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1、1环环 境境 卫卫 生生 学学Environmental Health Science周宏伟周宏伟教授,博导,环境卫生学系主任国家优秀青年基金获得者教育部新世纪优秀人才广东省千百十工程国家级培养对象办公电话:61648327,Email:南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院 环境卫生学系 周宏伟 24南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院 环境卫生学系 周宏伟 一、环境卫生学定义一、环境卫生学定义5定义1n研究自然环境和生活环境与人群健康的关系,研究自然环境和生活环境与人群健康的关系,解释环境因素对人群健康影响的发生、发展规解释环境因素对人群健康影响的发生、发展规律,为充分利用环境有益因素和控制环境

2、有害律,为充分利用环境有益因素和控制环境有害因素提出卫生要求和预防对策,增进人体健康,因素提出卫生要求和预防对策,增进人体健康,提高整体人群健康水平的科学。提高整体人群健康水平的科学。n是预防医学的重要分支学科,也是环境科学不是预防医学的重要分支学科,也是环境科学不可缺少的重要组成部分。可缺少的重要组成部分。陈学敏,杨克敌陈学敏,杨克敌南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院 环境卫生学系 周宏伟 6Definition 2nIn its broadest sense,environmental health is the segment of public health that is conce

3、rned with assessing,understanding,and controlling the impacts of people on their environment and the impacts of the environment on them.-Moeller D.W.Environmental Health7Wikipedia definitionnEnvironmental health is that branch of public health that is concerned with all aspects of the natural and bu

4、ilt environment that may affect human health.Other phrases that concern or refer to the discipline of environmental health include environmental public health,and environmental protection.The field of environmental health is closely related to environmental science and public health as environmental

5、 health is concerned with environmental factors affecting human health.南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院 环境卫生学系 周宏伟 8nEnvironmental health addresses all the physical,chemical,and biological factors external to a person,and all the related factors impacting behaviours.It encompasses the assessment and control of tho

6、se environmental factors that can potentially affect health.It is targeted towards preventing disease and creating health-supportive environments.This definition excludes behaviour not related to environment,as well as behaviour related to the social and cultural environment,as well as genetics.:1南方

7、医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院 环境卫生学系 周宏伟 9nEnvironmental health is defined by the WHO as:2 Those aspects of the human health and disease that are determined by factors in the environment.It also refers to the theory and practice of assessing and controlling factors in the environment that can potentially affect h

8、ealth.Environmental health as used by the WHO Regional Office for Europe,includes both the direct pathological effects of chemicals,radiation and some biological agents,and the effects(often indirect)on health and well being of the broad physical,psychological,social and cultural environment,which i

9、ncludes housing,urban development,land use and transport.南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院 环境卫生学系 周宏伟 10nEnvironmental health services are defined by the World Health Organization as:those services which implement environmental health policies through monitoring and control activities.They also carry out that role

10、by promoting the improvement of environmental parameters and by encouraging the use of environmentally friendly and healthy technologies and behaviors.They also have a leading role in developing and suggesting new policy areas.南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院 环境卫生学系 周宏伟 11DisciplinesnThree basic disciplines genera

11、lly contribute to the field of environmental health:environmental epidemiology,toxicology,and exposure science.Each of these disciplines contributes different information to describe problems in environmental health,but there is some overlap among them.南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院 环境卫生学系 周宏伟 12Environmental ep

12、idemiologynstudies the relationship between environmental exposures(including exposure to chemicals,radiation,microbiological agents,etc.)and human health.Observational studies,which simply observe exposures that people have already experienced,are common in environmental epidemiology because humans

13、 cannot ethically be exposed to agents that are known or suspected to cause disease.While the inability to use experimental study designs is a limitation of environmental epidemiology,this discipline directly observes effects on human health rather than estimating effects from animal studies.南方医科大学公

14、共卫生与热带医学学院 环境卫生学系 周宏伟 13Toxicologynstudies how environmental exposures lead to specific health outcomes,generally in animals,as a means to understand possible health outcomes in humans.Toxicology has the advantage of being able to conduct randomized controlled trials and other experimental studies b

