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1、 IELTS WRITINGWelcome to IELTS WRITING class!若要花解语,倾国城。花下死,做鬼也风流。IELTS WRITING Teaching Plan Lesson One:雅思写作简介+评分标准+写作步骤+如何写作首段Lesson Two:分论点的思维方法Lesson Three:段落间的连接关系+如何写中间段+如何写末段Lesson Four:雅思题型+话题分析 Lesson Five:小作文1Lesson Six:小作文25.235.51各科均分(中国大陆各科均分(中国大陆A A类考生)类考生)5.535.805.395.47writingreading

2、speakinglistening中国考生的雅思考试成绩中国考生的雅思考试成绩资料提供资料提供:www.ielts.org IELTS WRITING雅思写作中中国考生所存在的主要问题:雅思写作中中国考生所存在的主要问题:1.词汇匮乏,表达单一,词不达意2.语法基础差,文章多语法错误3.中国式的英语。4.If you don not think clearly,you will not write clearly.知识面窄,知识面窄,思路思路不开阔不开阔 5.缺乏必要的英文写作技巧,如段落的展开方式以及作文的缺乏必要的英文写作技巧,如段落的展开方式以及作文的组织结组织结构构等。等。HOW?WH

3、AT?Genarl Introduction时间字数题型考查能力分数比重A类G类Task 120mins/15mins150wordsChart(line,pie,bar,flow)Table,mapLetter(complaint,request,apology)客观描述信息和数据Task 240mins/45mins250words议论文说理和论证雅思议论文考查什么能力?雅思议论文考查什么能力??根据题目要求做出描述、进行论述或根据题目要求做出描述、进行论述或表明态度。表明态度。?不仅考查不仅考查写作能力写作能力,同时也考查考,同时也考查考生的生的思维和论证能力思维和论证能力。IELTS

4、WRITING:TASK II Task II:less than or equals to 40 minutes and more than 250 words 一.TR(Task Response任务反应情况)二.CC(Coherence&Cohension连贯和衔接)三.LR(Lexical Resources词汇资源)四.GR&A(Grammatical Range&Accuracy语法 范围和精确度)英文写作的特点:英文写作的特点:(第一条评分标准)第一条评分标准)points and supporting points In writing,any idea that you ad

5、vance must be supported with specific reasons or details.WRITING 中英文修中英文修辞辞大不同大不同 circular circular 迂迴迂迴Chinese RhetoricChinese Rhetoric 枝状枝状 线状线状English RhetoricEnglish Rhetoric 具体讲:英语的布局谋篇原则通常为:从一般到具体讲:英语的布局谋篇原则通常为:从一般到具体、从概括到举例,从观点到案例再到数据支具体、从概括到举例,从观点到案例再到数据支持。持。IELTS WRITING:TASK II任务反应易犯错误:1.总

6、论点跑题(正评价,负评价,既有正评价又有负评价)2.分论点没有论证3.分论点的论据不够充分4.语言太绝对 IELTS WRITING:TASK II总论点总论点 What is your opinion about nuclear technologies?IELTS WRITING:TASK II1.总论点跑题总论点跑题 要求论述在某一限定范围内的话题。题干必须从头到尾,词词读完。Some people say that it is not right for the government to spend so much money on artistic projects such as

7、 art galleries and sculptures.Do you agree or disagree?Some people think that it is necessary to punish children in order to teach them the difference between right and wrong.Dou you agree or disagree?Give reasons for your answer.If you agree,what kind of punishiment do you think should be given to

8、children by parents and teachers?Give reasons for your answer.IELTS WRITING:TASK II 一个段落围绕一个观点来写,而且一个段落的段末不许出现新的观点。更重要的是,更重要的是,文章的最后一段一般不许出现新的观点。文章的最后一段一般不许出现新的观点。一般由重申论点和补充说明构成。一般由重申论点和补充说明构成。IELTS WRITING:TASK II3.分论点的论据不够充分分论点的论据不够充分3.1 论据不充分:文化差异3.2 论据出处3.3 论据不符合事实,建议:practical&cost-effective3.4

9、 论据以偏概全 IELTS WRITING:TASK II4.语言太绝对语言太绝对4.1 表达总论点的时候,一般适宜表达某个事件的好处超过坏处,或是坏处超过好处,而不是这个事件只有好处或是坏处。(多使用副词)4.2 表达分论点的时候也需要恰到好处。The capital punishment can not be replaced by any other punishments.It cannot be replaced by anything,today or future.IELTS WRITING:TASK II二.CC(Coherence&Cohension连贯和衔接)关联词分为三种

