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1、济南市深泉外国语学校 2022-2023学年第一学期期末考试高一英语试题本试卷共 6 页,满分 150 分,考试用时 120 分钟。第一部分听力(共两节,每小题 1.5分,满分 30 分)该部分分为第一、第二两节。注意:回答听力部分时,请先将答案标在试巻上。听力部分结束前,你将有两分钟的时间将你的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Whatwillthespeakersdonext?A. Shipthe goods.B. Havea

2、 meeting.C. Discussareport.2. Howmuch doesa buffetmealat7:00 pm?A. $5.B. $8.C. $10.3. Whatdoesthemanthinkof hiswork?A. Boring.B.Satisfactory.C. Difficult.4. Whom hasthemansentan invitation to?A. Laura.B. Rosa.C. Maria.5. Whatisthe mandoing?A. Lookingfora car.B.Visitingthe company.C. Picking up thewo

3、man.第二节下面 5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白听后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第 6和第 7两个小题。6. What arethespeakersgoingtodoafter lunch?A. Seeafilm.B. Go shopping.C.Attendameeting.7. Which restaurantwillthespeakersgoto?A. Jimscaf.B. Roserestaur

4、ant.C.SeafoodPalace.听下面一段对话,回答第 8和第 9两个小题。8. Whydoesthe womanmakethecall?A. Toarrangeanexhibition.B.Todiscussabusinessplan.C.Tochangeher appointment.9. When arethespeakersgoing tomeet?A. On Wednesday.B. On Thursday.C. On Friday.听下面一段对话,回答第 10至第 12三个小题。10. How longhas thewomanbeenunwell?A. 4days.B.5d

5、ays.C.6 days.11. Whatisthe relationshipbetweenthespeakers?A. Colleagues.B. Doctorandpatient.C.Teacherandstudent.12. Whatdoes the mansuggest thewomandoing?A. Lookingfora newjob.B.Doingphysical tests regularly.C.Changingher breakfasthabits.听下面一段对话,回答第 13至第 16四个小题。13. Whatdoes thewomanpromisetodothis S

6、aturday?A. Learncycling.B.Go swimming.C.Teachthemanskating.14. Whycant thewoman go cycling rightnow?A. She doesnt haveabike.B.Shehas homeworktodo.C. Sheisexpecting her sister.15. When will thespeakersmeet?A.At2:00.B.At1:30.C.At1:00.16. Wherewillthespeakersmeetthis afternoon?A. At apark.B.Bythelake.C

7、.Atthemanshome.听下面一段独白,回答第 17至第 20四个小题。17. Whatwas theumbrellafirstused for?A. Keepingofftherainwater.B. Showingthepower of thepolice.C. Protectingpeopleagainstthesunlight.18. Who firstusedtheumbrellainEurope?A. TheEnglish.B.TheGreeks.C.The French.19. In whatwayhave umbrellaschangedmuch?A. Theweight

8、.B.Thestyle.C.Theprice.20. What isthepassagemainly about?A. The historyoftheumbrella.B. Thepopularity oftheumbrella.C. Theimportanceoftheumbrella.第二部分阅读(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节(共 15小题;每小题 2分,满分 30分。)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AIts the most wonderful time of the year! The winter holidays are the perfect

9、 chance to get comfortable withagoodbook,andluckilywehavesomebestsellersrightnow.Weresureyoullfindwhatyourelooking for.SundayFundaybyKatherineHallganHardback,$20(10percentoffwithmembership)Agreat book full of seasonal activities that families and friends can enjoy together. From gardening projectsto

10、creativehand-madethingsandwarmingwinterrecipes(食谱), theressomethingforeveryone, whatever the weather.TheHistoryoftheWorldin100AnimalsbySimonBarnesHardback,$16.99This beautifully pictured book explores the good relationship between humans and animals, from bees tochimpanzees(黑猩猩)whosharemorethan90% o