15、ecause they can use animal subjects.However there are many differences in animal and human biology,and there can be a lot of uncertainty when interpreting the results of animal studies for their implications for human health南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院 环境卫生学系 周宏伟 14Exposure sciencenstudies human exposure to en

16、vironmental contaminants by both identifying and quantifying exposures.Exposure science can be used to support environmental epidemiology by better describing environmental exposures that may lead to a particular health outcome,identify common exposures whose health outcomes may be better understood

17、 through a toxicology study,or can be used in a risk assessment to determine whether current levels of exposure might exceed recommended levels.Exposure science has the advantage of being able to very accurately quantify exposures to specific chemicals,but it does not generate any information about

18、health outcomes like environmental epidemiology or toxicology.南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院 环境卫生学系 周宏伟 1516南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院 环境卫生学系 周宏伟 二、通过健康环境预防疾病二、通过健康环境预防疾病:对对疾病的环境负担的估计疾病的环境负担的估计 Preventing disease through healthy environments:Towards an estimate of the environmental burden of disease南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院 环境卫生

19、学系 周宏伟 17Executive summary nThis global assessment provides quantitative estimates of burden of disease from environmental factors across the major categories of reported diseases and injuries.nThe estimates,in effect,reflect how much death,illness and disability could realistically be avoided every

20、 year as a result of reduced human exposures to environmental hazards.nSpecifically considered here are modifiable environmental factors realistically amenable to change using available technologies,policies,and preventive and public health measures.18南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院 环境卫生学系 周宏伟 HOW SIGNIFICANT IS

21、THE IMPACT OF ENVIRONMENT ON HEALTH?An estimated 24%of the global disease burden and 23%of all deaths can be attributed to environmental factors.南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院 环境卫生学系 周宏伟 19n在在2004 2004 年世界卫生报告年世界卫生报告所涉所涉102 102 类主要疾病、类主要疾病、疾病组别和残疾中,环境风险因素在其中疾病组别和残疾中,环境风险因素在其中85 85 类中类中导致疾病负担。在不同疾病状况中,可具体归因导致疾病负担

22、。在不同疾病状况中,可具体归因于环境的疾病比例差别很大。于环境的疾病比例差别很大。n在全球范围,估计在全球范围,估计24%24%的疾病负担的疾病负担(健康寿命年损健康寿命年损失失)和和23%23%的所有死亡的所有死亡(早逝早逝)可归因于环境因素。可归因于环境因素。n在在0-14 0-14 岁的儿童中,可归因于环境的死亡比例高岁的儿童中,可归因于环境的死亡比例高达达36%36%。南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院 环境卫生学系 周宏伟 20n虽然在疾病总负担中,这已经是一个很大的比例,虽然在疾病总负担中,这已经是一个很大的比例,但估计仍然偏于保守,因为对许多疾病,还有待但估计仍然偏于保守,因为对

23、许多疾病,还有待搜集这方面的证据。同时,在许多情况下,环境搜集这方面的证据。同时,在许多情况下,环境危害与疾病结果之间的因果关系很复杂。危害与疾病结果之间的因果关系很复杂。n但在其它情况下,尽管健康影响非常明显,疾病但在其它情况下,尽管健康影响非常明显,疾病负担也难以量化。例如,与整个生态系统的变化、负担也难以量化。例如,与整个生态系统的变化、破坏或耗竭有关的疾病负担就很难量化。破坏或耗竭有关的疾病负担就很难量化。南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院 环境卫生学系 周宏伟 21环境因素产生最大影响的疾病环境因素产生最大影响的疾病南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院 环境卫生学系 周宏伟 22最大绝


