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1、1.看到一辆车靠近,爱丽丝松了一口气。(形容词)Alice felt relieved to see a car approaching.2.当司机微笑着让她搭车时,她松了一口气。(介词短语)When the driver with a smile offered a ride to her,she gasped with relief.3.爱丽丝终于上车了,一种温暖和解脱交织的感觉涌上心头。(名词短语作主语)Alice finally got in the car,and a mixture of warmth and relief flooded over her.4.爱丽丝到了她办公室所

2、在的大楼。她如释重负地松了口气。(非谓语动词作状语)Reaching the tall building where her office was,Alice breathed a sigh of relief.5.当她感谢陌生人的帮助时,感激的泪水涌入了她的眼眶,但他只是暖暖地一笑。Tears of appreciation welled up in her eyes as she thanked the stranger for his help,but he just smiled warmly.6.她在寒冷的天气里感受到了温暖,相信处处都有善良。She felt warm in the

3、 cold day,and believed there was kindness in every corner.续写微技能情感描写之“宽慰”和“温暖”1.她丈夫声音颤抖地说,涨红的脸上写满了窘迫。(名词独立主格结构)Her husband said with a trembling voice,embarrassment written in his red face.2.听到这话,女人羞愧地坐在那里,满脸涨得通红。(形容词作状语非谓语动词)At that,the woman sat there,ashamed,feeling her face burning.3.她怎么会对这样一个善良而

4、负责任的男人发怒呢?How could she be angry with such a kind and responsible man?4.她从椅子上站起来,犹豫了一会儿,想着如何掩饰内心的尴尬。She rose from her chair,and hesitated for a moment,wondering how to hide her inner embarrassment.5.她垂下眼睛,盯着自己的脚,希望没有人会注意到她有多尴尬。She dropped her eyes and stared at her feet,hoping no one would notice ho

5、w embarrassed she was.6.就像一个犯了错误的孩子,她甚至没有勇气直视丈夫的眼睛。(神态描写)Like a child who had made a mistake,she even had no courage to look into her husband s eyes情感描写之“尴尬”和“羞愧”1.看着安妮泪流满面,我开始感到后悔和内疚。Looking at Anne s face wet with tears,I began to feel regretful and guilty.2.2.安妮发出后悔的喊声,“我真傻。”Anne let out a cry of

6、 regret,“I m so silly.”3.我还没来得及说话,她就冲了出去,留下我后悔不迭。(动词-ing短语作状语)She dashed out before I could say a word,leaving me dumb with deep regret.4.我呆在那里,眼里含着后悔的泪水。要是我没和安妮吵架那多好啊!I froze there,with regretful tears in my eyes.If only I had not quarreled with Anne!5.我满怀内疚,冲出去向安妮道歉。(with复合结构)With guilt and regret

7、 flowing in my mind,I rushed out to apologize to Anne.情感描写之“后悔”“”“内疚”和“自责”1.教室里的每个人都在愉快地聊天,而简却一个人坐在那里不知所措。(对比)Everyone in the classroom was chatting happily while Jane sat alone,at a loss.2.悲伤和孤独的气氛笼罩着她。(名词短语做主语)An air of sadness and loneliness settled over her.3.简感到被冷落,孤独使她感到绝望。(非谓语动词作状语)Feeling le

8、ft out,Jane was getting desperate with loneliness.4.她从学校慢慢地骑车回家,心难过得麻木了。She rode home from school slowly,numb with sorrow.5.她把自己锁在房间里,沉浸在悲痛之中。(非谓语动词作状语)She locked herself in her room,abandoning herself to great sadness.纵情于,沉溺于6.她很伤心,发现自己不知不觉中哭了,眼泪止不住流下来。(so.that)She felt so sad that she found hersel

9、f crying unconsciously,unable to hold back her tears.7.她静静地流泪,感觉这是她年轻生命中最悲伤的时刻。(动词-ing形式作状语)She wept quietly,feeling it was the saddest moment in her young life.情感描写之“悲伤”“”“沮丧”和“孤独”1.他们在山里迷了路,只好焦急地等待救援。Lost in the mountain,they had nothing to do but wait for rescue anxiously2.随着夜色渐深,他们越来越担忧。As the e

10、vening wore on,they grew increasingly worried3.树林开始起雾了,他们周围的一切都被黑暗吞噬,这无疑使他们更加无助和绝望。Fog began creeping into the forest.Everything around them was swallowed by the darkness,undoubtedly leaving them even more helpless4.托尼无助地站在那里,皱着眉。Tony stood there helplessly,frowning.5.玛丽既担心又害怕,几乎要哭了。Mary was close t

