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1、高一上学期期末复习.重点单词 vt.放松adj.轻松的,放松的n放松;娱乐,消遣 v使厌烦;烦恼adj.厌烦的,不感兴趣的adj.令人厌烦的;无聊的 vi.遭受(痛苦),感到疼痛n受苦者;受难者n(肉体或内心的)痛苦 vi.毕业n.大学毕业生n毕业 n压力;紧张adj.充满压力的,紧张的 adj.猛烈的,暴力的 n暴力 n和平,平静 adj.和平的,平静的 adv.和平地,平静地 v飞行 n飞行;航班 adj.个人的,私人的adv.就自己而言 adj.平等的adv.平等地n平等 adj.幸运的 adv.幸运地 n伤害,损害vt.伤害,损害adj.受伤的 adj.自信的 n信心 vt.钦佩,羡慕

2、n钦佩,羡慕 adj.完全的,绝对的 adv.当然;绝对地 vt.毕业n毕业 n控制力;权力adj.强有力的 vt.装饰;布置n装饰(品) vt.& vi.煮沸;沸腾adj.沸腾的 vt.提供(食物);端上(饭菜);服务;服役n服务21 vt.邀请n请柬;邀请22 vt.捐献;贡献n贡献23 adj.潇洒的;漂亮的;聪明的adv.潇洒地;漂亮地24 vt.祝贺n祝贺25 adj.严肃的;严重的adv.认真地;真诚地26 _ adj.真的,真实的_ vt.实现,认识到_ n真实,现实27 _ vt.&n伤害,损害_ adj.无害的_ adj.有害的28 _ adj.明显的,显而易见的_ adv.

3、显然地,明显地29 _ n时髦,时尚_ adj.时兴的;流行的_ adv.时髦地;流行地30 _ vt.拒绝,不接受_ n被拒绝/抛弃的东西;次品;废品31 _ v安排_ n安排32 _ vt.提议,建议;暗示,表明_ n建议,提议33 _ n历史_ adj.历史意义的_ adj.历史的,有关历史的34 _ vt.使坐落于;位于_ n位置;场所35 _ vi.定居_ n定居者_ n(新)定居地36 _ adj.定期的;规则的_ adv.有规律地;正常地_ adj.(反)无规律的37 _ vt.吸引_ adj.吸引人的,有魅力的_ n吸引,吸引力38 _ n效果,作用_ adj.有效的;实际的,

4、事实上的39 _ vt.使失望_ adj.灰心的,失望的_ adj.令人失望的_ n失望40 _ vt.&vi.实施;执行;表演_ n表演者_ n表演;演奏41 _ n基地,基础vt.以为基础_n基础,根据_adj.基本的;基础的42 _ vt.使(人)印象深刻_ n印象_ adj.令人赞叹的43 _ vt.(使)联合,(使)结合_ n结合;联合44 _ vt.代表_ n代表adj.代表性的;典型的45 _ n天才,才干_ adj.有才气的;才气十足的46 _ vt.转换;转化_ n转化,转换47 _ n类型,种类_ n打字员_ n打字机48 _ adj.独特的;唯一的_ adv.唯一地;独特

5、地_ n独特性49 _ vi.反应,回应_ n反应50 _ adj.有责任的,应负责任的_ n责任;责任心;职责51 _ v允许;准许_ n允许;许可52 _ vt.&vi.劝告;推荐;建议_ n提议;建议;推荐1go (爆竹、铃等)响go 违反,反对go 开始做;进行;走在前面go 复习;走过去go (灯、火)熄灭;过时;出去go 通过,穿过;仔细检查;经历,遭受2take占据(时间、空间)take 接管,接手take 吸入;欺骗;理解;收留;改小take 脱掉;休假;起飞;突然大受欢迎take 雇用;呈现;承担3 the moment此刻;目前 the moment暂时;目前 a mome

