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1、合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊1review 1.back down 2.beat the crowd 3.bite off more than one can chew 4.drag ones feet 5.drop in 6.drop out of合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊2 7.fall flat 8.few and far between 9.get nowhere 10.get off 11.give sb.a break 12.go all out 合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊3 13.in next to no time 14.keep between the two of

2、 us 15.like a cat on hot bricks 16.like apples and oranges 17.make a comeback 18.not to mention合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊4 19.on and off 20.out of this world 21.all sorts of 22.bring about 23.bring up 24.in the long run合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊5 25.in the red 26.by all means 27.by no means 28.make a hit 29.nothing but 3

3、0.back up合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊6找工作场景(1)常见小词 求职者求职者 job applicant 拒绝拒绝 to turn down 兼职兼职 part-time job 申请申请 application合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊7 简历简历 resume 职位空缺职位空缺 vacancy opening 职位职位 position合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊8(2)面试注意事项 穿着整齐干净 to wear tidy and clean clothes 回答问题诚实 to respond truthfully to inquiry 诚实是最好的美德 Honesty

4、is the best policy.别慌张 Be yourself.(口)合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊9(3)面试的典型问题 你觉得自己适合什么职位?Which position do you think most appeals to you?你为什么申请这个职位?Why would you like to get this job?合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊10练习 1998-01-5 A.To find out her position in the company.B.To apply for a job.C.To offer her a position in the com

5、pany.D.To make an appointment with the sales manager.合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊11 W:Take a seat,Mr.Brown.Could you tell me which position you think most appeals to you?M:Well,as for me,I prefer to take the post of sales manager if you think Im qualified.Q:Whats the mans purpose in meeting the woman?合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊

6、何蕊何蕊12 1998-06-9 A)The woman found the mail box empty.B)The man is waiting for some important mail.C)The man has just sent out his application.D)The woman will write a postcard to her daughter.合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊13 M:Has todays mail arrived?Im anxious to know about the result of my application.W:Ill che

7、ck the mail box.There is nothing in it but a post-card from our daughter.Q:What do we learn from this conversation?合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊14 2002-06-10 A.He is nervous about the exam.B.He is looking for a job.C.He doesnt dare to tell lies.D.He doesnt know how to answer the questions.合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊15 M:Im b

8、oth excited and nervous about the job interview this afternoon.W:Take it easy.Just wear tidy and clean clothes and response truthfully to inquiries.Remember,honesty is the best policy.Q:What do we learn about the man?合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊16 1999-01-5 A)He is confident.B)He is worried.C)He is bored.D)He is

9、 angry.合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊17 W:How did your interview go?M:I couldnt feel better about it.The questions were very fair and I seemed to find answers for all of them.Q:How does the man feel about the interview?合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊18四、看电影场景合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊191.常见小词 电影 movie 动作片 action film 战争片 war film 恐怖片 horror

10、 film 合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊20 惊险片 thriller film 动画片 cartoon 喜剧 comedy 暴力片 violence 合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊21 西部片 western film 电影院 theater cinema 好莱坞 Hollywood 梦工厂 DreamWorks 演员 actor/actress合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊222.对电影的评价和讨论 没那么精彩。Not that exciting.无聊 To feel sleepy.浪费时间,不值 Its a waste of time.真不值。Its a waste of money.

11、合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊23 1996-06-9 A)They think cinemas are too far away from their homes.B)They are disappointed with the films produced these days.C)They both dislike films about adventure stories.D)They both like the idea of going to the cinema at night.合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊24 M:I used to go to the cinema a l

12、ot.It did make a nice night out,but not now.W:No,I dont either.There arent any good adventurous stories like the movies they made when I was young.Q:What can be concluded from this conversation?合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊252004-06-10A)It is being forced out of the entertainment industry.B)It should change its c

13、oncept of operation.C)It should revolutionize its technology.D)It is a very good place to relax.合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊26 M:Do you think home videoplayers will replace movie theatres and force them out of the entertainment business?W:Were certainly faced with the grave challenge from the DVD industry.Thats

14、why I think we have to revolutionize our concept of movie showing.As I see it,the movie theatre should not just be a place to watch a film,but a place to meet people.Q:What does the woman think of the movie theatre?合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊27五、报纸场景合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊28相关表达买一份报纸 to pick up a paper校报school newspape

15、r时事通讯newsletter特刊special issue 编辑/主编editor/editor-in-chief头条headline 新闻news story报摊newsstand合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊29相关表达 报纸版面 section 体育版 Sports section 电视版 TV section 文艺版 art and music section 招工版 分类广告版Help-wanted sectionClassified ads section合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊30 1999-01-3 A)He read the cabinet report.B)He r

