Unit 6 The Admirable Lesson 1单词+知识点+课后习题讲解(ppt课件+2课时)-2023新北师大版(2019)《高中英语》必修第二册.zip

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  • 单词+知识点+课后习题讲解
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    • 6.1课后习题讲解.pptx--点击预览


UNIT 6 The Admirable Lesson 1 A Medical PioneerUNIT 6 The Admirable Lesson 1 A Medical Pioneer单词单词+知识点知识点单词单词mosquito/m s ki t/n.蚊子复数:mosquitos 或者 mosquitoes a mosquito bite 蚊子咬Mosquitos-borne adj 蚊子传播的apart/p t/adj.&adv.分开;散开apart from 除之外 drug/dr/n.药物,药材;毒品 effective/fe k t v/adj.有效的,产生预期效果的 effect n.效果 have an effect on 对有影响 have no effect on 对没有影响 affect vt.影响 Infectious adj 传染性的 Infection n 感染,传染female/fi me l/adj.女(性)的male adj 男性的stage/s te d/n.舞台;阶段award/w d/vt.授予;给予committee/k m ti/n.委员会honour/n/n.荣誉;v.感到荣幸in honour of 为了纪念recognition/re k n n/n.表彰;赞扬recognize v.承认,认可academy/k d mi/n.研究院;学会gain/e n/v.获得,赢得,取得;受益;n.好处;利益 No pains,no gains.一分耕耘,一分收获 gain ones popularity 受欢迎 gain a degree 获得学位 establish/s t b l/vt.建立,设立 chemical/ke m kl/n.化学品;adj化学的 herb/h b/n.药草 literature/l t r t/n.文献资料;著述;文学 recipe/re s pi/n.处方;秘诀 limited/l m t d/adj.有限的 Limited resources 有限的资源 limited 有限的(重读音节在第一个,不需要双写)limiting 有局限性的,制约的 limit v./n.限制 admit-admitted permit-permitted resource/r z s/n.物力;资源 HR=human resources 人力资源 natural resources 自然资源 resources of energy 能源 staff/s t f/n.全体职员,员工 Medical/teaching staff 全体医务人员/全体教师 eventually/ven tu li/adv.最终;终于 come across 偶遇 promising/p r m s/adj.大有希望的 promise v./n.承诺 make a promise 做出承诺 *fame/fe m/n.名声,名誉 achieve/win fame 获得/赢得名声 rise/shoot to fame overnight 一夜之间成名 famous adj.reputation n.声望*renowned/r nan d/adj.著名的,有名望的 despite/d s pa t/prep.尽管;虽然 despite sth.=in spite of sth.despite this 尽管如此 wisdom/w z dm/n.知识,学问;智慧 wisdom tooth/teeth 智齿 wise adj.明智的,聪明的 wisely adv.明智地 potential/p ten l/n.潜力;可能性 advance/d vn s/n.发展;进步 advancing adj.前进的,年长的 advanced adj.高级的;先进的 in advance 提前integrate/n t re t/vi.&vt.(使)结合;(使)成为一体知识点知识点1.honour (1)n.U荣誉;尊敬,尊重;have the honour of(doing)sth.得到某殊荣,有幸做某事 Its an honour(for sb.)to do sth.(对某人来说)很荣幸做某事。in honour of sb.=in ones honour为向某人表示敬意;为纪念某人 May I have the honour of dancing with you?我是否有幸与您跳一支舞呢?We think it a great honour to be invited to your country.被邀访问贵国我们深感荣幸。A farewell party was held in honour of the ambassador.为了表示对这位大使的敬意,大家(为他)举办了一场欢送会。2.apart from(1)除了外(都)(相当于except for)Apart from Tom,the actors are ordinary.除了汤姆外,其他演员都很一般。I have finished the paper apart from the last question.除了最后一道题,试卷上的题我 都做完了。(2)除了外(还),此外,加之(相当于in addition to,besides或as well as)Apart from being the kingdom of flowers,Yunnan province is home to many ethnic minority groups.云南除了是花卉王国,还是许多少数民族的故乡。Apart from the high cost,the dress doesnt suit me.除了贵以外,这条裙子也并不 适合我。3.award 多指因某人所做的事、取得的成就或突出的成绩,经过认真考虑而为 其颁发的奖品或奖金等。His movie won several awards at the film festival.他的电影在电影节 上赢得了几个奖项。4.gain vt.获得,赢得,(从中)受益,得到(好处)gain experience/fame/attention/independence获得经验/赢得名气/赢得关注/取得独立 gain ones respect/trust赢得某人的尊敬/信任 gain(sth.)from/by.从中受()益 His confidence built up gradually as he gained more and more experience in teaching.随着他获得越来越多的教学经验,他的自信心也逐渐增强了。My experience tells me that only when we respect others can we gain othersrespect.我 的经验告诉我,我们只有尊重别人才能赢得别人的尊重。5.establish(1).