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2、足的幼儿却占到了30%之多,根据观察显示,那些对涂鸦兴趣不足的幼儿主要是在刚开始学习的时候就没有进入学习状态,在上课的时候他们的注意力是分散的,从来不会自己举手发言,有时候老师点名要求他回答问题他也总是无话可说。兴趣的产生,是孩子们进行美术创作的基石和动力源泉,是幼儿产生求知欲望的主要动力,还是他们进行积极学习的最好老师。二、根据总结,发现导致幼儿兴趣程度产生差异和兴趣程度低下的最主要UNIT 2 MORALS AND VIRTUESSection B Reading and Thinking 核心词汇词汇一词汇一carry sb.through sth.帮助某人渡过难关帮助某人渡过难关教材原

3、句.what carried her through a life of hard choices.是什么支撑着她度过艰难抉择的一生。要点必记carry sth.through 成功完成,顺利实现 carry out 实施;履行;执行carry on 继续移动 carry on sth.从事某事carry on doing sth.继续做某事 carry on with sth.(carry sth.on)继续做某事carry away 运走 carry off 赢得;获得;成功对付carry weight 有影响力;重要;有分量题组练领悟方法单句语法填空(1)His determinatio

4、n carried him the hard time.(2)词汇复现Id be grateful if you let me carry on my job.(3)词汇复现Carry until you get to the crossing,and you will see a shop where you can buy envelopes.(4)If you carry on (spend)money like that,you will end up in debt.(5)词汇复现In spite of the difficulty,I will carry my plan.单句写作

5、(6)Its a difficult job but shes the person to (顺利完成).throughwithonspendingoutcarry it through词汇二词汇二 majority n.大部分;大多数大部分;大多数教材原句At age 18,instead of following the traditional path of marriage like the majority of girls,she chose to study medicine.18 岁时,她没有像大多数女孩一样走传统的婚姻之路,而是选择了学医。要点必记the majority o

6、f.大多数 in a/the majority 占大多数误区警示 the majority 单独作主语时,谓语动词用单数或复数均可。“the majority of+复数名词”作主语时,谓语动词用复数。“the majority of+不可数名词”作主语 时,谓语动词用单数。词语积累(1)major adj.主要的,重要的,大的 n.主修课程,专业;主修某科目的学生 vi.主修 major in 主修 an English major 英语专业的学生 play a major role/part in sth.在某事中起重要作用(2)minor adj.次要的 minority n.少数单句语

7、法填空(1)词汇复现The (major)of the citizens in that region have been affected by the dust.(2)词汇复现Tom and I have something in common:we both major engineering.(3)An agreement seems to be impossible because the majority of the committee members (be)against it.写出句中major 的词性及含义(4)词汇复现Briefly speaking,smoking i

8、s one of the major causes of cancer._(5)He majored in history at Stanford._(6)词汇复现The major part of the town was ruined by the horrible earthquake._(7)English is his major and he has no difficulty communicating with foreigners._ majorityinare动词,主修动词,主修形容词,主要的形容词,主要的形容词,大的形容词,大的名词,专业名词,专业through单句写作(

9、8)词汇复现One-third of the country is covered with grass and_ (大多数)the citizens live in tents.(9)In college I (主修)Natural Science.What was your major?the majority ofmajored in 词汇三词汇三 complain vi.&vt.抱怨;发牢骚抱怨;发牢骚教材原句“.Finding a good husband should be their final goal!”her brother complained,thinking of t

10、he high tuition fees.“找一个好丈夫应该是她们的最终目标!”想到高额的学费,她哥哥抱怨道。要点必记(1)complain about.抱怨 complain(to sb.)that.(向某人)抱怨 complain to sb.about sth.向某人抱怨某事(2)complaint n.抱怨 make a complaint to sb.about sth.向某人抱怨某事 a flood of complaints 大量的投诉误区警示complain 的后面不能直接跟sb.作宾语,须先加介词to。类似的词还有explain,announce 等。学法点拨v.+-t pl

