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1、英语单词拼写专项训练英语单词拼写专项训练(一)(一)20092009年高考年高考1感谢你的观看2019年6月91.I like English best,what is your f_ subject?2.If you knock into somebody,you should a_ to him.3.Please speak as loud as you can to make yourself u_.4.-This problem is not difficult.-But that one is even e_.5.I think you can sit on this newly b

2、ought chair very c_.favoriteapologizeunderstood easiercomfortable2感谢你的观看2019年6月96.A great celebration was held on his _(50岁)birthday.7.The assistant is very friendly to all the _(顾客).8.When I came to the riverside,I found a boy _(挣扎)in the water.9.The students in our school study very hard,_(尤其)thos

3、e in our class.10.He dived into the water,leaving only his face _(裸露)fiftiethcustomersstruggling especiallyexposed 3感谢你的观看2019年6月911.Dont be frightened by the television camera,Just speak _.(自然地)12.All countries,big or small,should be _(平等).13.He didnt _(认出)me at first when we met in the street of L

4、ondon.14.The boy spoke in a very low voice,_(承认)he had broken the glass.15.They quarreled once,but they were quite _(友好)now.naturally equalrecognizeadmittingfriendly4感谢你的观看2019年6月916.We were e_ to know where she had gone.17.The colleges and universities were only for men,and women were not p_ to att

5、end.18.Train services are now back to n_ after last weeks strike.19.The fish smells;I dont think it is quite f_.20.Tom is preparing for an exam.Dont d _him.eagerpermittednormalfreshdisturb5感谢你的观看2019年6月921.What Tom did during the sports meet made all of us _(失望).22.Wang Yings father is a famous _(音乐

6、家),and he teaches music in Central Music College.23.I am good at English _(作文).24.More than 100,000 people were killed in the 2004 Asian tsunami,_(包括)thousands of foreigners.25.I was born on the first of _(十月).disappointed musiciancompositionsincludingOctober6感谢你的观看2019年6月926.-Merry _(圣诞节)to you!-Th

7、e same to you.27.His mother is a _(中年)woman who is very strict with her children.28.Some people work together under _(压力).29.He will come here next _(星期三).30.I expected that she would _(接受)our invitation.Christmasmiddle-agedpressureWednesdayaccept7感谢你的观看2019年6月931.Will it be _(方便)for you to start wo

8、rk tomorrow?32.They walked because they couldnt _(付得起)a taxi.33.They are used to being _(分成)into groups in their English class.34.Because his family was very rich,he _(受到)college education abroad.35.Their floor is on the _(第五)floor.convenient afford dividedreceived fifth8感谢你的观看2019年6月936.It is said

9、that this show is going out _(实况转播).37.Nowadays children can choose to go to different _(幼儿园).38.They advised _(提高)peoples living standard.39.Ill go and see you next _(星期四).40.After these days climbing,they reached the top of the mountain _(成功地).livekindergartensimprovingThursdaysuccessfully9感谢你的观看2

10、019年6月941.We aim at _(质量)rather than quantity.42.We gave our classroom a _(彻底)cleaning before the Spring Festival.43.We tried to _(劝说)him to give up smoking.44.She looks _(面熟)to me,but I dont remember her name.45.He _(未能)to pass the driving test last summer.qualitythoroughpersuadefamiliarfailed 10感谢

11、你的观看2019年6月946.The house was sold at such a low price that he had _(预料)47.Its wrong to _(作弊)in the exam.48.Its _(危险)to swim in the river.49.He wants to come but hes _(不能)to.50.Do you know about the _(非洲)history?expectedcheatdangerousunable African11感谢你的观看2019年6月9英语单词拼写专项训练英语单词拼写专项训练(二)(二)20092009年高考

12、年高考12感谢你的观看2019年6月91.Tom was _(泄气)when he failed a game.2.Mr.Zhang is among the _(有经验的)managers.3.This novel is _(翻译)from French.4.It is our duty to _(保卫)our motherland.5.The teacher often _(鼓励)the children to practise more.discouragedexperienced translateddefend encourages13感谢你的观看2019年6月96.G_ speak