11、o crying with anxiety and fear.情感描写之“焦虑”“”“担忧”“”“绝望”和“不耐烦”I told that to my mother,feeling upset.Mom told me that we would surely meet with problems which no one could avoid in our life!She said she had gone through the similar hardships,and she was still going through.But she believed she was smart

12、 enough to solve them,Therefore,it was important for me to know how excellent I could be and just face challenges with confidence!Then Mom asked for taking a look at my homework.8.26周考续写 妈妈对学习困难的我的鼓励我跟妈妈说了,她很难过。妈妈告诉我,我们肯定会遇到的问题,没有人可以避免在我们的生活!她说她也经历过类似的困难,现在还在经历。但她相信自己足够聪明,能够解决这些问题,因此,对于我来说,知道自己能有多优秀

13、,并且自信地面对挑战很重要!然后妈妈要求看看我的作业。Hearing my mothers words,I became inspired.Mom took the time to explain the questions patiently so I could totally understand them.When we got a question right each time,we would clap our hands as if I had just made an amazing achievement.By celebrating like this,I learned

14、 how to take every challenge,no matter how big or small,as a good chance to build up self-confidence.Eventually,I shouted out the sentence from my heart,“I did it!”听到母亲的话,我受到了鼓舞。妈妈花时间耐心地解释这些问题,这样我就能完全理解了。当我们每次答对一个问题时,我们都会拍拍手,好像我刚刚取得了一个惊人的成就。通过这样的庆祝,我学会了如何接受每一个挑战,无论大小,作为一个建立自信的好机会。最后,我发自内心地喊出了这句话:“我做

15、到了!”The boy headed back down to the old mans house.The thought of knocking at the old mans door filled the little boy with fear,though,he still knocked on the door,waiting breathlessly.Finally,it opened,and out came the old man.Seeing the boy holding a well-wrapped dog figurine frin,he looked very a

16、stonished but still glared at him without a word.Determined to break the ice,the boy gave the old man the gift with a precious card attached,expressing his care.Deeply moved by all the boy did,the old man could say nothing but to hug him tightly,the tears of appreciation welling up.Out of gratitude,

17、he bought a magazine from the boy and saw him off.男孩回到了老人的家。一想到要去敲老人的门,小男孩就充满了恐惧,但他还是敲了敲门,屏住呼吸地等着。终于,门打开了,老人走了出来。看到男孩拿着一个包得很好的狗雕像,他看起来很惊讶,但仍然瞪着他,一句话也没说。为了打破沉默,男孩把礼物送给了老人,并附上了一张珍贵的卡片,表达了他对老人的关心。老人被男孩的所作所为深深感动了,他什么也说不出来,只能紧紧地拥抱着他,感激的泪水夺眶而出。出于感激,他从那个男孩那里买了一本杂志,目送他离开。9.22周考续写 小男孩治愈孤独老人From that day on s

18、omething changed inside the old man.He adopted a real live dog and treated him as his child.It seemed that it was the company of the dog that led the lonely soul out of darkness and loneliness.Gradually,he was willing to greet others and wear a bright smile,expressing his appreciation to life.Indeed

19、,only when we open up the door of our heart can we be bathed in the brilliant sunshine and enjoy the warmth of love and care.从那天起,老人的内心发生了变化。他收养了一只真正的狗,并把它当作自己的孩子。好像正是狗的陪伴把他孤独的灵魂带出了黑暗和孤独。渐渐地,他愿意和别人打招呼,面带灿烂的笑容,表达对生活的感激。的确,只有打开心扉,我们才能沐浴在灿烂的阳光中,享受爱与关怀的温暖。“So,”Grandpa said,his eyes shining,“what do you

20、think?”Before answering,I thought about our day-the garden,the shopping,the preparation.Grandpa was devoted to the meal.I hesitated to tell the truth,which would make him disappointed.“II love it,grandpa”,I said.Then his face broke into smiles so warm that I was sure I hadnt told him a lie.I slowly“

21、enjoyed”the pasta,asking“Dont you eat some,grandpa?”He smiled.“Im not hungry.It is all for you.Im glad that you like the pasta I cooked.”9.29月考续写 陪伴爷爷“那么,”爷爷说,他的眼睛闪闪发光,“你觉得怎么样?”在回答之前,我想了想我们的一天花园,购物,准备工作。爷爷专心致志地吃饭。我犹豫着要不要说出真相,这会使他失望的。”我.。.我.。.爱死它了,爷爷”,我说。然后他的脸上露出温暖的笑容,我确信我没有对他撒谎。我慢慢地“享受”了意大利面,问道:“爷爷,

22、你不吃点吗?”他笑了。“我不饿。都是为你做的。我很高兴你喜欢我做的意大利面。My grandpa hugged me warmly.And then in the afternoon he took me for a walk around the village,greeting the neighbours warmly and showing off his handsome grandson.He shared many stories about my mother as a little girl.His eyes twinkled with pleasure.While admi