6、nt片刻;一会儿 any moment随时;任何时候 a moment立即;立刻;很快4as result因此;结果as a result作为的结果;由于result导致;造成result由造成/引起5come up想出(计划、回答等)come发生;被提及(无被动式)come出来;出版;开花come(偶然)遇见;碰到come发生6.look 回看,回顾look 照料;照顾look 盼望look 当心;注意look 浏览7.give 背弃;出卖;泄露;捐赠give 放弃give 让步;屈服;投降give 发出(光、热、气体等)give 散发;分发;用完8.pull 渡过难关pull 摧毁,推翻p

7、ull 进站;靠岸pull 拔起;停下;阻止9.get 融洽相处;进展get down (doing)sth.开始(做)某事get 越过;克服困难get 被传达,被理解10.fall适逢某一天fall on依靠;借助于fall落后fall跌倒;倒塌fall 被绊倒11.burn烧毁burn(sth.)烧坏burn 被烧毁burn 烧掉burn sth.the ground将烧成平地12. time按时time及时;迟早at time曾经,一度at time随时,任何时候no time立刻,马上no time在任何时候都不,决不13.put 竖起;建造;举起put up忍受put提出put 写下

8、;镇压put推迟;使延期put 熄灭;生产;出版14.carry继续;坚持carry doing sth.继续做某事carry with sth.继续某事carry执行;进行;贯彻carry 拿走,带走15.be known16.17.e19.hang20.add21.pick22.23.be used24.as6.1 Coca Cola has a new type of coke (可乐) and right now, the company is p_ it to make more people buy this coke.2 He thought that life was too

9、stressful and he was about toc_suicide when an old man saved his life and told him to love life and everything.3 As Christmas is coming, every shop is d_ with Christmas trees and flowers.4 “I passed my driving test yesterday.” “Did you? C_!”5 Have you been on ad_? Youve lost a lot of weight.6 Superm

10、an was born with super power, which can _ (毁灭) all the bad guys.7 _ (传统上), Chinese New Year is a time for families to reunite. 8 I am _ (自信的) that I will perform well in the Mid-term examination.9 Tom is a doctor. His life is filled with _ (紧急的) matters every day.10 J. K. Rowling, a divorced mother

11、of three, _ (挣扎) against all the difficulties and wrote the book Harry Potter. 11 Having experienced many failures, I have the courage to meet all the _ (挑战).12 Can the problem be _ (解决) by money? 13 Nowadays we can see _ (广告) everywhere, on the walls, in the newspapers and on TV.14 You are _ (应该) t

12、o finish your homework on time.15 Now he is _ (拨) his friends number, but the line is busy. 16 She is absent because of s_.17 Mary g_ from Cambridge last year with a degree in law.18 The computer will soon work out the d_ between the two cities.19 A healthy d_ should be rich in fruit and vegetables.

13、20 Im sorry. I must go now. I have something u_ to deal with.21 A p_ radio, record player, etc. is one that you can carry about with you.22 The ship looked small in the d_.23 Although he is poor, he is very g_ to his friends who they are in need of help.24 The government will have to meet the c_ of

14、the growing unemployment.25 It is our belief that everybody is e_ before the law.26 In the nineteenth century, better _ (交通) meant people could buy different kinds of seeds and plants for their gardens.27 On a very important occasion, it is necessary to wear _ (正式的) clothes.28 The restaurant uses mu

15、sic to create a romantic _ (气氛).29 Many Europeans _ (探测) the continent ofAfrica in the 19 th century.30 His grandfather _ (创立) the business in 1909.31 The product contains no a_ colours, flavours, or preservatives.32 When workers reach a certain age, they will r_ from their position.33 I cant s_ the

16、 medicine without the help of some water.34 He is always studying hard in order to get a s_to the University of Oxford.35 The two towns were l_ by a railway, which brought much convenience to the people living in these two towns.36 My radio is out of power. I need some new _(电池)for my radio.37 She w

17、as always _(乐观的), even when things were at their worse.38 We sent Mary a letter of _(祝贺)when she passed her examination.39 It is one of the western wedding _(传统)that women get married in long white dresses.40 There were a lot of people _(申请)for this job. 完成句子1 The incident caused _ _ _ (一系列的) events

18、 that nobody had foreseen.2 Nowadays many young graduates _ _ _ (自愿义务教书) in poor faraway villages.3 To reduce stress, one of the important things you should do is to _ _ _ (多锻炼)。4 That girl spent much time _ _ _ (更换衣服) before the party.5 Mike and John work hard at their lessons _ _ _ (为了) catch up w

