《服务外包英语》课件Unit 4 communication practices.ppt.ppt

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1、Contents Passage Two4 Starting Up1Listening&Speaking2Passage One3Language Lab7Tips for Professionals7Writing5Mini-project6Starting Up1.Can you give examples of using electronic communication?Task One Discuss the following questions with your partner.Starting up-12.What are the benefits of using elec

2、tronic communication?Starting up-3Starting UpMatch the words 1)4)with the Chinese definitions A E.Task Two1)fax A.即时信息 2)teleconference B.电视会议 3)instant message C.传真 4)video conference D.远程电话会议 1)_ 2)_ 3)_ 4)_ BDCAStarting UpTask Three ListeningListening&SpeakingDialogue OneDialogue TwoSpeaking Task

3、L-Task 1Listening&SpeakingDialogue One:Work Assignment 1.intention:something that you want and plan to do 目的,意图 Example:1)His good intentions were repaid by good results.他的善意得到了善报。2)It wasnt my intention to fool you.我并不想骗你。Key Words and ExpressionsL-Task 1Listening&SpeakingDialogue One:Work Assignme

4、nt 2.timely:adj.happening at a suitable moment 及时的,适时的 Example:1)Your timely warning saved our lives.你的及时警告救了我们的命。2)We are particularly grateful to him for his timely help.我们特别感谢他的及时帮助。Key Words and ExpressionsL-Task 1Listening&SpeakingDialogue One:Work Assignment 3.proactive:adj.taking action by ca

5、using change and not only reacting to change when it happens 积极主动的 Example:1)Proactive fiscal policy 积极的财政政策 2)We need a new,more proactive way of thinking about how software can help people reach their goals and complete their tasks.我们需要以全新并更主动的方式来思考软件能够怎样帮助人们实现其目标和任务。Key Words and ExpressionsL-Tas

6、k 1Listening&SpeakingDialogue One:Work Assignment 4.counterpart:n.a person or thing which has the same purpose as another one in a different place or organization 极相似的人或物,配对物 Example:1)Canadas Prime Minister is the counterpart of the U.S.President.加拿大总理相当于美国总统。2)The U.S.Congress is the counterpart o

7、f the British Parliament.美国的国会相当于英国的议会。Key Words and ExpressionsL-Task 1Listening&SpeakingListening Task:Listen to the conversation and complete the following sentences.1.Rebecca uses the word proactive in her conversation with Thomas.What does being proactive mean?2.What is the problem Rebecca is h

8、aving with Angela?3.How does Rebecca resolve the problem with Angela?4.What is the approach Westerners take towards work?5.If you were Angela,how would you bridge the communication with Rebecca?L-1-ScriptListening&Speaking _1Communication problems Thomas:Hello Rebecca,how are you today?Rebecca:I am

9、fine.Thank you for asking.And how are you these days?Thomas:I am doing well.I wanted to ask you how is your project going with our outsourcing partners in Asia?Rebecca:At this point,I am having some communication problems with my partner Angela.She seems to have difficulty understanding me.Thomas:In

10、 what way?Does she seem to have difficulty understanding our native language when she speaks with you,or is it a cultural difference?Rebecca:I believe it is both a cultural and a language problem.I am having trouble communicating my intentions to her.She understands some English and I am trying to l

11、earn her native language.I think we both need to try to become better at communicating with one another.Thomas:I agree with you.What are your intentions?L-1-ScriptListening&Speaking _2Rebecca:I want to express the need to have our product delivered within a specific period of time.She doesnt seem to

12、 understand that I need a timely response from her.In our viewpoint,time is money.I may be using words she may not understand.Thomas:I see.That would seem to be a difficult problem.How do you intend to solve this issue?Rebecca:I am learning to understand how Asians approach their project work.I unde

13、rstand that I have to be more patient and proactive in my communication.I believe we can solve the communication.Thomas:That would seem to be a very good idea.I think I will do the same with my counterpart as well.Rebecca:I believe good communication begins with how well we want to understand one an

14、others culture.I think we can build a solid bridge of communication together and work towards the success of our projects.In fact,I will call Angela now and express my feelings.Thomas:I wish you well in the success of your project.See you Rebecca.Rebecca:See you Thomas.L-Task 2Listening&SpeakingDial

15、ogue Two:Solving Programming Problem1.download:v.to copy or move programs or information into a computers memory,especially from the Internet or a larger computer下载Example:1)Multimedia Message Download 彩信下载 2)It takes several minutes to download this file.下载这个文件要花几分钟时间。较新的汽车在导航系统和触摸屏多媒体中心使用图形用户界面。Ke

