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1、 2011.4 ASCEND-HF DOSE Median length of hospital stay:6 days Hospital readmissionsHospital readmissions 20%at 30 days20%at 30 days 50%at 6 months50%at 6 months MortalityMortality 11.6%at 30 days11.6%at 30 days 33.1%at 12 months 50%at 5 years50%at 5 yearsRev Cardiovasc Med.2002;3(suppl 4)Arch Intern

2、Med.2002;162Intern Med.2002;162Acute heart failure with systolic dysfunctionAcute heart failure with systolic dysfunction Furosemide+/-VasodilatorSBP100 mmHgSBP100 mmHgSBP 85-100 mmHgSBP 85-100 mmHgSBP 85 mmHgSBP 5ug/kg/minDopamine5ug/kg/minNo response:No response:Reconsider mechanistic therapyRecon

3、sider mechanistic therapyinotropic agentsinotropic agentsGood response:Good response:Oral therapyOral therapyACEIACEIESC2005ESC2005急性心衰诊断和治疗指南急性心衰诊断和治疗指南 在过去30年中,急性失代偿性心衰(ADHF)的药物治疗几乎没有进展 ADHF治疗新药乏善可陈 在不同医院和不同医生之间利尿剂的应用剂量和应用方式均大相径庭,缺乏安全性和有效性的高质量研究 终于有些进展 ASCEND-HF(AHA 2010)DOSE最新结果(N Engl J Med 3月3号

4、在线)奈西立肽(Nesiritide,人类BNP)一种激素样物质,除扩张动脉和静脉外,还可促进利钠利尿 降低患者左室充盈压和呼吸困难程度,缓解症状 FDA approved 2001In patients with evidence of severely symptomatic fluid overload in the absence of systemic hypotension,vasodilators such as intravenous nitroglycerin,nitroprusside or neseritide can be beneficial when added t

5、o diuretics and/or in those who do not respond to diuretics alone.The Hospitalized PatientSevere Symptomatic Fluid OverloadNewNewI IIa IIb IIIA Report of the ACCF/AHA Task Force on Practice Guidelines BNP可用于治疗急性心衰,患者的体征为肺充血/水肿,BP 90mmHg 静注BNP时,其输注速率从0.015到0.03 ug/kg/min均可,无论开始是否进行负荷推注(2ug/kg)。不推荐和其他

6、静注血管扩张剂联用 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure 2008Control,n/N(%)Nesiritide,n/N(%)3114/29(14)15/74(20)3252/42(5)15/85(18)3269/102(9)36/203(18)VMAC45/216(21)74/273(27)Precedent9/83(11)29/162(18)Totals69/472(15)169/797(21)study肾功能恶化的定义:肾功能恶化的定义:SCr0.5 mg/dL

7、.Circulation.2005;111:1487-1491 Mortality Mortality Within Within 30 Days30 Days of Treatment Associated With Nesiritide or Control Therapy With of Treatment Associated With Nesiritide or Control Therapy With Overall Risk Ratio Calculated by Mantel-Haenszel Test Overall Risk Ratio Calculated by Mant

8、el-Haenszel Test Using a Fixed-Effects Model.Using a Fixed-Effects Model.Sackner-Bernstein,J.D.et al.JAMA 2005;293:1900-1905Sackner-Bernstein,J.D.et al.JAMA 2005;293:1900-1905Copyright restrictions may apply.荟萃3个小规模试验:NSGETVMACPROACTION Baylor Duke Harvard Mayo Clinic Minnesota Montreal Morehouse Ut

9、ah Vermont 在常规治疗基础上,通过双盲安慰剂对照研究评价奈西立肽对于急性代偿性心衰患者的疗效和安全性.Double blinded study meaning subjects,MD,and research team are unaware of what treatment is being received.静息时呼吸困难 肺淤血 入院24小时内存在心衰的症状和体征 InterventionsRandomized to1 of 2 GroupsN=7141Nesiritide plus standard of care首先给予其静脉注射负荷剂量的奈西立肽首先给予其静脉注射负荷剂

