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1、Part 1:Famous QuotesPart 2:Background knowledgePart 3:Listening and Speaking PracticePart 4:听说听说秘籍秘籍之之模仿(模仿(Imitation)Chapter 5 InternetPart 1:Famous QuotesThe Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow.-Bill Gates互联网会成为明日地球村的村中广场。-比尔盖茨The Internet is like alcohol in som

2、e sense.It accentuates what you would do anyway.If you want to be a loner,you can be more alone.-Esther Dyson某种程度上互联网就像酒精。不管你想做什么,都会事半功倍。如果你想一个人独处,它会让你越来越孤独;如果你想和其他人联系,它会让联系越来越容易。-埃丝特戴森Advances in computer technology and the Internet have changed the way America works,learns,and communicates.The Int

3、ernet has become an integral part of Americas economic,political,and social life.Bill Clinton计算机技术和互联网的发展已经改变了美国人工作,学习和沟通的方式。互联网已经成了美国人经济,政治和社会生活密不可分的一部分。-比尔克林顿Part 2:Background knowledge(1)Forty Years of the Internet:How the World Changed for Ever By Oliver Burkemane Source:The Guardian,Friday 23 O

4、ctober 2009【背景知识】作者Oliver Burkeman出生于1975年,是英国卫报的一名记者。他曾获过Foreign Press Associations Young Journalist of the Year这个奖项,他也是2006年Orwell Prize的提名候选人。Oliver Burkema还撰写了一个非常受欢迎的专栏,该专栏每周一次,关于心理学方面的内容。专栏有个好听的名字叫This Column Will Change Your Life。他也撰写自己的博客。本书中的这篇短文摘自他发表在英国卫报上的一篇关于互联网发展史的长文,因为篇幅有限,因此只节选了其中的一部分

5、。Vocabularyrequisite rkwzt adj.需要的,必要的ecumenicalkjmnkl adj.普世的;泛基督教的portentousp:rtents adj.自命不凡的;装腔作势的tangibletndbl adj.可触知的;有形的nascentnsnt adj.初生的;初期的fittingly ftl adv.适切地,适合地biblicalbblkl adj.圣经的;依据圣经的;Towards the end of the summer of 1969 a few weeks after the moon landings,a few days after Woods

6、tock,and a month before the first broadcast of Monty Pythons Flying Circus a large grey metal box was delivered to the office of Leonard Kleinrock,a professor at the University of California in Los Angeles.It was the same size and shape as a household refrigerator,and outwardly,at least,it had about

7、 as much charm.But Kleinrock was thrilled:a photograph from the time shows him standing beside it,in requisite late-60s brown tie and brown trousers,beaming like a proud father.Had he tried to explain his excitement to anyone but his closest colleagues,they probably wouldnt have understood.The few o

8、utsiders who knew of the boxs existence couldnt even get its name right:it was an IMP,or interface message processor,but the year before,when a Boston company had won the contract to build it,its local senator,Ted Kennedy,sent a telegram praising its ecumenical spirit in creating the first interfait

9、h message processor.Needless to say,though,the box that arrived outside Kleinrocks office wasnt a machine capable of fostering understanding among the great religions of the world.It was much more important than that.Its impossible to say for certain when the internet began,mainly because nobody can

10、 agree on what,precisely,the internet is.(This is only partly a philosophical question:it is also a matter of egos,since several of the people who made key contributions are anxious to claim the credit.)But 29 October 1969 40 years ago next week has a strong claim for being,as Kleinrock puts it toda

11、y,the day the infant internet uttered its first words.At 10.30pm,as Kleinrocks fellow professors and students crowded around,a computer was connected to the IMP,which made contact with a second IMP,attached to a second computer,several hundred miles away at the Stanford Research Institute,and an und

12、ergraduate named Charley Kline tapped out a message.Samuel Morse,sending the first telegraph message 125 years previously,chose the portentous phrase:What hath God wrought?But Klines task was to log in remotely from LA to the Stanford machine,and there was no opportunity for portentousness:his instr

13、uctions were to type the command LOGIN.On the other hand,the breakthrough accomplished that night in 1969 was a decidedly down-to-earth one.The Arpanet was not,in itself,intended as some kind of secret weapon to put the Soviets in their place:it was simply a way to enable researchers to access compu

14、ters remotely,because computers were still vast and expensive,and the scientists needed a way to share resources.(The notion that the network was designed so that it would survive a nuclear attack is an urban myth,though some of those involved sometimes used that argument to obtain funding.)The tech

15、nical problem solved by the IMPs wasnt very exciting,either.It was already possible to link computers by telephone lines,but it was glacially slow,and every computer in the network had to be connected,by a dedicated line,to every other computer,which meant you couldnt connect more than a handful of

16、machines without everything becoming monstrously complex and costly.The solution,called packet switching which owed its existence to the work of a British physicist,Donald Davies involved breaking data down into blocks that could be routed around any part of the network that happened to be free,befo

