苏州市译林版六年级下册英语第五单元Cartoon, Sound & Culture time 教案及反思.doc

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苏州市译林版六年级下册英语第五单元Cartoon, Sound & Culture time 教案及反思.doc_第1页
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1、英语(六年级下册)Unit 5 A partyCartoon time & Sound timeTeaching contents 教学内容Cartoon time & Sound timeTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 学生能理解、听懂、正确读好歌谣,知道ow在单词中的发音。2. 学生能理解Cartoon time的小故事,能灵活运用将来时描述自己的打算。3. 学生能初步复述小故事。4. 通过阅读英语小故事,能体会故事的幽默,培养对英语的喜爱之情。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of di

2、fficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:1. 理解Cartoon time,会复述,能表演2. 能熟练运用一般将来时教学难点:1. 掌握ow在单词中的发音Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1: Free talk & Revision 1. Greetings T: Hello, boys and girls. Are you going to have a party this afternoon?S: Yes, we are.2. Game1: Good memory T: What are you going to do this weekend? S1: Im

3、 going to S2: S1 is going to Im going to S3: S1 is going to. S2 is going to Im going toT: What is S3 going to do? 【设计意图:通过问下午和周末的活动,复习一般将来时,让学生回忆旧知,明确本课学习内容。】Game2: Guessing game T: Im going to invite one student to come here. Other students can guess what he or she is going to do. .S: Are you going

4、 to? 【设计意图:通过游戏来锻炼学生对一般将来时的一般疑问句运用能力】3 Think and talkT: When we go to a party, what should we do? Please talk about it in groups and report.S: T: Good. Now lets read Culture time. (教学单词 gift, arrive, minutes)Step 2. Presentation (Cartoon time)1 Listen and circleT: Bobby and his friends are very happ

5、y. What are they going to do? Please listen to the tape and circle the right answer. (PPT呈现选择题) S: Its B.2 Read and match T: So Bobbys class is going to have a party. What are they going to do? Please read Cartoon time and match. (PPT呈现匹配题) T: (核对答案) Now can you tell me what they are going to do at

6、the party? Have a try with your partner first. 3 Think and answerT: Does Bobby enjoy being the king? Why?S: No, he doesnt. Because 【设计意图:由整体到部分分层解读,帮助学生理解课文。】4 Reading timea. Read the text after the tapeb. Read in groups 5 True or false (PPT呈现句子判断)6 Act the story out 7 Complete the sentences【设计意图:通过

7、表演课文来加深学生对故事内容的理解和语言运用能力, 通过做一些基本练习巩固所学知识。】Step 3. Sound time 1 Choose and fillT: Can you choose some words to finish this rhyme? (PPT呈现小诗填空) T: Look at this picture. What is Mike doing?S: He is looking out of the window.T: Whats in the air?S: It is snow! 【设计意图:以诗歌为例子进行选词填空,帮助学生熟悉小诗。】2 Listen to the

8、 tape and read the rhyme3 Think and read T: Whats the pronunciation of “ow”? S: T: Here are more words with ow. Can you read and make sentences with them? 4 Ticking timeHomework 家庭作业1 Read and recite Cartoon time. 2 Surf the Internet and find more information about parties.Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)教

9、学准备:PPT,教学图片。板书设计: Unit 5 A partyWhat are you going to do this weekend?Im going to Are you going to have a party?Yes/No, I am/am not.ow know snow slow show window 说课在本节课导入部分,教师通过free talk和游戏复习所学句型并引出Culture time. 该板块不需深度挖掘,学生简单了解即可。接下来教师通过提问Bobby和他的朋友们要做什么,引入Cartoon time。在课文学习部分,教师让学生先听录音整体感知课文,之后再是分细节去处理课文。之后又再让学生来模仿跟读课文,读完再做一个关于课文内容的判断题,加深学生课文内容的了解。从总到分,再由分回到总。有了之前课文的输入,教师又设计了输出的环节,让学生进行口头操练,表演课文并进行适量拓展。在Sound time教授过程中,教师主要采用选词填空、看图问答的形式帮助学生熟悉板块内容,再通过听读活动凸显ow字母组合的发音,最后让学生在了解了发音规律后试读新词并造句,即通过运用更好地掌握ow的发音。特别分享:关注学生对课文的整体感知和细节信息的获取关注学生的表演时的体验关注学生发音口型,指导怎样读


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