10、量的奈西立肽,然后持续静脉滴注然后持续静脉滴注24 h,共给药,共给药7天天Placebo plusstandard of careWhy is this study being done?Why is this study being done?Does Nesiritide decrease re-hospitalization or death in 30 days?Does Nesiritide decrease symptoms of dyspnea at 6 and 24 hrs after drug initiated?Nursing Roles在治疗6小时和24 小时填写问卷表

11、*和VAS量表问卷表和VAS量表内容包括:自我评价呼吸困难程度健康状态/一般情况,自我护理 能力,疼痛,抑郁,体力7级评定*Found in patients chart box.ASCEND-HF研究澄清了既往质疑,证实奈西立肽安全 ASCEND-HF研究在给药方案上可能存在问题:由于奈西利肽的有效半衰期比硝酸甘油和硝普钠长,因此其副作用的持续时间可能较长,低血压的发生率相对高 采用保守(即无负荷量)和推荐剂量治疗可减少并发症 ASCEND-HF DOSE Diuretics are mainstay of therapy for acute heart failure(given to 9

12、0%of pts in ADHERE)Relieve symptoms of dyspnea and edema in most patients Associated with variety of problems:Electrolyte abnormalities Activation of RAAS and SNS Diuretic resistance Increased mortality?Circulation.1986;74:1303 1306.速尿静推40-100mg 强心If patients are already receiving loop diuretic ther

13、apy,the initial intravenous dose should equal or exceed their chronic oral daily dose.(Level of Evidence:C).(Level of Evidence:C).The Hospitalized PatientTreatment With Intravenous Loop DiureticsI I I IIaIIaIIa IIbIIbIIb III III IIII I I IIaIIaIIa IIbIIbIIb III III IIII I I IIaIIaIIa IIbIIbIIb III I

14、II IIIIIaIIaIIa IIbIIbIIb III III IIINewA Report of the ACCF/AHA Task Force on Practice GuidelinesThe Hospitalized PatientI I I IIaIIaIIa IIbIIbIIb III III IIII I I IIaIIaIIa IIbIIbIIb III III IIII I I IIaIIaIIa IIbIIbIIb III III IIIIIaIIaIIa IIbIIbIIb III III III Intensifying the Diuretic RegimenNe

15、wWhen diuresis is inadequate to relieve congestion,as evidence by clinical evaluation,the diuretic regimen should be intensified using either:a.higher doses of loop diuretics;b.addition of a second diuretic(such as metolazone,spironolactone or intravenous chlorthiazide)orc.Continuous infusion of a l

16、oop diuretic.A Report of the ACCF/AHA Task Force on Practice Guidelines液体潴留 利尿剂 日剂量(mg)注释 中度速尿速尿布美它尼布美它尼 托拉塞米托拉塞米20-4020-40 0.5-10.5-110-20 10-20 根据临床症状口服或静注,根据临床反应根据临床症状口服或静注,根据临床反应调整滴定速度,监测血钾、血钠、血肌酐调整滴定速度,监测血钾、血钠、血肌酐及血压。及血压。严重速尿速尿速尿滴注速尿滴注布美它尼布美它尼托拉塞米托拉塞米40-10040-1005-40mg/h5-40mg/h 1-4 1-4 20-100

17、20-100 静注增加剂量静注增加剂量优于高冲击剂量优于高冲击剂量口服或静注口服或静注口服口服绊利尿剂抵抗 加双氢克尿噻加双氢克尿噻或美托拉宗或美托拉宗或或螺内酯螺内酯50-10050-100 2.5-102.5-1025-5025-50联合用药优于高剂量髓绊利尿剂联合用药优于高剂量髓绊利尿剂,肌酐清,肌酐清除率除率30ml/min30ml/min时双氢克尿噻效果更佳;时双氢克尿噻效果更佳;无肾衰或血钾正常或偏低时螺内酯是最佳无肾衰或血钾正常或偏低时螺内酯是最佳选择选择 。碱中毒 乙酰唑氨乙酰唑氨 0.5mg 0.5mg 静注静注袢利尿剂及袢利尿剂及噻嗪类利尿噻嗪类利尿剂抵抗剂抵抗 增加多巴胺

