上海市2020届高三高考最后冲刺卷(四)英语试题 PDF版含答案.pdf

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1、 1 上海市英语高考模拟试卷上海市英语高考模拟试卷 (四)(四) I. Listening Comprehension Section A (10%) Directions: In Section A , you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation,a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions mill be spoken only onc

2、e. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. Summer. B. Winter. C. Autumn. D. Spring. 2. A. She doesnt have a bike. B. Her mother made up the story. C. She didnt

3、 tell the man the truth. D. She knows nothing about the accidcnt. 3. A. A clerk. B. A librarian. C. A waitress. D. A weatherman. 4. A . Canada. B. Turkey. C. Italy. D. France. 5. A. He doesnt, want the woman to open the window. B. He has caught a cold. C. Its too cold outside. D. He doesnt like the

4、fresh air. 6. A. $60. B. $120. C. $90. D. $30. 7. A. Tom was talking with the postman. B. Tom was running around the corner. C. Tom was helping the postman with his work. D. Tom was always wasting his time. 8. A. Buy a fan. B. Use electricity. C. Cool himself down. D. Travel to a cold place. 9. A. H

5、e was late for work. B. He quarreled with the man speaker. C. He criticized the man speaker too seriously. D. He criticized the man speaker out of no reason. 10. A. The woman speaker. B. Thompsons sister. C. Daisys sister. D, Thompsons niece. Section B (15%) Directions : In Section B,you will hear t

6、wo passages and one longer conversation. After each passage and conversation,you will be asked several questions. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which

7、one is the best answer to the question you have heard. Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage. 11. A. South Korea. B. Japan. C. USA. D, Germany. 12. A. How many students reach what level of education. B. Students abilities in reading, maths and science. 2 / 11 C. Students self-ev

8、aluation. D. Teachers feedback. 13. A. Germany occupies the 19th place out of 24 nations in the study. B. Germany was strong in its educational tradition. C. Learning can be encouraged by a loving, stimulating environment. D. Educational disadvantage is born not in the home but at school. Questions

9、14 through 16 are based on the following passage. 14. A. A policeman. B. A clerk. C. A news reporter. D. A tour guide. 15. A. 3. B. 4. C. 5. D. 6. 16. A. Buy alcohol in this country at the age of 13. B. Use the crossing for walking. C. Buy cigarettes or tobacco at the age of 14. D. Throw away waste

10、materials in a public place. Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation. 17. A. A job interview. B. A chat between friends. C. A visa interview. D. A spoken English test. 18. A. To make friends. B. To help his job. C. To satisfy his interest. D. To live in America. 19. A. Gramma

11、r. B. Vocabulary. C. Pronunciation. D. Writing. 20. A. The job back in China. B. His mothers cooking. C. The soap operas. D. The school he once studied in. II. Grammar and Vocabulary Section A (10%) Directions : After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and gra

12、mmatically correct. For the blanks with a given word,fill in each blank with the pro per form of the given word ; for the other blanks,use one word that best fits each blank. If you take the bus or subway to school every workday, chances are (21) _ you will be wearing headphones. And if you take a l

13、ook around, you will notice that they are everywhere. Sol Republic, a US audio manufacturer, carried out a survey among millennials (千禧一代) in 2014. It found that 53 percent of them owned three or more pairs of headphones and wore them for nearly four hours every day to enjoy music. In fact, headphon

14、es are (22) _ common nowadays that mens fashion magazine GQ says that theyre an important part of a mans wardrobe (衣柜).“The newest fashion accessory (饰品) isnt a fashion accessory at all. Its high-style headphones that make as much of a statement as anything else youre wearing,” it said. Besides thos

15、e (23) _ wear headphones just for fashion, does this mean people really love music? Its perhaps the privacy (隐私),alongside the music, (24) _ we enjoy when we put on headphones. “They give us control over our audio-environment,allowing us to make our public 3 spaces private,” noted The Atlantic. In f

16、act, the magazine called headphones the most important change of tones in music history. “Radio (25) _ (make) music transmittabLe (可传播的).Cars made music mobile. Speakers made music big, and silicon chips (硅芯片)made music small,” (26) _ wrote. “Headphones did for music (27) _ writing did for language.

