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1、Module 4 Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia Sandstorms in AsiaWritingblue skyblue skybeautiful beautiful sceneryscenery green green treestreesclean waterclean waterEnvironmentalproblems water water pollutionpollutionair pollutionair pollutionsandstormsandstormdesertificationdesertificationacid acid rainrai

2、nLetLets reviews reviewair pollutionair pollutionwater pollutionwater pollutionnoise pollutionnoise pollutionglobal warming/global warming/Greenhouse EffectGreenhouse Effectsandstormsandstormdesertificationdesertificationacid rainacid rain空气污染空气污染水污染水污染噪音污染噪音污染全球变暖全球变暖/温室效应温室效应沙尘暴沙尘暴土地沙漠化土地沙漠化酸雨酸雨 W

3、hich one will you choose?Which one will you choose?Why do you choose this topic?Why do you choose this topic?I choose to write about _ I choose to write about _(water pollution/air pollution(water pollution/air pollution)because because _._.Protecting Our Hometown My hometown used to be a beautiful

4、place.Thick forests and green grass could be seen everywhere.However,nowadays,Sandstorms often strike my hometown,from which people suffer a lot.In the last few years,people in my hometown have cut down too many trees in order to build houses.Whats worse,the farmers dig up grass to plant more crops.

5、As a result,land gradually becomes desert.What they have done makes the sandstorms more and more serious.In order to prevent the process of desertification,I suggest that people should plant more trees instead of cutting them down.Meanwhile,the government should call on people to take good care of t

6、he forests.If so,our living conditions will soon be improved.OutlineOutlineRead the passage.Find the main idea for each Read the passage.Find the main idea for each paragraph.paragraph.Paragraph 1 tells us what we should Paragraph 1 tells us what we should do.do.Paragraph 2 tells us what the Paragra

7、ph 2 tells us what the environmental environmental problem is problem is.Paragraph 3 describes the causes and Paragraph 3 describes the causes and situation.situation.一、关于环保的词汇一、关于环保的词汇We need to We need to recyclerecycle our trash and use public our trash and use public transportation more often.tr

8、ansportation more often.我们必须将垃圾回收利用,并多使用大众运输工具。We should We should recyclerecycle garbage,not burn it.garbage,not burn it.我们应该循环利用垃圾,而不是焚烧。1.recycle vt 1.recycle vt 循环利用循环利用2.pollute vt 2.pollute vt 污染污染CarsCars not only not only pollute pollute the air in cities,but the air in cities,but make them

9、crowded.make them crowded.汽车不仅污染城市空气,而且使城市拥挤不堪。I feel it is our duty not to I feel it is our duty not to pollutepollute our our environment.environment.我感觉我们有责任不污染我们的环境。3.waste n.3.waste n.损耗损耗 vt.vt.浪费浪费 A lot of poisonous A lot of poisonous wastewaste from the chemical works from the chemical work

10、s polluted the river.polluted the river.化工厂的许多有毒废料污染这条河。So precious is time that we cant afford to So precious is time that we cant afford to wastewaste it.it.时间是如此珍贵,以致于我们经不起浪费它。4.rubbish n.4.rubbish n.垃圾垃圾Our job is to clear away theOur job is to clear away the rubbish rubbish.我们的工作是清除这些垃圾。Recycli

11、ng of Recycling of rubbishrubbish costs money and costs money and requires special equipment.requires special equipment.垃圾的重复利用很花钱,又需要专用设备。5.L5.Litter itter n.n.乱扔的东西乱扔的东西 vt.vt.乱扔;乱扔;乱丢乱丢If you If you litterlitter,you will spoil the natural beauty,you will spoil the natural beauty of the surroundin

12、gs.of the surroundings.如果你随手乱扔废物的话,就会破坏周围环境的自然美。No No litterlitter,please.,please.请勿乱丢垃圾。6.do damage to/be harmful to 6.do damage to/be harmful to 对对有害有害The hurricane The hurricane did great damage to did great damage to the crops.the crops.飓风给农作物赞成了很大的损害。Such chemicals taken up by plants can Such c

13、hemicals taken up by plants can be harmful be harmful to to humans and animals.humans and animals.这种化学物质被植物吸收上来,就可能对人畜产生危害。7.life style-low-carbon life 7.life style-low-carbon life style style 低碳生活低碳生活It is It is a healthy life stylea healthy life style to keep having certain to keep having certain

14、amount of examount of exerercise every day.cise every day.每天保持一定量的体育运动是一种良好的生活方式。There has been no change in our There has been no change in our life stylelife style.我们一贯的生活方式保持不变。8.protect.from.8.protect.from.保护保护不不受受()伤害伤害Measures must be taken to Measures must be taken to protectprotect rivers an