10、:段间,句间,和句内关联词。段间:写作流程中介绍句内关联词:主要用于句子扩展句间关联词:1.表转折:however,nevertheless 2.表递进:in addition,moreover,furthermore 3.表因果:therefore,hence,thus,consequently IELTS WRITING:TASK II三.LR(Lexical Resources词汇资源)正式,准确,多样四.GR&A(Grammatical Range&Accuracy语法范围和精确度)准确,多样,时态,简单句+复杂句四大问题四大问题语语法法词汇词汇搭配搭配组织组织逻辑逻辑写作技巧写作技巧

11、中式思维中式思维中式语序中式语序中式表达方式中式表达方式注意注意!Requirements1.认真阅读历年真题2.对应相应不太会写的内容做提纲训练3.写作文后自己修改 (语法,词汇)-先质后量4.教师批改后自己再次修改5.在复习时候,应该针对话题然后按照题型训练雅思写作的训练方法雅思写作的训练方法(1)精读 (2)互译(3)改写 何为模板?WRITING 有用网站1.http:/ 2.http:/ WRITING:TASK II 低于Band 5的六种技术情况:1.没有完成写作任务2.格式错误3.字迹模糊,难以辨认4.Task 1和Task 2写反5.攻击考官1.不能缩写2.不能格式混乱3.不

12、能使用口语化词语4.不能英式英语美式英语混用5.while 的用法6.字迹模糊,难以辨认7.Task 1和Task 2写反8.题型判断错误 学生常问的问题1.怎样才能得高分?2.分数是怎样得出来的?3.没有观点,不知道怎么展开怎么办?如何训练?4.得分点的分布?5.常考话题有哪些?IELTS WRITING构思构思-Brainstorming 分析分析1:Children now watch more television than at any time in the past.Write an essay for a university lecturer considering its

13、potential risks and benefits.For:gain knowledge obtain information widen(broaden,expand)their vision/horizons watch it for relaxation.important educational tool.IELTS WRITINGAgainst:Physical:weaken childrens eyesight/do harm to/impair couch potato Patient grow thin/switch the channelStudy:1.waste ti

14、me 2.take up too much of childrens limited precious time which can otherwise be used for more valuable activities,such as sports or homework,and therefore result in poor academic performance.Students become addictive and they can not get themselves away from the negative influence of television.IELT

15、S WRITINGMind:Alienate/distance their relationship with families adult only programsConfuse/puzzle childrenMislead:violence/sexually appealing things IELTS WRITING1.审题审题2.构思构思 IELTS WRITING1.审题审题 1)人们现在工作压力越来越大,说说这种现象产生的原因及提)人们现在工作压力越来越大,说说这种现象产生的原因及提出解决这一问题的建议出解决这一问题的建议.2)Many people think that now

16、adays people are being subjected to more and more pressure in their work,and thus are having less and less time to relax.What is your opinion?IELTS WRITING 3)最近一项调查表明青少年每周花最近一项调查表明青少年每周花14小时看电小时看电视,而和家庭成员在一起的是时间只有视,而和家庭成员在一起的是时间只有6小时。有小时。有人认为这会对他们和其他家庭成员间的关系造成不人认为这会对他们和其他家庭成员间的关系造成不良的影响。你是否同意这一观点。良的

17、影响。你是否同意这一观点。4)有些父母几乎不和孩子呆在一起,他们让孩子)有些父母几乎不和孩子呆在一起,他们让孩子独自安静的看电视。为什么会出现这样的现象,这独自安静的看电视。为什么会出现这样的现象,这种现象会导致什么样的后果?种现象会导致什么样的后果?IELTS WRITINGBrainstorming 分析分析2:Boarding school:For:1.Cultivate the spirit of independence,look after themselves.2.Communicate with their peers,learn to cooperate and tolera

18、te,develop a sense of team work and collectivism.3.Less likely to be spoiledIELTS WRITING1.Lack of adequate communication and emotional exchange with parents,thus widening the generation gap.2.Bad for physical development3.Psychological health:homesick,lonely 4.Prone to negative influence5.Expenditu