16、ead the newspaper.C)He listened to a radio report.D)His secretary telephoned him.合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊31 W:Mr.Johnson,have you heard the morning news report?Mill has resigned his post as Prime Minister.M:I didnt turn on the radio this morning,but I did see the headlines.If you remember,he threatened to le

17、ave the office at the last cabinet meeting.Q:How did Mr.Johnson learn that the Prime Minister has resigned?合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊32 2000-06-7 A)At a book store.B)At an art museum.C)At a newspaper office.D)At a gymnasium.合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊33 M:Mary is in charge of the art and music section;and Charles,the spor

18、ts page.What about you?W:Im responsible for the editorials.Q:Where does the woman work?合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊34六、体育运动锻炼场景六、体育运动锻炼场景合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊35相关表达网球tennis 排球volleyball冰球ice hockey 滑雪to ski 滚轴溜冰roller skating慢跑to jog 马拉松 marathon 骑自行车cycling攀岩climbing 合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊36相关表达徒步旅行hiking 举重weight-lifting 拳

19、击boxing滑冰skating体育馆 gym 职业运动员professional player划船 boating合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊37 1998-01-1 A)Swimming.B)Playing tennis.C)Boating.D)Playing table tennis.合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊38 W:I havent had much exercise lately.My only recreation has been watching TV or going to the movies.What do you do for recreation?M:In s

20、ummer I like playing tennis instead of swimming and boating,and my favorite sport in the winter is skating.Q:What is the mans favorite sport in summer?合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊392001-01-8A)They both enjoyed watching the game.B)The man thought the results were beyond their expectations.C)They both felt good ab

21、out the results of the game.D)People were surprised at their winning the game.合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊40 M:Though we didnt win the game,we were satisfied with our performance.W:You did a great job.You almost beat the worlds champions.Its a real surprise to many people.Q:What do we learn from this conversatio

22、n?合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊41七、保持身体健康场景七、保持身体健康场景合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊42相关表达保持身体健康to keep fit 身体非常好as fit as a fiddle身体健康 to be in good shape 身体状况不佳to be in poor shape身体不好to be out of shape 减肥to lose weightto take off weight合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊43身体不舒服to feel under the weather节食to go on diet 减肥 to lose weight饮食均衡a well-b

23、alanced meal经常跑步to run regularly 经常锻炼to exercise regularly合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊442002-01-8A)By going on a diet.B)By having fewer meals.C)By doing physical exercise.D)By eating fruit and vegetables.合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊45 W:When I go on a diet,I eat only fruit,and that takes off weight quickly.M:I prefer to eat

24、whatever I want,and then run regularly to lose weight.Q:How does the man control his weight?合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊46 2004-06-4 A)She lost a lot of weight in two years.B)She stopped exercising two years ago.C)She had a unique way of staying healthy.D)She was never persistent in anything she did.合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何

25、蕊何蕊47 M:You look quite different from what you used to.W:Sure.I started exercising regularly two years ago and went from 253 pounds to a healthy 160 pounds and that is the only thing I did not give up halfway.Q:What do we know about woman?合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊48八、照相场景八、照相场景合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊49相关表达 照相机 拍照 胶卷

26、冲洗胶卷 镜框 摆姿势 焦距,对焦camerato take a picturefilm/a roll of film to develop the film frameposefocus合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊50相关表达 在镜头前摆姿势 to pose for the camera 全自动 fully automatic 快门 shutter 镜头 lens 相册 photo album 曝光的 exposed合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊51 1999-06-5 A)How to use a camera.B)How to use a washer.C)How to use a k

27、eyboard.D)How to use a tape recorder.合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊52 W:Can you show me how to use this,John?M:It is fully automatic.All you have to do is focus on the scene and press the button here.Q:What are they talking about?合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊53 2003-06-1 A)Riding a horse.B)Shooting a movie.C)Playing a game.D)Ta

28、king a photo.合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊54 W:Raise your head a little bit and hold the saddle and smile a little.You look wonderful posing like that.Shall I press the shutter?M:Wait a minute.Let me put on a cowboy hat.Q:What are the speakers doing?合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊55九、银行场景九、银行场景合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊56相关词汇银行bank 账户accou

