《实用任务型学术写作》课件Unit 1 Personal Statement.pptx

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1、In In this unit you will learn how to write a this unit you will learn how to write a personal statement.personal statement.个人陈述通常简写为PS,是美国、英国、加拿大等国外高校录取时由申请人撰写的关于自己的介绍性文章,主要用于提供个人背景、学术成就、拟申请的专业及研究计划、未来职业规划目标等信息,同时展示申请人的文字表述能力。个人陈述是极具个性化的留学申请材料。个人陈述的基本要素包括:1.个人情况与学业相关的个人性格特质和兴趣爱好、个人信息、家庭情况等。2.学术背景已奠

2、定的学术基础或具备的学术潜力,先修课程、成绩情况,实习经历。3.研修计划拟申请的专业、学位,对所申请院校、学位及专业的了解。4.未来规划完成学业之后的学术或职业发展规划。Task Objective个人陈述的具体内容和逻辑结构因人而异,没有明确统一的模式。重点介绍申请人的学习动机和专业背景,既体现申请人对未来学习计划、职业规划所进行的科学、合理的分析和思考,也要反映申请人对自己的专业经验、个人素质的合理评价。个人陈述的长度通常视院校要求而定。一般而言,学校会给出300500词、500词以内、1000 词以内、12 页A4 纸长度以内等篇幅限制。如申请院校对个人陈述不做具体字数要求,实际写作以8

3、00900 词长度为宜。Read Sample 1 and answer the questions as briefly as possible.Task Preparation 1Major applied forCollege courses takenInternship experienceStudy planFuture career planMajor applied forCollege courses takenInternship experienceStudy planFuture career planmechanical engineering“Theoretical

4、 Mechanics,”“Basis of Mechanical Designing,”and“Mechanics of Materials”interned at Shenyang Machine Tool(Group)Co.,Ltd.during every winter and summer vacations;a two-week practical training at Zhong Hang Li Ming Chemical Machinery Factory in Huludao.a masters degree in Mechanical Engineering in the

5、U.S.a position in the mechanics industry preferring automobile companies such as General Motors,Ford Motor and Toyota Motor;work as an Engineer or Senior Engineer.Read Sample 2 and answer the questions.Task Preparation 21.What is the applicants professional interest?2.What is the applicants academic

6、 background?3.What is the applicants research plan for his/her doctors degree?4.What is the applicants career plan?1.What is the applicants professional interest?2.What is the applicants academic background?KeyThe applicant is especially interested in nineteenth-century literature,womens literature,

7、Anglo-Saxon poetry,and folklore and folk literature.The applicant majored in literary studies(world literature)as an undergraduate.The relationship between“high”and folk literature became the subject for his/her graduate thesis,which examined Toni Morrisons use of classical,biblical,African,and Afro

8、-American folk tradition in her novel.He/She has just begun submitting to the smaller journals with some success and is gradually building a working manuscript fora collection.3.What is the applicants research plan for his/her doctors degree?4.What is the applicants career plan?In his/her studies to

9、ward a doctoral degree,he/she hopes to examine more closely the relationship between high and folk literature.Should he/she attend the university,he/she would like to resume the studies of Anglo-Saxon poetry,withspecial attention to its folk elements.In terms of a career,he/she sees himself/herself

10、teaching literature,writing criticism,and going into editing or publishing poetry.Read Sample 3 and judge whether the statements Read Sample 3 and judge whether the statements are true or false.are true or false.Task Preparation 31.The applicant is applying for a doctoral program in nanoscience and

11、nanotechnology.()2.The applicant studied in the department of physics as an undergraduate.()3.At Al Farabi Kazakh National University,the applicant received a good fundamental education only in science and technology.()4.The choice of nanoscience and nanotechnology as his specialty was inspired by b

12、othhis personal interest and the excellent prospects of job market.()5.The applicant is interested in science,music,dancing and drawing.()FTTTFPractice these patterns and expressions often used in writing a personal statement.1.1 个人情况个人情况:1)Throughout my undergraduate education,I have gradually deve

13、loped a strong interest in IT consulting by endeavouring to hone professional techniques and business leadership.Im now eager to further develop this interest through pursuing the MSIS in GSAS at NYU.2)My parents are both university professors,and their wide-ranged knowledge made me aware very early

