《文化万象:英语视听说(高级篇)》课件Chapter 2 Travel on the Planet-the African Stop.pptx

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1、Part 1:Famous QuotesPart 2:Background knowledgePart 3:Listening and Speaking PracticePart 4:听说听说秘籍秘籍之之英美口音英美口音(Accents)Chapter 2 Travel on the PlanetPart 1:Famous QuotesA journey is like marriage.The certain way to be wrong is to think you control it.John Steinbeck旅行就像婚姻,自以为掌控在手的想法一定是错误的。约翰斯坦贝克No on

2、e realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his oldf familiar pillow.Lin Yutang没有人能认识到旅行是多么美好,直到他回到家,把他的头靠在他那张熟悉的旧枕头上。林语堂All travel has its advantages.If the passenger visits better countries,he may learn toimprove his own.And if fortune carries him to worse,he

3、 may learn to enjoy it.Samuel Johnson所有的旅行都有其优势。如果乘客到访了一个更先进的国家,他会学习去发展自己的国 家。如果时运让他来到了落后的国家,他会学习去享受这一切。塞繆尔约翰逊Part 2:Background knowledgeI.Aka People and Their Music Vocabularyimprovisation imprveizein n.即兴创作;即兴演说nomadic nmdik adj.游牧的,流浪的pygmy pigmi n.特别矮小的人或动物contrapuntal kntr pntl adj.对位的communal

4、kmju:nl adj.公共的,公用的ostinato stintu n.(指不断反复的音型)固定音型passacalia pa:ska:lj n.帕萨卡里亚舞(一种慢速庄严的古代意大利和西班牙舞蹈)polyphonic plifunik adj.有许多声音的,复调的cyclical saiklikl adj.周期性的,循环的repertoire reptwa:(r)n.全部节目;全部本领Aka k n.阿卡族;英文也称BayakaThe Mbenga(Aka Benzele)and Baka peoples in the west and the Mbuti(Efe)in the east

5、are particularly known for their dense contrapuntal communal improvisation.The level of polyphonic complexity of Mbenga-Mbuti music was reached in Europe only in the 14th century.The polyphonic singing of the Aka Pygmies was relisted on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of

6、Humanity in 2008.The Aka or Bayaka(also BiAka,Babenzele)are a nomadic Mbenga pygmy people.They live in southwestern Central African Republic and the Brazzaville region of the Republic of the Congo.An ecologically diverse people,they occupy 11 different ecological zones of the Western Congo Basin.The

7、y are related to the Baka people of Cameroon,Gabon,northern Congo,and southwestern Central African Republic.Unlike the Mbuti pygmies of the eastern Congo(who speak only the language of the tribes with whom they are affiliated),the Aka speak their own language along with the approximately 15 Bantu pe

8、oples they respectively are affiliated.In 2003,the oral traditions of the Aka were proclaimed one of the Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.They were featured in the July 1995 National Geographic article“Ndoki:the Last Place on Earth.”Mbenga-Mbuti Pygmy music cons

9、ists of up to four parts and can be described as an“ostinato with variations”similar to a passacaglia in that it is cyclical.It is based on repetition of periods of equal length that each singer divides using different rhythmic figures specific to different repertoires and songs.This creates a detai

10、led surface and endless variations not only of the same period repeated but of various performances of the same piece of music.These patterns of music based on a super-pattern which is never heard.The Pygmies themselves do not learn or think of their music in this theoretical framework,but learn the

11、 music growing up.II.Tutankhamuns ProfileVocabularyscoliosis skliusis n.脊柱侧凸necrosis nekrss n.坏疽parasite prsat n.寄生虫malaria mleri n.疟疾cleft palatekleft plt n.腭裂Tutankhamun tu:tnka:mn n.图特卡蒙(埃及法老)Akhenaten kentn n.阿肯那吞(埃及法老)Maia me or ma n.迈亚(希腊神话女神名)Sennedjem senidem 森尼杰姆(古埃及工匠)Ankhesenpaaten nki:zi

12、npi:tn n.安赫恩阿顿(埃及法老妻子名)Horemheb hrmheb n.霍伦海布(埃及法老)Atem a:tn n.古埃及所信奉的太阳神Amun a:mn n.阿蒙(古埃及所信奉的神)Thebes ibz n.底比斯(古希腊Boeotia的主要城邦)Akhetaten kteitn n.阿克塔顿(图特卡蒙法老新都城)Tutankhamun,one of the boy king in ancient Egypt,was the son of Akhenaten and one of Akhenaten5s sisters.As a prince he was known as Tut

13、ankhaten.He ascended to the throne in 1333 BC,at the age of nine or ten.His wet-nurse was a woman called Maia,known from her tomb at Saqqara.A teacher was most likely Seimedjem.When he became king,he married his half-sister,Ankhesenpaaten,who later changed her name to Ankhesenamun.They had two daugh

