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1、商务英语写作商务英语写作 _Chapter Four Replies and Quotation1.The general plan for replies1.1.Begin with the answer that you are complying with the Begin with the answer that you are complying with the request.request.2.Show thanks or sincere interest in the request and the 2.Show thanks or sincere interest in

2、the request and the person.person.3.Present the most important information in a positive 3.Present the most important information in a positive way.way.4.Focus on the readers benefits associated with the 4.Focus on the readers benefits associated with the information.information.5.Provide additional

3、 helpful information.5.Provide additional helpful information.6.End the letter with confidence and courtesy.6.End the letter with confidence and courtesy.见见letter 4-1letter 4-11).The Opening The first paragraph you should start with The first paragraph you should start with acknowledging the inquire

4、.acknowledging the inquire.Thanks for your inquiry ofThanks for your inquiry of 谢谢贵方谢谢贵方We are pleased to learn from you letter ofWe are pleased to learn from you letter of 很高兴从信中得知很高兴从信中得知Your inquiry datedYour inquiry dated贵方贵方的询问的询问2).The body The body aims to answer the inquiry as The body aims

5、to answer the inquiry as clearly as possible.You should also clearly as possible.You should also anticipate what reader needs to know in the anticipate what reader needs to know in the future.future.Here areHere areonon现寄上我方有关现寄上我方有关的的Enclosed please find ourEnclosed please find our随信附上随信附上3).The Cl

6、osingExpress the hope that the information provided will Express the hope that the information provided will be useful.be useful.I hope that the information will prove useful to you.I hope that the information will prove useful to you.Please do not hesitate to contact me again if I can Please do not

7、 hesitate to contact me again if I can be of further help.be of further help.We look forward to receiving your order in the We look forward to receiving your order in the near future.near future.见见 Sample 4-2Sample 4-2 Exercises:Rearrange the sentencesa.a.It seems to have everything I need.It seems

8、to have everything I need.b.b.I am looking for just an arrangement.I am looking for just an arrangement.c.c.I received your price information packet today I received your price information packet today and appreciate its prompt delivery.and appreciate its prompt delivery.d.d.You mentioned a deeper d

9、iscount in You mentioned a deeper discount in consideration of the annual contract.consideration of the annual contract.e.e.She keeps my calendar and will assist you She keeps my calendar and will assist you making an appointment.making an appointment.f.f.Should I be unavailable when you call on Sho

10、uld I be unavailable when you call on Friday,please speak to my assistant,Annie.Friday,please speak to my assistant,Annie.Exercises:作为对贵方询价的回应,我们将提出尽可能优惠作为对贵方询价的回应,我们将提出尽可能优惠的报价。的报价。In response to your inquiry,we will offerIn response to your inquiry,we will offerthe best price possible.the best pri

11、ce possible.若你方对此报价在本月内不接受,该报盘将被若你方对此报价在本月内不接受,该报盘将被撤消。撤消。The offer is subjected to your replyThe offer is subjected to your replyreaching us before the end of the month.reaching us before the end of the month.Exercises:对于小量订购来说,贵方还盘太低。对于小量订购来说,贵方还盘太低。Your counter-offer is much too low for an Your c

12、ounter-offer is much too low for an order of a small amount.order of a small amount.若订货超过若订货超过600600件,可享受件,可享受8 8折优惠。折优惠。You will enjoy 20%discount if your order You will enjoy 20%discount if your order exceeds 600.exceeds 600.Exercises:我们已正式收到你方我们已正式收到你方1111月月2323日的来信及一份年度日的来信及一份年度报告。报告。We have dul

13、y received your letter dated We have duly received your letter dated Nov.23 and a copy of the annual report.Nov.23 and a copy of the annual report.我们非常感谢您给我们寄来的有关重组问题的最我们非常感谢您给我们寄来的有关重组问题的最新资料。新资料。I appreciate your updated information I appreciate your updated information related to the restructurin

14、g issue.related to the restructuring issue.Exercises:除非按合同付款除非按合同付款,否则我方将解除合同否则我方将解除合同,并要求贵并要求贵方赔偿因违约造成的损失。方赔偿因违约造成的损失。Unless the payment is made in accordance Unless the payment is made in accordance with the contract,we will have to cancel with the contract,we will have to cancel the contract and

15、claim damages for your the contract and claim damages for your failure to honor the contract.failure to honor the contract.Exercises:as follow to reduce in line with be subject to provided that remain open to ones regret owing to discount acceptance 1.We intended to buy 300“Flying Pigeon”Brand bicyc

16、les at the prices_.2.We accept your offer_you cut prices by 20%.3.The offer_until 12:00 a.m.November 21,Beijing time.4.Our offer is a non-firm offer.It_our final confirmation.5.If you can_the price,we might place a large order.6.Our offer is firm,subjected to your_reaching us by March 1.Exercises:亲爱


18、 Dear Mr.YamatoMr.Yamato:Thank you for your letter dated August 5,2005,inquiring about our company and our products.Enclosed please find our latest brochures listing all types of yachts we manufactured as well as our financial statement for the ending year of 2004.We have not sold our products in th

19、e Japanese market in the past,and we would be delighted to do business with your company.Please go through the enclosures.We would be happy to answer any questions that may arise.We look forward to hearing from you.Yours sincerely,3.Declining an request An Expression of thanks for the requestReason

20、for inability to accept the requestA wish of other bushiness opportunities in future 3.Declining an request拒绝要求的信应包括以下几点:拒绝要求的信应包括以下几点:1.对对方提出要求表示感谢对对方提出要求表示感谢2.对不能接受表示遗憾并给出具体的原因对不能接受表示遗憾并给出具体的原因3.提示一起合作的其他机会提示一起合作的其他机会Samples:因为政府的禁令而无法满足顾客订购电缆的要求,这种拒绝类型的回复函应该怎样写呢?Samples:Dear Sir:Dear Sir:Thank yo

21、u so much for your offer for Cables on February Thank you so much for your offer for Cables on February 16,2005.16,2005.I regret to inform you that our government has just I regret to inform you that our government has just imposed a ban position to purchase the products at imposed a ban position to

22、 purchase the products at present.present.However,we have kept your offer in our file and will However,we have kept your offer in our file and will contact you when the ban is lifted.contact you when the ban is lifted.Your truly,Your truly,Write a letter Write a reply to ABC co.with the following Wr

23、ite a reply to ABC co.with the following particulars.particulars.1.Acknowledge the receipt of their letter of 1.Acknowledge the receipt of their letter of June 27.June 27.2.Agree to their proposal of establishing trade 2.Agree to their proposal of establishing trade relations with you.relations with

24、 you.3.Commodity inspection will be handled by the 3.Commodity inspection will be handled by the bureau concerned in Shanghai.bureau concerned in Shanghai.Dear sirs,With reference to your letter of June 27,we are glad to learn that you wish to enter into trade relations with us,which also meets our

25、interest.To give you a general idea of our products,we are sending you by air a catalogue showing various products being handled by this corporation with detailed specification and means of packing.Quotations and sample will be sent upon receipt of your specific enquiries.As we have not had the plea

26、sure of doing business with you in the past,we would like to inform you that our goods for export are to be inspected by the Shanghai Commodity Inspection Bureau before shipment,and necessary certificates in regard to the quality and quantity of the shipment will be provided.We are looking forward to your early reply.Your faithfully.


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