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1、从句翻译技巧从句翻译技巧1?His arrivalat this conclusion was the result of much thought.?他他得出这结论是深思熟虑的结果。?Judgment should be based on facts,not on hearsay.?判断应该以事实为依据,而不应该依道听途说。?Scientists are no strangers to politics.?科学家对政治并不陌生。?We found difficulty in solving the complicated problem.?我们发现解决这个复杂的问题是很困难的。?He cam

2、e to my homeforhelp.?他来到我家请求帮助。?It was officiallyannounced that Paris is invited to the meeting.?官方宣布,巴黎应邀出席会议。22020/4/3?Much has been said about the necessity of introducing foreign funds into Chinese enterprises.?有关中国企业引进外资的必要性已经谈的很多了。?If the stability can be maintained,one of the worst features o

3、f the cycle will have been removed.?如果这种稳定状态得以保持下去,商业周期最坏的一个特征将被消除。?英文中的被动语态还可以译成汉语中的“由、受、遭到、靠、让、要、得到、得以、可以、加以”等结构。如:32020/4/3?You are required to return all the books You are required to return all the books you borrowed from the library by the end of this month.?要求大家在月底前把从图书馆借的书全部归还。要求大家在月底前把从图书馆借

4、的书全部归还。?英文中的被动语态还可以译成汉语中的无主语,或者译成泛泛的主语。42020/4/3?1.定语从句?2.主语从句?3.宾语从句?4.表语从句?5.同位语从句同位语从句?6.状语从句52020/4/31.定语从句?定语从句的翻译涉及到限制行定语从句和非限制性定语从句的译法。?1.1 限制性定语从句对所修饰的先行词起限制作用,与先行词关系密切,不用逗号隔开,翻译这类句子可以使用前置法或后置法。?1)前置法:把英语限制性定语从句译成带“的”定语词组,放在被修饰词之前,从而将复合句译成汉语单句。如:?Anyone who has not attended a large college f

5、ootball game has missed one of the most colorful aspects of American college life.?任何一个没有参加过学校足球比赛的人,都会错过美国大学生活中最为精彩的一面。62020/4/3?2)后置法:上述译成前置定语大都是用于限制性定语从句,但一般用于译比较简单的英语定语从句。如果从句结构复杂,译成汉语前置定语显得太长而不符合汉语表达习惯时,往往可以译成后置的并列分句。可以分为两种情况。一是可以重复英语先行词,译成并列分句。如:?They are striving for the ideal which is close

6、to the heart of every Chinese and for which,in the past,many Chinese has laid down their lives.?他们正在为实现一个理想而努力,这个理想是每个中国人所珍爱的,在过去,许多中国人曾为了这个理想而牺牲了自己的生命。72020/4/3?1.2 非限制性定语从句对先行词不起限制作用,只对它加以描写、叙述和解释。翻译这类从句时可以运用以下几种方法:?1)前置法:一些较短而具有描写性的英语非限制性定语从句,也可以译成带“的”前置定语,放在被修饰词前面。如:?He liked his sister,who was

7、warm and pleasant,but he did not like his brother,who was aloof and arrogant.?他喜欢热情愉快的妹妹,而不喜欢冷漠高傲的弟弟。82020/4/3?2)后置法:后置法:?(1)译成并列分句。如:?Electronic computers,which make it possible to free man from the labor of complex measurements and computation,have found wide application in engineering.?电子计算机在工程技术

8、上已获得广泛应用,它使人可能摆脱复杂的测量和计算工作。?(2)译成独立句。如:?He had talked to Vice-president Nixon,who assured him that everything that could be done would be done.?他和副总统尼克松谈过话,副总统向他保证,凡是能够做到的都将竭尽全力去做。92020/4/32.主语从句主语从句?2.1 “It+被动语态+that”句型?这种句型通常要译成汉语里的主动句,并增译出“大家”“我们”“有人”“人们”等泛指性的主语。该译法的特点保留了原文句子结构的前后顺序,即:先主句,后从句。有时也

9、可译为“据”的句型。如:?It is reported that the Summit Meeting will be held in December.?据报道,这个峰会将在月举行。102020/4/3?2.2 “It+谓语(表语)+that”句型?这样的主语从句句型可处理为:(1)先把主句的谓语或表语部分译成独立语,然后顺译出从句;(2)颠倒原文句子结构,先译出从句,再译出主句。如:?It is strange that she have failed to see his advantages.?真奇怪,她竟然没有看出他的优点。?It goes without saying that p

10、lants cannot grow without sunshine.?毋庸置疑,没有阳光,植物就不能生长。112020/4/3?2.3 有what,whatever,whoever,when,whether等引导出的主语从句通常可按正常语序译出。如:?What is hard is to do good all ones life and never do anything bad.?难得的是一辈子做好事而不做坏事。?What the students find most difficult in English is its idiomatic usage.?学生感到,英语最困难的地方是它

11、的习惯用法。122020/4/33.宾语从句宾语从句?3.1 普通句型?以从属连词、连接代词或介词引起的宾语从句汉译时,词序一般不变。如:?I have not made up my mind as to what elective course I am to take net term.?我还有决定下学期上哪些选修课。?This shows that something unexpected may have turned up.?这表明可能出现了意外情况。?She was never satisfied with what she had achieved.?她从不满足于她取得的成就。1

12、32020/4/3?3.2 用it 作形式宾语的句子,汉译时,宾语从句可按原文译出,但it 可省译。?I leave it to your own judgment whether you should do it.?我让你自己判断,这件事该不该做。?I made it clear to the students that they must hand in their assignments before 11 a.m.?我给学生讲明,他们必须在上午11点前交作业。?I think it quite true that he ventured out to Shangri-la.?他又冒险去