17、re getting reassembled at the other end.I thought this was important,but I didnt really think it was as challenging as what I thought of as the real research,says Crocker,a genial Californian,now 65,who went on to play a key role in the expansion of the internet.I was particularly fascinated,in thos

18、e days,by artificial intelligence,and by trying to understand how people think.I thought that was a much more substantial and respectable research topic than merely connecting up a few machines.That was certainly useful,but it wasnt art.Still,Kleinrock recalls a tangible sense of excitement that nig

19、ht as Kline sat down at the SDS Sigma 7 computer,connected to the IMP,and at the same time made telephone contact with his opposite number at Stanford.As his colleagues watched,he typed the letter L,to begin the word LOGIN.Have you got the L?he asked,down the phone line.Got the L,the voice at Stanfo

20、rd responded.Kline typed an O.Have you got the O?Got the O,Stanford replied.Kline typed a G,at which point the system crashed,and the connection was lost.The G didnt make it through,which meant that,quite by accident,the first message ever transmitted across the nascent internet turned out,after all

21、,to be fittingly biblical:LO.(2)A Million First DatesBy Dan Slater【背景知识】本篇文章节选自A Million First Dates一书。该书的作者试图从客观的角度剖析网络约会对现实的一夫一妻制产生的影响。节选该书内容的出发点在于互联网的发展催生了网络约会相亲交友等等,使得现实的情况变得非常复杂,希望这篇短文能让我们对网络交友有所了解。在随后的听力部分中有网络交友方面的内容,希望这篇短文能起到抛砖引玉的作用。Vocabularycompatible kmptbl adj.兼容的,相容的;和谐的,elusivelusv adj.

22、难以捉摸的;undermine ndrman v.逐渐削弱,从根基处破坏allurelr n.诱惑力,魅力exec zek abbr.of executive n.执行官,执行者hypothesize hap:saz v.假设,假定exhilarating zlret adj.振奋的;使人高兴的The positive aspects of online dating are clear:the Internet makes it easier for single people to meet other single people with whom they might be compa

23、tible,raising the bar for what they consider a good relationship.But what if online dating makes it too easy to meet someone new?What if it raises the bar for a good relationship too high?What if the prospect of finding an ever-more-compatible mate with the click of a mouse means a future of relatio

24、nship instability,in which we keep chasing the elusive rabbit around the dating track?Of course,no one knows exactly how many partnerships are undermined by the allure of the Internet dating pool.But most of the online-dating-company executives I interviewed while writing my new book,Love in the Tim

25、e of Algorithms,agreed with what research appears to suggest:the rise of online dating will mean an overall decrease in commitment.“The future will see better relationships but more divorce,”predicts Dan Winchester,the founder of a free dating site based in the U.K.“The older you get as a man,the mo

26、re experienced you get.You know what to do with women,how to treat them and talk to them.Add to that the effect of online dating.”He continued,“I often wonder whether matching you up with great people is getting so efficient,and the process so enjoyable,that marriage will become obsolete.”“Historica

27、lly,”says Greg Blatt,the CEO of Ms parent company,“relationships have been billed as hard because,historically,commitment has been the goal.You could say online dating is simply changing peoples ideas about whether commitment itself is a life value.”Mate scarcity also plays an important role in peop

28、les relationship decisions.“Look,if I lived in Iowa,Id be married with four children by now,”says Blatt,a 40something bachelor in Manhattan.“Thats just how it is.”Another online-dating exec hypothesized an inverse correlation between commitment and the efficiency of technology.“I think divorce rates

29、 will increase as life in general becomes more real-time,”says Niccol Formai,the head of social-media marketing at Badoo,a meeting-and-dating app with about 25 million active users worldwide.“Think about the evolution of other kinds of content on the Webstock quotes,news.The goal has always been to

30、make it faster.The same thing will happen with meeting.Its exhilarating to connect with new people,not to mention beneficial for reasons having nothing to do with romance.You network for a job.You find a flatmate.Over time youll expect that constant flow.People always said that the need for stabilit

31、y would keep commitment alive.But that thinking was based on a world in which you didnt meet that many people.”Part 3:Listening and Speaking PracticePass 1:Find Friends on the Internet【背景知识】过去在没有互联网的年代,如果要和一个陌生人交朋友,或者想要通过交朋友多了解别的文化,传统的方式是交笔友,英文叫pen pals。有了网络之后交友更容易了,通过网络交的朋友英文可以叫key pals,中文可以称之为网友,网

32、络笔友或者叫键友。在下面的音频中听到的就是这方面的内容。Vocabularyreputable rpjtbl adj.值得尊敬的,声誉好的enforcement nf:smnt n.强制,实施,执行appropriate proprit adj.适当的;合适的;恰当的Task 1:General Understanding Directions:Listen to the passage once and try to grasp its main idea.You may do this either in Chinese or English.The main idea of the pa

