan Tchamani been changed by internet D.To tell us the

4、 importance of internet2.How do you think the writer feels about the topic?A.Optimistic B.Positive C.Negative D.PessimisticPara.1Para.2Para.3D.Jan started to help others online.Para.4Para.5A.Jan benefited from the Internet.B.Jans life has been greatly improved by the Internet.C.Introduction-Peoples

5、lives have been changed by online communities and social network.E.Jans online classes and her new goal.Activity 2:Match the main idea.Activity3 Find some informationPara 1Para 2英国伯明翰的一位英语教师简夏曼尼突然身患重病,被迫辞职。50岁时,她发觉自己失业了,困在家里,只有电脑相伴。过了一段时间,她发现上网可以帮助她减轻孤独和无聊。她可以听音乐、看电影、玩游戏和探索世界。她还加入了一个在线群组,在群里她可以谈论自己的

6、问题,并获得他人的支持和建议。她意识到互联网的最大好处之一就是能够消除通常存在于人与人之间的距离感。“”长难句分析:长难句分析:She realised that one of the greatest benefits of the Internet was its ability to remove the distance that usually exists between people.She realised+that.one of the greatest benefits of the Internet was its ability to remove the distan

7、ce+that usually exists between people.(定语从句)“”2.benefit n.益处益处例:The medicine is benefit for curing your illness.vt.&vi.使受益;得益于使受益;得益于例:The rain is benefit for the grains.为了某人的利益为了某人的利益对对有益有益“”keep sb company 陪伴陪伴例:I would like to keep my friend company with me when it come to the pany 陪伴某人陪伴某人Para 3

8、网友给了她很大的启发,她决定成立一个IT俱乐部来教老年人如何使用电脑和互联网。如今,她和朋友们一起组织活动,并募集资金来支付私人教师的工资。许多人得到了俱乐部的帮助。一名59岁的男子学会了如何在线申请工作,并找到了一份不错的工作。现在他工作了,而且可以照顾好自己,他的女儿就有时间上大学了。一位61岁的独居妇女与两个朋友一起创办了一家小型网络公司。她不再感到孤独,而且她的公司也相当成功。“”4.inspire vt.鼓舞;鼓舞;例:The story inspired the teem.His words inspired me to finish the work that I never d

9、id before.拓展拓展:inspire/motivate/encourage sb to do sth激励激励/鼓励某人做某事鼓励某人做某事“”例:Now that I recover from ill,I can continue the work.Now that I know the detail of the whole,I decided to support him.5.now that 既然;由于既然;由于 para4 简开始参加网络课程,更多地学习关于如何利用互联网让社会变得更加美好。她认为,消除数字鸿沟、确保每个人都能使用互联网并知道如何运用新技术是非常重要的。她的下一

10、个目标是建立一个慈善网站,为贫穷国家的儿童募集资金。“”5.access n.通道;通道;例:People can gain access to the latest news from online.vt.进入;使用;获取进入;使用;获取例:The small village have access to the big market.Para 5互联网极大地改善了简的生活。“当你身处逆境时,你会遇到面临相似挑战的人。”简说道,“想到别人的处境,我就会受到激励,伸出援助之手。”“”It spent their half day to go through the plain.Jessica gone through a great amount of darkness in her life.7.go through 穿过穿过经历经历Thanks for your attention!


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