16、y Words and ExpressionsL-Task 2Listening&SpeakingDialogue Two:Solving Programming Problem2.resolve:v.to solve or end a problem or difficulty解决Example:1)Further work is needed to resolve this contradiction.解决这一矛盾需要进一步研究。2)Further analysis and observations will almost surely resolve this discrepancy.进

17、一步的分析和观察肯定能够解决这种分歧。Key Words and ExpressionsL-Task 2Listening&SpeakingDialogue Two:Solving Programming Problem3.release:v.to allow something to be shown in public or to be available for use 向公众提供某事物Example:1)The new model has now been released for sale to export markets.新型号的产品现已经向出口市场出售 2)The film i

18、s scheduled for release next month.该片定于下月发行。Key Words and ExpressionsL-Task 2Listening&SpeakingDialogue Two:Solving Programming Problem4.stress:v.to emphasize a statement,fact,or idea 强调Example:1)That school lays stress upon arithmatic and reading.那所学校非常重视读算两科。2)He laid little stress upon political

19、developments.他极少注重政治上的发展。Key Words and ExpressionsL-Task 2Listening&SpeakingListening Task:Decide the following statements true or false according to the conversation youve just heard.Put T for true and F for false.Then write key words to support your answer:1.Daniel has no worry about his outsourci

20、ng company at all.2.Jane worries the music programming of their mp4 players is experiencing a problem.3.The new mp4 players are due to come to market in 90 days.4.Daniel is not sure whether they can solve the problem.5.Daniel has problem communicating with his counterpart.L-2-ScriptListening&Speakin

21、g Daniel:Hello Jane.How are you today?Jane:I am feeling fine today Daniel,and you?Daniel:I am feeling well,but I have a few concerns about the quality of our music programming being made overseas at our foreign outsourcing company.It seems that the music programming of our mp4 players is experiencin

22、g a problem.Jane:In what way?Daniel:I have noticed that the computer language of programming has been changed.Our customers have concerns that they are having problems downloading music from American websites.The programming language seems to be only written for those who can read Chinese and the mp

23、4 players cannot play the music.Jane:This is a big problem.How do you plan to resolve it?L-2-ScriptListening&Speaking Daniel:I only have a short amount of time to resolve the issues before the new series of mp4 players are released into the American market.I have to call my counterpart in Asia about

24、 how we can solve this together in a timely manner.The new mp4 players are due to come to market in 90 days.Jane:Do you think you can solve the programming problem before that time?Daniel:I believe we can.We have had good communication in the past in resolving issues.Jane:That is very good to hear.I

25、 think much of our stress involves how well we communicate with each other.You seem to have a good relationship with your counterpart.Daniel:Yes,we work well together.In fact,I am receiving a call from my counterpart now.Please excuse me Jane.Jane:I hope everything involving the mp4 programming issu

26、e is solved to your satisfaction.Daniel:Thank you Jane.SpeakingListening&SpeakingSpeaking Task1 Get into pairs and imagine that you work in Rebeccas company.Now you need to discuss with your partners how to communicate with Angela on having your product delivered within a specific period of time.2 T

27、ell your partner an example of failure due to lack of communication in your daily life.Passage 1TextKey Words and Expressions Reading Task Passage OneText 1-1Communication and Outsourcing PhoneOften the most effective method of communication for a project is to talk directly to us on the phone.E-mai

28、lFor day to day communication we encourage the use of e-mails as it allows conversations,instructions and feedback to be tracked and referenced for future use.Instant MessagingMSN,Yahoo,Google Talk-instant messaging tools are the perfect companion to Email communication.For the occasional clarificat

29、ion or quick message,instant messaging can be used to talk directly to us.Passage OneText 1-2We do advise our clients to keep instant messaging to a minimum as it can be distracting and disrupt work if there are a large number of messages being sent.A basic rule of thumb is that if the information i

30、snt time critical(i.e.it can wait for 30 minutes or more)then the best option is to send an e-mail.Screen SharingWhen working locally with colleagues it is often easier to discuss and explain your points on screen with them.It can save a large amount of time and we understand the need for the same a

31、bility for your outsourced projects.Passage OneText 1-3There are a number of services such as GoToMeeting and LogMeIn that we are subscribed to(and because of this,will cost you nothing to use)which allow a person to draw on and control a remote computer screen.Combined with VOIP or phone calls it i

32、s possible to recreate the feeling and effectiveness of sitting next to a person even though you could be thousands of miles apart.Passage OnePassage Onecompanion 1)Are you alone or with a companion?2)a dependable companion 1)Don t distract my attention.2)The film managed to distract me from these p