13、香格里拉了,我觉得这件事千真万确。142020/4/3?3.3 英语中有时为了修辞强调,把宾语从句置于主句前,汉译时 也可遵从该修辞效果,顺序译出。如:?Whether they like it or not,I dont care.?他们喜不喜欢,我可不管。?What they were asked to do in 10 days,they finished in two.?让他们十天做的事,他们两天就做完了。152020/4/34.表语从句?英语表语从句一般可按原文顺序翻译。?What he emphasized over and over again was that,no matte

14、r how difficult it might be,they should never retreat even for an inch.?他再三强调的是,不管多么困难绝不后退半步。?His view of the press was that the reporters were either for him or against him.?他对新闻界的看法是记者们不是支持他就是反对他。162020/4/35.同位语从句?同位语从句用来对名词或代词做进一步的解释。同位语可以是单词、短语或从句。不同的同位语有不同的翻译方法。?5.1 同位语从句汉译时不提前。如:?He expressed

15、the hope that he would come over to visit China again.?他表示希望再到中国来访问。172020/4/3?5.2 同位语从句提前。如:?But I knew I couldnt trust him.There was always the possibility that he was a political swindler.?但我知道不能轻信他。他是政治骗子,这种可能性总是存在的。?5.3 增加“即”(或“以为”)或用冒号、破折号分开。如:?But considered realistically,we had to face the f

16、act that our prospects were less than good.?但是现实地考虑一下,我们不得不正视这样的现实:我们的前景并不妙。182020/4/3?5.4 说明身份、称号的英语同位语往往放在专门名词后面,汉译时一般放在前面。如:?They silently surrounded Tom,a young soldier,in order to take him prisoner.?他们悄悄地包围了一个年轻战士汤姆,企图俘虏他。192020/4/36.状语从句状语从句?状语从句包含了表示时间、地点、条件、让步或原因等等。英语状语从句的翻译比起定语从句而言,要相对简单一些。

17、但是还是要按照英汉语言各自的表达习惯作相应的调整。?翻译时,可以是啥从句就译成啥从句,也有可能译成起他的从句。202020/4/36.1 按照原文顺序译出状语从句按照原文顺序译出状语从句?If you do not mind,I will turn off the heating.如果你不介意,我就把暖气关上了。?Though he was defeated in the election,he became famous for his fiery speeches against slavery.?虽然他竞选失败了,却以其反对蓄奴制度的激烈演说而出了名。212020/4/3?6.2 状语从

18、句译在主句之前状语从句译在主句之前?She is sure to come unless she has some urgent business.?除非她有急事,她一定回来的。?I will never give in,no matter what happens.?不管怎么样,我永远也不会屈服。222020/4/3?6.3 状语从句转译成其他类型的状语从句状语从句转译成其他类型的状语从句?Skill and patience will succeed where force fails.?在体力做不到的时候,技巧和耐心会帮助人成功。(地点状从译为时间状从)?Thoughnotin subs

19、tance,yetin form,economicreformsareatfirstanation-widerevolution.?如果不就内容而就形式而言,经济改革首先就是一场全国性的革命。(让步状从译为条件状从)?Why did you give up when you could make it?既然你能成功,干嘛要放弃呢?(时间状从译为让步状从)232020/4/3?6.4 状语从句译成非状语从句状语从句译成非状语从句?The boy shouted as he ran.?那个男孩一边跑,一边喊。(译成并列句)?I was just going to explain,when the

20、bell rang.?我正要解释,铃声响了。(译成并列句)?The greedy officials dared to accept any presents,whoever sentthem.?无论是谁送给他们的礼品,这些贪官都敢收下。(译为定语)?They asked her to stay where she was.?他们让她呆在原处。(译成宾语)242020/4/3?Practice one?Ive got it down to four words:Dowhat you潬敶尮Seek out an occupation that gives you asense of meanin

21、g,direction and satisfaction inlife.Having a sense of purpose and strivingtowards goals gives life meaning,direction andsatisfaction.It not only contributes to health andlongevity,but also makes you feel better indifficult times.Do you jump out of bed onMonday mornings and look forward to the workwe

22、ek?If the answer is no,keep looking,youllknow when you find it.252020/4/3?“我把这段话浓缩为:“做我所爱”。去寻找一个能给你的生命带来意义、价值和让你感觉充实的事业。拥有使命感和目标感才能给生命带来意义、价值和充实。这不仅对你的健康和寿命有益处,而且即使在你处于困境的时候你也会感觉良好。在每周一的早上,你能不能利索的爬起来并且对工作日充满期待?如果不能,那么你得重新去寻找。你会感觉得到你是不是真的找到了。262020/4/3?Practice two?Live in a way that is ethically res

23、ponsible.Try tomake a difference in this world and contribute tothe higher good.Youll find it gives more meaningto your life and its a great antidote to boredom.There is always so much to be done.And talk toothers about what you are doing.Dont preach orbe self-righteous,or fanatical about it,that ju

24、stputs people off,but at the same time,dont be shyabout setting an example,and use opportunitiesthat arise to let others know what you are doing.272020/4/3?带着责任感生活,尝试为这个世界带来点有意义的事情,为更高尚的事情做点贡献。这样你会发现生活更加有意义,生命不再枯燥。需要我们去做的事情很多。告诉其他人你的计划,不要鼓吹,也不要自以为是,更不能盲目狂热,那样只会把人们吓跑,当然,你也不要害怕成为榜样,要抓住出头的机会让人们知道你的所作所为。282020/4/3


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