14、ters,both stillborn,one daughter died at 5-6 months of pregnanqr and the other at 9 months of pregnancy.The king probably had very powerful advisers,including General Horemheb.Horemheb records that the king appointed him“lord of the land”as hereditary prince to maintain law.He also noted his ability

15、 to calm the young king when he lost his temper.In his third year on the throne,Tutankhamun reversed several changes made during his father reign.He ended the worship of the god Aten and restored the god Amun to supremacy.The ban on the cult of Amun was lifted and traditional privileges were restore

16、d.The capital was moved back to Thebes and the city of Akhetaten abandoned.He also changed his own name to Tutankhamun,“Living image of Amun,which reinforced the restoration of Amun.Tutankhamun was roughly 180 cm(5 ft 11 in)tall.Researches showed that Tutankhamun had“a slightly cleft palate”and poss

17、ibly a mild case of scoliosis,a medical condition in which the spine is curved from side to side.Examination of King Tuts body has revealed previously unknown deformations in the king left foot,caused by necrosis of bone tissue.The painful affliction forced King Tut to walk with the use of a cane,ma

18、ny of which were found in his tomb,however it would not have been a life-threatening affliction.In DNA tests of King Tuts mummy,scientists found DNA from the mosquito-borne parasite that causes malaria tropica,the most virulent and deadly form of the disease,in the pharaoh5s body,This is currently t

19、he oldest known genetic proof of the disease.Interestingly,more than one strain of the malaria parasite was found,indicating that King Tut caught multiple malarial infections during his lifetime.“The malaria would have weakened King Tuts immune system and interfered with the healing of his foot.”The

20、se factors,combined with the fracture in his left thighbone,which scientists had discovered in 2005,may have ultimately been what killed the young king.Part 3:Listening and Speaking Practice Pass 1:Celebrities Visiting African Slums迪恩凯恩出生于密歇根州,他有四分之一的日本人血统,母亲是演员Sharon Thomas,后改嫁导演克里斯多夫凯恩。迪恩凯恩髙中时表现出运

21、动天分,后因体育优秀被普林 斯顿大学录取,1988年以艺术史学士毕业,以自由人身份与布法罗比尔橄榄球队签约,但随后一次训练中的膝盖伤让他失去了运动生涯的希望,于是转而从事电影编剧和表演。1993年他接手了一个迄今为止最有影响力的角色在名为刘易斯和克拉克:超人的 新冒险的电视连续剧中扮演超人。此连续剧播放了四季,至1997年封镜,最热播时,每集能吸引1500万观众。Task 1 Word HuntingVocabularystock image stkimid n.图库中的图片(商业)savanna svn n.无树平原slum slm n.贫民窟 highlight hailait vt.强调

22、;突出 game-viewing geimvju:i n.观光safari sfa:ri n.网络;游猎;陆路旅行Task 2:True of FalseDirections:Watch the news clip again and tell whether the following statements are true or false(T/c).(F)The new trend in African tourism is to have champagne breakfast on the savanna.(F)The actor of Superman had some diffi

23、culty communicating with kids.(T)After visiting the African slums,now the celebrities know Africa better.Task 3:Blank FillingDirections:Watch or Listen to the clip again and fill in the following blanks.Its the stock image of African tourism,vast(1)expanses of animals on the(2)plain,champagne breakf

24、ast perched on the savanna.But driving through theslums is a new(3)trend in tourism,(4)witnessing the other side of Africa.Its called(5)volun-tourism.And the(6)celebrities are here to get into the act.(7)Donations these days arent enough.Visitors want to(8)connect,something(9)superman had no problem

25、 doing with the kids.When you come here,and you sit down,and you look at a boy or girl in the eye,you have a(10)conversation with them,it becomes a lot more(11)personal.Theyre highlighting the(12)contrast in a documentary because star(13)power raises money.Sure these celebrities will go on from the

26、slums to a(14)luxury game-viewing trip.But now they know that Africa is more than just safari and(15)sand.Task 4:TranslationDirections:Translate the whole passage(referring to the above)into Chinese.Please note that your translation should be in accord with the original material in terms of genre an

27、d style.这是在图库中经常见到的非洲旅行情景:大片的分布在平原上的动物群,无树平原上 的香槟早餐。然而驱车经过贫民区却是旅游的新风尚,这样就能目睹非洲的另外一面。这 个风尚被称作志愿旅游。名人们在这里开始行动。这些日子捐赠不足。来访的人想与此 处建立联系,对于“超人”来说在与孩子们建立联系方面是毫无难度的。“当你来到这里,你坐下来,然后看着男孩或女孩的眼睛,你就与他们有了交谈,这就变得个性化多了。”他们要在一个纪录片中凸显这种对比,因为明星的号召力能帮助筹到款项。当然这些名人 会从贫民区继续前行,踏上游猎的旅程。但他们现在知道了非洲并不仅仅是陆路旅行和黄 沙而已。Pass 2:Eight

