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1、O&M Guangzhou Finance TrainingFinance Training Objectives of the training:-K KnowledgenHow do we make money/lose moneynWhat is the cost/profit standardnIndustrynO&M nWhat can you do to help improve our profitability S SkillnHow do you know your clients profitability-capacity plan,analysis of contrib

2、ution margin A AttitudenWe are businessman/businesswomannEveryone has a role in helping the company profitablenFinance discipline is part of our professionFinance TrainingThe BusinessMake Money for Today Our business by its nature is Short-term我们生意的特质是相当短期的Im not talking about brand building.rather

3、how business decisions need to be made这里指的不是品牌的建立,而是指在我们的营运中各种管理决策如何形成。Clients come and go,reduce/cut budgets with little to no notice客户来来去去,删减预算的动作突如其来。Billing cuts in the 4th qtr mean we are effectively working for free 在第四季删减预算意味著我们的工作是免费的 We do not manufacture a product,our capital is our people

4、 我们并不制造产品,我们的资产就是人 Employees come and go(high turn-over)员工也是来来去去的Make Money for TodayMake Money for Today Constantly changing business landscape does not allow us to accept under-performing operations面对著如此大的变化,不获利的营运是无法被接受 Service businesses are expected to show consistent earnings growth.服务性的公司必须要有

5、持续获利的成长创业的精神The Entrepreneurial ApproachEntrepreneurial ApproachIf it was your business,you would not:如果这是你的公司,你一定不会be satisfied just getting by.you want to make money!因损益平衡而满意,Pay people to sit and wait for new revenues 让你的员工坐著等新生意上门negotiate contracts that were unprofitable接受无法获利的合约invest in train

6、ing employees who leave for better opportunities投资於训练员工,他们却离开去寻找更好的机会。make long-term binding financial commitments that are not supported by income 做一些长期财务的承诺,而却是没有收入的支持。provide services to the client which the client would not pay for免费提供服务给客户。Entrepreneurial ApproachIf it was your business,you wou

7、ld:如果这是你的公司,你一定会only buy technology that makes you better and returns your investment只有能让你更好,及能有所回收时,才投资於科技make yourself so important to the client,that they believe they cant succeed without you让客户相信他们不能没有你research clients credit,&collect your money调查客户的信用,及时收回应收帐款。you would not be their bank!你不会成为

8、他们的银行你不会成为他们的银行Entrepreneurial ApproachRunning The BusinessThe Basics for Running this Business Keep Overhead Low!降低营运成本Negotiate flexibility争取弹性Leverage price advantage where possible运用“量”的优势Dont build administrative empires不要形成管理官僚系统The Basics for Running this Business Utilize your staff 善用员工clien

9、ts will only pay for the staff they receive value from(will not pay for your Back-office)有价值的员工,客户才愿支付费用有价值的员工,客户才愿支付费用you should keep track of the utilization rate of all of your employees 充分了解员工的利用率充分了解员工的利用率-set standards设立标准值设立标准值-review performance vs standards评估现况与标准值之差异评估现况与标准值之差异-make manage

10、rs and individuals responsible每一个员工都对此有责任每一个员工都对此有责任The Basics for Running this Business Utilize your staff 善用员工minimize through efficiency the number of non-revenue generating staff透过效率的提升可减少非产出收入的员工数透过效率的提升可减少非产出收入的员工数where possible leverage existing staff for new business.new bus.teams are expens

11、ive&O/H用既有的员工作新生意的开发用既有的员工作新生意的开发The Basics for Running this Business Staffing should match revenue stream员工与营收的关系Many efficient offices under-staff with permanent employees能否降低员工的聘用能否降低员工的聘用-use freelance/temporary staff/out-source利用外部资源利用外部资源-only hire when revenue stream is confirmed有收入才加人有收入才加人I

12、nvestigate all alternatives 其他的途径其他的途径-avoid creating fixed costs 降低固定成本降低固定成本-be creative 尝试不同的作法尝试不同的作法The Basics for Running this Business Negotiate Profitable Compensation争取可获利的条件 constantly review existing contracts 定期检讨合约中的条件定期检讨合约中的条件-has the business changed I-s contract relevant Challenge o

13、ur Contracts挑战不利於我们的合约条件 Clients should accept that we need to make profit客户应接受我们是营利事业客户应接受我们是营利事业 Communicate why current compensation does not allow profit(our inefficiency is not acceptable)与客户沟通有哪些不利於我们的条件与客户沟通有哪些不利於我们的条件The Basics for Running this Business A well negotiated fee is easier to man