11、fourDNA.Ifyou arecrazy aboutanimals, thisisthe book for you.AccidentallyFamousbyDavidBaddiel Paperback, $12.99NothingamazingeverhappenstoBillySmithbutwhenTVworkers visithisschoolhebecomespopular, but as everyone knows, being famous comes with a price. David Baddiels laugh-out-loud book asks whatlife

12、wouldbelikeifeveryonesuddenlyknewyourname.EddieAlbertandtheAnimalGangbyPaulOGradyPaperback,$15Thisaction-filledadventurefromTVfavouritePaulOGradyfollows ayoungboywith avery special gifthe can talk to animals! On a trip toAmsterdam, Eddie meets a monkey in danger and rescues the young creature with t

13、he help of his animal friends.21. WhatisthememberpriceforSundayFunday?A.$20.B.$19.C. $18.D.$1022. Whichbookisaboutthepriceofbeingfamous?A. SundayFundayB.EddieAlbertandtheAnimalCang.C.AccidentallyFamous.D.TheHistoryoftheWorldin100Animals.23. WhatdothebooksbySimonBarnesandPaulOGradyhaveincommon?A. The

14、yarepublishedinhardback.B.TheystressharmonywithanimalsC.Theyarefullofbeautifulpictures.D.TheyspeakoffamousTVpersonsBToraisemoneyforrestaurantworkers whohadtostayathomeduringCOVID,twobrothers,Aidenand LouisArdine, decided to walk 3,200 miles acrossAmerica to raise money.Havingjustarrivedonthesandsoft

15、hePacificOcean,AidenandLouisArdinehave nowcompleted their five-month walk which started on theAsbury Park boardwalk in New Jersey.They hoped to raise$30,000forsomecharities (慈善组织) thatwerehelpingrestaurantworkerswaitingforlockdown (隔离) to end, but ended up making $70,000which they gave way to the CO

16、CO Fund and the RestaurantWorkers Community Foundation.“This would not have been possible without the help of a huge community of people, whether people weredonatingorhelpingusguide ourwayacrosstheUnitedStates.”saidAidenArdine.“Thiswassurelyan adventure full of hope, and it proved people are born go

17、od and want to help their neighbors.”Justlike cross-countrytripsinthisnation, theirjourneywascharacterizedbyamazingviews, longroads, and helpful strangers: like a man who passed them in the extreme heat of summertime Iowa, before doubling back and giving them a cold Gatorade; or a Nevada campground

18、manager who left them stay for free.InUtahtheyhadwhatthenaturalistJohnMuir wouldhavedescribedasan“interview”with ablack bear, when rounding a corner in the path, they found themselves within a few feet of it.WhentheyreachedSanFrancisco,theirsupporterswere waitingforthemonthebeach.Afterwardsthey flew

19、 home along with their mom who had been there to meet them.After their adventurous stay away from home, we can only imagine she was really feeling proud of her sons.24. Whatdidthetwobrotherscollectmoneyfor?A. Settingupsome charities.B.Helpingtoendthe lockdown.C.Completingtheirfive-monthwalk.D.Aiding

20、restaurantworkersstuckathome.25. Whichwordcanbestdescribethetwobrothers?A. Humorous.B.Caring.C.Curious.D.Honest.26. WhathappenedtothebrothersinUtah?A. Theymetwith abear.B.Theywereinterviewed.C.Theyvisitedanaturalist.D.Theywerelostinthe path.27. Whichofthefollowingisasuitabletitleforthetext?A. ALongJ

21、ourneyB.WalkwithLoveC.AProudMotherD.AdventurewithFunCFish cats are a kind of cats that love water and love to fish. They are like tigers and lions, only much smaller, around twice the size of our average pet cats. They live in wetlands of South Asia and mangrove forests(红树林)of South and SoutheastAsi

22、a. Like many endangered species, fish cats were in danger of dying out more than twenty years ago, mainly because of the great international need for fish food and the peoples cutting of the mangroves at an extremely fast speed.Mangroves ofSoutheastAsia are home to a great many fantastic species, li