创立,设立;建立(尤指正式关系)establish contact/relations with.与建立联系/关系 The committee was established in1912.这个委员会创立于1912年。We would like to establish direct business relations with you.我方想与你方建立直接 的业务关系。6.promising adj.有希望的,有前途的,有出息的 You should always believe that if you keep working hard,you will have a promising future.你要坚信,你只要不断努力就能有一个光明的未来。He was voted the most promising new actor for his part in the movie.他因在该电影中 扮演的角色而获评为最有前途的新演员。promise n.C诺言,许诺,承诺;U获得成功的迹象vt.&vi.许诺,承诺,答应,保 证;vt.使很可能,预示 make promises/make a promise to sb.向某人许诺 make/keep/break a promise许下/信守/违背诺言 If you make a promise,you should keep it.你如果许下一个诺言,就应该遵守它。7.despite是介词,意为即使,尽管”相当于in spite of。Despite the heavy traffic,he managed to come on time.尽管交通拥挤,他还是设法准 时来了。It is unbelievable that Mr.Lucas leads a simple life despite his great wealth.令人难以 置信的是,Lucas先生尽管有大量的财富,还是过着朴素的生活。(江西高考)8.advance (1)n.C,U进步,进展 make an advance in.在方面取得进展 It is our hope that in coming decades,advances in science will offer new perspectives from which to study how people manage their lives,我们希望在未来的几十年中,科学上的进步会为研究人们如何管理自己的生活提供新的视角。9.recognition (1)n.sing.U承认,认可 There is a general recognition of the urgent need for garbage sorting.人们普遍认识到 迫切需要进行垃圾分类。(2)n.U认出,认识,识别 beyond recognition认不出来 My hometown has changed beyond recognition since I was last here,自从我上次离开这 里以来,我的家乡已经变得让人认不出来了。UNIT6TheAdmirableLesson1TheLastLeafUNIT6TheAdmirableLesson1TheLastLeaf课后习题讲解课后习题讲解Li Zhen and Chen Yang are introducing the people they admire.Completetheir introductions with the correct form of the words below.disease effective cure female awardgraduation expert establish literaturelimit staff experimentLi Zhen:I think Tu Youyou is someone that I admire and she would be my choice.She is the first Chinese 1_ scientist who was 2_the Nobel Prize.After her 3 _from university,she became a member of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences.femaleawardedgraduationIn 1969,she was chosen to 4_ a team to find a 5 _for malaria a 6_ that killed millions of people every year.establishcure disease It was not an easy task.Scientists over the world had tested more than 240,000 chemicals with no success.And Tu Youyous team had 7_ resources and they did not have enough 8 _Tu Youyou studied ancient Chinese medical 9 _and visited 10 _in traditional Chinese medicine.limitedstaffliteratureexpertsTu Youyouand her team used modern research methods to investigate the Chinese herbs one byone.After hundreds of failed 11_they eventually came across a promising chemical.experimentsThe medicine they discovered was artemisinin,which has now become the worlds most 12 _drug for fighting malaria.effective课本86页 1 Lesson 1 The following are the steps to develop a new drug.Complete the steps with the words and phrase below.Then put them in order according to your opinion.establish cure disease literature experiments prove test effective conduct come acrossa study some related _b _a teamc find a _for the_d _a promising chemical e _research f on animals before starting to test on humans literature eatablish cure disease come across conduct testg do_ h _ that it is an _drug Correct order:1_2 _3 _4 _5_ 6_7 _8 _experiments proveeffectivebgdfhcae
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