14、age than commission固定收费制度比佣金制度易於管理 we get paid for the work we do,assures client commitment我们的付出会得到一定的报酬,客户服务较有保障我们的付出会得到一定的报酬,客户服务较有保障The Basics for Running this Business Commissions.unpredictability must be managed佣金制度充满了不确定性,更要有效地管理 Understand the Risk/Reward了解风险与报酬了解风险与报酬 Consider retainers/mini

15、mums考虑最基本的服务所需考虑最基本的服务所需 Must constantly understand what spend will be不断地确认预算的状况不断地确认预算的状况 Equate level of service to expected revenue依预期的收入来对应服务的提供依预期的收入来对应服务的提供 Discuss client service expectations vs revenue when revenues are low or falling当预算下降时,客户服务的期望会有何变化当预算下降时,客户服务的期望会有何变化 Be creative,have cl

16、ient pay for things outside the commission尝试不同的作法,还有哪些费用是可向客户收取的尝试不同的作法,还有哪些费用是可向客户收取的 Dont get caught with a client cut in the 4th qtr which in effect means we have worked for free客户在第四季删减预算是最糟的情况客户在第四季删减预算是最糟的情况The Basics for Running this Business Dont give services away for free不要提供服务而不收费 if its

17、not in the contract,make them pay for it Make the client honor the contract让客户尊重合约 invoice all eligible out-of-pocket costs向客户收取外付直接费用向客户收取外付直接费用 figure out how to bill for technology electronic file transfers,etc.各项科技设备使用可否向客户收费各项科技设备使用可否向客户收费 Dont spend money on items Client will not pay for不应该花钱在

18、客户不会支付费用的项目 Be prudent with the clients money and they will be more willing to agree to costs花客户钱时,务必谨慎The Basics for Running this Business Collect your money 收回应收帐款 Dont finance your clients by paying for media,etc.before you receive their cash尽量不要帮客户垫款 Watch your receivables!注意应收帐款 Check balances

19、daily.be a pest watch your clients financial situation Work in Progress 注意未结卡帐款 This is unbillable production hiding on your balance sheet有哪些是无法收回的有哪些是无法收回的 Invoice it,Collect.Aged balances are trouble.帐龄太长容易造成麻烦帐龄太长容易造成麻烦Accountability会计责任Accountability MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING is more important to ma

20、nagement than Statutory accounting?对管理者而言,管理会计更重要 Improvement in the financial ratios requires a true understanding of how we are performing financially on each client.要在财务上有所改善,必须深入了解每一个客户的获利情况 You cant expect an account person to be responsible with the offices profit margin but You can make him r

21、esponsible for his acct.业务人员对其经营的客户是否获利有重要的责任Accountability Statutory accting is important but it does not help management understand the business 我们的会计制必须对管理阶层提供经营决策的参考 Value of Finance Team=Quality Client Data财务人员的价值在於其提供资讯的品质 Business should be run based on Knowledge of account profitability管理经营的

22、基础是客户的获利率Accounting for Time有关时间成本 The heart of Client Profitability客户获利分析的核心 Must get all employees to recognize its importance所有的员工必须认知其重要性 Time reporting must be accurate and complete日报表要完整及准时Accounting for Time有关时间成本 MethodsTime Sheets日报表的填写Time Allocations工作时间的分配 Summarized Data is the key资料汇总是

23、关键 Make people accountable for time大家必须对工作时间负责Account Managers业务经理人Dept Managers(Creative,Production,etc)部门主管Accounting for Costs成成本本 Costs fall into Three Categories:成本可分为三大类Chargeable to Client可向客户收费Not Chargeable to Client不可向客户收费Overhead营运成本 Every$we spend should be categorized in one of these bu

24、ckets花每一笔钱时,评估一下属於哪一种成本Chargeable to Client可向客户收费的成本 Basically these are:Direct Staff Costs直接工作人员成本 Out of Pocket Expenses外付费用 Direct Staff is the key to being profitable直接工作人员成本是影响客户获利的关键 Should be based on a resource plan which delivers profitability应发展-人员资源分配计划,并考虑对获利的影响 Resource Plan needs to be

25、 modified for changes in revenue当营收改变时,资源分配计划应随之调整 Out of Pocket:Let the contract be your guide外付费用 依合约行事Get client to agree in advance事前取得客户的同意Spend clients money like it was your own花客户的钱,像花自己的钱Chargeable to Client可向客户收费的成本 Keep these to the absolute minimum尽量控制 Need to ask yourself:确实了解其必要性If the