23、ke fish cats, turtles, shorebirds and others. Mangroves can protect soil, and they can be the first line of protection between storms, tsunamis and the millions of people who live next to them. The fact is that mangroves can store almost five to tentimes more CO2 than other forests. So protecting ma

24、ngroves may well be like protecting five to ten times more of other forests.Tenyears ago, in South India, many people came together to change the future oftheirhome. In less than 10 years, with international support, the state forest departments and the local people worked together to restore over 2

25、0,000 acres of unproductive fish and shrimp farms back into mangroves. Now experts are working with them in helping study and protecting the mangroves as well as the species living in them. Fish and shrimp farmers are now willing to work with experts to test the harvest of nature protection like fis

26、hes, turtles and other species in mangroves. The local farmers are encouraged to protect and plant mangroves wherethey have beenlost. Awin-win-win for fish cats, local people andthe global ecosystem(生态系统)isbeingbuilt.28. Whatmadethefishcatsendangered?A. Naturalenemiesandenvironmentpollution.B.Cuttin

27、gofmangrovesandlackofwater.C.Beingtoolargeandneedforfishfood.D.Lessfishandovercuttingofmangroves.29. Whyaremangrovessoimportant?A. Theycanpreventextremeweather.B.TheycantakeinmoreCO2effectively.C.Theyhelpplantsgrowbetteronthesoil.D.Theyareperfecthometoallspecies.30. Whatisthelastparagraphmainlyabout

28、?A. Waysofturningfarmsintoforests.B.ChangesofSouthIndiain10years.C.Effortstoprotectthemangroves.D.Workinprotectingshrimps.31. Whatsthebesttitleforthetext?A. FishCalsandMangrovesProtectionB.TheImportanceofMangrovesC.WaystoProtectFishCatsD.Man andNatureDFor children, communication with olderadults is

29、important when visits with grandparents arecalled off because of the pandemic(流行病).EvenbeforeCOVID-19sentolderadultsintohiding,grandparentsandgreat-grandparentscouldoftenseem like strangers to kids. Contact might include gifts of toys meant for someone a little younger, forced piano performances by

30、parents, and really bad jokes. So, coming up with what to say to those out of touch people through a camera can be hard. It can be a lot of pressure for kids.Yet keeping up with older relatives has mental and physical health benefits for everyone.According to studies,olderadultswhoparticipateinprogr

31、ammingbetweengenerationsshowmorehappiness,better self-care.Andastrongrelationshipbetweengrandparentsandgrandchildrencanlessendepressivetendencies(抑郁倾向)inbothadultsandkids.Havinganactualrelationshipwithagrandparentcanalsohelpchildrendevelopqualitiesthatmake all-aroundgreatcitizens.Childrenareborntobe

32、me,me,me,“saysTina-AnnePraasofSKIP,an Ontario-based organization. But seeing a person who has experienced life stages pulls them away from thatA.Playingthepianoinpublic.B.Communicatingwithgrandparentsonline.C.Buyinggiftsforotheryoungerchildren.D.Beingoutoftouchwith parentsforalongtime.33. Whatdoesth

33、eunderlinedphrase“thatthinkingrefertoinparagraph 4?A. Seeinganexperiencedperson.B.Kidsownideasaboutthe world.C.Childrenscareofthemselves only.D.Keepingcontactwith grandparents.34. WhatisTina-AnnePraasattitudetowardscommunicationbetweengenerations?A. Supportive.B.Doubtful.C.Uncertain.D.Worried.35. Gr

34、andchildrenbenefitfromolderrelativesbyA. listeningtostoriesonlineB.watchingwhattheydodailyC.formingnewideasaboutthemselvesD.communicatingandinteractingwiththem第二节(共 5小题;每小题 2分,满分 10分。)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Asaspeakerof10languages Iknow thebenefitsofspeakingmorethanonelanguage.Act

35、ually,itisnot a big challenge to learn languages. We only have to change the way we learn them. 36Languagelearningis hard.Itisonlydifficultto learn alanguage if you dontwantto. 37What you mostly needto dois spendsometime listeningandreading.Believe me,itisthatsimple.Ihavedoneitmanytimes.Soonyou feel