11、ain 抱怨 complaint 抱怨 weigh 称重 weight 重量 join 连接 joint 接头单句语法填空(1)词汇复现Mothers often complain their children wrestling on the bed.(2)He will complain having to do so much paperwork.(3)Why dont you make a complain)against your noisy neighbors?单句写作(4)词汇复现She (向我抱怨说)no one could tell her the feature of th

12、e house.(5)We should think how to deal with the problems instead of _ _(抱怨别人的错误).一句多译(6)他总是向我抱怨生活有压力。He is always the stressful life.He is always the stressful plaint about about to complained to me that complaining about others mistakescomplaining to me about making a complaint to me about 词汇四词汇四 r

13、espond(1)vt.回答;回复(回答;回复(2)vi.做出反应;回应做出反应;回应教材原句She responded,“Id rather stay single to study all my life!”她回答说:“我宁愿终生保持单身去学习!”要点必记respond to.(with sth.)回答,回复;对作出反应respond that.回答说误区警示respond 是不及物动词,跟宾语时要加介词to。词语积累response n.反应;回答;回复in response to 作为对的答复/反应make a response(to)(对)做出回应/反应单句语法填空(1)词汇复现Af

14、ter all,knowing basic first-aid techniques will help you respond quickly emergencies.(2)He made no (respond)to my question,and went on with his movie.(3)词汇复现We complained to the travel agency about the terrible service during our trip,but no one (respond)by now.单句写作(4)How did they (对作出反应)the news?(5

15、)词汇复现He (没有回复)my congratulation letter.to response has respondedrespond to made no response to/didnt respond to词汇五词汇五reject vt.拒绝接受;不录用;冷落拒绝接受;不录用;冷落教材原句Dr Lin,however,rejected the offer.然而,林医生拒绝了这个提议。要点必记(1)reject ones idea/suggestion/plan 拒绝接受某人的想法/建议/计划 reject an argument/a decision/an offer 拒绝接受

16、一个论点/一个决定/一项提议(2)rejection n.拒绝接受;否决 a rejection letter 一封回绝信词语辨析reject 与refusereject vt.正式用词,“摒弃,不采用,不使用”。refuse vi.&vt.普通用词,“拒绝”。refuse sb.sth.拒绝某人某事refuse to do sth.拒绝做某事单句语法填空(1)He (reject)by the army because of his poor eyesight last year.(2)词汇复现Although writing a (reject)letter can be difficul

17、t,there are situations where its absolutely necessary.辨析填空(reject/refuse)(3)He loves his daughter so much that he can her nothing.(4)Ive been by all the companies I applied to.(5)词汇复现I absolutely to take part in anything thats illegal.(6)When she was sent to a boarding school,she felt by her parents

18、.was rejected rejection refuse rejected refuse rejected 词汇六词汇六appoint vt.任命;委派任命;委派教材原句In 1941,Dr Lin became the first Chinese woman ever to be appointed director of the OB-GYN department of the PUMC Hospital.1941 年,林医生成为第一位被 任命为北京协和医院妇产科主任的中国女性要点必记(1)appoint sb.to be.任命某人担任 appoint sb.as.任命某人担任 app

19、oint a time 约定的时间(2)appointed adj.约定的,指定的 at the appointed time 在约定的时间(3)appointment n.任命;约定 make an appointment with sb.与某人约会 break/keep an appointment 爽约/守约 by appointment 按照约定 an appointment letter 任命书单句语法填空(1)Salmon,disabled,is attended throughout her school days by a nurse_(appoint)to guard her

20、.(2)I hate to rush you,but I have another (appoint).(3)词汇复现To his joy,he (appoint)as manager.After all,this represented his ability.And the moment he received the_ (appoint)letter,he called and made an (appoint)with his former teacher,for whose help he was grateful.单句写作(4)在任何情况下我们都不能失约。In no case sh

