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1、Table Manners in Table Manners in Western countries!Western countries!Designed by Team 1112020/4/3There are many table manners around There are many table manners around the world.Different countries have the world.Different countries have different customs.different customs.22020/4/3What are we sup

2、posed to do while we are eating in western country?32020/4/3In the West,its generally required to make a reservation before going to a restaurant for dinner.make an make an appointmentappointment42020/4/3after entering the res:after entering the res:Basic requirements before orderingAfter entering t

3、herestaurant,tobeledbythewaiter seated,notrushseat.Whenseated,from thelefttoenter,and slowly pulled achair,slowly sitdown,thebodyshould beupright,donotputyourelbowsonthetable,notAlicefeet,and distance fromthetable withtwoelbow.52020/4/3The basic rules of the seating arrangementLadies firstRespectful

4、 guest of honorNormally a woman guest sits next to a man guestseatingseating arrangementsarrangements62020/4/3Details of the seatingarrangement-long table72020/4/3Roundtable square table82020/4/3Sitting down?If you are at a romantic dinner,the manshould push the womans chair out for her.?If youre a

5、guest at someones house,dont sit until the host sits first.92020/4/3Ordering?The host(hostess)will generally let youorder first;his or her order will be taken last.Sometimes,however,the server will decidewho orders first.Often,womens ordersare taken before mens.Whats the difference with us?102020/4/

6、3Dish Order in Western Foodfirst coursesoupside ordermain coursesaladdessertcoffee112020/4/3First Course/Appetizercaviargoose liver jamsnail122020/4/3Soup132020/4/3Side Orderfish,eggs,bread,vegetablemenu142020/4/3Main Course(Entre)raw,rare,medium rare,medium,welldone152020/4/3SaladNote:Americans lik

7、e to have salad as appetizer162020/4/3Dessert172020/4/3Coffeeteaspoonsaucercup182020/4/3We re supposed tobegin with the largest ones.We re supposed to start at the outside and work in.Numberof kitchen knives,forks and dishes should be equal with the number of channels,192020/4/3Start eatingWhen?The

8、hostess puts her napkin onthe lap.202020/4/3We should hold the spoon in the right We should hold the spoon in the right hand.We should hold the knife in the right We should hold the knife in the right hand and hold the fork in the left hand and hold the fork in the left plitely:212020/4/3It

9、 is polite to eat fruit with a fork.It is polite to eat fruit with a fork.It s rude to eat it with your hands.222020/4/3WeWe re not supposed to speak with our re not supposed to speak with our mouth full.mouth full.232020/4/3What does the picture mean when having dinner?have a break242020/4/3finishe

10、d252020/4/3enD DiningEnd ofthemeal,dessert spoon should beplacedonthecupand saucer,rather than onthecup.Master down dinner napkin,which representsendofthemeal,thenapkin canbescatteredonthetable.262020/4/3Whenyouwant tocheck out,remembertopay some money asatiptothewaiter.ManyEuropean countries have ahabit oftipping.Itisthanks toentertaintheguests and staff togivethem areward.272020/4/3THANK YOU!282020/4/3


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