33、roblems for a while.Passage Onedistract v.to take someones attention away from something by making them look at or listen to something else转转移移 1-Task 1Reading Task:Answer the following questions according to the passage.Passage One Passage TwoTextKey Words and Expressions Reading Task Passage TwoTe

34、xt 2-1The Importance of Communication in OutsourcingWhen outsourcing some people think that its as easy as giving the offshore company the requirements and letting them do their thing,and then come back some time later to pick up the finished product.Nothing could be farther from the truth.Outsourci

35、ng a project to an offshore company can meet failure due to several reasons,the most common one being lack of communication between the buyer and the seller.Passage TwoText 2-2Passage Two Many buyers dont consider the importance of regular communication on all stages of the project development until

36、 its too late.Many barely talk to the company between the moment they award the project and the end of the deadline.And this is a big mistake.Like in-house employees,offshore companies need someone to manage their work and keep them on the right track.When you dont communicate,you waste time which y

37、ou could have applied fixing problems and eventually you start losing money if youre dependent on a deadline.Text 2-3Passage TwoRemember that when you outsource a project,you are working with people who may be on the other side of the globe:that means time zone differences,language barriers,and comm

38、unication technology limits.Ultimately,however,poor communication can start as soon as you submit your project.On GetAC the buyer is in charge of opening a public project with clearly-stated requirements.Many projects fail because the buyer does not write down these requirements well enough and just

39、 assumes the coder has understood him.Text 2-4Passage TwoTruth is,most coders just want to win projects and will say anything to convince you to give them,including claiming they know what you want;they will also waste a lot of your time while pretending that they have a clear idea about it until th

40、ey confess theyre clueless and abandon it,leaving you have to start over.It might look like outsourcing projects is just not worth it.Thats not so:thousands of outsourced projects are completed every year,from the smallest application to the most complex website.All it takes is keeping in some impor

41、tant points:Text 2-5Passage Two1)Start with a good project description of what you want.GetAC,have message boards:use them to discuss the project with the companies during the earlier stages.Make sure theyre on the same wavelength as you are.Ask them questions about how they plan to develop it,ask t

42、hem to restate your objectives,and encourage them to ask you questions too.Companies that dont seem interested in your project may disappear in the middle of it,leaving you stranded.Text 2-6Passage Two2)Choose companies fluent in English.Yes,they should just need to have the technical know-how,but y

43、oull need to discuss unforeseeable matters with them,ask for updates and suggest revisions,so youll want their representative to understand you without problems.Beware misinterpretations born from cultural differences.Text 2-6Passage Two3)Consider how much time you can develop to your project on a d

44、aily or weekly basis;then set out a schedule and follow it with your chosen company.Keeping a regular schedule,once a day or twice a week,is essential.Make sure the company keeps you updated on the projects developments.Dont be away for too long,and dont let the company go silent either:this is a ba

45、d sign.4)It might be better to break down your project into smaller tasks,each with their own deadlines;in this case,the project is easier to control and if problems of interpretation arise you can start ironing them out at the beginning instead of letting them grow uncontrollably.Text 2-6Passage Tw

46、o5)Before choosing a company,make sure they have means to keep in touch with you.Sharing e-mail addresses may be good at the beginning,but soon youll need to be communicating in real time.Fortunately there are lots of cheap,internet-based tools,like Skype,to keep buyer and seller within reach.Ask th

47、em how they plan to keep in touch with you during the development phase and see if their methods suit your needs.Passage Onecoder 1)digital audio 2)coder electronic coder Passage Onestranded 1)He was stranded in Paris.2)I was left stranded penniless in a strange city.2-Task 1Passage TwoReading Task:

48、Answer the following questions briefly.WritingWritingSample 1Sample 2Writing TaskW-sample1WritingSample OneW-sample 2WritingSample TwoOutsourcing Project Progress ReportDate:6/12/2011Project Name:Global Music DevelopmentConcerns:mp4 player programming language downloading problemsProject Coordinator

49、s:Asian Project Coordinator:Wang Hua,Sun Communications ChinaAmerican Project Coordinator:Tom David,Wildfire Enterprises USAFrom:Wang HuaTo:Tom David W-sample 2WritingSample TwoTom,I have resolved the issue of the programming language problem.The engineering team here in China discovered the source

50、of the computer language conflict.It was discovered that the production team received the wrong specification information involving the mp4 players destined for the North American market.The first series of mp4 players that you received had the Asian language code imbedded within the programming and


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