25、类感染可归因于环境原因,发展中国家的相此类感染可归因于环境原因,发展中国家的相应数字则上升到应数字则上升到42%42%。南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院 环境卫生学系 周宏伟 23n42%42%的疟疾是由可改变的环境因素造成的,这与的疟疾是由可改变的环境因素造成的,这与土地使用、毁林、水资源管理、住区选址和修改土地使用、毁林、水资源管理、住区选址和修改后的住房设计后的住房设计(例如改进排水系统例如改进排水系统)方面的政策和方面的政策和做法有关。为本研究目的,使用经杀虫剂处理的做法有关。为本研究目的,使用经杀虫剂处理的蚊帐不视为一项环境管理措施。蚊帐不视为一项环境管理措施。n慢性阻塞性肺病是一

26、种逐渐丧失肺部功能的疾病,慢性阻塞性肺病是一种逐渐丧失肺部功能的疾病,据估计此类疾病的据估计此类疾病的42%42%是由环境风险因素造成的。是由环境风险因素造成的。职业接触粉尘和化学品,以及家庭使用固体燃料职业接触粉尘和化学品,以及家庭使用固体燃料导致的室内空气污染,似乎是造成疾病负担环境导致的室内空气污染,似乎是造成疾病负担环境分值的两个最大因素。但其它形式的室内和室外分值的两个最大因素。但其它形式的室内和室外空气污染,从交通到二手烟草烟雾,也有很大作空气污染,从交通到二手烟草烟雾,也有很大作用。用。南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院 环境卫生学系 周宏伟 24n“其它其它”意外伤害包括工作场


28、。响尚有待加以衡量。南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院 环境卫生学系 周宏伟 252 2、在世界哪些地区环境因素对健康影响最、在世界哪些地区环境因素对健康影响最大,以及如何产生影响?大,以及如何产生影响?南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院 环境卫生学系 周宏伟 262002 2002 年世卫组织分区域环境性疾病负担年世卫组织分区域环境性疾病负担疾病负担按每疾病负担按每10 10 万人死亡人数衡量。关于世卫组万人死亡人数衡量。关于世卫组织各分区域的国家名单,见报告正文附件织各分区域的国家名单,见报告正文附件1 1。南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院 环境卫生学系 周宏伟 27n传染病和伤害给发展

29、中地区造成极其沉重传染病和伤害给发展中地区造成极其沉重的负担的负担 q世卫组织各个区域之间最大的整体区别在于传世卫组织各个区域之间最大的整体区别在于传染病类。发展中国家由于环境因素人均损失健染病类。发展中国家由于环境因素人均损失健康寿命年总数是发达国家的康寿命年总数是发达国家的15 15 倍。在某些世卫倍。在某些世卫组织发展中国家分区域,腹泻病和下呼吸道感组织发展中国家分区域,腹泻病和下呼吸道感染的环境分值是发达国家分区域的染的环境分值是发达国家分区域的120 120 到到150 150 倍。倍。这些差别主要是源于接触环境风险和享有卫生这些差别主要是源于接触环境风险和享有卫生保健方面的差异。保

30、健方面的差异。南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院 环境卫生学系 周宏伟 28n在可归因于环境的非传染病的分值上,发达国在可归因于环境的非传染病的分值上,发达国家与发展中国家的整体差异不明显家与发展中国家的整体差异不明显n然而,在发达国家,可归因于环境的心血管疾然而,在发达国家,可归因于环境的心血管疾病和癌症负担较大。病和癌症负担较大。q在发达国家,心血管疾病造成的人均健康寿命在发达国家,心血管疾病造成的人均健康寿命年损失要比发展中国家高出年损失要比发展中国家高出6 6 倍,癌症高出倍,癌症高出3 3 倍。倍。缺乏身体活动是导致缺血性心脏病、乳腺癌、缺乏身体活动是导致缺血性心脏病、乳腺癌、结肠癌