13、ing,girls are more careful than boys.7.Walking across the Luobupo Desert alone is obviously a/an_(冒险的)action.8.Mr.Green told his students to r_ their lesson before class.9.Though South Korea also celebrates the Spring Festival,its form_(不同)from ours.10.At the sound of the gun,all the birds in the tr

14、ee flew away in all d_.Generallyadventurous reviewdiffersdirections14感谢你的观看2019年6月911.They _(控制)the fire and put it out in the end.12.Im making _(准备)for the coming exam.13.I saw her going in the _(相反)direction.14.They cant _(表达)themselves in English.15.Asia is much larger than any of the other_(大陆)i

15、n the world.controlled preparationsoppositeexpresscontinents15感谢你的观看2019年6月916.The second month of a year is F_.17.After leaving u_,he became a doctor.18.The p_ of China is larger than that of any other countries.19.Each office will be e_ with a computer soon 20.Madame Curie spent a great deal of he

16、r time on scientific e_.February universitypopulationequippedexperiments16感谢你的观看2019年6月921.We couldnt stand the _(残酷)done to him.22.How long may I _(借)this book?23.I havent a thing in _(共同的)with her.24.We have a great _(钦佩)for the peoples heroes.25.I want to be an _(工程师),when I grow up.crueltykeep c

17、ommonadmirationengineer17感谢你的观看2019年6月926.May I i _ my friend to you?27.A dozen means t_.28.In my opinion,nothing is more v_ than health.29.The old woman was kind.She o_ us a room for the night.30.This problem needs _(解决)at once.introducetwelvevaluableofferedsolving18感谢你的观看2019年6月931.There will be a

18、n _(展览)next week in our city.32.She had her arms and feet hurt in a car _(事故).33.Madame Curie made an _(重要的)discovery.34.Mr.Li studied law at college and became a _(律师)after graduation.35.Have you ever seen the famous _(喜剧)Twelfth Night by Shakespeare?exhibitionaccidentimportantlawyercomedy 19感谢你的观看

19、2019年6月936.A doctor should answer for his p_ just as a teacher for his students.37.Sports can keep us h_.38.The coldest continent on the earth is A_.39.You look too fat.I advise you to lose your w_.40.The doctor told me to have more v_ and fruit.patientshealthyAntarcticweightvegetables 20感谢你的观看2019年

20、6月941.The building _(环绕)with green trees is the our library.42.This kind of car can be driven at a speed of 120 _(千米)an hour.43.Poets often use their _(想象力)to write poems 44.When did the _(宇航员)first land on the moon.45.The word“see”has the same _(发音)as the word“sea”.surroundedkilometersimaginationas

21、tronautpronunciation21感谢你的观看2019年6月946._(现代)agriculture has many advantages than traditional agriculture.47.There are many kinds of a_ in the zoo.48.Mary is o_ about her chances of winning a gold medal.49.We often go swimming in summer v_.50.Marxs mother t_ is German.Modern animals optimisticvacatio

22、ntongue 22感谢你的观看2019年6月9英语单词拼写专项训练英语单词拼写专项训练(三)(三)20092009年高考年高考23感谢你的观看2019年6月91.He has _(总共)collected 1020 stamps.2.The whole city was _(美丽)lit up on the mid-autumn night.3.Its time you make your own _(选择).4.He offered his _(祝贺)on our victory.5.The four poles,_(支撑)the ceiling were well built.altog

23、etherbeautifullychoicecongratulationssupporting24感谢你的观看2019年6月96.Cotton and wooden _(工业)are developing very fast in this country.7.Its no use _(争吵)with such a man.8.At _(高度)of four miles,the air becomes too thin to breathe.9.I had to be _(打断)while walking.10.I cant sleep with those _(吵闹)children in

24、the house.industriesquarrellingheightinterruptednoisy25感谢你的观看2019年6月911.I like t_.I have been to many places in the world and I am going to New Zealand this year.12.Dolphins are wild c_.13.Can you give one of the best m_ to learn a foreign language?14.The Spring Festival is our t_ festival.15.When t

25、here is not enough rainfall,i_ is needed,because the crops wont grow without water.travelingcreaturesmethodstraditionalirrigation26感谢你的观看2019年6月916.The P_ Ocean is the largest ocean in the world.17.Benjamin Franklins experiments showed that lightning and e _are the same.18.We can c_ in both Chinese

