Unit 5 课本词汇精讲(ppt课件) -新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第三册.pptx

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1、Unit 5 PoemsWords and expressions 1.drama n.戏;剧;戏剧艺术 dramatic adj.dramatically.adv a dramatic change/improvement 巨大的变化/改进 a dramatic victory 激动人心的胜利 a drama critic 戏剧评论家2.sorrow n.悲伤;伤心事vi.感到悲伤 sorrowfulsorrowfully to ones sorrow 令人难过的事 drown ones sorrow借酒浇愁 joys and sorrows of life 人生的悲欢 3.imagery

2、n.形象的描述;意象;像 image n.形象;图像 imagine vt.想象;猜想 imagination n.想象;幻想;想象中的事物4.literary adj.文学的;爱好文学的;有文学作品特征的 literature n.文学 literate adj.有文化的 literally adv.字面上5.rhyme n.押韵词;押韵的短诗vi.&vt.(使)押韵6.rhythm n.节奏;韵律;规律7.nursery adj.幼儿教育的 n.托儿所;保育室 a nursery teacher 幼儿教师8.nursery rhyme童谣;儿歌9.folk adj.民间的;民俗的;普通百姓

3、的 folk artmusicculturestory 民间艺术民俗音乐文化故事 Folks differ in their tastes.人各有所好。10.mockingbird n.嘲鸫(美洲鸣禽,能模仿别种鸟的鸣叫)11.diamond n.钻石;金刚石;菱形 The lights shone like diamonds.灯光像钻石一样闪闪发The smile on her face shone like a diamond a smile shining like a diamond12.brass n.黄铜;黄铜制品;铜管乐器13.billygoat n.公山羊14.bull n.公

4、牛15.recite vt.背诵;吟诵;列举recitation n.背诵,详述 Where did you learn to recite like that?你在哪里学习的这样诵读?16.bee n.蜜蜂 as busy as a bee 忙得不可开交17.dewdrop n.露珠;水珠 Life is but a dewdrop on the lotus leaf.18.dawn n.黎明;开端v.开始 from dawn to dusk 从早到晚 at dawn the dawn of civilization/time/history 文明时代历史的开端 The following

5、morning dawned bright and warm.第二天一大早阳光和煦19.clover n.三叶草20.butterflies 蝴蝶 have butterflies in ones stomach 紧张;心慌21.lawn n.草坪;草地 keep off the lawn 勿踏草丛22.amateur n.业余爱好者adj.业余的;业余爱好的 an amateur photographer 业余摄影爱好者 This work was done by a bunch of amateurs!这项工作是一帮外行干的。23.cinquain n.五行诗24.be made up o

6、f 由组成(构成)be made up ofconsist ofbe composed of25.mood n.情绪;心情;语气 in a goodbad mood好心情坏心情 be in no mood for sth.I am not in the mood to talk about it now.我没心情谈论这事26.tease vi.&vt.取笑(某人);揶揄;逗弄 n.玩笑 I used to get teased about my name.laugh at/make fun of/play a joke on.27.haiku n.俳句 28.syllable n.音节29.f

7、ormat n.格式;总体安排;(出版物的)版式 vt.格式化 Theyve brought out the magazine in a new format.他们用新的版式出版这杂志。30.respectively adv.分别;各自;依次为 aged 17 and 19 respectively 年龄分别为17和1931.respective adj.分别的;各自的 respected 受人尊敬的 A two-minute silence was held as a mark of respect.人们静默两分钟以示尊敬 respect,respectable,respectful,res

8、pective,respectively32.blossom n.花朵;花簇33.delicate adj.精美的;精致的;脆弱的;清淡的;微妙的 a delicate child/constitution 纤弱的孩子体质 a delicate problem 微妙的问题a delicate fragrance 清新的芳香 the delicate mechanisms of a clock 钟的精密机件34.await vt.等候;期待;将发生在 A warm welcome awaits all our guests.我们的客人都将受到热烈欢迎35.revolve vi.旋转;环绕;转动

9、involve resolve The fan revolved slowly.电扇缓慢地转动着。36.utter vt.出声;说;讲 adj.完全的;十足的;彻底的utterly to utter a cry 发出喊叫声 He felt an utter fool.他觉得自己蠢到家了prehension n.理解力;领悟力;理解练习comprehend v.理解 comprehensive adj.有理解力的,全面的,详尽的 reading comprehension 阅读理解 beyond comprehension不可理解的39.shelf n.(pl.shelves)架子;搁板 sup

10、ermarket/library shelves 超市的货架;图书馆的书架 shelf life 保存期 the continental shelf 大陆架40.core n.核心;精髓;(水果的)核儿 the core curriculum 核心课程the core of the argument 争论的核心41.cherry n.櫻桃;櫻桃树;櫻桃色 adj.櫻桃色的;鲜红色的42.cherry blossom 櫻花43.blank adj.空白的;没表情的;无韵律 n.空白;空格blankl a blank refusal/denial 断然拒绝否认 a blank in ones me

11、mory a blank expression/face/look44.verse n.诗;韵文;诗节45.civilian n.平民;老百姓 adj.民间的,平民的 soldiers and civilians 士兵和平民 civil-civilize-civilization civilian clothes 便服a civilian life平民生活 46.prose n.散文47.sympathetic adj.同情的;有同情心的;赞同的 be sympathetic to sb./sth.同情某人/物;赞同/支持某人/某事48.sympathy n.同情;赞同 show sympat