21、ould we fail to .(5)这位农业专家仅凭预约才能见到。The agricultural expert can only be visited .appointedappointed was appointed appointmentappointment keep an appointment by appointment 词汇七词汇七 elect vt.(1)选举;推选()选举;推选(2)选择,决定做某事)选择,决定做某事教材原句In 1954,she was elected to the first National Peoples Congress.1954 年,她被选举

22、参加第一届全国人民代表大会要点必记(1)elect sb.(as).选举某人为 elect to do sth.决定做某事 the newly elected president 新当选的总统(2)election n.选举;推选;当选 win an election 在选举中获胜 a round of election 一轮选举 hold an election 举行选举 election results 选举结果单句语法填空(1)词汇复现Congratulations!I heard you have been (elect)as chairman.(2)An increasing num

23、ber of people elect (work)at home.(3)词汇复现The year 1789 saw the first (elect)in American history where a majority of people (elect)George Washington the first president.单句写作(4)Who do you think will (在下次选举中获胜)?(5)词汇复现Faced with their failure in (第一轮选举)the party didnt lose heart.electedto workelectione

24、lectedaswin the next electionthe first round of the election词汇八词汇八 tend vt.照顾;照料照顾;照料 vi.倾向;趋于倾向;趋于教材原句She was more interested in tending patients.她对照顾病人更感兴趣。要点必记tend(to)sb./sth.照料/护理某人/照管某事物tend to do sth.易于做某事,往往会发生某事tend to/towards 倾向于,趋于词语积累tendency n.趋势;倾向a tendency to do sth.做某事的倾向单句语法填空(1)词汇复

25、现Typically,people tend (make)mistakes when tired.(2)词汇复现The nurses were tending those injured by firecrackers.(3)I have a tendency (talk)too much when nervous.(4)The modern furniture designs tend simplicity.单句写作(5)People (往往需要)less sleep as they get older.to maketoto talktowardstend to need词汇九词汇九 re

26、tire vi.&vt.退休;退职;退出退休;退职;退出教材原句Dr Lin did not retire until the day she died,22 April 1983.林医生直到1983 年4 月22 日去世才退休。要点必记(1)retire.from 从退休 retire.as 从职位上退休 retire from office 退职 retire from service 退役(2)retired adj.退职的,退休的 a retired teacher 一位退休教师(3)retirement n.退职,退休 take early retirement 提前退休单句语法填空

27、(1)He has agreed to struggle on,though he hopes to retire his position.(2)They will hold a party in celebration of her (retire).(3)The other day a (retire)couple came to my office.单句写作(4)My father (从退休)teaching 3 years ago.fromretirementretiredretired from词汇十词汇十principle n.道德原则;法则;原则道德原则;法则;原则教材原句Wh

28、at was the main principle guiding Dr Lin through the choices in her life?指导林医生在她的一生中做出这些选择的主要原则是什么?要点必记stick to ones principles 坚持原则be against ones principles 违背某人的原则as a matter of principle 作为原则问题in principle 原则上;大体上单句写作(1)Anyway,I cant cheat in the examsits (违背我的原则).(2)(原则上),the new software shoul

29、d make the accounting system a lot simpler.(3)Though poor,he still (坚持他的原则).against my principles In principle sticks to his principles词汇十一词汇十一 scared adj.害怕的;对害怕的;对感到惊慌或恐惧的感到惊慌或恐惧的教材原句She was so scared during the interview that she completely forgot how she should respond to the questions.她在面试时吓得完全

30、忘了该如何回答这些问题。要点必记be scared of doing sth.害怕做某事 be scared of sth.害怕某物be scared to do sth.害怕做某事 be scared that.害怕词语积累scare n.惊吓 vt.惊吓;使害怕 vi.受惊吓It scares sb.to do sth.做某事使某人感到害怕。scare.away/off 吓走/吓跑scare sb.into doing sth.威胁/恐吓某人做某事scare sb.to death 把某人吓得要死scary adj.恐怖的,吓人的a scary movie 恐怖电影单句语法填空(1)Whe