26、and English.19.There are many rivers and m_ in our country.20.The meeting lasted for a whole day but no _(协定)was reached.Pacific electricitycommunicatemountainsagreement27感谢你的观看2019年6月921.“Mind you_(行为),”the mother said to her young boy.22.Our party has now a correct _(政治)line.23.Living in the count

27、ry is less _(昂贵)than in the city.24.I have a _(负面的)opinion about this matter.25.She was really quite _(孤独)in the world.behaviorpoliticalexpensivenegativelonely28感谢你的观看2019年6月926.Can you understand this passage without e_?27.Light travels much faster than sound w_.28.They have some s_ dishes not foun

28、d anywhere else,29.Without hard work,it is i_ for anyone to learn a foreign language.30.Our school has founded the Students U_.explanationwavesspecialimpossibleUnion29感谢你的观看2019年6月931.He dreamed of buying a little _(别墅)in the country.32.He spent three weeks by the _(海滨)in the summer.33.This area has

29、 very low _(降雨量).34.Its wrong to read others_(私人的)letters without permission.35.They were _(秘密地)married last week.cottage seasiderainfallprivatesecretly30感谢你的观看2019年6月936.His remarks were _(简洁的)and to the point.37.Im d_ to go and nothing will stop me.38.The police asked me if I p_ a gun.39.The schoo

30、l picnic is on Sunday,so we are p_ for a fine day.40.He d_ his mother and went to the party.brief determinedpossessedprayingdisobeyed31感谢你的观看2019年6月941.On our _(毕业)from college,he entered the government office.42.The islands were _(发现)by an English Army Captain 43.Please write and let me have your _

31、(想法)on the matter.44.No medicine can _(治愈)a man of discontent.45.I was _(震惊)at his conduct.graduationdiscoveredthoughtscureshocked32感谢你的观看2019年6月946.This area suffered a_(灾难)from the earthquake.47.On Oct 1st,we warmly c_ our National Day every year.48.The Chinese mainland is separated from Taiwan by

32、 the Taiwan s_.49.The old houses have been t_ down.50.Please remember the _(历史)moment,when Lianzhan came back to mainland after 60 years.disaster celebratestrait tornhistoric33感谢你的观看2019年6月9英语单词拼写专项训练英语单词拼写专项训练(四)(四)20092009年高考年高考34感谢你的观看2019年6月91.In summer,a sudden change in t_(温度)could bring rain.

33、2.The_(形势)both at home and abroad is excellent.3.They had the building_(重建)after the fire.4.As everyone knows,he is a_(世界著名)expert on DNA.5.I want to put you on a very_(严肃)subject.temperaturesituationrebuiltworld-famousserious35感谢你的观看2019年6月96.Please t _the music down when I answer the phone.7.How m

34、any passengers does this airline f _every week.8.Nobody can go in without the teachers p_.9.At p_,about 20%of the smokers have given up smoking.10.We can read both home news and i _news in the newspaper.turnflypermissionpresentinternational36感谢你的观看2019年6月911.From his _(口音).We can know that hes from

35、Beijing.12.My son carried my _(行李)to the bus station.13.I am working at my _(演讲),changing them and bettering them.14.There are few fish in the_(污染)rivers.15.She got up and drew the _(窗帘)aside.accent luggagespeechpollutedcurtain37感谢你的观看2019年6月916.He s_ to his feet and walked slowly towards the door.1

36、7.This ruler is 50 c_ long.18.Dont p_ your gun at others.19.He bought a p_ raincoat yesterday.20.The policemen q_ him about the stolen car.struggledcentimeterspoint plasticquestioned 38感谢你的观看2019年6月921.His job is to do _(科学)research.22.All the teachers are _(尊敬)by the students in our school.23.He ha

37、s made several _(发现)in science.24.Einstein fought for human _ (权利).25.Do you know by whom this country once was _(统治)?scientificrespecteddiscoveriesrightsruled39感谢你的观看2019年6月926.A c_ is a machine that makes photos.27.Man-made satellites are carried into space by r_.28.You are so kind”,said Jim,“Dont

