Unit 4 Understanding ideas (Click for a friend) 公开课(ppt课件)-新外研版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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Unit 4 Understanding ideas (Click for a friend) 公开课(ppt课件)-新外研版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx_第1页
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1、课前准备课前准备物品准备物品准备:课本:课本,学案学案,笔记本笔记本,练习本。练习本。知识准备知识准备:大声朗读词汇。:大声朗读词汇。精神准备精神准备:精神饱满:精神饱满,积极向上积极向上,注意力集中。注意力集中。eClick For A Friend Learning aims1.To understand the whole passage.2.To know the authors opinion about friendship.3.To express your opinions on making friends.Read the passage quickly and finis

2、h the task 1 and task 2 by yourself.(8mins)Independent learning(自主学习)Cooperative learning(合作学习)Discuss the questions with your partners in your group and then show your answers.(5mins)A.The authors thought.Part1.(para.1-3)B.Online friendship:real or not.Part2.(para4-7)C.Ways of making friends.Part3.

3、(para8)Part 1-3:C B ATask1:General reading Match the main idea with each part People lost track of their friends after 1 _ _ .The only way to stay in touch was 2 _.Its easy to 3 _ _ with social media tools.Online,people can easily make new friends with those who 4 _ _.PastPresent moving to a new tow

4、nwriting lettersmaintain friendshipsshare their interestsWays of making friendsBy making comparisons to show its advantages.Part1:How have the ways of making friends and communicating with them changed?Task2:Detailed readingPart2:Online friendship:real or not1.How can we judge if online friendship i

5、s real?2.The sentence“On the Internet,nobody knows you re a dog.”means_A.It s difficult to know about true personal information on the Internet.B.On the Internet people often offer false personal information.C.People like to make fun of one another on the Internet.D.It is necessary to dress up as a

6、dog when surfing the Internet.It can be real if people exchange true personal information online.It might not be real because social media doesnt present the whole truth about a person and people tend to post only positive updates.DisadvantagesTask3:Part3 The authors thought1.Read para.8 and find a

7、sentence that has the same meaning as the given one.or the Internet.2.What can be learned from the para.8?A.People can have no friend because of social media.B.Peoples longing for friends has decreased.C.Friendship is still important for people.=But this doesnt mean that we should throw the baby out

8、 with the bathwater.Although technology has changed the way we acquire friends,the meaning of friendship and our longing for friends remain the same.Explorative Learning(探究研习)1.Whats the writing style of this passage?2.Whats the authors purpose in writing the passage?structureways of making friendsi

9、n the pastat presentonline friendship:real or not?bring up the topicclarify the opinionsexplain the reasonsquotesexamplesfacts to support opinionsconclusionmaking comparisons advantagesdisadvantageschangeremain the sameThe structure1.Whats the writing style of this passage?A.Narration(说明文)说明文)B.Argu

10、mentation(议论文)议论文)C.Novel D.Play1.To prove(证明)that making friends was easier in the past.2.To illustrate(阐明)how it is better to make friends online.3.To persuade(说服)people to abandon(抛弃)traditional ways of making friends.4.To discuss the advantages and disadvantages of making friends online.2.Whats

11、the authors purpose in writing the passageThink and shareDo you think“Click For A Friend”is OK?Lets have a debate.I am for(支持)making friends online.The reason is that.I am against(反对)making friends online.The reason is that.Have a debateShare your opinionBe confident.Try your best.I am for(支持)making

12、 friends online.The reason is that.I am against(反对)making friends online.The reason is that.As Aristotle said,no one would choose to live without friends,even if he had all other goods.Be slow in choosing a friend,slower in changing.Benjamin FranklineF_ difficulty together with you.R_ you up when yo

13、u are upset.I_ you with positive thoughts.E_ you to keep moving forward.N_ your progress and celebrate it.D_ you whenever you need comfort.True friends are people whoightaisenfluencencourageoticeelightAccording to what you have learnt in this class,and write a short passage about your opinions on Click For A Friend.Homework


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