17、 They made it private. ” It also seems that headphones are a way to block other people out. In the earlier-mentioned survey, 73 percent said they wear them so that they dont have to talk with other people. So it comes as no surprise (28) _ some people call headphones “anti-social”. “I wouldnt stop s

18、omeone wearing those white wires to ask for directions. Its like theyre putting up a big closed sign,” wrote Telegraph columnist Bryony Gordon. And just how commuters (通勤者) used to hide behind their copy of a newspaper to avoid conversation, headphones do the same thing for commuters. “It (29) _ be

19、lonely travelling through public spaces. Using music warms it up,” Michael Bull, professor in sound studies at the University of Sussex, UK, told the BBC. “The bad thing is that while the individual feels warmer, the public space becomes a (30) _ (social), colder space. ” Section B (10%) Directions:

20、 Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one -word more than you need. A. accuracy B. effective C. signs D. gracefully E. highlights F. capture G. maintain H. quickly I. separate J. unique K. identifying Forget fingerprints or

21、 the color of your eyes, airport security could soon be looking at the shape of your ears when deciding whether to allow you into the country. Researchers have discovered that each persons ears have a(n) (31) _ shape and have created a system that is able to scan them. The scans can then be compared

22、 with a database of ear shapes to identify whose they are. Professor Mark Nixon led the research team of scientists from the University of South-ampton. They tested 252 images of different ears and found the system was able to match each ear to a(n) (32) _ image held in its database with 99 percent

23、(33) _. “There are a whole load of structures in the ear that you can use to get a set of measurements that are unique to an individual,” said Professor Nixon. “With biometrics, the problem is what happens when people get old. With facial recognition, the systems are often confused by crows feet (鱼尾

24、纹)and other (34) _ of aging.” Our ears, however, age very (35) _. They grow proportionally larger and the earlobes get a bit longer, but otherwise they are fully formed from birth, according to Professor Nixon. The U. K. Identity and Passport Service has been testing facial recognition at an airport

25、 since 2008. But facial recognition software is often confused by changes in expression. Therefore, people need to (36) _ a neutral expression and in some eases even avoid wearing make-up. And fingerprints, one of the best ways we have of (37) _ an individual at the moment, can be “not so (38) _” ac

26、cording to the professor. “Bakers and brick layers tend not to have 4 / 11 obvious fingerprints as the distinctive whirls rub off. It is hard to do that with your ears. ” Ear scanning uses a technology that (39) _ all the tubular structures of the ear and measures them. Professor Nixon believes it c

27、ould take place as passengers walk through security gates, for example, by placing camera on either side to (40) _ an image of their ears. III. Reading Comprehension Section A (15%) Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four -words or phrases marked A, B,C and D. Fill in each

28、 blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. Everyone hates to wait in lines. But our behavior when waiting is only partly defined by the length of the wait. “Often the psychology of queuing is more important than the statistics of the wait itself,” notes the MIT researcher Richard Lar

29、son, an expert on waiting lines. Some people are (41) _ to camp outside Apple stores for an entire night just to get their hands on the latest product. But waiting 10 minutes in a grocery store just to buy a drink? Forget it. One apparent aspect of queuing psychology is that we get (42) _ when we wa

30、it in line. This issue is tackled (处理)in many ways, from magazines in hospital waiting rooms to mirrors in elevators so that we can check our (43) _. But we really hate it when we expect a short wait and then get a(n) (44) _ one. But studies show that we are much more patient when we are given a(n)

31、(45) _ of how long well be waiting. Scientists have invited 200 people to do a simple experiment. While a group of 100 people are given an exact time of waiting, another group people are left (46) _. It turns out that more people from the first group than the second one refuse to (47) _. Walt Disney

32、 Co. knows this better than anyone else. It (48) _ waiting times for attractions in its theme parks. But according to Larson, these times are overestimated so that visitors get to the front of the queue more (49) _ than they expect. It keeps them happy. Another big influence on our feelings about wa

33、iting in a line has to do with our perception of fairness. When it comes to queues, the universally acknowledged (50) _ is first come,first served. Any deviation (背离)from this is regarded as (51) _ and can lead to violent queue rage. Sometimes, however, we are willing to make (52) _. In hospitals,(5