31、n we are getting excited,angry or (scare),our bodies also go through many physical changes.(2)词汇复现The turkey was scared at the sight of us.(3)词汇复现I really thought I was going to fallit was a (scare)moment.(4)词汇复现The atmosphere was and we felt staying in the room.(scare)单句写作(5)Many customers have bee

32、n (被吓得买)organic food.(6)The local farmers used to light a fire (吓跑)the wolves.(7)She was (害怕进入)the yard because she was_ (害怕被咬)by the big dog lying at the gate.scaredaway/offscaryscaryscaredscared into buyingto scare away/offscared to go intoscared of being bitten词汇十二词汇十二sharp(1)adj.(增长、下跌等)急剧的;锋利的;

33、明显的;鲜明的;(增长、下跌等)急剧的;锋利的;明显的;鲜明的;敏锐的;(语言)尖刻的;剧烈的;急转的敏锐的;(语言)尖刻的;剧烈的;急转的 (2)adv.(用于时间后表示准时)整(用于时间后表示准时)整教材原句Many Americans complain about the sharp increase in the cost of health care and health insurance recently.许多美国人抱怨最近医疗保健和医疗保险费用的急剧增加。要点必记sharp-eyed 目光敏锐的 a sharp tongue 说话刻薄a sharp sense of humou

34、r 很强的幽默感 a sharp increase 急剧增加be sharp with 对说话刻薄 a sharp bend/turn 急转弯词语积累sharply adv.急剧地,大幅度地;严厉地,毫不客气地fall sharply 急剧下降sharpen vt.(使)变得锋利写出下列句中sharp 的含义(1)词汇复现Unfortunately,I cut my foot on a sharp stone and caught my hair on a branch._(2)词汇复现As we all know,an eagle has sharp eyesight._(3)词汇复现Whe

35、n we got to the church it was seven oclock sharp._(4)All the footmarks are quite sharp and clear._(5)Suddenly,he felt a sharp pain in the stomach._(6)词汇复现He fainted when riding to work.The bike made a sharp turn to the left._单句语法填空(7)The price of petrol has risen (sharp)since last month.(8)词汇复现The p

36、encil doesnt write well;I should (sharp)it before I draw the great figure.(9)词汇复现He was sharp his colleagues when they werelate.尖的尖的敏锐的敏锐的整整清晰的清晰的剧烈的剧烈的急转的急转的sharplysharpenwith词汇十三词汇十三 energetic adj.精力充沛的;充满活力的精力充沛的;充满活力的教材原句One of the advantages of hiring energetic and positive young people is that

37、 they tend to show interest in their work and they are eager to learn.雇用精力充沛、积极向上的年轻人的好处之一是,他们往往对自己的工作表现出兴趣,并且渴望学习。要点必记be energetic in doing 积极地做 an energetic boy 一个精力充沛的男孩词语积累energy n.活力,精力;能源,能量 be full of energy 精力充沛have the energy to do sth.有精力做某事 apply/devote ones energies to.把某人的精力花上词语辨析 stren

38、gth,force,energy 与 power易混词辨析strength 体力;强度;强项 force 武力,暴力;部队energy 精力,活力;能量power 权力;能力;动力单句语法填空(1)词汇复现The teenagers have many virtues,who are lively and (energy).(2)He works so hard that he doesnt have the energy (exercise).单句写作(3)You are always (精力充沛的).Can you tell me the secret?(4)Do you wake up

39、every morning (感到精力充沛)and ready to start a new day?辨析填空(strength/force/energy/power)(5)The army officer,full of and great ,finally took by .(这位军官精力充沛,力气巨大,终于以武力夺取了政权。)(6)词汇复现I hold the belief that knowledge is .(7)词汇复现The peace-keeping marched into the country.(8)词汇复现Among the staff,he has no match

40、in.(9)Many countries are increasing their use of natural gas,wind and other forms of.energeticto exercisefull of energyfeeling energeticenergystrengthforcepowerforcestrengthenergypower词汇十四词汇十四 replace vt.接替;取代;更换接替;取代;更换教材原句The student union will hold a special meeting in January to elect someone to