31、、直肠癌和糖尿病等各种非传染性疾病结肠癌、直肠癌和糖尿病等各种非传染性疾病的危险因素。的危险因素。南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院 环境卫生学系 周宏伟 29n与此同时,发展中国家可归因于环境因素的意外与此同时,发展中国家可归因于环境因素的意外伤害和道路交通伤害带来的疾病负担更沉重。伤害和道路交通伤害带来的疾病负担更沉重。q在发展中国家,与环境因素有关的伤害导致的在发展中国家,与环境因素有关的伤害导致的人均健康寿命年损失平均数大体比发达国家高人均健康寿命年损失平均数大体比发达国家高出一倍;出一倍;q就一些疾病,例如疟疾来说,环境性疾病负担就一些疾病,例如疟疾来说,环境性疾病负担将伴随发展而减

32、轻,但其它非传染性疾病,例将伴随发展而减轻,但其它非传染性疾病,例如慢性阻塞性肺病的负担将加重,接近世界更如慢性阻塞性肺病的负担将加重,接近世界更为发达地区目前的水平。为发达地区目前的水平。南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院 环境卫生学系 周宏伟 303 3哪些人群受环境对健康危害的影响最严重?哪些人群受环境对健康危害的影响最严重?n儿童儿童承担了过分沉重的环境性健康负担。承担了过分沉重的环境性健康负担。q在全球范围,儿童与总人口相比,因环境风险因在全球范围,儿童与总人口相比,因环境风险因素造成的人均健康寿命年损失大约要高素造成的人均健康寿命年损失大约要高4 4 倍。倍。q腹泻、疟疾和呼吸道感

33、染均在可归因于环境的疾腹泻、疟疾和呼吸道感染均在可归因于环境的疾病中占很大比例,也是病中占很大比例,也是5 5 岁以下儿童最大的致命因岁以下儿童最大的致命因素。素。q围产期疾病围产期疾病(例如早产和低出生体重例如早产和低出生体重)、蛋白质、蛋白质 -热热能营养不良和意外伤害为儿童其他一些重大致命能营养不良和意外伤害为儿童其他一些重大致命因素,也明显受环境的影响,尤其是在发展中国因素,也明显受环境的影响,尤其是在发展中国家。家。南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院 环境卫生学系 周宏伟 31q平均说来,发展中国家儿童因环境造成的疾平均说来,发展中国家儿童因环境造成的疾病,人均丧失的健康寿命年要比发

34、达国家儿病,人均丧失的健康寿命年要比发达国家儿童高出童高出7 7 倍。而在世界某些非常贫困的地区,倍。而在世界某些非常贫困的地区,这一差距还要大得多,因儿童下呼吸道感染这一差距还要大得多,因儿童下呼吸道感染丧失的健康寿命年人均达丧失的健康寿命年人均达800 800 倍,道路交通倍,道路交通伤害,伤害,25 25 倍;腹泻,倍;腹泻,140140倍。倍。q但即使是这些统计数字也仍未能反映一些接但即使是这些统计数字也仍未能反映一些接触的较长期效应,这些接触是在幼年时发生触的较长期效应,这些接触是在幼年时发生的,但直到许多年后才发病。的,但直到许多年后才发病。10 facts on children

35、s environmental health-1nEnvironmental factors are responsible for 88%of the 1.5 million annual child deaths year due to diarrhoea.nDiarrhoea is the second leading cause of death among children under five years old,with nearly one in five deaths due to diarrhoea.Around 88%of these deaths are attribu

36、table to unsafe water,inadequate sanitation and poor hygiene.Treating and safe storage of drinking water and washing hands can prevent diarrhoeal disease.Exclusive breastfeeding also helps prevent diarrhoeal disease among young children.南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院 环境卫生学系 周宏伟 3210 facts-2nHalf of the two milli

37、on annual child deaths from acute respiratory infections are attributable to indoor air pollution.南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院 环境卫生学系 周宏伟 33nAcute respiratory infections in particular pneumonia are the biggest killer of young children.Nearly half of these deaths are attributable to indoor smoke from solid fuel

38、.Second-hand tobacco smoke is another major risk factor.Children in developing countries are especially at risk due to poor housing conditions.10 facts-3nAsthma prevalence is rising rapidly in children.nAsthma is the most common chronic disease among children and occurs in all countries.It is trigge