29、nt开账户open an account支票账户check account账单bill付账 pay the bill兑现支票to cash a check通知statement 取钱to draw money出纳员teller合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊57 1998-01-4 A)They spent three hundred dollars on their vacation.B)They drew more money than they should have from the bank.C)They lost their bankbook.D)They had only thre

30、e hundred dollars in the bank.合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊58 M:Ive just got a statement from the bank.It says Ive drawn$300 more than I have in my account.W:Well,we did spend a lot on our vocation.In fact,we didnt know exactly how much was in our bank.Q:What are they talking about?合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊59 2003-01-3 A)T

31、he bank near the railway station closes late.B)The bank around the corner is not open today.C)The woman should use dollars instead of pounds.D)The woman should try her luck in the bank nearby.合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊60 W:Excuse me.But could you tell me where I can change American dollars into British pounds?

32、M:Theres a bank round the corner.But Im afraid its already past its closing time.Why dont you try the one near the railway station?Q:What dose the man mean?合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊61十、机场场景十、机场场景合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊62相关表达 机场 飞机起飞 降落 在空中盘旋 行李 登机门 登机牌 起飞时间 机场费 办理登机手续airport to take offto land circleluggage boarding

33、gateboarding passdeparture gatedeparture time airport feeto check in合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊63相关表达 行李柜台 经济舱 商务舱 头等舱 准时到达 晚点 751次航班 航班延误/取消 预订航班baggage counter economy classbusiness classfirst classarrive on schedulebehind scheduleFlight 751the flight was delayed/canceledto make flight reservation合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何

34、蕊何蕊64 1998-06-7 A)Someone has taken her luggage.B)Her flight is 50 minutes late.C)Her luggage has been delayed.D)She cant find the man shes been waiting for.合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊65 W:Could you help me,Sir?My flight go in 15 minutes ago.Everyone else has picked up the luggage but mine hasnt come through.M:

35、Im sorry,Madame.Ill go and find out if there is any more to come.Q:Whats the womans problem?合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊66十一、天气场景十一、天气场景合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊67相关表达晴天sunny day今天天气很好Its clear today.今天天气阴沉沉的Its overcast today.多云cloudy下大雨heavy rain 小雨light rain毛毛雨drizzle 倾盆大雨pourto rain cats and dogs 阵雨shower 雷雨thundersto

36、rm合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊68相关表达微风的breezy 有雾的foggy 酷热的 scorching 寒冷的freezing 严寒的icy/frigid/chilly天气预报weather report 天气预报员forecaster大雪heavy snow 暴风雪blizzard snowstorm 合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊69 1996-01-4 A)There will be heavy fog in all areas.B)There will be heavy rain by midnight.C)There will be heavy fog in the east

37、.D)There will be fog in all areas by midnight.合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊70 W:Its nearly ten oclock.Lets listen to the weather forecast.M:Here is the weather forecast:Fog is spreading from the east and itll affect all areas by midnight.It will be heavy in some places.Q:Whats the weather forecast?合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊

38、71十二、旅游场景十二、旅游场景合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊72相关表达 旅游 假期 旅行社 避暑胜地 预订饭店 去度假 观光 夏威夷 悉尼歌剧院 带某人到处看看trip/tour vacationtravel agencysummer resortto make a hotel reservationto leave for vacationto go sightseeingHawaiiSydney Opera Houseto show sb.around合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊73 1998-06-2 A)Their father is unable to keep his pro

39、mise.B)Their father is going on a vacation without her.C)Their father isnt telling her the truth.D)Their father doesnt want to travel abroad.合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊74 M:I wonder what makes Mother so upset these days?W:Father is canceling his vocation trip.He promised to take her abroad last year.But the com

40、pany is again asking father to postpone his vocation.Q:Why is their mother unhappy?合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊75 2005-01-5 A)Janet is very much interested in architecture.B)Janet admires the Sydney Opera House very much.C)Janet thinks its a shame for anyone not to visit Australia.D)Janet loves the beautiful lan

41、dscape of Australia very much.合肥新东方何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊何蕊76 M:Hi,Janet,I hear youve just returned from a tour of Australia.Did you get a chance to visit the Sydney Opera House?W:Of course I did.It would be a shame for anyone visiting Australia not to see this unique creation in architecture.Its magnificent beauty is simply beyond description.Q:What do we learn from this conversation?p 经常不断地学习,你就什么都知道。你知道得越多,你就越有力量p Study Constantly,And You Will Know Everything.The More You Know,The More Powerful You Will Be写在最后感谢聆听不足之处请大家批评指导Please Criticize And Guide The Shortcomings结束语讲师:XXXXXX XX年XX月XX日


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