18、或多增加多巴胺或多巴酚丁胺巴酚丁胺合并肾衰或低血钠考虑使用超滤或血透合并肾衰或低血钠考虑使用超滤或血透利尿剂优化策略治疗急性心衰评价 ACC2010 N Engl J Med 2011;364:797-805 To evaluate the safety and efficacy of various initial strategies of furosemide therapy in patients with ADHF Route of administration:Q12 hours bolus Continuous infusion Dosing Low intensificatio

19、n(过去日剂量)High intensification(过去日剂量的2.5倍)ACC2010 N Engl J Med 2011;364:797-805 允许允许48hr后根据患者临床反应调整治疗方案后根据患者临床反应调整治疗方案Acute Heart Failure(1 symptom AND 1 sign)24 hours after admission 308例例 2x2 factorial randomizationLow Dose(1 x oral)Q12 IV bolus48 hours1)Change to oral diuretics2)continue current st

20、rategy3)50%increase in doseCo-primary endpointsHigh Dose(2.5 x oral)Q12 IV bolusLow Dose(1 x oral)Continuous infusionHigh Dose(2.5 x oral)Continuous infusion72 hoursClinical endpoints60 days 主要疗效终点:基线至72 h内患者对症状的总体自评 次要疗效终点 呼吸困难、体重变化、体液净损失、受充血影响的患者比例、肾功能恶化、心力衰竭恶化 Pt Global Assessment by VASQ12 VAS A

21、UC,mean(SD)=4236(1440)Continuous VAS AUC,mean(SD)=4373(1404)P=0.47Q12ContinuousHoursACC2010 N Engl J Med 2011;364:797-805 HoursPt Global Assessment by VASLowHighLow VAS AUC,mean(SD)=4171(1436)High VAS AUC,mean(SD)=4430(1401)P=0.06ACC2010 N Engl J Med 2011;364:797-805 Secondary Endpoints:Low vs.High

22、IntensificationLowHighP valueDyspnea VAS AUC at 72 hours447846680.041%free from congestion at 72 hrs11%18%0.091Change in weight at 72 hrs-6.1 lbs-8.7 lbs0.011Net volume loss at 72 hrs3575 mL4899 mL0.001Change in NTproBNP at 72 hrs(pg/mL)-1194-18820.06%Treatment failure37%40%0.56Length of stay,days(m

23、edian)650.55ACC2010 N Engl J Med 2011;364:797-805 N Engl J Med 2011;364:797-805 Q12Continuousp=0.45 p= in Creatinine(mg/dL)Low HighACC2010 N Engl J Med 2011;364:797-805 对DOSE研究的评价 该研究结果可能会改变目前的临床实践该研究结果可能会改变目前的临床实践 许多临床医生可能会倾向于选择能够更快缓解呼许多临床医生可能会倾向于选择能够更快缓解呼吸困难的大剂量治疗方案吸困难的大剂量治疗方案 另外,由于推注的效果与连续输注的效果相当,另外,由于推注的效果与连续输注的效果相当,因此临床医生可能会选择更方便的推注治疗方案因此临床医生可能会选择更方便的推注治疗方案 DOSE入选的患者均为慢性心衰急性发作入选的患者均为慢性心衰急性发作 DOSE 样本量较小,不足以检测各组之间发生临样本量较小,不足以检测各组之间发生临床事件的差异床事件的差异 DOSE 方案允许分组治疗方案允许分组治疗48hr后根据患者临床后根据患者临床反应调整治疗方案,这就限制了对各组疗效终点反应调整治疗方案,这就限制了对各组疗效终点差异的观察差异的观察


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