39、red by environmental factors such as house dust mites,second-hand smoke,moulds and pollens.Asthma can be controlled with proper diagnosis and treatment,and by reducing exposure to the environmental triggers.南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院 环境卫生学系 周宏伟 3410 facts-4nIn some developing regions of the world,more than o

40、ne third of all children are affected by high levels of lead.nLead poisoning can alter childrens brain development.It can increase the risk of behavioural and learning problems,and of cardiovascular diseases later in life.Lead is no longer used in gasoline in most countries,but children are still ex

41、posed to it from smelters,lead-based paint,recycling activities,cosmetics,herbal medicines,and other sources.南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院 环境卫生学系 周宏伟 3510 facts-5nAcute poisoning from pesticides can be life-threatening to children.nUnsafe use,storage and disposal of pesticides are the main causes of acute poiso

42、ning.Chronic,low-level exposure to pesticides is linked with neurological,developmental,reproductive and other effects in children.Exposure may result from the use of pesticides in gardens,homes and schools,agricultural drift,or through contaminated food and drinking water.南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院 环境卫生学系 周

43、宏伟 3610 facts-6nMercury is toxic to the nervous system of the developing fetus.nThe fetus,newborns and children are especially susceptible to mercury exposure because of the sensitivity of the developing nervous system.Women of childbearing age and children should avoid eating large predatory,non-fa

44、tty fish(such as shark)that can have high levels of mercury.Children can also be exposed to mercury from some herbal medicines and some teething powders.南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院 环境卫生学系 周宏伟 3710 facts-7nMany children in Africa and Asia are exposed to aflatoxins in foods.nAflatoxins are toxic compounds produ

45、ced by fungi that contaminate food.Maize and groundnuts are major sources of exposure.Acute poisoning from aflatoxins can be life-threatening.Over the long-term,children with chronic aflatoxin exposure may become stunted,underweight,and more susceptible to infectious diseases in childhood and later

46、life.南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院 环境卫生学系 周宏伟 3810 facts-8nHundreds of thousands of children under the age of 15 unintentionally ingest poisonous substances,and some 35,000 of them die every year.nPoisoning most commonly involves fuel,pesticides,medicines,and toxic household products.Storing these items away fr

47、om childrens sight and reach,and using child-resistant packaging can save childrens lives.南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院 环境卫生学系 周宏伟 3910 facts-9nEnvironmental factors play a role in childhood cancers.nWhile much about the origin of childhood cancers remains unknown,environmental agents such as radiation,tobacco

48、and second-hand smoke,aflatoxins,ultraviolet light,and some pesticides play a role.南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院 环境卫生学系 周宏伟 4010 facts-10nClimate change increases the risk of disease especially for children in developing countries.nOver 85%of the burden of disease of climate change is borne by children in devel

49、oping countries.Children face risks of injuries and death from floods and extreme temperatures,asthma and respiratory diseases that increase in frequency with air pollution,and diarrhoeal diseases,malaria,and malnutrition related to climate change.南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院 环境卫生学系 周宏伟 41南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院 环境卫

50、生学系 周宏伟 424.4.决策者和公众如何应对环境性健康风险?决策者和公众如何应对环境性健康风险?n环境卫生干预措施的公共和预防性卫生战略十分重环境卫生干预措施的公共和预防性卫生战略十分重要。此类干预措施具有成本效益,还可造福于社区要。此类干预措施具有成本效益,还可造福于社区的整体福利。的整体福利。q例如逐步取消含铅汽油。仍然使用含铅汽油的地例如逐步取消含铅汽油。仍然使用含铅汽油的地区与完全取消含铅汽油的地区相比,前者在整体区与完全取消含铅汽油的地区相比,前者在整体上因铅接触造成的智力发育迟缓估计比后者高出上因铅接触造成的智力发育迟缓估计比后者高出将近将近30 30 倍。倍。q千年发展目标的


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