19、re/costAgainst:1.充分利用原题信息改写实例 At present it is hard for college graduates to find jobs.Many people claim that college teachers should give priority to practical courses like computer science and business over such traditional ones as history and geography.What do you think?At present These days,nowa

20、days,at the present time,currently,in the contemporary society/worldHard Find it difficult to do,have difficulties in doing sth.College graduates College studentswhen they graduateMany numerous,a great number of,countlessClaim argue,contend,insist,maintain,proclaim,state,advocate,hold the view that,

21、assertGive priority to prioritize,pay more/increasing attention to,lay more stress on,attach great importance to 改写后 These days there is a growing tendency for college students to have difficulties in finding jobs when they graduate.(事实引入)A large number of people hold the opinion that lack of practi

22、cal knowledge,among other things,contributes to this situation.In light of this,they contend that college teachers should lay more stress on practical courses than on traditional ones.For my part,I am in favor of their viewpoint.现代社会现代社会 At present In the contemporary/modern society In this informat

23、ion era As we are ushered into the information age IELTS WRITING提供大背景提供大背景 1.Recently,sth.has become a priority for sb.seeking to secure a bright future in this rapidly changing world.IELTS WRITING 2.The issue of sb.doing sth.is a complex and sensitive one which has drawn attention from sb1.,sb2,and

24、 sb3.IELTS WRITING 3.There is a growing tendency for sb.to do sth.3.Over the last half century the pace of change in the life of human beings has increased beyong our wildest expectations.This has been driven by technological and scientific breakthroughs that are changing the whole way we view the w

25、orld on an almost daily basis.IELTS WRITINGComputer and library?IELTS WRITING IELTS WRITING一一.包含关系包含关系1.among which AA由很多后果由很多后果 (this phenomenon might have quite a few negative effects),among which B could be one of the most remarkable.A recent survey shows that teenagers spend 14 hours watching te

26、levision programs each week,but only 6 hours with their family members.Some people claim that this has an unfavorable influence on the relationship between them and their family members.IELTS WRITING A recent survey indicates young people in their teens spend the vast majority of their spare time wa

27、tching TV rather than talking with other family members.This phenomenon might bring quite a few negative effects,among which the unfavorable influence on the family relationship could be one of the most remarkable.IELTS WRITING 2:在问题在问题解决引出主题的过程中,都可以套叠一个大范围解决引出主题的过程中,都可以套叠一个大范围小范围小范围 问题问题很多解决方案很多解决方

28、案 among which could be one of the most remarkable It is important for children to learn what is right and what is wrong at an early age.Punishment is necessary to help them learn the distinction.To what extent do you agree,and what sort of punishment should be given?Children should be instilled what

29、 is right and what is wrong at an early age.There are quite a few ways to achieve this end,among which punishment is a very popular means.The best way to improve environment is to increase the price of fuel?IELTS WRITING二二.对等关系对等关系 通过强对比引出主题:先写强对比的事物通过强对比引出主题:先写强对比的事物A,然后再写主题然后再写主题A IELTS WRITING1)W

30、hereas What are your opinions about the advantages and disadvantages of“fast food”and“traditional food”?Some people hurry to fast food restaurant to save their time,whereas some others wait a relatively long time for traditional food.IELTS WRITING Public transport or private cars?IELTS WRITING2)On t

31、he other hand Nowadays,there are two kinds of school:public and private.Recently,there is a growing tendency for students to enter private schools.On the other hand,some people still prefer to go to public schools.General knowledge or practical skills?IELTS WRITING三转折关系三转折关系 通过转折引出主题通过转折引出主题B but A

32、1)should have however/Admittedly however A report indicates that nowadays children are becoming more and more lazy;fat and unsociable.The social and economic development should have resulted in a happier life.However,(nowadays)recently more and more(increasingly more)parents are concerning their chi

33、ldren have become lazy,fat and unsociable.IELTS WRITING2)It is universally acknowledged that (It goes without saying)however The overuse of modern technologies in recreational activities have brought us(people)easier ad more convenient life.However,to use them too often might result in the loss of c

34、reativity belonging to human beings.IELTS WRITING:如何表明总论点如何表明总论点如何表明总论点:如何表明总论点:这一部分要表明自己的态度,一般来说总论这一部分要表明自己的态度,一般来说总论点有三种态度点有三种态度,两种模式:两种模式:1.两边倒两边倒2.一边倒一边倒 IELTS WRITING:如何表明总论点如何表明总论点1.两边倒两边倒 认为事情的好处和坏处一样多认为事情的好处和坏处一样多 I am of the opinion that this new trend has both advantages and disadvantages.