15、d lakes rivers and lakes from being polluted.from being polluted.必须采取措施来保护河流湖泊免受污染。Wearing dark glasses can Wearing dark glasses can protectprotect your eyes from your eyes from the sun.the sun.戴墨镜可以保护眼睛不受阳光刺激。9.reuse vt.9.reuse vt.重复使用重复使用Can you think of other things you can Can you think of other

16、 things you can reusereuse?你还能想出别的可以重复使用的东西吗?If we If we reuse reuse something,it will not end up as something,it will not end up as waste.waste.如果我们重复使用一件东西,最终它就不会成为废物。10.make use of 10.make use of 利用利用We must We must make use of make use of our spare time.our spare time.我们必须善用我们的业余时间。We can We can

17、 make use of make use of light from the sun tolight from the sun to.我们能利用太阳光来.11.It is(high)time that.sb 11.It is(high)time that.sb should do/did.should do/did.It is high time that we It is high time that we put an end to put an end to this this pollutionpollution.现在的确该停止这种污染了。It is time that we It

18、is time that we should take positive steps to should take positive steps to stop this tragedy from happening again.stop this tragedy from happening again.是时候我们采取积极有效措施防止此类悲剧再度发生了。12.take measures/steps to 12.take measures/steps to 采取措施采取措施(做某事)(做某事)We must We must take measures to take measures to c

19、ontrol control air pollutionair pollution.我们必须采取些措施来控制空气污染。The local government The local government shouldshould take take measures to measures to improve the environment quality.improve the environment quality.地方政府应该采取措施改善环境质量。13.save energy 13.save energy 节约能源节约能源 We should do simple things every

20、 day to We should do simple things every day to save save energyenergy and save the environment.and save the environment.我们应该从小事做起,去节约能源,保护环境。The government is encouraging companies to The government is encouraging companies to save save energyenergy.政府正在鼓励各公司节约能源。14.make a difference 14.make a diff

21、erence 产生影响产生影响 A little effort of everyone will A little effort of everyone will make a big make a big difference difference to the environment.to the environment.人人做出一点努力,将会对环境产生深刻影响。A false step will A false step will make a great difference make a great difference to my to my future.future.错走一步对

22、我的前程来说会产生很大影响。15.deal with 15.deal with 处理;对待处理;对待How will you How will you deal withdeal with this matter?this matter?这件事你将如何处理?It is high time for us to It is high time for us to deal withdeal with the the polluted water.polluted water.是时候我门处理污水了。二、关于环保的美句二、关于环保的美句Its our duty to protect our Its o

23、ur duty to protect our environmentenvironment.保护我们的环境是我们的责任。保护我们的环境是我们的责任。water is the source of life.water is the source of life.水是生命之源水是生命之源 It is It is of great of great importanceimportance to take care of our to take care of our environmentenvironment.呵护我们的环境非常重要。呵护我们的环境非常重要。We canWe cant imagi

24、ne what life will be like without t imagine what life will be like without waterwater.我们不敢想没了水会是什么样子。我们不敢想没了水会是什么样子。We should plant more flowers and trees in order to live a better and more healthy life.我们应该种更多的花和树我们应该种更多的花和树,使生活更美好。使生活更美好。If everyone makes contribution to If everyone makes contribu

25、tion to protecting the environment,the world protecting the environment,the world will become much more will become much more beautiful.beautiful.beautifulbeautifulbeautiful.beautiful.如果人人都为保护环境作出贡献,世界将变得更加美丽。如果人人都为保护环境作出贡献,世界将变得更加美丽。Leave behind a clear world for the Leave behind a clear world for

26、the future generations.future generations.给下一代留下一个清洁的地球给下一代留下一个清洁的地球.There is only one earth for all There is only one earth for all of us.If we go on polluting the earthof us.If we go on polluting the earth,it it wont be fit for us to live in.wont be fit for us to live in.我们仅有一个地球,如果我们继续这么任性的糟蹋,我们仅

27、有一个地球,如果我们继续这么任性的糟蹋,它将不再适合我们居住了。它将不再适合我们居住了。作文练习作文练习 根据你家乡的实际情况,选取环境方面的一个问题,展开描述,根据你家乡的实际情况,选取环境方面的一个问题,展开描述,说说你自己的想法。说说你自己的想法。要点如下:要点如下:1 1分析造成该问题的原因;分析造成该问题的原因;2 2你的建议;你的建议;注意注意:词数词数100100左右;左右;HomeworkHomework1.美育包括美术教育和审美教育,文化是美育的底色和灵魂,不能忽视文化精神的培养。2.欣赏中国绘画,应该了解其中计白当黑、浓淡生趣、意境天成等艺术手法和精神追求。3.美育在中国近



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