34、3) _,priority (优 先权)is given to those with a more critical conditionwe can also understand that. Waiting is inevitable in life, but a better understanding of the (54) _ of waiting can help make it a bit more bearable. When all else fails, bring a book or a smartphone will also (55) _. 41. A. unlikel

35、y B. willing C. supposed D. expected 42. A. bored B. excited C. angry D. interested 43. A. body B. appearance C. time D. mood 44. A. ideal B. short C. opposite D. happy 45. A. grasp B. understanding C. idea D. range 46. A. helpless B. uncovered C. hopeless D. unknown 47. A. give in B. run away C. ho

36、ld up D. pull through 48. A. issues B. maintains C. posts D. fulfills 49. A. quickly B. suddenly C. slowly D. steadily 5 50. A. principle B. routine C. preference D. habit 51. A. improper B. unequal C. inaccurate D. unfortunate 52. A. guesses B. exceptions C. exchanges D, references 53. A. as a resu

37、lt B. for instance C. in other words D. on the contrary 54. A. rule B. belief C. psychology D. results 55. A. work B. fail C. make D. count Section B (22%) Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by severed questions or unfinished statements. Fur each of them there ar

38、e four choices marked A, B, C arid D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read. (A) Every night after dinner, my mother and I would sit at the kitchen table. She would present new tests, taking her examples from stories of amazing children sh

39、e had read in Ripleys Believe It or Not, or Good Housekeeping, Readers Digest, and a dozen other magazines she kept in a pile in our bathroom. My mother got these magazines from people whose houses she cleaned. And since she cleaned many houses each week, we had a great assortment. She would look th

40、rough them all, searching for stories about remarkable children. The first night she brought out a story about a three-year-old boy who knew the capitals of all the states and even most of the European countries. “Whats the capital of Finland?” my mother asked me, looking at the magazine story. All

41、I knew was the capital of California, because Sacramento was the name of the street we lived on in Chinatown. “Nairobi!” I guessed, saying the most foreign word I could think of. She checked to see if that was possibly one way to pronounce “Helsinki” before showing me the answer. The tests got harde

42、r. One night I had to look at a page from Bible for three minutes and then report everything I could remember. “Now Jehoshaphat had riches and honor in abundance and. . . thats all I remember, Mother,” I said. Seeing my mothers disappointed face once again, something inside of me began to die. I hat

43、ed the tests,the raised hopes and failed expectations. Before going to bed that night, I looked in the mirror above the bathroom sink and when I saw only my face staring backand that it would always be this ordinary face - I began to cry. I made high-pitched noises like a crazed animal, trying to sc

44、ratch out the face in the mirror. 56. The passage is mainly about _. A. how Mother taught “me” the basic skills B. how Mother tried to find “my” talent C. the result of Mothers stimulation D. how Mother changed “my” life 57. It can be concluded from the passage that “other magazines” (Para. 1) _. A.

45、 focused only on talented young kids B. was bought by Mother to find stories C. was the source of the stories of remarkable children 6 / 11 D. was gained by cleaning Mothers house 58. Which one of the following statements is TRUE? A. Nairobi is the capital city of California. B. Mother didnt know th

46、e capital of Finland clearly as well. C. “My” guess of the capital turned out to be the right answer to Mothers question. D. Mother was satisfied with “my” performance. 59. Which of the following words best describes “my” overall reaction to Mothers stimulation? A. Contented and thankful. B. Bored a

47、nd unbearable. C. Contented yet anxious. D. Plain and ordinary. (B) ATTENTION, ALL OUR NEW STUDENTS! Welcome to West Lakes Institute of Technology. You are strongly advised to adhere to the following three basic rules on your first day of the second semester: 1. Wear your pre-admission student numbe

48、r on your lapel (衣服的翻领)at all times. 2. Do not enter any classroom where classes are already in progress. 3. When asked to provide basic information about yourself, be ready to show your green enrollment acceptance advice slip. Students who have pre-paid the enrollment fee 9:00 a. m. to 10:00 a. m.

49、(no later) you should visit the foyer of the Old Chapel building to receive your new student information kit. Once you have your kit, you are not required until 10:30 a. m.,so you can relax in the Student Centre until you are called over the PA system. Students who are yet to pay the enrollment Go directly to the Admissions Cen


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