19、ith the others.6 I dont know _ _ _ (怎样设计) a poster.7 These baskets _ (有不同的形状和尺寸). (come)8 Health _(依赖于)good food, fresh air and enough sleep. (depend)9 The injured girl _ (正在做手术)in the hospital. (operate)10 The soup _ (要趁热端上)otherwise it doesnt taste good. (serve)11 We _ (会采取行动) as soon as we know t

20、he results. (take)12 The leader of the team (开始意识到)that doing a survey on his own mattered a lot. (to)13 Its no use complaining that the firecracker .(不响)He didnt fired. (go)14 During rush hours, the subway is always (太拥挤了以至于不能)get in. (too)15 Personally, I think with careful nursing he will pull th

21、rough soon though he _(严重受伤). (injure)16 Once he (犯罪), he will be put in prison. (commit)In the days when an ice cream cost much less, Tom, 56 8-year-old boy, entered a hotel coffee shop 57 sat at a table. A waitress put a glass of water in front of him. How much is an ice cream? Fifty-cents, replie

22、d the waitress. The little boy pulled 58 right hand out of the pocket and studied a number of coins in it.How much is a dish of plain ice cream? he asked. Some people were now waiting for her service and the waitress grew a bit 59 (patience). Thirty-five cents, she said 60 (rude). The little boy car

23、efully counted the coins 61 . I will have a plain ice cream, he said. The waitress walked 62 . The boy finished the ice cream, paid the cashier and left. It was not long 63 the waitress came back and then she began to wipe down the table and suddenly was surprised 64 what she saw. There, placed neat

24、ly beside the empty dish, were two nickels (五分镍币) and five 65 (penny) . her tip!On Oct. 6th, 2011, a piece of breaking news hit the world: Steve Jobs, the founder of the Apple Company, 51 (pass) away after years of battle against pancreatic cancer. I as well as many people 52 (be) sad at the news. W

25、e saw him make miracles again and again, and we hoped that he would always give us a surprise. We enjoy using an iPod to listen to music and we like to play games with 53 iPad. We love to communicate with our friends by iPhone. 54 seemed that Jobs always understood what we really wanted. So he could

26、 devote himself to his career by creating the amazing products constantly. But now he quietly left, 55 (leave) us a great pity.U.S. President Barack Obama called Jobs a visionary 56 (lead) and one of the greatest U.S. innovators. He said in a statement, Steve was brave enough to think differently, b

27、old enough to believe he could change the world, and 57 (talent) enough to do it. Steve Jobs family said in a statement, “Steve died 58 (peace) today surrounded by his family. We are grateful for the support and kindness of those 59 share our feelings for Steve. We know many of you will mourn with u

28、s, and we ask that you respect our privacy during our time 60 sorrow.” Several times each year the Queen gives afternoon tea parties. But she simply sits beside a big silver plate, pouring cups of tea for everyone and 51 _ (skill) avoiding the cakes and sandwiches. At cocktail parities the Queen mov

29、es from group to group, chatting informally, and manages to make one glass of drink last 52 _ entire evening. Tours abroad are difficult because hosts seem to have a53 _ (believe) that the warmth of their welcome must be shown with wonderful state banquets (宴会). But the Queen has perfected the art o

30、f appearing to enjoy her meal without actually 54 _ (eat) much. During one visitto the Pacific islands of Tonga, a specially 55 _ (prepare) dinner was arranged in her honor. The Queen looked uneasily at her platewhen she discovered a whole roast pig was her serving. Then a turkey, some meat, an appl

31、e and bananas 56 _ (carry) in for each guest. But she depended on her old favorite trick of talking with her host, King Tupou IV, and carrying 57 _ a warm conversation. Sometimes the Queen will seem so carried away by foreign leaders political chat 58 _ she simply never has time 59 _ (finish) a meal before it is time to get up and make her speech. She will lift her fork to swallow a mouthful, and then put 60 _ down again to make another point, leaving almost all of her meal untouched.4


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