14、 in my life of the importance of comprehensive personal development.3)I have a great interest in working with people and applying science,so I feel the profession of being a pharmacist will allow me to do this and help to care for others by doing community pharmacy.4)I am especially interested in ni

15、neteenth-century literature,womens literature,Anglo-Saxon poetry,and folklore and folk literature.5)As the son of parents who operate a chain store bakery,I have long witnessed the important role that electrical equipment and computer technology play in its growth and success.Seeing the feats with m

16、y own eyes,I made up my mind to become an electrical and computer engineer.6)Aware of the wide gap between America and China in the discipline of chemical materials,I came up with the plan of pursuing my doctoral studies in the United States.7)My interest in education arises from extended involvemen

17、t in the Chinese educational system,as both student and teacher.8)Considering my hard working spirit,solid fundamental knowledge,and practical research skills,I am sure that I can acquire a broader perspective and more profound insight into the University of Pennsylvania under the supervision of Pro

18、f.Huck.1.2 学术背景学术背景:1)At university I studied intensively in the areas of data structure,database management,technical language and management.2)When I began my undergraduate career,I had the opportunity to be exposed to the full range of engineering courses,all of which tended to reinforce and soli

19、dify my intense interest in engineering.3)Due to my challenging character,I signed up for a very selective software engineering practice class where I have effectively strengthened my professional skills in programming and algorithm optimization through practice-led courses.4)In the four years study

20、ing at Beijing University,I studied strenuously and was rewarded Prize,which only students in the top 3 percent could obtain.5)It was in Technology and Business School that I completed my undergraduate education,majoring in marketing.6)I took a variety of courses covered by my major,and distinguishe

21、d myself by my academic record:an overall GPA of 3.71/4.0,and ranked 4th out of 256 students in the department in comprehensive performance.7)However,it was not until last summer when I found an opportunity for internship in Beijing Dingtian Decoration Company that I truly began my real practice.8)I

22、 interned in the embedded development department of Neusoft Group,during which I was involved in the programming work of the JAVA music player.1.3 研修计划研修计划:1)Your department occupies a forefront position in the information technology field,especially in the area of networks and distributed systems.I

23、 wish to pursue a doctoral degree at your esteemed department.2)Therefore,I would like to pursue first a masters degree and then a Ph.D.degree in instructional technology and media at your university,which is well-known in the academic area.3)The MSW program at your university seems to be tailored t

24、o my needs.The program gathers excellent academic and practical resources to provide a top ranked master education of social work.4)I greatly hanker for pursuing MSIS in Computer Science at NYU for a doctors degree,enabling me to learn more advanced information technologies to have a positive impact

25、 on the global business community.5)Your IE doctoral program provides a lively intellectual atmosphere,active and fruitful research,and close interaction between its students and distinguished faculty.6)NYU puts great emphasis on cultivating students meta-skills including cross-cultural communicatio

26、n,managerial leadership and teamwork by providing an opportunity for students to complete IT Project.7)Your highly respected program provides students with opportunities to explore the most cutting-edge theories and to apply them to reality.8)University enjoys a distinguished academic reputation in

27、the area of law studies and its department of laws ranks the top 15 in Canada.1.4 未来规划未来规划:1)I intend to plunge into the pioneering work of discriminating methodologies beneficial to Chinese companies development.2)After I earn my masters degree,I intend to start work on my Ph.D.in electrical engine

28、ering.3)After receiving my masters degree in public administration,I would like to work for a private development agency,a multi-lateral development bank,or a government agency.4)Upon my return,I would like to contribute to the development of communications studies in my country,either as an academi

29、c or an industry professional.5)Upon completing the graduate studies I shall return to my country and contribute what Ive learnt to its economic development.6)In terms of a career,I see myself teaching literature,writing criticism,and going into editing or publishing poetry.7)I planned to return to

30、China after the completion of my graduate studies either to teach at one of the larger Chinese universities or to lead a Chinese advertising company.8)After I complete the program,I intend to devote myself to a teaching career.Questions to ask yourself before you write:Whats special,unique,distincti

31、ve,and/or impressive about you or your life story?What details of your life(personal or family problems,history,people or events that have shaped you or influenced your goals)might help the committee better understand you or help set you apart from other applicants?When did you become interested in