41、 replace the secretary.学生会将在1 月份举行一次特别会议,选举一个人来代替秘书。要点必记replace A with B 用 B 代替 Areplacement n.替换;更换;接替者a replacement for 的替代品/替补归纳拓展“代替”的表达法:replace,in place of,take the place of,in ones place,take ones place,instead of单句语法填空(1)词汇复现He replaced the pudding mashed potatoes.(2)It is still under discus

42、sion whether the old bus station should (replace)with a modern hotel or not.(3)If your passport is stolen,you should apply for a (replace)immediately.同义句转换(4)There is something wrong with my bike,so I decide to replace it with a new one.There is something wrong with my bike,so I decide to use a new

43、one_it.withbe replacedreplacementin place of 重点句式重点句式 句式一句式一“否定词否定词+比较级比较级”表示最高级含义表示最高级含义教材原句To a person nothing is more precious than their life.对一个人来说,没有什么比生命更珍贵了句式分析“否定词+比较级”,即形容词的比较级用于否定结构中,可以表示最高级含义。学法点拨其他表示最高级的句型:the+最高级+比较范围=.than any other+单数名词=.than all the othersnot so.as 和cant too.to/can

44、nevertoo.to 也可以表示最高级。单句语法填空(1)词汇复现Im really grateful for your help;nobody else could do (much).(2)词汇复现Nobody loves money better he does;he takes advantage of every chance to make money.(3)No one is so blind those who wont see.(4)You can not be careful when crossing the street.同义句转换(5)He is the most

45、helpful student in his class.You cant find student in his class.He is more helpful than student in his class.He is more helpful than students in his class.morethanastooa more helpfulany otherall the other句式二句式二 would rather 宁愿宁愿教材原句She responded,“Id rather stay single to study all my life!”她回答说,“我宁愿

46、终生保持单身去学习!”句式分析 “would rather+动词原形/have done”表示“宁愿做某事/宁愿做过某事”。要点必记would rather do.than do.宁愿做而不愿做=would do.rather than do.=prefer to do.rather than do.would rather(not)do/have done.宁愿(不)做would rather+从句误区警示would rather 后接从句时,若表示与现在或将来情况相反,从句用一般过去时;若表示与过去情况相反,从句用过去完成时。单句语法填空(1)She would rather (move)

47、to another city immediately.(2)Jane would rather(be)more careful at that time.(3)Id rather you(meet)her at the airport tomorrow morning.(4)词汇复现He complained that hed rather he(be)more strict with us then.(5)Tom would rather live an independent life rely on his parents.单句写作(6)I would walk the dog aft

48、er supper (而不是)at home.(7)(而不是)take a bus to school,I prefer to go on foot.同义句转换(8)Id rather have a try than wait doing nothing.I have a try rather than wait doing nothing.(9)I would rather have hired him as my secretary last year.I would rather I him as my secretary last year.movehave beenmethad be

49、enthanrather thanRather thanwouldhad hired句式三句式三 see sb.doing 看到某人正在做看到某人正在做教材原句At times she was even seen riding a donkey to faraway villages to provide medical care.有时人们甚至会看到她骑着毛驴去遥远的村庄提供医疗服务。句式分析本句是“see+宾语+现在分词”结构,表示宾语正在做某事,其中宾语与分词之间是主动关系。要点必记see 的复合结构:see sb.do(看到动作全过程或动作经常发生,在被动句中用be seen to do

50、)see sb.doing(看到动作正在进行)see sb.done(看到某人被,表示动作完成或一种状态)学法点拨除see 外,感官动词hear,notice,watch,observe 等也有以上用法。单句语法填空(1)词汇复现I looked up and saw a beautiful bird(stand)on a branch.(2)词汇复现The manager was satisfied to see many pots of good quality_(make)after great effort.(3)词汇复现His colleague was seen(enter)the


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