36、 the satisfaction of understanding another language. Before you know it you start speaking.thinking.Theycangainsomeworldlypointsofview.Being close with a grandparent can also help children develop communication skills, especially when theyre able to learn about and compare their experiences with a g

37、randparents. And it doesnt carry the pressure of talking to a parent.Tina-Anne Praas adds that students who were worried about life after graduation eagerly listen to older adults sharing their own experiences from the same time of life, 50-plus years ago. One student says, “My interactions(互动)with

38、my grandparents encouraged me to become a physician.,32.Whatcausesmuchstressforkids?38No,you dont.Anyonewhowantsto,canlearn.In SwedenandHollandmostpeoplespeakmorethan onelanguage.Theycantjustallbe gifted atlanguages. Foreign athletesinNorthAmerica usually learnto speak English faster than people in

39、more formal learning environments. In language learning it is attitude that determines success.Youhavetolivewherethelanguageisspoken.Someimmigrants (移民) toNorthAmericaneverlearntospeakmorethanbrokenEnglish. Yetwemeet people in other countries who speak perfect English. In 1968, I learned to speak Ma

40、ndarin fluently whileliving in Hong Kong, where few people spoke it. 39YoucandownloadittoyouriPodandlisten. Where you live is not a problem.IwouldlovetolearnbutIdonthavethetime.My dear friend, the owner said, You dont understand. Let me tell you 48happened. When I asked you to paint the boat, I forg

41、ot to mention the hole. When the boat dried, my kids took it and 49a fishing trip. They did not know that there was a hole there.Howaboutthetimeyouspendwaitinginline,doingthingsaroundthehouse,goingforawalk?“Iwasnotathomeatthetime.SowhenI50andnoticedtheyhadtakentheboat,Iwas40Onceyougetstarted,even10o

42、r15minutesadaywillsoongrow to30minutesaday,oronehour. If you believe you will achieve great results, and if you enjoy doing it, as I do, you will find the time.Ibelieveifyoucanavoidthesetraps,wewillsurelybecomemastersoflanguage learning.A. Thefollowingaresometipsforyoutofollow.B. Youhavetohaveagiftf

43、orlearninglanguages.C. Learningalanguagetakestime,butisnotdifficultD. WeneedtoavoidsomecommonmisunderstandingsE. Languagescanonlybelearnedinsteadofbeingtaught.F. WhynotusethattimetolistentoalanguageonyouriPod?G. WiththeInternet,languagecontentisavailabletoanyonewithacomputer.第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分 35 分)第一节

44、(共 15小题;每小题 1分,满分 15分。)A man was employed to paint a boat. He brought paint and brushes and began to paint the boat as the owner wanted.While painting, he 41there was a hole in the body of the boat and decided to 42it. When he finished painting, he received his 43and left.The next day, the owner of

45、the boat visited the painter and 44him with a cheque(支票), much higher than what he was paid for the painting work. The painter was 45 .Youvealreadypaidmeforpaintingtheboat,sir!hesaid.Thisisnotforthepaintjob.Its forrepairingthe46inthe boat.Ah! But it was such a small service. The man said, Certainly

46、its not worth paying me such a high amount for something so_47!51.Imagine my 52and joy when I saw them returning safely from fishing.Then,Iexaminedtheboatandfoundthatyouhadrepairedthehole!Younowseewhatyoudid?You53the life of my children!Eachofushasamoraldutytoofferhelp,wipetears,listencarefullyandre

47、pairalltheholeswe54in our life journey,becausea smallactwill make a big _55in the future.41. A.feltB.heardC.sensedD.noticed42. A.makeB.digC .repairD.prepare43. A.moneyB.paintC.brushD.fish44. A.droppedB.cookedC.presentedD. took45. A.happyB.disappointedC.embarrassedD. surprised46. A.holeB.chairC.paddleD.picture47. A.hugeB.smallC.greatD. rude48. A.whenB.whyC.whatD.ho


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