33、ssage is _.Care and consideration should be given when finding friends on the Internet.Task 2:True or FalseDirections:Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(T/F).1)()With the Internet,finding friends has become much easier.2)()You can join a service without

34、 doing your research.3)()You should use a nickname to protect yourself online.4)()You should not give your personal information to anyone online.5)()To help you to understand a culture,you can ask any question.Keys:T F T T FTask 3:Blank FillingDirections:Listen to the passage again and fill in the f

35、ollowing blanks.Many students want to find friends on the Internet as a way of(1)_ their language skills and learning more about new cultures.Traditional pen pals were the(2)_ source for such contacts,and students could write each other letters.With the Internet,finding friends has become much easie

36、r,and such relationships are called key pals.practicing primary However,care and consideration should be given when finding friends on the Internet.First:Search the Internet for(3)_ services.Look for(4)_ of such sites to learn more about other students experiences.Dont join a service until you have

37、done your research.Second:Check to see if you can use a nickname,rather than your real name,to protect your identity.Third:Never give personal information to anyone,including your home address,phone number,and birthday.reputable reviews Fourth:Stop contact with others if you feel uncomfortable with

38、the topics of conversation.Again,if you protect your identity,this will be easier to do.Tell your teachers,parents,or even local law enforcement if problems(5)_.And Finally,Try to use the language you are studying in the classroom in your(6)_ with others.Ask appropriate questions that will help you

39、learn about other cultures.Remember that ones personal experience might be just that:To understand a whole culture,you have to talk to many people,but this will get you started.Good luck.arisecommunications Task 4:Shadow Speaking PracticeDirections:Listen to the passage a couple of times and repeat

40、the words that youve just heard sentence by sentence.Retell the passage first on your own then check your work with your friends.Finally report the passage to your classmates.Pass 2:Being Stalked Online【背景知识】网路霸凌(cyber-bullying)是网路时代的新兴产物。由于网络的匿名特性,使得使用者往往不用表明身分,仅靠一个昵称,即通行整个网络。因此,这类型的网络使用者借由网络的此特性,会

41、展现出与日常生活不同的型态。下面这篇音频中的文章就是关于网络霸凌这一话题。Vocabularystalkst:k vt.跟踪tactictktk n.战术;策略enact nkt vt.制定法律beat someone up 殴打某人step in介入;加入look into something了解,研究(某事)Inverness因弗内斯(苏格兰最北部的一座城市)Task 1:General Understanding Directions:Listen to the passage once and try to grasp its main idea.You may do this eit

42、her in Chinese or English.The main idea of the passage is _.A girl was stalked online by another girl.She was asking for advice and help.Task 2:Word MatchingDirections:Listen to the passage again and match the following words with their Chinese meanings.threatening messages 实行反网络霸凌的法律go to jail 进监狱e

43、nact laws against cyberbullying介入step in 威胁短信Task 3:Listening Comprehension Directions:Listen to the passage again and choose the best answer from the choices marked A),B),C)and D).1.Which of the following statements is true?A)The girl has been stalked by a boy for about a year.B)The girl has been s

44、talked no matter where she goes for about a year.C)The girl has been stalked online for about a year.D)The girl has been stalked by a boy no matter where she goes for about a year.2.Which of the following statements is not mentioned by the girl being stalked?A)The stalker has sent threatening messag

45、es online.B)The stalker was going to kill the girl.C)The stalker threatened to beat the girl up.D)The stalker has been stalking the girl for about a year.3.What has the girl done to protect herself?A)She has changed her cell phone number twice.B)She has reported this to the school principal.C)She ha

46、s shut down her MySpace.D)She has told her parents her situation.4.According to the suggestions given to the girl,the girl should not _.A)talk to her parents about the fact that she has been stalked for about a year.B)let her parents talk to the police.C)let her parents talk to the school principal.

47、D)keep silent about her situation.5.Which of the following words can be considered as the main idea of the passage?A)Cyberbullying.B)Domestic violence.C)Crime.D)Revenge.Keys:C B A D ATask 4:Shadow Speaking PracticeDirections:Listen to the passage a couple of times and repeat the words that youve jus

48、t heard sentence by sentence.Retell the passage first on your own then check your work with your friends.Finally report the passage to your classmates.Pass 3:E-mail Spam Irksome Survey【背景知识】一封e-mail被定义为垃圾邮件(e-mail spam)要满足以下三个条件1.Anonymity:The address and identity of the sender are concealed 匿名:邮件发送

49、者隐匿了自己的地址和身份2Mass Mailing:The email is sent to large groups of people 群发:邮件同时发送给很多人3Unsolicited:The email is not requested by the recipients主动发送:邮件接受者没有要求他人给他发送此邮件There are a number of other less formal characteristics that you will typically find present in spam emails.There is usually no way for a

50、 recipient to opt-out of future email sends.The email is typically sent from an international IP address to avoid both tracking and subjectivity to US laws.And,of course,the email almost exclusively promotes scam activities that would require the user to turn over sensitive financial or personal inf


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