26、 client wont pay for it,is it necessary!Not Chargeable to Client不可向客户收取之的成本Overhead营运成本 Everything we do which is not directly related to a clients business is Overhead.与经营客户不直接相关的Establishment(leased premises)例如 房租Genl Management,Finance,IT,Secretaries,etc例如 管理、财务、电脑人员.等Office costs,IT Costs,legal,

27、insurance,etc.办公设备.等 If the clients wont pay for this,the goal is to be as efficient as possible.如何在营运成本各项上增加效率Standard Costs vs Allocated Costs标准成本与分配成本 Standard Costs assigns a$value to each hour of time an individual works每个人工作的单位小时成本标准成本 If an employee works beyond the standard work week,his sta

28、ndard cost could exceed what he actually gets paid Allocated Costs takes the exact amount that an employee gets paid and allocates that over the hours actually worked分配成本员工的总成本除以实际工作小时数 The compilation of allocated cost should always tie back to the accounting profit Used for Client Profitability re

29、ported to OMW Example:-Monthly salaries:1,600Standard monthly working hours:160Hourly rate:10Actual working hours:200 Standard cost:200hrs*10/hr=2,000 Allocated cost:still at 1,600 If we use allocated cost as a basis to charge client,then we under-bill the client by 400 Standard Costs vs Allocated C

30、osts标准成本与分配成本 So why is this important!Standard Costing tells us the true story of what the client should be paying for标准成本会反映出客户应支付的费用 Allocated costs is usually what the client,under a multiplier based fee will pay for分配成本反映出客户愿支付的费用 We need to figure out to how not to give away our over-time必须注意,

31、超时工作的部分不应免费 Understand the inherent cost of overtime太多超时工作的状况应注意 Productivity生产力生产力 Employee reward expectation员工对报酬期望的改变员工对报酬期望的改变Standard Costs vs Allocated Costs标准成本与分配成本Why Bother with Standard Costs标准成本 It is a valuable tool in understanding resource management是了解资源管理的重要工具 provides valuable inf

32、ormation which can help support client contract negotiations提供与客户沟通合约条件时的重要资讯 Enables you to set standards,for each employee,manager and account有助於设立标准 Enables performance comparisons:有助於评估绩效 Employee utilization员工产能利用率 Performance vs staffing plan 绩效与人员聘用计划 Billable/Non-Billable performance:ind,dep

33、t,office 可收费的成本与不可收费的成本Who Should be Accountable这些是谁的责任 Accountability needs to reach everyone每一个人的责任 Everyone should be evaluated against established standards for utilization针对已设立的标准作个别评估 Department managers need to be responsible for their reports部门主管要监督评估的确实性 Account managers need to be responsi

34、ble for业务经理人员 Client profitability(more to come)客户获利率 Performance vs resource plan绩效与资源分配计划 Accuracy of revenue forecast实际与预估的收入 All out of pocket costs所有的外付成本Accounting Firm Model会计师事务所模式 The Professional service firms(Lawyers and Accountants),live by standard cost专业的服务业,依标准成本收费 Each Staff member i

35、s accountable for his own每个员工要对以下负责 Chargeable hours可收费的工作小时数 Utilization rate产能利用率 Each Staff member reports to a department manager who is accountable for his groups performance in the above two areas Each department manager is responsible for his own and group performance 部门责任制Accounting Firm Mod

36、el Each account manager is responsible for业务经理人负责任 Hours charged to his account收费小时数收费小时数 Out of Pocket cost on his account 外付成本外付成本 amounts billed to the client向客户收取之费用向客户收取之费用 amount of billable hours vs non-charged hours可收费之工作时数与不可收费工作时数之差异可收费之工作时数与不可收费工作时数之差异 All employees are evaluated and ince

37、ntivized based on these performance criteria员工的评估及奖励是根据这些标准 Advertising,being staff driven,is very similar to this model.Commission compensation makes the revenue stream more volatile广告公司的经营模式非常类似,佣金制反而变化太大如何善用科技Use Technology for ProfitTechnology We have all failed as Businessmen in this area在这个领域,

38、我们大部分表现不佳 Everything we do in business should be based on cost/reward or ROI(Return on Investment)所有的决策应依据投资/报酬分析 When was the last time you submitted a ROI calculation for IT?是否针对IT的投资作ROI分析?The reason that we dont do it,is because it is difficult to quantify 我们没有做的原因是因为量化的困难度高?TechnologySo if we d