23、ring the beauty of the countryside,I caught a glimpse of the inside heart of my grandpa.That afternoon,I became aware that my grandpa was lonely and he enjoyed my company.Maybe his students had never tasted the pasta he cooked.I told him a lot of funny jokes and interesting things in my school.It wa

24、s a delight to have my grandpa for company.It was two weeks before my mother came to pick me.爷爷热情地拥抱了我。下午,他带我在村子里散步,热情地向邻居们打招呼,并向我展示他英俊的孙子。他分享了许多关于我母亲小时候的故事。他的眼睛因高兴而闪闪发光。在欣赏乡村美景的时候,我瞥见了爷爷的内心世界。那天下午,我意识到我的爷爷是孤独的,他喜欢我的陪伴。也许他的学生从没尝过他做的意大利面。我在学校里给他讲了很多有趣的笑话和有趣的事情。有爷爷作伴真是一件令人高兴的事。过了两个星期我妈妈才来接我。Their sudd

25、en appearance shocked me and a cold sweat broke out all over my body.But I managed to gather myself together.I struck the shovel left beside me with a stone and screamed as loudly as I could.The two wolves were frightened at first and stepped back.But after a short time of hesitation,they continued

26、to remove the branches.And no matter how hard I struck the shovel,they just ignored.I was in despair.But I still held the stone and shovel firmly,thinking I wouldnt give it up without a fight.10.13周考续写 野外遇险-与狼作斗争他们的突然出现吓了我一跳,吓出了一身冷汗。但我还是振作起来了。我用一块石头敲了敲身边的铁锹,尽可能大声地尖叫起来。两只狼一开始很害怕,后退了几步。但是经过短暂的犹豫之后,他们继

27、续移除树枝。不管我怎么努力敲打,他们都无视我。我当时很绝望。但我仍然坚定地拿着石头和铲子,想着我不会不战而降。Strangely,I saw the two wolves turn around and run away in a flash.“Are they afraid of my shovel?”I wondered.But I realized I was wrong when I saw many flashlights approaching my tent quickly.It turned out that Roy had run away to seek help.With

28、 a dozen of villagers,Roy was coming to my rescue!They were calling my name and I responded as they removed the branches.As Roy got into the tent and hugged me,I couldnt help crying,both in fright and relief.奇怪的是,我看见两只狼转身就跑。“他们怕我的铲子吗?”我很好奇。但是当我看到许多手电筒快速接近我的帐篷时,我意识到我错了。原来罗伊是逃跑去寻求帮助的。罗伊带着十几个村民来救我!他们叫着

29、我的名字,我回应着当他们移开了树枝。当罗伊走进帐篷拥抱我的时候,我忍不住哭了,既害怕又松了一口气。To Marks surprise,Mandy directly went inside the graveyard.And seconds after keeping walking,Mandy stood in front of a recent gravestone.She tenderly put the roses next to the gravestone.“Mommy,”she said,“I miss you and I bring you your favorite roses

30、.”Seeing that,Mark felt tears well up in his eyes.He couldnt imagine what his life would have been like without his mother.This little girl had lost her mother at an early age,so shed never have that love hed been taking for granted.令马克惊讶的是,曼迪直接走进了墓地。在继续行走了几秒钟后,曼迪站在最近的一座墓碑前。她温柔地把玫瑰放在墓碑旁边。“妈妈,”她说,“我想

31、你。我带了你最喜欢的玫瑰花来”看到这,马克的眼睛里噙满了泪水。他无法想象如果没有母亲,他的生活会是什么样子:这个小女孩在很小的时候就失去了她的妈妈,所以她永远不会有他一直认为理所当然的妈妈的爱。11.10期中考试续写 珍惜所爱之人 After dropping Mandy off by her house,Mark went back to the flower shop.He canceled the delivery,carried the flowers,and drove to his mothers home.When his mother opened the door,he pr

32、esented her with the flowers,and hugged her,saying,“I love you,Mom.”His mother cried happily.She said,“I thought youd just deliver flowers or phone me.”Tears misted Marks eyes.He thought of poor little Mandy and realized how lucky he was.So,my dear friends,cherish your loved ones before its too late.马克把曼迪送到她家后,回到了花店。他取消了送货,带着鲜花,开车去了他母亲的家。当他妈妈打开门时,他给了她鲜花,拥抱她,说:“我爱你,妈妈。”他妈妈高兴地哭了。她说:“我以为你会送花或打电话给我。”泪水模糊了马克的眼睛。他想起了可怜的小曼迪,意识到自己是多么幸运。所以亲爱的朋友们,在为时已晚之前,珍惜你们所爱的人。


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