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1、Unit 16 Business Sightseeing Part 1 Teaching Aims To say sentences about business sightseeing To form conversations concerning business sightseeing To form monologues about business sightseeing To make an oral presentation about business sightseeingPart 2 Useful Sentences Read loudly the following s

2、entences about business travel and understand their meanings.1.I have two days for touring in Shanghai.Could you recommend some scenic spots?我有两天时间游上海,你能推荐一些景点 吗?2.Would you introduce some special local products here?你能给我介绍一下本地特产吗?3.The consumption level is very high there.那里的消费水平相当高。4.Have you made

3、 out the budget for this tour?你算出这次旅行的预算了吗?5.We should pay for a tour guide to enjoy the essence of the scenic spot.为了能欣赏到景区的精华,我们应该请一 名导游。6.How much does it cost to go there by ship?坐船到那里要花多少钱?12.I have bought an air ticket to Washington.I will leave here tomorrow.我买到去华盛顿的机票了,明天我将离 开这里。13.Now is th

4、e best time to have a walk on the beach.You can enjoy the sea breeze and the soft sand.现在去海滩散步最好了。你可以吹吹海 风,踩踩柔软的沙子。14.Here is a copy of itinerary we have worked out for you and your friends.Would you please have a look at it?这是我们为你和你的朋友拟定的活动日 程安排。请过目一下,好吗?15.The itinerary covers so many places of hi

5、storic interest and scenic beauty.It is really an interesting and meaning trip.此次旅行包括很多历史名胜和景点,的 确是一次既有趣又有意义的旅行。16.I bet you will have a wonderful day there.我确信你肯定会在那里度过愉快的一天。17.The guests come here and taste various traditional flavors and dishes.游客可以来这里品尝各种传统的风味小 吃和菜肴。18.We have a lot of humanisti

6、c and natural attractions in Beijing.They are worth visiting.北京有很多人文景观和自然景观,值得一看。19.This is an ideal place for sightseeing and shopping.It is a leisure and entertainment paradise.这儿是观光和购物的好去处,是休闲娱乐的 天堂。20.Welcome to Qingdao.It is a well-known modern coastal city.欢迎来到青岛,它是一个有名的现代化沿海 城市。21.In this sea

7、son,where is the proper place to travel?这个季节适合去哪里旅游?22.We are deeply attracted by its long history and ancient civilization.我们都被它悠久的历史和古代的文明深深地 吸引住了。23.I have been longing to visit Hangzhou since I was a child.在孩提时代我就渴望到杭州一游。24.Here we can have a broad view of all the beautiful scenery.在这里我们可以饱览美丽的全

8、景。25.I am on top of the world after sightseeing,thanks for your friendly company.旅游完我真是太高兴了,谢谢你友 好的陪伴。26.It is so splendid.Please take a picture for me.真是太壮观了,给我拍张照片吧。Part 3 Conversations Read aloud the following two conversations and then demonstrate them.Conversation 1 Conversation 2 Part 4 Paragr

9、aph Samples Read aloud the following two monologues and then demonstrate them.Monologue 1 Monologue 2Part 5 The Presentation Sample Read aloud the following presentation script and try to recite it.Part 6 Tasks 1.商英国考商英国考(二级二级)题型题型 Make a monologue talking about the preparation you should make befor

10、e business sightseeing.2.BEC2题型题型 Make a mini-presentation before the class following the hints below.What are the purposes of business sightseeing?to enjoy sightseeing to broaden the horizons to relax to know the culture to promote friendship and understanding to make more friends to go shopping3.商

11、英国考商英国考(二级二级)题型题型 Youre requested to make a conversation with your partner according to the following situation and the two tip cards.Situation:Mr.Duke is talking with Mr.Zhao about business sightseeing.You are:Mr.Duke,an Australian businessman.You need to:Enquire about the local tourist attractions

12、 which are worth traveling.Enquire about the ways of going to the local tourist attractions.Ask for the local-flavor snacks and the ways of going there.Ask for the local shopping places.Express your thanks.You start the conversation.Tip Card 1You are:Mr.Zhao,the general manager of a Chinese company.

13、You need to:Introduce the local tourist attractions which are worth traveling.Introduce the ways of going to the local tourist attractions.Tell him the local-flavor snacks and the ways of going there.Tell him the local shopping places.Express your hope.Your partner will start the conversation.Tip ca

14、rd 24.BEC2题型题型 Collaborative Task and DiscussionYour company wants to arrange a business sightseeing.Talk together for about 2 minutes about the possible factors and influences that are important for this and decide which three would be the most important.Here are some hints to help you.Cost Accommo

15、dation Catering Transportation Safety Leisure Use the chart below to evaluate your training effect.Training Evaluation Chart for Task Total=Self-Evaluation40Partners Evaluation30Teachers Evaluation30Part 7 Notes 1.scenic spot phr.n.名胜,风景区 2.itinerary aitinrri n.旅行计划,旅程 3.work out phr.v.制定出,作出 4.huma

16、nistic hju:mnistik adj.人文主义的,人道主义的 5.be on top of the world phr.v.高兴极了,幸福极了 6.accompany kmpni vt.陪伴,伴 随 7.dynasty dinsti n.朝代,王朝 8.relic relik n.遗物,遗迹 9.laudatory l:dtri adj.赞美的,赞赏 的 10.Terracotta Warriors and Horses Museum proper n.兵马俑博物馆 11.Qianling Mausoleum proper n.乾陵 12.Famen Temple proper n.法

17、门寺 13.stumble upon phr.v.偶然发现 14.array rei vt.排列,部署 15.respectively rispektivli ad.分别地,各自 地 16.drill dril v.钻孔 17.broaden ones horizons phr.v.扩大某人 的视野 18.the Big Wild Goose Pagoda proper n.大 雁塔 19.Ming Dynasty City Wall proper n.明代城墙 20.the Bund proper n.外滩 21.diameter daimit n.直径 22.penthouse penth

18、aus n.楼顶,阁楼 23.provincial prvinl adj.省的,地方的 24.agenda dend n.议程 25.the Forbidden City proper n.故宫 26.the Warring States Period proper n.战国 时期 27.imperial impiril adj.帝王的,皇帝的,壮丽的 Part 8 ProverbsCourtesy costs nothing.彬彬有礼,惠而不费。彬彬有礼,惠而不费。Seeing is believing.百闻不如一见。百闻不如一见。All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.只工作,不玩耍,聪明孩子要变傻。只工作,不玩耍,聪明孩子要变傻。The end


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