35、In fact,this new trend has both advantages and disadvantages.In fact,both types of schools are indispensable to society concerning the advantages and disadvantages of both of them.Merits/demerits;favorable/unfavorable effects;strength/weakness IELTS WRITING Nowadays,there are two kinds of school:pub

36、lic and private.Discuss the merits of each.Recently,there is a growing tendency for students to enter private schools.On the other hand,some people still prefer to go to public school.In fact,both types of schools have advantages and disadvantages.whether we should believe in the news stories presen

37、ted by journalists depends on the actual situation involved.IELTS WRITING2.一边倒一边倒1)正面表达自己的观点正面表达自己的观点2)好处比坏处多好处比坏处多 The advantages outweigh its disadvantages.Modernization is more a curse than a blessing for females.3)同意同意/不同意不同意 I am for/against I find myself on ones side.I find myself in virtually

38、 complete with 如果同意,请再引出主题的最后一个主语后面加上如果同意,请再引出主题的最后一个主语后面加上as far as I am concerned;如如果不同意,请吧题干的观点写成别人的观点,然后进行让步和反驳。果不同意,请吧题干的观点写成别人的观点,然后进行让步和反驳。IELTS WRITING常用句型练习:我喜欢/认为/同意/赞同/支持.According to my personality and fondness,I would prefer.rather than In my point of view,I like.much more than.As far a

39、s I am concerned,I am inclined to be on the side of the latter view.In my opinion,the advantages of.are more than those of.To my mind,the advantages far outweigh the drawbacks.IELTS WRITING As far as I am concerned,this proposal seems a bit absurd and ridiculous.Personally,I hold that I totally agre

40、e with this statement,and I will explain why this is the case.I fully support/agree with the statement that Personally,I side with the former/latter opinion.Personally,I am in favor of the former point of view.To be frank,I advocate the argument that.IELTS WRITING 我不同意我不同意/反对反对 I would state my obje

41、ction to this issue after analyzing the following three reasons.I can hardly share/consent to this proposal because it is so inconceivable and impractical.IELTS WRITING1.A recent survey indicates that young people in their teens spend the vast majority of their spare time watching TV rather than tal

42、king with other family members.This phenomenon might bring quite a few negative effects,among which the unfavorable influence on the family relationship could be one of the most remarkable.IELTS WRITING同意:同意:A recent survey indicates that young people in their teens spend the vast majority of their

43、spare time watching TV rather than talking with other family members.This phenomenon might bring quite a few negative effects,among which the unfavorable influence on the family relationship,as far as I am concerned,could be one of the most remarkable concerning the following aspects(perspectives).I

44、ELTS WRITING不同意:不同意:Admittedly,TV has brought people colorful life by supporting them with better information in terms of quality and quantity.However,nowadays,young people in their teens spend the vast majority of their spare time watching TV rather than talking with other family members.Quite a fe

45、w people insist that this phenomenon might bring quite a few negative effects,among which the unfavorable influence on the family relationship could be one of the most remarkable.To some extent this may be true,but in practice watching TY for long time does not necessarily mean the aloof family rela

46、tionship concerning the following aspects.IELTS WRITING2.Scientific and technological advances have improved our daily lives.However,in many fields scientists cannot solve the problem they have created themselves.Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?Give your reasons.-IELTS WRITING Admittedly,

47、our daily lives have been greatly improved by scientific and technological development.However,the problems created by scientist cannot be settled by themselves.同意:同意:Admittedly,our daily lives have been greatly improved by scientific and technological development.However,the problems created by sci

48、entist,as far as I am concerned,cannot be settled by themselves concerning the following aspects.不同意:不同意:This may be true for those scientists in a single field,but now scientists in different areas are cooperating well aiming to solve all the problems confronted by people.IELTS WRITING3.The overuse

49、 of modern technologies in recreational activities makes human beings less creative.Do you agree or disagree?IELTS WRITING It is universally acknowledged that modern technologies in creational activities have brought us easier and more convenient life.However,to use them too often might result in th

50、e loss of creativity belonging to human beings.同意:同意:It is universally acknowledged that modern technologies in creational activities have brought us easier and more convenient life.However,to use them too often,as far as I am concerned,might result in the loss of creativity belonging to human being


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