39、ont do ROI,what should we do before we invest?如果我们无法作ROI,投资前该如何评估?Prepare an informal ROI Will the equipment make us more efficient这些技术、设备是否会增加我们的效率?-Can we save headcount能否帮助我们降低员工人数?-Can we get more done with the same people让我们在既有的员工基础上作更多事?-Can we give the client something better,that they will p

40、ay for能否提供给客户更好的服务,而且他们乐於付费的?-What will it cost us if we dont get the equipment如果我们不投资,我们要付出的代价是什麽?Technology Quantify the value of the items just discussed and compare that to the costs尝试把投资带来的好处量化并与成本比较 Payback should be fast 1 or 2 years at most Figure out how to pay for equipment with 思考如何支付这项投资

41、 additional revenue from clients是否有更多的收入 cost savings成本的节省 or create competitive advantage which adds value to the agency(justify:be critical)因为价值的提升造成竞争优势,而有额外的资源Technology We shouldnt just buy equipment to keep up,We need to have the equipment make us better more profitable.设备的投资不是只为赶上潮流,而是要让我们获利情

42、况改善。Financial ModelFinancial Model The Traditional P&L:传统的盈亏分析Billings营业额Revenue收入(减退营业税,文化税和 Mindshare 所占的收入)Staff Costs员工成本Establishment Costs办公室成本(租金,装修折旧)Personal Costs个人成本(出差,培训)Commercial Costs 商业成本(业务推广)Office/IT costs办公费用成本(通讯,文具等)Finance&General一般管理人员成本Overhead Allocation区域成本(摊分总部费用)Operati

43、ng Profit营运获利Financial Model Key Indicators:主要指标Revenue Growth%收入成长率收入成长率Staff cost/Revenue%人员成本占收入比例人员成本占收入比例Operating Profit Margin%营运利润率营运利润率Revenue Conversion%收入转为利润比例收入转为利润比例 Productivity Indicators:生产力指标Revenue per Head 平均每人收入额平均每人收入额Profit Per Head 平均每人利润额平均每人利润额 Example to Revenue Conversion

44、 Year 2000 1999 Difference Revenue 1,300 1,000 300 Op profit 200 100 100 Revenue conversion 100/300*100%=33.3%Financial ModelFinancial Model In the Agency,we have learned that efficient and productive office should earn margins of 25%-30%before bonus and O/H.在获利要求上,25%-30%是一个标准 The way we get to the

45、se margins are different in each market due to:各市场在下列之成本结构不同,所以获利要求也可能有些调整。Costs of Staff(ExPats,Social taxes,salaries)Costs of Real estateMarket cost of doing business(keeping up with standards in the market)P&L Model-UnitExpected Office margin before bonus and O/H should be 25%-30%:Revenue1,000Sta

46、ff Costs(pre-bonus)47047%(Tgt 45%)Establishment Costs707%All Other Costs 19019%Pft bef.Bonus&O/H 27027%O/H707%Profit before Bonus 20020%Client ProfitabilityClient Profitability-Accountability客户获利率 Account Managers can not influence entire P&L.业务经理人无法影响全公司的盈亏 Account managers are responsible for:但他(她

47、)可对下列元素有所责任Revenues收入Staffing on the account服务於客户的人员成本Out-of-Pocket costs外付成本(与服务客户相关的)Contribution Profit=Revenues-Direct staff-Direct Other Costs(out-of-pocket)What should we know?Direct Staff Costs(直接人员成本):represent the cost of people directly related to the revenue being generated.This should in

48、clude Creative,Account Management,Production,and any other individuals who work directly on the account.Target should be 75%-80%of S/R%与产出收入有直接关系的人员 Direct Other Costs(其他直接成本):are basically all out-of-pocket costs not reimbursed by the client.Mainly T&E,presentation costs,research,etc.与服务客户有关的外付成本,且

49、无法向客户收取的What should we know?Contribution Profit:represents Revenues less Direct Staff&Direct Other CostContribution Margin%:Contribution Pft/Revenue Target should be 60%Local Overhead(本地营运成本):represents all of the costs of running an office which can not be directly attributed to a client.与服务客户非直接相关

50、的办公室营运成本(allocated on Direct staff)These include:Indirect Staff:General Management,Finance,Back office,Administrative staff,etcEstablishment;Insurance,Legal,Training and all other costs of doing business not directly attributable to clients What should we know?Regional,OMW,Client Overhead(区域性/全球客户营运


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