38、 m_ it.”29.“Paul gave me 12 apples”means“Paul gave me a d _apples”.30.The p_ appeared in the newspaper was very exciting.camerarocketsmentiondozenpassage40感谢你的观看2019年6月931.This afternoon he suddenly fell ill and an _(救护车)was called to carry him to hospital.32.They _(尖叫)for help from the window of th

39、e burning hotel.33.The _(系统)under lying modern physics is not fully worked out.34.There has recently been _(趋势)towards simple style in womens dresses.35.It was a _(荒芜的)land and nobody was living on it.ambulancescreamedsystemtrenddeserted 41感谢你的观看2019年6月936.This new product is sold _(世界各地).37.When I

40、went in,he _(假装)to be sleeping.38.I will never _(宽恕)you for what you have done to your parents.39.Both our material and _(精神)life has been greatly improved in recent years.40.He has formed the habit of getting up and going to bed early and does everything _(有规律地)worldwidepretendedforgivespiritualreg

41、ularly42感谢你的观看2019年6月941.He has 30 _(绵羊)on the farm.42._(贫困)prevented the girl from continuing her education.43.She is wearing a _(破旧的)coat.44.We have decided to_(牺牲)a trip for a new car.45.Mary is so _(累)that she cant go with us.sheep Povertyshabbysacrificetired43感谢你的观看2019年6月946.A fence at the bac

42、k of the garden _(分开)us from the neighbors 47.Millions of people from all over the world have _(参观)the Great Wall.48.The teacher asked the students to practise _(说)English every day.49.Its very _(稀罕的)for him to be late for school.50.Our rice is very _(合情合理),you can depend on us.separatedvisited spea

43、king rarereasonable44感谢你的观看2019年6月9英语单词拼写专项训练英语单词拼写专项训练(五)(五)20092009年高考年高考45感谢你的观看2019年6月91.We should take some measures to prevent the river from being further p_.2.After saying“Good-bye”,they all went off s_.3.I know you are very busy.Would you mind s_ me a few minutes?4.He is a teacher by _(职业).

44、5.There is a beautiful carved f_ on the stone.pollutedseparatelysparingprofessionfigure46感谢你的观看2019年6月96.Youd better speak h_,not tell lies.7.As everybody knows,Thursday is the f_ day of a week.8.Textbooks were _(分配)free of charge.9.“Heavy”is the o_ word of“light”.10.I should _(确保)myself to reportin

45、g the facts.honestly fifthdistributedopposite restrict 47感谢你的观看2019年6月911.I could hear them _(私语)under the tree over there.12.The question is which model of telephone is _(灵巧),this one or that one?13.This hotel can _(供给住宿)300 guests.14.He has no_(资格)for this job.15.Weve got to be _(实际)and buy only w

46、hat we need.whisperingsmarteraccommodatequalificationpractical48感谢你的观看2019年6月916.The teacher nodded with a _(满意的)smile.17.China is sure to turn all her wishes into_(现实)as we all know.18.Stick stamps on the _(信封)and post the letters.19.The professor will fly _(直接)to Tokyo tomorrow morning.20.Its not

47、_(自然)for a child of his age to be so quiet.satisfiedrealitiesenvelopesdirectlynatural49感谢你的观看2019年6月921.The government is taking measures to improve the living c_ of the people in that area.22.Tom always d_ of becoming a pilot when he was a boy.23.Our library is a big one.There are all kinds of m_,b

48、ooks,and even newspapers for us to read.24.There is no more money needed for f_ research into this matter.25.The prisoners a_ to escape but failed at last.conditionsdreamed/dreamtmagazinesfurtherattempted50感谢你的观看2019年6月926.He went to _(德国)twice on business last year.27.The mother bear _(生)two baby b

49、ears in the zoo last year.28.All the teachers went _(楼下)to have a meeting.29.My father was once the great physicists _(助手).30.The dustbin near the building hasnt been _(倒空)for almost three weeks.Germanboredownstairsassistantemptied51感谢你的观看2019年6月931._(旅游业)has brought much money to the mountain villa

50、ge.32.The meat in the bowl _(变)bad because of the hot weather.33.The students need to be able to read _(积极地)and thoughtfully.34.He was _(守时的)for breakfast.35.The _(女)doctors in this hospital are very kind o to the patients.Tourismwentactively punctualwomen52感谢你的观看2019年6月936.Her cheeks burned;she was


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