12、hy for对某人感到同情/have no sympathy for sb.对某人没有同情心 inout of sympathy with sb.支持不支持某人49.version n.版本;(从不同角度的)说法 the latest version 最新版本 the luxury version 豪华型50.innocence n.天真;单纯;无罪 Children lose their innocence as they grow older.51.innocent adj.天真无邪的;无辜的;无恶意的,清白的 an innocent face 一张天真无邪的脸 He is innocen

13、t of the crime.他没有犯罪。52.era n.时代;年代;纪元 the Victorian/modern/post-war era 维多利亚当今战后时代53.correspondence n.来往信件;通信联系54.correspond vi.相一致;符合;相当于;通信corresponding adj.correspond towith 相一致;相符合55.sow vt.&vi.(sowed,sown/sowed)播种;种 As a man sows,so he shall reap.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆56.seed n.种子;起源;萌芽 sowplant the seeds

14、of 播的种子57.dominant adj.首要的;占支配地位的;显著的 Total independence is a dominant thing in our culture.n dominance V dominate58.sonnet n.十四行诗59.deadline n.最后期限;截止日期 meetsetmissextend a deadline 赶上截止期设定最后期限 误期延长期限Please sign up before the deadline60.contest n.比赛;竞赛;竞争 vt.争取赢得(比赛、选举等);争辩 enter/win/lose a contest

15、 参加赢得竞赛;竞赛失败 a talent contest 新秀大奖赛61.polish vt.修改;润色;抛光 n.上光剂;抛光;擦亮polished adj.furniture/floor/shoe polish 家具上光漆;地板蜡;鞋油62.string n.细绳;一串vt.(strung/strung)悬挂;系 adj.弦乐器的 a piece/length of string一根/一段细绳 a string of一串;接二连三的 string A on B 把A系/挂在B上63.wherever conj.在任何地方;在所有的情况下 adv.(用于问 句)究竟在(到)哪里 Sit w

16、herever you like.你爱坐在哪儿就坐哪儿64.barren adj.贫瘠的;不结果实的65.grief n.悲伤;悲痛;伤心事 die of grief 忧伤而死 They were able to share their common joys and griefs.他们做到了同甘共苦 同义词:sadness,plicated adj.复杂的;难懂的 complicate v.使更复杂 a complicated system 复杂的系统 =complex 67.variation n.变化;变体;变奏曲varyvarietyvarious regionalseasonal v

17、ariation 地区性季节性变化68.racial adj.种族的;人种的 face-facial racial prejudicediscrimination 种族歧视偏见69.prejudice n.偏见;成见 vt.使怀有偏见prejudiced adj.be free from prejudice 毫无偏见1.If someone is _(innocence),it means he did not commit a crime which he has been accused of.2.The little boys behaviour was completely beyon

18、d _(comprehend).3.For young children,getting dressed is a _(complicate)business.4.Most of his poems are _(vary)on the theme of peace.5.You are _(sympathy)and understanding to other peoples problems.6.“A lot of damage has already been done,”he said with a _ (sorrow)expression.7.This part of the commu

19、nity needs to be protected from _(race)prejudice.8.The news report still needs _(polish)before it can be published.9.With the final exam approaching,you are supposed to finish the work before the _(最后期限最后期限).10.Steve and I were at very different stages in our _(各自的各自的)careers.11.When my manager told

20、 me I would be laid off,my mind went_ (空白的空白的).12.The problem is that they have so much p_(偏见偏见)against our motherland.13.What she possesses is the ability to get straight to the _(核心核心)of a problem.14._(在任何地方在任何地方)I go,I always meet interesting people.15.This book _(由由组成组成)twelve separate short sto

21、ries.16.I _(不太同情她不太同情她)I think shes brought trouble on herself.17.We _(已与几位专家保持已与几位专家保持 通信通信)in the field for ten years.18.Stone decided to _(举办一场竞赛举办一场竞赛)to see who could write the best song.19.The statement _(被仔细修改被仔细修改)and checked before release.20._(友谊的种子被种下友谊的种子被种下)early,and they remained lifel

22、ong1.If someone is _(innocence),it means he did not commit a crime which he has been accused of.2.The little boys behaviour was completely beyond _(comprehend).3.For young children,getting dressed is a _(complicate)business.4.Most of his poems are _(vary)on the theme of peace.5.You are _(sympathy)an

23、d understanding to other peoples problems.6.“A lot of damage has already been done,”he said with a _ (sorrow)expression.7.This part of the community needs to be protected from _(race)prejudice.innocentcomprehensioncomplicated variationssympatheticsorrowfulracial8.The news report still needs _(polish

24、)before it can be published.9.With the final exam approaching,you are supposed to finish the work before the _(最后期限最后期限).10.Steve and I were at very different stages in our _(各自的各自的)careers.11.When my manager told me I would be laid off,my mind went_ (空白的空白的).12.The problem is that they have so much

25、 p_(偏见偏见)against our motherland.13.What she possesses is the ability to get straight to the _(核心核心)of a problem.14._(在任何地方在任何地方)I go,I always meet interesting people.to be polished/polishingdeadlinerespective blankprejudicecoreWherever15.This book _(由由组成组成)twelve separate short stories.16.I _(不太同情她不

26、太同情她)I think shes brought trouble on herself.17.We _(已与几位专家保持已与几位专家保持通信通信)in the field for ten years.18.Stone decided to _(举办一场竞赛举办一场竞赛)to see who could write the best song.19.The manager was _(坏脾气坏脾气)and was shouting at everyone.20._(友谊的种子被种下友谊的种子被种下)early,and they remained lifelongis made up ofdont have much sympathy for herhave been corresponding with several experts hold a contestin a bad moodThe seeds of friendship were sown


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