28、 African Safari Destinations非洲旅游资源可分为北部非洲旅游区和南部非洲旅游区,北非旅游主要集中在埃及、摩洛哥、突尼斯等地,以阿拉伯文化和厚重历史为特征。南部非洲旅游区包括埃塞俄比亚、肯尼亚、坦桑尼亚、莫桑比克、津巴布韦、博茨瓦纳和南非等。其旅游资源以自然景观和 野生动物为主,以人文旅游为辅。南部非洲因其特色又可分为以肯尼亚为中心的东部黑非 洲文化与野生动物观赏片区和以南非与津巴布韦为中心的南部非洲阳光地带旅游片区。肯 尼亚因其优越的地理位置,旅游资源多样、丰富、独特,拥有海景、湖景、壮丽山川,此 外还拥有60个国家天然野生动物园和自然保护区,有“鸟兽乐园”的美誉。非

29、洲大陆南 端的南非拥有草原、沙漠、海滩,西方社会和非洲大陆的风情在这里得到集中体现,成为 世界最负盛名的旅游度假胜地之一。Vocabularyspectacular spk tkju:l adj.壮观的adventurous dv nts adj.爱冒险的diverse div:s n.多样的,多变的migration maigrein n.迁移,移居zebra z i:br n.斑马 mammals mmlz n.哺乳动物gorilla gril n.黑猩猩 unfenced nfenst n.没有篱笆的gorgeous g:ds adj.华丽,光彩夺目的authentic :entik a

30、dj.真的,真正的canoe knu:n.独木舟delta delt n.三角洲immense imens adj.极大的,巨大的dunes dju:nz n.沙丘cereal sril n.谷物,荞麦食品 premier primj adj.首要的,至上的;magnet mgnt n.磁石;有吸引力的人或物route ru:t n.路线rhinos rainuz n.犀牛accommodation kmdein n.住处Kenya kenj n.肯尼亚 Uganda ju:gnd n.乌干达Tanzania tznj 坦桑尼亚Zambia zmbj 赞比亚Zimbabwe zimba:bwi

31、 津巴布韦Botswana butswa:n 博茨瓦纳Namibia nmibj 纳米比亚 South Africa sau frik 南非Task 1:Listen and Write down the Relevant Information Mentioned in the Video on the Lines BelowNames of animals:zebra,gorilla,rhinos,whaleName of natural scenes:beach,Victoria Falls,national parks,large scale forest,delta,floods,d

32、esert bush,sand dunes,cereal scenery,desert Ways of Safari:walking safari,self-drive safariTask 2:Listen and Match the Names of the Countries on the Left Column with the Descriptive Nouns on the Right Column seasonal local produce1.a,d 2.b 3.a,d,n 4.n,e 5.m,e 6.f,h,g 7.i,g,j 8.c,o,k,dTask 3:Oral Act

33、ivity Task 4:Back TranslationIt is impossible not to be touched by the magic Africas wilderness.The wild life encounters are spectacular.And the scenic beauty will leave you breathless.A safari in one of the major safari countries is truly a fascinating and adventurous experience.The famous Victoria

34、 Falls shared by Zambia and Zimbabwe are truly one of the worlds greatest natural wonders.Task 5:Translation非洲所有的事物,乌干达都有,只是没那么大罢了。此外,游客疏朗的公园会让你产生出美景独赏的感觉。非洲游猎除了假以车辆、舟 楫之外,在津巴布韦还提供完善的徒步游猎观光,由非洲经验丰富的导游为你领路。Pass 3:A Personal Safari Trip非洲大陆的观光体验是全新的,挑选肯尼亚某个国家公园,乘坐越野车,沿途可观 赏到大群的狮子悠闲地在草丛中消磨时光;大象将金合欢树的树皮

35、当作美味佳肴;长颈 鹿、瞪羚、猴子、大羚羊等非洲野生动物种群,无拘无束地走到您身边,甚至触手可及;驱车追逐迁徙途中的百万动物大军,感受最为壮观的“马拉河之渡”(Mara River Crossing);日出时分在马赛马拉国家公园(Masai Mara National Park)乘坐热气球升空,俯瞰草原清 晨;前往被誉为“鸟类天堂”的马尼亚拉湖(Lake Manyara National Park),感受粉红火烈鸟(Phoenicoptems)赖以生存的秀美栖息地。累了,就可以入住大草原上的宫殿,被誉为世界最佳的五星酒店马赛马拉(Masai Mara)和短尾雕营地(Terathopius ec