32、this field and what have you learned about it(and about yourself)that has further stimulated your interest and reinforced your conviction that you are well suited to this field?What insights have you gained?How have you learned about this fieldthrough classes,readings,seminars,work or other experien

33、ces,or conversations with people already in the field?If you have worked a lot during your college years,what have you learned(leadership or managerial skills,for example),and how has that work contributed to your growth?What are your career goals?Are there any gaps or discrepancies in your academic

34、 record that you should explain(great grades but mediocre LSAT or GRE scores,for example,or a distinct upward pattern to your GPA if it was only average in the beginning)?Have you had to overcome any unusual obstacles or hardships(for example,economic,familial,or physical)in your life?What personal

35、characteristics(for example,integrity,compassion,and/or persistence)do you possess that would improve your prospects for success in the field or profession?Is there a way to demonstrate or document that you have these characteristics?What skills(for example,leadership,communicative,analytical)do you

36、 possess?Why might you be a stronger candidate for graduate schooland more successful and effective in the profession or field than other applicants?What are the most compelling reasons you can give for the admissions committee to be interested in you?General advice:Answer the questions that are ask

37、ed.If you are applying to several schools,dont be tempted to use the same statement for all applications.It is important to answer each question being asked,and if slightly different answers are needed,you should write separate statements.In every case,be sure your answer fits the question being ask

38、ed.Tell a story.Think in terms of showing or demonstrating through concrete experience.One of the worst things you can do is to bore the admissions committee.If your statement is fresh,lively,and different,youll be putting yourself ahead of the pack.If you distinguish yourself through your story,you

39、 will make yourself memorable.Be specific.Dont,for example,state that you would make an excellent doctor unless you can back it up with specific reasons.Your desire to become a lawyer,engineer,or whatever should be logical,the result of specific experience that is described in your statement.Your ap

40、plication should emerge as the logical conclusion to your story.Find an angle.If youre like most people,your life story lacks drama,so figuring out a way to make it interesting becomes the big challenge.Finding an angle or a“hook”is vital.Concentrate on your opening paragraph.The lead or opening par

41、agraph is generally the most important.It is here that you grab the readers attention or lose it.This paragraph becomes the framework for the rest of the statement.Tell what you know.The middle section of your essay might detail your interest and experience in your particular field,as well as some o

42、f your knowledge of the field.Too many people graduate with little or no knowledge of the nuts and bolts of the profession or field they hope to enter.Be as specific as you can in relating what you know about the field and use the language professionals use in conveying this information.Refer to exp

43、eriences(work,research,etc.),classes,conversations with people in the field,books youve read,seminars youve attended,or any other source of specific information about the career you want and why youre suited to it.Since you will have to select what you include in your statement,the choices you make

44、are often an indication of your judgment.Dont include some subjects.There are certain things best left out of personal statements.For example,references to experiences or accomplishments in high school or earlier are generally not a good idea.Dont mention potentially controversial subjects(for examp

45、le,controversial religious or political issues).Do some research,if needed.If a school wants to know why youre applying to it rather than another school,do some research to find out what sets your choice apart from other universities or programs.If the school setting would provide an important geogr

46、aphical or cultural change for you,this might be a factor to mention.Write well and correctly.Be meticulous.Type and proofread your essay very carefully.Many admissions officers say that good written skills and command of correct use of language are important to them as they read these statements.Ex

47、press yourself clearly and concisely.Adhere to stated word limits.Avoid clichs.A medical school applicant who writes that he is good at science and wants to help other people is not exactly expressing an original thought.Stay away from often repeated or tired statements.1.Read the following personal

48、 statement carefully to fulfil the tasks.Task RealizationPersonal StatementPersonal Statement 1 Motivated by a boys nature,I had intense interest in engineering since I was a child.I still remembered the first time I visited Shanghai Jin Mao Building,a famous skyscraper in China,I was very excited a

49、s if I saw the most spectacular and great scene.Meanwhile,the Zhaozhou Bridge,Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge learned from Chinese books brought me a preliminary access to bridges and inspired me to find out how these constructions were created.2 Later I knew that all of my interest belongs to the fiel

50、d of Civil Engineering.With strong passion for architecture and the dream to construct a building by myself,I chose to take the major Engineering Mechanics in Dalian University of Technology,a leading institute in engineering subjects in China.Through professional learning,my understanding of Civil


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