36、audatus Camp)。酒店以河流、丛林、草原为背景,外观建筑巧妙地与周围环境融为一体,而内部装潢却是现 代化的奢华设备。来一场说走就走的旅行吧,去非洲游猎观光,你将不虚此行,满载回忆 而归。Vocabularysponsor spns vt.赞助rhino rainu n.犀牛giraffed ra:f n.长颈鹿buffalobflu n.水牛antelopentilup 羚羊awesome:sm adj.极好的;令人敬畏的highlighthailait vt.强调;突出shoot u:t vt.拍摄 n.摄影surfs:f vi.冲浪;网上冲浪subscribesbskraib v

37、i.&vt.订购;订阅Msai Marama:sma:r n.马赛马拉(肯尼亚国家公园)traveloguetrvlg n.旅游纪行intagraminstgrm 人气很高的一款应用程序go to town 寻欢作乐,纵情Task 1:Watch the First Video Clip and Answer the Questions in the Table.A1:Rhinos,giraff,elephants,lionsA2:They were very close to a group of lions eating a prey.A3:They had a jeep to drive

38、 around,and one of the hotels they stayed is like a camp with no fences where elephants could walked through the surrounding area.Task 2:Blank FillingBoy:So Linzy and I went to Africa,and we have one of the best and you could even say perhaps the best(1)experiences in our lives.We first got there an

39、d the people first awful some of the(2)nicest and(3)kindest people we ever met.For Mary had this(4)awesome ultimate wild life experience,we got into the(5)middle of the(6)jungle.We went and we got this called(7)Elephant(8)bedroom(9)camp.And its actual like not a hotel but its like a(10)camp.Its defi

40、nitely like a(11)safe tourist stay kind of area,you know.But what is so(12)great about the place is it is completely(13)surrounded by elephant have the elephants slowly(14)walking through your camps.You had that kind of goal not high.But it is like an ultimate experience as far as not being(15)away

41、from animal and(16)fence standthere was no(17)fences.So after we see one(18)location for a(19)couple days,two or three days,we get into a jeep(20)vehicles and drive to the next place.And we drive for 5-6 hours,4-5 hours depending where was our base.And we stay at several locations.We(21)constantly m

42、ove into different(22)parts of Kenya and see all different kinds of(23)wild(24)life.Linzy:This is my friend Lukas.He has been our tour guide through the (25)safari and the staff.And he has(26)got us to see the coolest staff everywhere.What did we see?Lukas:Lion,rhinos,we see giraffe,elephants.We see

43、 almost everything.Linzy:Almost everything,and he got us right up(27)close to it.I can touch the(28)lions.Boy:They knew the area so well and they knew where the lions were.We(29)wouldnt(30)have seen anything.They knew when to(31)attract different kind of animals.One of the coolest and(32)scariest ex

44、periences that we had is three lions just killed the water(33)buffalo.And literally just happened there.The guy picked it up.We drive where the(34)first one was there.The sun was rising.So the(35)lighting was really pretty.Get in front of the lion,so the sun sitting this way.So we were on the(36)opp

45、osite side of them?Lukas:So like this we get aside.Boy:We get aside,looking this way.Linzy:There we go,we are(37)filming lions.They are just going to(38)town,(39)eating a buffalo.And this is me,Linzy,Fm here just,oh my gosh,watching lions just(40)feast on each other.Task 3 Watch Video Clips 2 and 3

46、and Answer the Questions in the Table.QuestionsVisiting local people(Clip 2)A1:They were very kind,happy,lovely A2:She showed to the locals her violin.Having breakfast on savanna(Clip 3)A1:Lukas,their tourist guide.A2:Its spacious,treeless,and safeTaking different transportation(Clip 3)A:They travel

47、ed by boat,airplane,camel,hot air balloon etc.Going to the beach(Clip 3)A1:They met some kite surfers.A2:They lived in a very big hotel.Shooting youtube videos(Clip 3)A:They also shot“Children of Africa”and the video“We Found Love”by Linzy and another music video.Task 4 Blank FillingDirections:Liste

48、n to Clip 2 again and fill in the following blanks.Boy:Now we had an awesome experience as far as that tourist(1)site of Kenya.But we also want to have the other kind of experiences as well as far as just meeting the people as they were,not the tourist kind of face.So we went to several different ki

49、nd of(2)local(3)tribes near where we were standing our different camps and(4)resorts just to meet the people.We actually asked to be taken to school for the (5)kids just we can meet the(6)kids,talk with(7)kids.And that was,Linzy say the same thing,that was the(8)highlight of our trip experience.The

50、people were so(9)happy,so(10)nice.The are just laughing.Linzy:You look beautiful(11)smile too.This is my friend.Do you remembermy name Linzy?Boy:One of another kind of awesome(12)for both of us is these people theyve never seen a(13)before.So Linzy brought a violin because of a music.And we went to


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